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COLWYN BAY. NEW HAIRDRESSING, shaving and sham- pooing saloon now open at Mr Needham 3 Cigar Store, Conway-road.—Advt. (18401). MISSIONARY SERMONS.—Home mission- ary annivcna.ry services were cor.d-ucted at St- John's* Wesleyan Churoh on Sunday- The Rev. A. F. Hubbard. Conway, preached in the morn- ing, AND the Rev- J. Feather in the evening. Collections were taken on benalf of the Society- LECTURE. In connection with the Y:P.C.E.. a lecturo on "Luthor" was delivered in the Lecture Hall, Sea View Crescent.on Mon- day evening, by Dr. Chriatien. Mr C. E. El- oock occupied LL eiuir. The lecturer was in his best mood. and gave an admirable address, which was keenly listened to. OBITUARY Mr J. Eiwood. confectioner, of Connav Road, passed away jesterd-ay ned- i>aiQLiy) at a comparatively advanced age. De- oeased came to Colwyn Bay a few yea-rs ago from Didsbury. and though of a retiring dis- position he had won nsany sincere friends m the town, lie was a staunch member o. the Wesievan Church, on whose behalf be. rendered good &ervioe-—The death cocarred on Sunday week at. Liverpool of Mr J. W, Coliingon- De- ceased. who was 52 years of age, will be re- membered by habitues of bhe Pavilion, a9 hav- ing beeli conductor of the orchestra previous to the engagement of Mr H- Lyell TayL-, Sinoo leaving the district he had been in charge of the Rhyl Palaoe Orchestra, and also ot an at. Morecantbc. WEDDING.—A weddirng was solemnised a.t the Weiah Wesievan C'hapei, on Saturday, between Miiis Harinah Elizabeth Jcri-cs, of Deganwy, and Mr David Williams, liryn AJod. Colwyn Bay. The bridegroom UJ the •n,perinK'rKl<Mtt of the Horeb Welah Wcv'loyrai Chapel, and the members of tho latter intend making him a presentation on his return from hiri honeymoon. P.S.E. GATHERING. The company that met in the rooam of the Y.M.C.A. co Sunday evening fjpeiit a truly pleeaant and profitable t Mo. Numerous hymns selected from Sunned Soriigs and Soles" were heartily sung, ar. J the ttrief a-ddrews given by Mr Thoripe well re- ccivod. The proceedings, as usual, were con- eluded with the reading of a portion of Scripvure and prayer. These gatherings a.ro of a social character, attract goodly mimbera of young l>cH>p!e. GOSPEL TEMPERANCE MISSION. A largely attended meeting was held in the En. KIWII Prosbyierian Schoolroom, on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Gospel Tem- |>cranci> Munion. Mr J. W. Adamson occupied the chair. An address was delivered by the Rev If. Barrow liams, Llandudno. During ica the evening musical numbers were rendered by Mis* Mai ■Jwyn Price, Mr Glynne Jones, and party, otc. .CtlESS.—On Friday a chess team represen- tative of Colwyn Bay visited Llandudno, and played a match in the Recreation Rooms against the Llandudno team. The result was an easy victory for Llandudno by 10 to Is. The in- dividual scores were as followsColwyn Bay: E. D. Rowland. 0; T. H. Allbutt, II. Wills, 1; C. E. Goatage, 0; A. H. Summers, 0; F. I5hlle.y, 0; W. P. Hughes, 0 1. Llandudno: A: Lar80n. 1; Rev. J. Raymond, H; R. J. Credey Jones, 0; H. Ifigginbot;oin, 2; R. E. ,Willi iins, 2; D. Eraser, 2; F. Edge, 2-10. WHIST DI11VE.—The first whiet drive, under the a'.wvces of the Coiwvn Bay and District Cor ir-titiuional Club, to which an invitation vva i ext-endod to ladiea, was held in the Reading on Thursday evening, and proved an un- qnaldied suocesti. Fifteen tables were in use, and twemv-four "hands" were played. Thanks to the generosity of several gentlemen, reiresh- mCllt" were provided. At the close cf pi<ay, the rchulta were made known as follows: Indies: 1, Mi Fawcett; 2, Miss \Yikon; booby, Mrs Wainwright. Gentlemen: 1, Mr T. iiillit-oe; 2, Mr T. Oiiadwick; boobv, Mr Geo. Jones. Mr J. P. Wain wright was master of (X'1"{'rrH:>!I ie. MEETING.