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MATRIMONIAL DIFFERENCES AT PhNHHYNBIVE. I A WIFE APPLIES FOR A SEPARATION ORDER. At. Llandudno Petty Sessions on Monday, be- fore Air J\n!>?sfiaw and ct..>r magistimtes- Har- riet Hujrneii, _H0unt Pio.-usanr, Ireurtiynaiue, ap- plied a separation order against rlr hu^- I band, W. A- rlug-tiea. Mr B- Chaml.J00rj!un fMesers. Cham-berjaju and Joniison) apr,eared for t-imo plalMHI., and Mr E- A. Crabce \Abor- I ge"c,) tor tie aejeawant- Air Chamb?riuii; st-afced that the parties, who livad at i'enrriyiwtde, nad been married rune jeura ajid there wore four ciiiidrcn. 'j. u& hus- band, wliio was a mason, had. it was aliened, biei.i in tfto habit of jli-trcatuig nis wife almost irovu their wedding day. It was lurtiler al- no leged t-rvat he nad' riawned tier wedding ring, sewing machine, and b-d c.otiiing, and on New Ye-rs Eve be turned nor out of the house, and! s..3 had to aiecp III a neig-noour 6 liouse- Piamtitt tnat very aeon after ftr; ir mar- her-htrriburid began to ill-treat nor. Ho was frequently under the inHu-ence of drink. OIL New Year's rje cant3 ,tom3 undor 'tne I ifl,.i- EK« ot drink, and turned her out, and struck hor on tl.e nead- lie nad or ten struck her ba- 'Or& It, was a very eold n.ght. and s..o went to a neighbour's r.ouoe- wnere she feta^-cd the mght. hoCr nusband c,l !r.- aiie: tier, asked tier *o go and make his supper, and 1:0 aiao threatened Üor. As a..rcst!it ot his ill'-trei.taient her hea.ith had feutiered- Defendant was a maaon by trjde. and earned at feast 50s a. week, fcvne asked for a s^p^ration and maintenance order and 'the custody of tne o.'u'ldrec.' In crosi;~exarm nation, Piauinff said that- she was keep 1 nig up New Year's j-Jve wttii ottierb a,t a ,lb)l;1-tour'shO'u' 'i'ne-y liad bee:u drinking whisky together, but slwas not drunk- The .(iu/fgor children were in oed at home- Sh, told her iuwbund thiat she- was to the yratoniiight, but did not She denied hav- ing gone to tnoO hortsa of a widower named Ed- warcis- Thov ail went out o. t.ie neigi.bc^ur's house together.Sha and Edwards were,. Kge;ner wnen" trie others left. She 'denied t'.Iat "her hiisoand had over cornplai.ned about her going to Edwards houre- Mrs Parry, 3, Mount Pleasant, stared that on New Years Eve Mrs Hu^;<0u was in her horrsj wnen ner husband came in drunk- Sne, hoard t.iom quarrolhng, and he t.ireaier.ed .to 8t,riko Mrs liugties, wn-icii everjt.u tiay did with: nis hat. MB l:iu.ghes. toid Lr j:u?Umd that she .,A- ac terrified of iiiiii. Crcssj-exanainod!: Witness ,s.aid they a.lj wont to -1-no watc.inig'ht N- i c c-, exoi;;pLirg Iviri HugHes and m-j Edward-s. and returned about one o'clock -in the morning, .\hen dafendant came in and ttiuek his He accused tier of navitig bedr. in Edwards' rouse ¡¡.¡;¡,¡t night io. nours, but S:"C could not have boon tiieire ttiat tune. 1 In reply to Mr Chivmbarlain, witness said that as iar as &ae knew iSirs Hugi^ets nad arrays been a aod sober wvman- She nud never iic-iard any scandai abrot her F, Teale, the fataer-m-law oi Edwards- sad v.as not true that Mrs hug.:e» read spent two hours with Edwards on New Y eLa, ',) Eve, as she had never been in ins at aid tnat nignt.









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