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L ALONG THE COAST." (By a Travelling Correspondent). It son is that several of the Ccmserva-tive Aseo- cdatioiis in Flint Boroughs have determined to claim Mr H. A. Tilby, of RhyJ, as their can- didate for the next clcolion, and it is now almost decided that Mr Tilby will be chosen shortly to ente.- the as the opponent of tihe Liberal candidate at tihe next election, whoever he may be- it ia not my place to take sides in jxi'iitioe. and I only allude to Mr 'iuby's appearance in tt.e fiel4 lor title purpose of -ointmg out What piienoiuneinal success Üe has achieved in the last seven or eight years. He owes has popularity to many parsouial qualities, and to toe news- papers whacth. have taken him up and given pix>. m-inemee to his spoeciies- Mr Tilby i&, like many prominent men in North Wales, deeply benolden to the representatives of the Press who have boomed hun w well. Of course, he was woxfcti the publicity he gained, and to him might be applied title pxoverb that "good wine needs no bush." Yet-, says RocaliDd, "To good wine they do use good bushes," and it was right for the North Wales journaJiflt-s to hang out a bueh of deep green ivy in front of their journalistic es- tablishment w-hen they had some of Mr Tilby's >1116 otn sale within It used to be the custom to hang out an ivy bUf-h in front of the tavern ne the sign that wine was eold there. » It is man years now since Mr Tilby left liis native London, wnca-e his na-tive wit nad been wjuewued to tsaarp edge by experience in the •warid-meirop-ohe. He came down to Riliyl a6 the matter çll: toe Cuurch boiiool, and he con- stitutes one ot that iiumeious band of dufknginsii- oa iiiiiigiisu pedagogues wiio are hencetornn. to be eoccluued aJtogeu-ivir from W ales by the opera- tion oil t.,ie Couzi,cy Council immigration law. We cannot. ot course, dig out Uita s Dike again, or build a wa,il itngh enougui to deter undesirable jmiiiigraiftis, but the sriibboletih of language is qUlW huliic.ent to constitute tle deeirett barrier, 'lIe Education Committees have taken the pas- sages of Jordan, and to any non-AVeisti speaking J&pikrai-mitc who soys, "Let me oorne over," tney put tone te(-4t word, wthion, of course, cannot be pronomnced arigat. Air Tiiby, tortu/nitely for u., got in boiore tihe enactment ot tlie imjtnig- ratiorn Jaw referred to, and being now akle-ii- anatased and! domiciled mutilj be considered a tNiorough goaug Yve-ehman- « • • • He first rose into prominence outside the town of Rhyl as a member ot tie National Union of TeaorieiB, and his ts-jiecenes at the meetings of tihat body in various parts of tne country were always ingenious- He was noniiiiated by a num- ber oi North Wales Associations tor a position on toe Executive of the L1 n ion, "jut was not (suc- cessful in reaching tna.t gouJ. at the hoaki,juar- tmoii-tx-the digniry oil: otlioe at too headquar- ters offence of ttao greatest of trade unione in the world. Instead ot Mr Tiiby. a native maai was preierired, in the person. of Mr Lewis, of Llangoljen, who sat for gome yeare on the N.D.T. Executive. After his redrement, the aim of North ales to bo directly represented on thoo London Board, if I am not mistaken, was Beit back, and all the seoats for Wales again went to South Walea, » » However, Mr Tilby soon turned his great energies into another direction. He gave up active echoiaetio work, and was appointed Re- gistration Agent for Flintshire in succession to Mr T. W. Hughes He was subsequently fce'eet- ell to be the secretary ci the St. Asaph Diocesan Association of Schools, and to carry out other anilitant work on behalf of the Church in the dftoceee. In this capacity he is now well-known, and is regarded everywhere with extraordinary respect. The root o his euoceea geeme to be a good measure off He will not fight over trifling mattens, and will not defend a oaiuso which oajinot be siqiported with good wound argumernt and reason. Right and left he has been 6moothiing out diflicuiltiea and making the paths of \icam and Church &hoot nuanagere tew thorny with quite astonishing facility and practical ability. In the Flintshire County Coun- ,cil and Education Committee meetings he bids fair to oust even the eloquent Dr.laane, of Flint, from the premiership- It those teachers of North Wales who refused to support Mr Tilby '4or the Executive of the N.U.T. during the campaign to whiidh I have alluded should hap- pen to have been shouldering Mr Tilby into the ImijTeiriial Parliament it may even yet be «hown that they unconsciously did a very gOrO<i! thing for tihe country. Mr Tilby is somewhat nxslined to egoism. But this is a. failing ccmmo-n to energeuc, quick-witted, eloquent men of his type, and is quÏJto excusable, esjiecially as it is by no means a pronwnent or developing fault. < < Theire does not seem much moving in regard to the Rhyl Council's great schemo for a concert haJJ on the eande but I iiear that all possible enterprise is being shown by the clerk and Council in dealing with the Office of Woods and Forests, from whom they wish to get an ease- me surrendering the minerale beneath the ea-nds which will Booin, we Slope, become a fertile oasis frequented