—The meeting for men in the r.o rriw of the Young Men's Christian Afc»oc;a- J tion was well attended on Sunday afternoon. The addrcth given by Mr Bond waa of such a deiiiiMe and stirring oharaoter that it was accorded hearty applause. Mns Elcock, wife of the popular president of the men's meetings, delighted the company with the two eoice she contributed. The spirit of earntn and fcrc-therlir.crs evinced at these weekly gathering is i rrnarke-d feature, and the entthusiasm dis- played by the members points to the movement t>e-x- Hing more and more popular with men. THE BROTHERHOOD.—A very commend- able effort id about to be made to form a PS A- Brotherhood for C'oiwyn Bay Tne -ro- mote.-s recognising the fact t'hat it will be tar belter to )xt\-e 011'6 strong Brotherhood for tihe foun rati(K>r than a rumberof weak iiave id«ti<!eil to extend a cordial invitation to all Chris'iaii men interested. to join them in es- tablishing a Brotherhood worthy of the town. fne opomng meeting is to ha held, at the En-g- fiish Congregational Church on February 2nd. vhon all Oftportllnity will then be given to all desirous of helping on the good work to ;¡.. II}..) B"tJ'rh. VARIABLE ^WEATHER AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE.—The changeable weatner ex- perienced of late has resulted in a somewhat severe outbreak of influenza cold amongst the oormnutjity. and from inquiries made by our represc'n.tative thi.* appears to have particularly affecte- the school children. in the Conway Road I VoyV SoliooJ ttie attendance during the last three years has never been below 90 per rollt. at tlno time of writing the rate i 70 per oeni- In tho girls' department tlio avera-go during the same period wis 92 per cent-, but the a ti cn dancer now reguvtceenJ ire 35 per oent- At OJ Colwyn the ligurce have dropped from 92 p&r c-ent. to 80 per cent- When asked for hie iewis on the matter 0 Ie of the maat.e.ra emphatically protested against keeping the «ohcoLs oleit under such conditions,' having re- £ rnrd fnr thp r i*t I fir ;nfL\.r.rwn Hi:ARTS OF OAK. The annual meeting and "llíper in connection with the Hearts of Oak Fraternal Society was held on Wednesday last .at Pilimgrt's restaurant. Tho cha.ir was taken by C 'ouncilior W. Davies, owing to tho unavoid- able a.ijtenoc of Mr Thorpe, the president. After the usual routine biisineas, rotes of thar,fc» were passed to tho retiring officers. CounciJLor W. Da vies was appoin-ted pro-sider.-t; Mr Thorpe, treasurer and hon. sacretarics, Mr Phillips and Mr Bi.-stt, were re-olectcd. The meeting xhorw &d toti I- fi-ed for supper, which was excellently •ervod by Mr Piiiirigs's staff. The rest of the evening was itt a convivial manner, songs being contributed by Mr L. Davies a.nd others, while ev:-cl!e.nt telectioas' on a gramophone1 gra, formed the chief feature in the evening's enjoy- me :>t. WIvlJ^II FREE CHURCH COUNCIL.-An •xcoptioually well attended mee'.img of the Fr-e-3 Church Council was held in Horetb o'sh ersleyan Ciupel, on Thursday evening. rho pre»ident (Rev. Frank E. Jones) occupied 4tH) '!Ill I- The Rey. Thojnas Parry (Herxnori) «ipeJKxl the proceedings, with prayer and reading- portion uf Scripture, after which the president delivered a short c)-,wti,trig addicts. The Rev ij Robert Rolverts (Emgedi) then apoke on "Family Jttejigion." and dclivNed a most inspiring and instructive address. He emphasised the im- portance of family religion, and impressed upon thb |xirents the "b li-ty of creating a. TC- Jigioutt atmosphere in their homes. His three point* were "family