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VOLUNTEER PRIZE DISTRI- BUIION AT PENMAENMAWK. AN EFFICIENT COMPANY. THE NEW TERRITORIAL ARMY SCHEME. The annual distribution of rrizcis in co-nmoc- tioai with the Penmaerwruawr Ournpanv of the 3rd V.B., R.W.F., took plaoo on Saturday. By the kind invitation cif Captain Jo-nkius, the meln of the local company numbering 120, tog-ether with a number od prominent residents, wore onlortained to dinner at the Drill Hall, which had' been elaborately and tastefully de, corated for the occasion by Sergeant lnsiruotor Cox, and Mrs Philaps, Paradi;*) Creaoent, had charge of culinary arrangements, which gave general eatiBfaotion- Ca.pt. Jenkins presided over the funetiom. and ne was supported by Colonel U. II. Darbi- shire, Lieut- Waitkin J^arbishire, Lieut. Bar- .teroby, Lieut- O'Connor (Dublin), tho Rev. D. P. Davies Congregational minister, the mem- bers of the Co-operative Hall, with Mr W- D. Joe its, chairman, and the members of fcbe local District Council- Seirgeant-i.vj.ajor Burke, of Carnarvon, was also present. The PenmaenmawT Company, it might be •• stated, is 149 strong this year, with two officers, and at the end of tihc volunteer year it turned' out 43 marksmen, compared with 30 for the previous year. The shooting of tbo company showed a distinot improvement last year, the average being 76 in individual tiring, a,n.d 34 in field firing. In drill as well, a>n improve- ment. was noticeable. In addition to four cups. the company won £20 in money at the bat- talion "shoot." After the d'innar, the gathering listened to a. few interesting (speeches, special allusion be- ing made to the new Territorial Army aohjomc* Capt. Jeinikinp, who. had an enthusiastic re- oeption, remarked tiia.t he had great pleasure to weioome them to a. gathering v.ili'ich would probably be the last they would be able to hold under the old Volunteer sehem-e, for as they were probably aware the Volunteer organisa- tion throughout the country came to an end next Maroh, and substituting it tihey were to have a Territorial Army. So far not much was known about the (scheme which he gathered was to be rraadb ats elastic a:3 noissible, They need pay no heed to the B5 bogey whicih was not intended for bona fide volunteers, but for thaw who would not. under ariv c-ireumfttanoes fulfil their promises- Certainly the members of the, PenmaonmavvT Company had no reason to fear the now scheme, for they had made tlfcemaolves efficient (cheers), it was a matter for genuine pleasure that the company had done such good work In the year, that the ahootin.g "had shown suoh an improvement, and that there iiad becm an increase in the number of marksnien. In Tact, there were very few second' olass shots, and for tho first time einoe the inception of the company there was not a angle class shot (hear, hear). That wag & rocoird, of which they had every ronton to be proud. and it conldmoyür have been secured had the men not carefully attended to the musketry instruction that had been given in tjhio Drill Ball, and at tine Rifle Range. At 1 the Conway shoot, the company did vary woU i a<s tho number of cups before him that evening shewed, but of course they might have won more of them only toha.fc tihey did not wish to bo lQO selfish (laughter). However, there was one cup, adorned with the Little YVebh Fusilier, which they would have liked to win. burt; his riend, Lieut- Battersby, had got it, and after dl it could mot be in bettor iiandb (hear, hear). There was a probability of the camp being held > little earlier this year, so that the drills would have to commence earlier than was cus- 'jomary- Concluding, Capt. Jenkins eoid their uhanks were due to those wiho had contributed towards the prizes, and he wished them all "A merry Christmas and1 a prosperous New Year-" Colour-Sergeant Chantrey ooiugatu'Jafced Col- onel Darbishire upon his appointment as De- puty Lord Lieutenant of the county and he :aid 'tihey were all delighted to find tiheir Col- ■jinel 80 highly homoured (hear, hoar). On be- half of the Company, he thanked Capt- Jen- kins and Lieut. Darbishire for th.c hospitable manner they had been treated. Let the men en-åloa voUJr to make ihemeelves even more effi- cient, and thereby become a credit to two euoh -Ine officers as those who were in charge of them. A round of cheers wero given for Capt. Jen- kins and Licut. Darbishire, and the gathering lustily isa;nig "For thev are Jolily Good !