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DENBIGHSHIRE STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE. THE EXPENSE OF COLWYN BAY POLICE BUILDINGS. ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER FOR COLWYN BAY. 'A meeting of the Standing Joint Police Com- mittec for peiibight-his'c was helda,t Denibign, on Friday. Mr Christmas Jones presided, and there were ako present :—Sir R. E. Egertot», Coilonel M«naxr), Colonel T. A. Wynne Edwards, Colonel W. Grogson Ellis, Captain Cole, Messrs W. D. W. Griffith, G. H. Denton, W. J. Wil- ham-, Robert Ellis, C. B. JonCiS Mortimer, L. W. Jelf Pdit, James Darlington, G. Cromar, John Alien, J. Wikoxon, H. Croom Johnivon, Dxtz Jonee, Simon Jones, John Roberts,, and A. O. Evans. COLWYN BAY POLICE BUILDINGS. It was reported that the Emergency Commit- tee appointed to superintend the exaction of the above had considered a detailed estimate of ex- tras on the building contract (£275), and the cbtiiTiatjcd CCbt of furnishing (425). The report of the County Surveyor and Architect was a £ follows:— "In placing the above before you, it will be noticed t»hat my estimate for extras, amounting to £275 on the building contract of meetly made up of un fort; ecu items, which are invariablv allowable, and may 00 expcctcd in a r contract cf this amount, and which I do not consider excessive, l'ncre is nothing which, in my opinion, has been caused unnecessarily to complete the structure in a. first-claee and fjtiiitial manner. -Should you approve of this expenditure (which I am bound to admit the greater part of which we are committed, to), I ask for your confirmation of the earne. The majority of the items enumerated are subject to final settlement, based on the sdhedule priced bill of quantities, and will be finally adjusted by the quantity Surveyor on completion of the con- tract. I hope, by strict economy, not to exceed this amount, and have every contidcnce, when the final bill cf measurement is presented, you will Red the extras have been kept below the estima,tod figure of £275. With regard to the furnishing of the building, it will be noticed the lowest tender received for the court fittings is £248,:1.nd I ask for a sum of £123 for this work, the balance, £125, is provided for in the build- ing contract of I have made enquiries, and find Memre John Mayers and Son, wlhoare carrying out the building contract, have had great experience in similar claas of work, and I have every confidence in recommending their tender for acceptance, and suggest that your committee, having full power to act in these matters, should authorise me to place tlhis work in Messrs Mayers and Son's hands at once, 00 tha.t the material may be cut out a.nd properly seasoned before being put together, and finally fixed in position. To deal with the balance re- quired for furnishing, viz., £302 of tihe estimated aimount of J6425, I suggest a small sub-oommat- toe of two or three members of your Linergoncy Coinunittee be appointed to confcr with me, aind eelcot the goods from suoh a firm as Messrs Warings, of Manchester, of Messrs Appleyards, cf Liverpool. To me.et the estimated sum of ;S700 t0 complete The building, 1 suggest tihe County Council be asked to raise a loan of £600. Whatever loan is raised it will be neces- sary to spend tihe same on the building, arid any extra amount required out of tihe proposed loan of £600ncc.eEf.n.ry to complete, 1 would re- commend be paid out of current account, thus obviating an unnecessary expenditure, fihould the actual eoet work out below the estimate of £700." It was reooTiunonded that the following in- scription be cut on a polished granite slab, and that the coat shall not excocd £10:- "This building was erected by the Dcnbigh- ttiire County Council, for police and otilier purposes. A.D. MDCCCVII." The commit toe also recommended tha.t the Court and Police Station be lighted by electric light; that the Inspector's residence and Weights a.nd Measures Offioc be lighted by gae; that the tender of Mayers and Son, of Chester, amounting t-o £ 243 (of which a sum of £ 125 is already provided in the building contract), be aooopted; the County Architect explained in detail the extras on contract, and the estimated coet of furnishing; that the County Council be asked to. obtain a further lco»n cf JB700 to complete the buildings, the opinion of the sub-corn m i tloe being that the whole of thin sum would be required to satisfactorily com- plete. The Architect also reported as follows:—'I have to report that good progress has been madi during the last three months, the whole of the roofs are now sla-ted, the etoaie- masons' work geneialiy drawing to a close. The internal finishing of the building will now bo taken in hand; and I hope at your next