teaching." -I.fainily «xayiple," and "family atmoaphere." Mr Graif- ftth., <4 IJys Cynifelin, and the Rev. Owen Evans, a retired C.M. minister, also spoke upon the subject. A SAO TASK-At a special court, en Mon- ■dfly, LH'f'Te Mr James Wood (in the chair) and tfho liev. Thomas Parry, a respectably dressed man, giving the ruarne of Griffith Owen, was ■chunked with ling a hinatio wandering at lange. Frorn the evidence of his sister,'Mrs ijtarkey. it seem* that the unfortuna-te man oame 1.0 siay with her about five weeks ago. He had ail ieorr.ed rather strange. On the day in question, he went to the station with 400 intention 01 journeying home to Aberdovey, fr'A.u»-ifv»r.tuiK&tclf missed the train. He would liot hn lie, witness, go with him to t.1, station, but sii-o TaliowG-d behind him ure^en. Ur- fortiuwteiy. however, j?,he lorjt sight ci him; :8hc Sii'.l,\<e<jue.rvlly hea?d that he had been taken to the police station.— P.C. R. Evans (2) stated iohoàit 110 fr.an..1 JolOe6 behaving in a etrarve fiiantier at the Railway Station. Ho took him to the police station, where "he continually ■aikod for No. 2. saying that No. 3 wou!d be burned."—Dr. William Von-ables Wiiliams gave evidenoe to having examined Jones, who, he Rectified, was totalry "unabae to take • care of fum*« and was a danger to hiimelf."—An order -wad nwtde for his rermoval to the N.W. Counties if Uenibigh. A l tH-.AT TO THE POOR.-The fourth an- nual i rejt* to the poor of the parishevt of Live- .taert, Llaiwlia:1., Colwyn. Colwyn Bay a,Kl, at tiha invitation of M'rs Lloyd (wife 44 in:> Uev. Thoa. Lloyd), was held in the Con- jgs<*>>.{lonai l^oture Hall, on Thunsda.y- after- 1.. noon, when aloee upon 100 persons were present. Mrs Lloyd one t-his occasion inaa aided by Mr J. W. Rayneaj. J.P., Mw I/ev/is, Bodfeirig, and Mr William Davies, Glyn Dwr, all of whom are •member. of the Conway Board of Guarditins. Mr William Roberts, Uvs Gtrk^rt, kindly plateed1 oarriagets- at tth," di^poeal of t'he promoters to convey the Li&nclian gLwst. to tho hail. The' room vvas cheerfully decorated, and a s.uL»tan,tial dinner of roast beef, roast pork, ve>go;a.b!es, plum pudding; mirtea r,:es. and .tüa, was groatiy enjoy.'xi. Dr. phru-tion prided until the arrival of the Rev. 'Bhotanas IJoyd. Graoo was paid by the chairman. Mrs Lloyd was assisted by tthe following- lad'.os:—HisB lake, Mrs Walker, Mis Fred William*, Mias Davie-s Mrs Hovvo, Mss Batoson, ;Mi^a Booth, Mis Taylor, Miee. Louie Gneerutiekl, Ntm Scott, Miss May Soott, Mies Mabel Ptiling; Mias Jackson, Miaa MacDonold, an-d Mr.: Ralph Uoyd. During the meal tho following- wore present: The Rev. H. T. Corasin-s, Rov. John Edwards, Mr William D-t- viea, Mr J. T. Taylor, Mr Wilkinson, Mr Fred. Witliams, relieving officer, aa-d Mr W. U. Wil- liams, reiievirjg officer for Conway. ^ot.-g.i and intortÜ refiitatioras were given by Mra Roger Edwards, Miss Elsie Coulter, Milis Ijouie Green- field. M liarker, Mi^ Bo-oth, ML-s Florrie Groenfi^ti, Mr Ellis Wild (gramophone), Mim Saltie Parry, Lily Roberts, Mies Una. Bate- eon, MiSII Maty Soott, Bertha Boorfi, and Mr Ralph Lloyd. Adclrovfios weire delivered oy the Kev. iH. T. Coutjina, Dr. Ghriatien, Mr William Davies, Rev. John Edwardu, and Mrs Thomas Lloyd. The Rev. Thomas Lloyd led tie company in two favourito Welah hymns, wihioa w-ore heartily suvfg. The prooeedings Vere of a hoarty ofoaraaker, and tihe means oif diffusing a little, joy and ohe-cr into the livos of these w,ho. lot is not- co fortunate ik,3 others. LEATH OF THE REV. E. L. LLOYD.