by tribee of pilgrims in search of hoalbh and pleaeume. It eeemns rather hard that, the Council having bougiht tihe surface of the ItKvioh, they ahouJd have to submit to another ownership of the valueless sand and silt beneath) Ifee surface. But this is tihe legal position* and there is good reason for Mr Stafford Howard's ibaeitation, inaanuoh as he it) taking care that the interests of the frontagers are not imnroper- ly ignored- Both Mr Tiliby and Mr Fximston tiave held tJha.t the assembly room should be -built opposite one of the streets. This would ihave the advantage, at any rate, that it would not intelrrupt the view of any boarding house to the extent tfeat this will be the case if the pavilion be crecte-d opposite the embay men t- There would' also be the advantage, if the sur- veyor set out the building1 at tlie opposite end •of the proposed enciliosure, in front of Queen- ittreet, that all the giarderiB would lie on the south west side of the building, and would, therefore, get more sunshine. However, the (Jouncil have decided where tiho assembly room dhall be, the objections to tihe agreed s-jto are not puch as to justify upsetting the decision. » • • • Tbo question of Sunday boaiting on the Matrine Lak engendered some warmth last Mondfa-y at iibo Rhyl Council. I am not a very strict Sab- batarian. and I think 1jhat rowing would be a very harmless thing to do on a Sunday aftexmoon. 'but, after aU, to open the lake for boating would be to increase the amount of Sunday work to be done, and to tend further in the direction of fhe weakening of the idea of Sunday as a rest day for all mtankind Let us avoid unnecessary work where reasonably serious inconvenience will not be caused- Emerson dose ri bod the SlJoDday as the core of our civilisation, and, in Øbe words of Archdeacon Sinclair, "the restric- tions which have been made as to the use of Sunday are ooiely for the purpose of protecting working men from the inroads of the selfish who would employ labour. The one thing that all should acknowledge is tihat somehow or other the old Hebrew Seventh Day of rest (has ooane to be re,gardod as the Christian Sunday, and iIha.t i.ts custom of cessation from work is an in- -«otimablo national blessing." This puts the caM. higher than on (humamitari&n groundp. It would really be well for the d/rivers and others if the ooaefhes and charabancs could give up their Sunday tripe, but I would not think of -any form of oooroion to bring it about, as the tr.1))6 ihave been for so many years provided that they have come to be Yegardetl as allowable- Visitors may easily find as rational a way at spending itflieir Sundays as boatiiug on the Marine Lake would' be. After Mr Bliss Hill's final attempt to upset tiie concordat between Colwyn Bay Council and the directors) of 6he Pier Company, that triendily understanding has now been finally ap- proved a.nd ratified and. we shall ihave at* least ofIOe season's trial of it. The Rev. William Hughes, quoting consciously or unconsciously faom this column, told tfhe Council that they ironre getting their high class concerts cftieapQy, inasmuch as Rjhyl Council are committed to a pneat expenditure for that very object. Supiios- ang that years ago, when Mr Do Jong was con- ductmg excellent concerts in the old Rhyl Pavil- ion, outside errtertaimneinits had been prohibited!, in order to nurse the newly-planted enterprise .nd encourage ita growth, would it have been aeeeesary for Rhyl Council now to enter into buaineee on their own account as caterers for ooncert audiences? Haply not In those days, of course, the town was smaller- and the capa- city of dhe railway to bring in visitors was much Jess, but if The concerts had been made to pay A rtrong company would have been established with power to developo with the growth of the placeand to keep up tlie supply of whatever en- tertainment the town might require. The quarrel between the Conway Rural Coun- cil and the Colwyn Bay Council is making Mr William Davies uneasy. It seems that the Rural Council have pursed a surface water tfra-in into the eeiwer which raw into the sump well at Llandsillo, and so the surface water from Old Colwyn finds its way to the sewage pumping station and has to be lifted out at considerable expense in gas power. In this way Colwyn Bay » being fined for the unfriendly action of its Council- With authorities as well as individuals you cannot be arbitrary and unreasonable with- out suffering for it by and by. Our misdeeds have a trick of coming home to roost. The Rural Council wished for leave to lay a short feigth of surface water drain through the u-rban district in order to turn the water into tihe river. The Urban Council not consenting readily tho RuraJ Council set about laying it in defiance of the Urban Council, who thereupon commenced proceedings to inhibit, and succeeded. The Rural Council then d-iverted the surface water into their own sewer, and the Urban Council, being under contract to take tihe contents of the Llyø. faen eewers and deliver them into the custody of David Jones at Liamdrillo, are accordingly being punished for dOOir original act of oie- oourbesy.



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