quar- terly meeting to be in a position to give you the date on which the buildings are expeotea to be completed and handed over. The buildings have been insured by the contractors against losu or damage by fire, in accordance witlh the oonditi-ont3 of contract in the sum of £7500 until June 30th, 1908, the policy a.nd receipt for pre- mium I have in my possession." Mr Saxon Ellis raised the question as to wheiJher the committee had power to aoocpt a tender. Hie did not consider that they had, as he understood that under t.he reference they ■were to report as to the furniture. Colonel M>»;.ham thought that the committee had the power, and it was under that impression that the committee acted. Mr Saxon Ellis said the committee had been evidently misled. Not only would he take ex- ception to their acting as regards tihe furnish- ing, but there were other items in the report to (Which he wished to call- attention. The Clerk agreed tha.t as regards the furnish- ing the oommittee had toO report. The Surveyor explained that there was only a question to £123 out of the £248, as the sum of £125 tame in under the other con- tract. Mr Darlington said the committee had evi- dently acted under a, misapprehension, and' as he understood they had accepted the lowest ten- der, he proposed that the committee confirm the action of the sub-oommittee in accepting Mca-rs Mayers and Son's tender. This was agreed to. ALLEGKD EXTRAVAGANCE Mr Saxon EJlílS he had other matters in the report of the committee which had charge of the erection of the Colwyn Bay Police feta- tion, to which he desired to call attention. He considered that far too much money was pro- posed to be spent on the fittings of the Court. total sum was £425 for funuohing ajid fit- tings, and that he thought waei too much. lie moved that the estimate be referred back. lie would just refer to a few items. Was there any sense in paying £26 for 13 chairs for the magis- trates, and JE4 for a ohaix for the Chairman of the Bunch? He did not know whether they ex- pected to got 13 magistrates there, but in a.ny oaeo £2 eaoli was too much to pay for dhairs for a public building, when tihe rates wore so high, and people had difficulty in making both ends tnoet. Colonel Mesham thought tha.t before they de- cided anything they ahould hear what the Sur- veyor had to siay. Saxon Eiljis &aid there were other items which required going into. It was proposed to epond £20 on matting and mate for the lloor of the Court; £35 for furniture for the magis- trates' retiring room; £3 for linoleum, mate, a.nd matting ior the magistrates' clerk's room, aolicitors' room, corridors, and witnesses s rooms; £20 for the furniture for those rooms; j315 for the furniture, etc., for the enquiry office; JB15 lor furniture for single constable's mass-room; jB7 10s each for bedroom furniture for each of the three oubioles; and H5 56 each for the bed- ding and bed linen of the three cubicles. Undiex the circumr.cances he felt justified in asking the committee to reconsider the matter. Mr lioa-z Jones aeoonded, and he also had intended calling attention to it. They should consider the burden of the ratepayers, which was lieavy now, and this laSlt "herring" wnwld break the camel's back (loud laughter). Mr Griffiths supported Mr Saxon Ellifi, and sUid ho consadeirco1 that the estimate was a most lavish one. If the committee re-considered the matter he was sure that they could suggest somothinig good and eubtitantial without being so lavish- Col. lVIcsiham hoped that if the matter was referred back members would attend the meet- ing. Mr Jelf Pefit thought that if -t was referred back the Committee si.iould have, some direction as to what vhey vero to spend- Tine building at Uolwyu Bay would' be a very fine one, and it would nvver do to > put paltry t urn i Hi re into it. They would not expect to have jerry funni- tujr/e in such -t building, and if they were re- stricted as to price they would nave to go in for quantity instead of quality. Let -he Com- mittee fix a sum- and they would go through the estimate item, by item and cut down ac- cordingly- Col. Mesjham tlhought that inasmuch as the building a good one it. wo.,11 J pay them to spend a little more mone/y on the furniture, and' instead of having something that -was paltry have the furniture in keeping with the building. Jt was a. splendid plaoe, and tJhe building would be an ornament to Cokvyn Bay- b Mr Griffiths: Surely the county should not pay for ornamenting Colwyn Bay. Mr Simon Jones said that in Wrexham tfiey used chairs costing 12s 6d, and* yet Colvvwn Bay was to have chairs costing £ 2- Mr Cromar added that when they realised <ibat upwardb osf £ 400 was to be spent on fur ,.t..







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