—The cleat.1 of tho; Rev. E. L. Hoyd, tne much roo speeted vicar of Ravenston, took place on Sat- urday, January 11th, eftor a long illness, in his 5oth yoaf. Th > deceased, who waa the youngest of ton sotis OB the late Mr Ellis Liovd, of Ruthin (thxee of • whorn became olergynien), was educa tMt at Ruthiif Gromrna. School, under tho Rev. V, E. L. BafrnweiB, and was an exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford, and Vaughan Scholar. He gra- duated with a B.A. degree. For a short timo hi wa-3 jin assistant master at Newark Grammar .-chool. which post he left for a curacy at Ccl- wyrt .iay, and was afrerwaj-ds curate at Wrex- ham and at St Mary a Bange>r. His next, step was to the vicarage of Carno (Montgomeryshire), whero ho married Edith, the youngest, daughter of the We Chiof Justice Adarrw, of Hong Kong, for,nei-ly M.P. for Boston. He was appointed by the Lord Chancellor to the vie aria to of Win- tet'burne Gunner, noar Salisbury, whence he w nt to Ravensfcone about ton years ago. ex- changing- livings with the Rev. H. Alton, D.D. THE NEW THEOLOGY. The Rev. E. Lloyd Jones, of Manchester, delivered a sermon on. the" New Theology," at St. John's Wesleyan Church, yesterday week. He said that the movement miscalled the Now Theology" was not the gift of one man, not the brain of one Congregational Minister, but 11 important movement, supported by some of tho most learned men throughout the country.; The movement, if emanating from one individual, would not bear much weight. He was not surprised at. the movement, nor did he upon the whole re- gret it. His reason was that they lived in the 20th Century, and the penalty or privilege for doing so was that they lived in an ge of criticism. 'They could not keep roligicbi outside criticism, and, fur- ther, be nover regretted the inevitable. He did not resent the New Theology," provided it tras true. Theology like other sciences was progressive, and theology was the inte^lecttial clothes in which they clothed their reiigioie belief. If the New Theolo- §y" was true, he would hail it with delight, ut in kis o*n soul he did not believe thit it was. As to their attitude towards this nioveiziert, they should take the trouble to understand it, and until they did under- stand iti thoroughly, they had no right to say much about it. The preacher then pro- ceeded to deal with what the New Theology" impliud. SUCCESSFUL COMPETITIVE MEETING. A highly successful free ooncort and compe- titive meeting WMS haid in the Church Room on Monday evening, under oho auspices of the C IvT.S. The Rev. J. H. Hope, M A,, pre- sided. and ttawe were about 400 people pre- sent- The proooodiikg6 opened with a prayer offered up by the Rev. Canon H. Roberta. The Ghairauun, in the course of his introductory re- marlcs, neferred' to tomperatioe as the burning question of the day. He also made reference to too prolyoded Local Vebo Act. which, he said, would. undoubtedly prove a great boon. The St- Pa til's Juvenile Choir, oontiuoted by Mr Ed. Evane, sang "Child's lJOve" (Sefch K- Parry) wlhilst Safcer in tihe evening Miss Ifollinshead gave a capital rendering of "Sincerity." Mns Gibbon waa heartily applauded for her recita- tion of Hanging a Picture." The root, of the evoning was bakon up with tho various compe- titions, the results of which are a-'funded- The corn!