■'eliiowa" THE NEW TERRITORIAL ARMY SCHEME. Colonel Darbiahire, who had a cardial recep- tion, said lIe had always regarded the Pon- maemnawr Company as one oJ the beet of the companies which form the battalion (cheers). He was gratified to fee present the representa- tives of the District Council and the Rev. D.. p. Davies, who an old friend of the oorps. As regarded the Territorial Army scheme, "they were in molting pot, and at present it was "scarcely possible to know in wthat condition they would emerge out of the not, but one thing clear, that the authorities -woro endeavouring 10 make the volunteers as demo- ira.fcic as poepible- Though tie did not know much abouit tite whoeme he oould assure them at it would not drive them into slavery; ••'hey would fctill be voiunboors. The Briti&h Army was made up of volunteer, and there -vas no oonsoription in thisrountry, but it was accessary that, tho armed foroes in view of an invasion should be as efficient as possible, and ihat was what the new scheme aimed at— thorough efficiency. Like popular elected re- presentatives on the different bodies, the vol- mteers had a duty to perfo-rm. God forbid thece would be an invasion, but it was their duty to be prepared- Apart from the qution of fighting there was nothing like the Army to make the youth of t'he country amon- ibie to discipline—(hoar, hear),—and it also showed them that tihey had a responsibility, which they must discharge- The training, too, improved the physique- Some said that tihore was no danger of Wales being invaded, but i tup posing one of the foreign nations invaded [ncha; the volun/teans would certainly be called out to defend our shores. He welcomed any scheme, whiah. made for elliciency whioh was the cry of the present day. He was sure that when the Rev. D. p. Davie.s oame to Penmae-nr- tnawr from Builth, lie traveled in a coach- Mr Da vies: No. I oame on my legs (laugh- tar). Cojitiinuing, Colonel Darbishiie praised Dapt. Jenkins, and the men of the company who had tihirown themselves heart and &oul into the work. The battalioa was very fortunate in having officers who gave their commands in a olea.r and distinct voice, and with promptitude. He would like to inform them that undor the new scheme those who were volunteer on March 31st need only serve one. yoar but tihooe who joined after that date must oerve four years, but if there was any reasonable excuse tBUOb. as removal) it would be listened to. Also the JE5 fine was net intended1 for volunteers who created volunteering with the seriousness it deserved, but rather as a punishment for the "rotter," who joined for fun- He hoped the new scheme would turn out a groat democratic movement, throwing the responsibility of de- fending their country upon every one, aaxl he was sure that Welshmen would1 weloome eudh a scheme for they were the. most patriotic na- tion in the world (applause). Lieuit- D&rbirfhire thanked the gathering for their attendance, and added that it showed that great interest was being evinced in the volunteans. He regretted that the Vioar waa not present, he being unwell. Rev. D. P. Da vies eaid it affardbd him much pleasure to hear so exoellent, a rerort of the company, wthom ibe wished every suoeees. Ho was sorry for the absence of the Vioar, and es- pecially for the cause of it. Mr W. D. Jonefi, chairman of the Diabrict Council, an tho course of a few remarks said he had often heard it said that the Ponmaeti- naawr Company was the best in che battalion. Capt- Jenkins proposed a vote of thanks to Mre Phillips for her catering, and he remark- ad that she had secured' the services of the most charming young ladies in the place to wait • apon them hear). Headed by the band. ursder tine conductor- iAip of Sergeant Coverley, the company pro- seeded to the Oxford' Hail, where Mias Jen- lcins, Tanyiberth. distributed the prizes as fol- lowB THE PRIZE WINNERS. Marksmen, Class "A:" 1, Private E. Williams; 2, CorporaJ. H. Wright; 3, Lance-S|e<rgU d'uS' ^<>rPor'ai J* Hoberta; 5, Sergeant Roberts; 6, Sergeant Foulkes; 7. La.nce-Corporal R. Williams; 8. Private T. Hughes. Marksmen, Class "B:" 1, Corporal T. M. Jones; 2, Private E. Hughes; 3, Private E. Foulkes; 4 Private T. Williams; 5, J. H. Owen; 5, Private R. S. Jones; 7, Private J. E. Edwards. 1st Class Shots,Glas9 2, Corporal Thomas; 3. Private R. Parry; 4, Private R. T. Evans; 5, Private J. H. Pierce; ti. Private W. Foulkes. 1st Class Shots, Class "B:" 1, Private Lunt; 2, Sergeant W. Payne; 3, Private R. Jones; 4, Private H. M. Jones; 5, Lanoe-Corporal H. Ro- berts; 6, Private R. Roberta; 7, Private J. Oanen. Recruits' Class: 1, Private T. Evans; 2, Pri- .■•ite A. Griffith; 3, Private A. Owen (three -noney prizes, and silver medal given by Mr F. H. Williams). e N.C. OflBcers' Class: 1^ Lance-Corporal R. Wil- • ILams (leather shooting bag presented by the Hon. Mrs Hanbury Tracey); 2,Corporal Thomas; J, Sergeant Roberts; 4, Lance-Corporal Lynch; 5, Corporal Wright; 6, Corporal T. M. Jones, SECTIONAL PRIZES. Skirmishing and Field Firing Competition: 1, No. 2 Section, under Sergeant Foulkes (silver ohallonge cup and £3, presented by Mr Knee- .haw, of Graiglwyd); 2. No. 4 Section, under Seirgaant Roberts (£2). Bast section in Part II. of annual course of musketry, tnap and rapid shooting: Silver cup md j61 3s, won by No. 3 Section, Sergeant Oerariey.






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