>6tilÅ wfere open to all. t nd! no entrance feo was charged. In the »olo competition (ohil- cron uncfer 16). M" DorÏoe Hodgeti*, won first p\103 out of seven competitors. For tlie best short speech on tcntal atytirii^rioe, M,r John E. M-alam was placed first. The recitation attrac- ted sevcjiteon eoinix^tikirs. and a "I,rk-lini." Iwid to be held. Two survived titli. and sraged in itfhe evening, Miw Nellie Hodgetts event itally being de»'.brod the winner- For the open solo competition. five eritorod, a.nd a close fight re- -sultodf it a vidtory for Miiss Jenny Jones, Oak Mount, vfho h8.s been nmah before tine public of late M a iwlze wi rlfl.r. A meet (-njoyibl-o ove.nir.g was^bfpiight to a obe with the ring- ing of the National Antihem. llh« adiudioators wore:—Rocitationrt and sp^ehes, Mr Wru- Jones, N**P. Bank; singling, Canoii D. Jornee, Pcmmaenmawn WEIjSH trNITED TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. A meeting, under the auspices of the Colwyn Bay Wolilh Uiiited Temperance Association, was held at Engodi C.M. Chapel on Monday even- ing, under the presidaacy of the Hoy. Thomas I'arry. At the ourfoet the following roaolutioin was put I; tho «i»?ting on the proj>c>sition of the Rov. F. E. Jortes, t,ooonded by the Rev. T. M. Jones, and carried unanimously: "That this meeting re-affirms the demand of Wales for the right to settle the licensing question in accord- an with the»predominant convictions of the Welsh people, and, in view of the introduction of tho Lipensing* Bill of next session, [iresses^Spr separate treatment for Wales and Morimo»8i- i shire upan the following |>oints: (1) The-in- cltiriion of Monmouth.shiie in tho Welsh Sunday Closing aroa; (2) the amendrnent of the Welsh Sunday Closing Act; (3) tho effective regulation of drinking clubs; (4) the recognition of tho rights of the ratepayers to control tho issue and renewal of liciiioee in thair areas." The Rev. D. G w:mfryn Jones, I.landudno, then delivered, & chaiacterbitic nddress. Ho sail h,) looked; forward to the present Govern- ment for numerous amendments in tho Licen- sing Act. which was to bo introduced at the next session. He was certain they would deal h^avv-handed with the tlrink trachs. There we-re 200 members in the House of Commons who were total abstainers, v hich meant "a friend in couH." He hoped the Bill would bring back the t.e authority ovor licenses to tho hands of tho Real rragi,-gtrat," rather than the court of Quaitor SJSJIOUS. The magwtratee ought to have the last say in the matter of every lioenee, except in very ;ntrioa;e cases. Another amend- ment itt tha-Biff be would like to see waa that the vote of -t,he: people should decide the num- ber of public-houses. Referring to the in. cluii n'of- Monmojthshire in l-ho Welsh Sunday Closing the sjioaker said lie would like to Il zo y- Druig 1;11 wncle ot England into it. He be- lieved that the publicans would be with them in t.he matter of Sartday closing. Further, he would liko to see a clause in tho mea-sure to have tho public-houses closed after six o'clock on Sat- urday night. Thirty-six per cont. of the prosi- catLons for drunkenness resulted after the time mentioned S[>oaking of ;the olulw, Mr Jone? sat.I that the trade had been shifted from the "puhs" to the ifoIubs." and in some .places the "clubs" doubled the "pubs" in number. He was gbd that Mr Asquith had said that the hand of the Gtfvernraent would bo hard on clubs. He also hoped that somethins' wbutd ba introduced into tlto Bill debarring barmaids being in1 tho trade, as he wanted to saive the mother, of this country (applause). .Rev. Barrow. Williams, Llandudno, in touch- ing, on tbe points of the nesolution, referred to his reoeirt visit, to America, and the efforts of the Southern Spates to fight the drink evil. During fcbe whale of his travel from place to place in AtiMMOtt. lie had 0.01.1 oor.o acrexss two drunken--persona, but when lie ca.me to Wales, he was sorry to say, he notiood a carriage full of young mon unJor tho inlluencc of drink. On the proposition of tho llov. Robert Ro- bert-3, a vote of thanks waa acocrdvid tho s|>oakers.



------------OLD COLWYN.







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