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COLWYN BAY. NEW HAIRDRESSING shaving art. b.-lam- Booing saloon now open at Mr Needham a Cigar Store. Conway-ro-v».—Auvt (18401). FOR WATCH, Clock and jewellery repairs frt reasonable prices, try John Challand, prao; tioal watchmaker and jeweller, Gamaboro 44, Erskineoad, Colwyn Bay. Orders by postcard promptly attended to.—Advt. XMAS. PRESENTS.—Cigars, Tobaccos, Cigar- ettes, Pipes, Pouches, and Faccy Goode.—Need- Con way-road and Station-road.—19637p. CHESS.-On Thursday evening a chess match matclr was played at the Caie Royal between jbeame roprcwentunff the Oolwyn Bay and Iian- dudno clubs- Play proved most interesting, the result eventually being a draw. The scores were: —Colwyn Bay E. D. Rowlands, 0; 1. H- Allbutt, 0; F. Nunn. 2; W- B- MiJiter, £ .,m. Jones, 1; Mrs Miller, 2; toW, 5j. Lkmdudno: R T. Jonee-Grealey, 1; A. Lasareon, 2; E. W. Willianiis. 0; H- Higginbottom, Ii; R. Davies, 1; T. Jones, 0; total, 51. CAB ACCIDENT-—On Sunday morning, a.t about 12.50, Mr Evan Daviftj, AbergeJe-road, aooompanied by a friend, was driving a oar- nage along Conway-road, in the direction of tiw town- When near the Roman Catholic Church, a motor car passed and startled the borse, with the result that it bolted. The ani- mal continued its mad career along Conway and Abergele roads, and was eventually stopped Oateide fihe Royal Hotel. In the meantime both men were thrown out. Mr Davies' frnd re- ceiving slight injuries- Shortly after being caught, the animal once more bolted. this tune Dot encumbered by the carriage. It galloped down Station-road, along the promenade, and into the Dingle, where it was once again caught. As a result of its escapade the horse was badly injured, and the carriage was also b.1dlv knock- ed about.. GOSPEL TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION- -In coamBction with the Gosped Temperance tion, a publio meeting was held on Thursday evening to decide upon the mainten- ance of the work- Considerable discussion re- •uJitad in tbo decision being arrived at to pro- ceed wifah tfoe work after re-organisation. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year :—President, Mr J. W. Adameon; secre- tary, Rev. Thee. Lloyd, with Mr Wm. Green- field aa his assistant; treasurer, Mr L. M. Bur- redl- A puong committee was also formed. SWELLING THE FUNDS.—As areeult of <be concert heLd in the Pavilion on Wednesday week, the coffers of the Town Advertising Asso- ciation will benefit to the extant of over £ 54. This is surely a healtfhy indication of the popu- larity of the Association- WHIST DRIVE. The second of the fort- nightly series of whist drives in con-neation vtth the Colwyn Bay and Distriot Constitutional dub was held in the club's spacious reading room on Thursday evening- There were ten tabies in use, and twenty-four "liandfe" were piayed. The ultimate winners were: 1st, Mr E7 Simkin., 181; 2nd. Mr Edward H&nkey, 177; booby prize, Mr G. Deakin, 135. The prizes will be presented at the next "smoker," to be held towards the latter end of the month. BILLIARD HANDICAP.—The final game in the billiard handicap at the Royal Hotel was played on Wedneed'ay last, between Meagre J- Jones and H. Evans- Both players were be- low par. but nevertheless gave a good exhibi- tion, the former eventually running out the winner- SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. VICTOR ALBERT, Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Optician. Conway Road, Colwyn Bay, has a la-rge assortment of articles specially suitable for Christmas preeent3 in jewellery, silver- plate. watches, clocks, etc., all at very mode- irate prioep. Specialities :—Engagement rings from 10s to 40s; beautifully enamelled souvenir spoons 4s 6d; reliable watches from 5s.—AdVt- SLEEPING IN A LIME KILN.—At a spe- cial oourl, hetld on Friday morning, before Mr T. J. Lumley (presiddnig) and Mr John Wil- liams, six tramps—Thomas Jones, Hoyitake; John Riley. Dublin; Robert Webster Birken- bead; James Thompson, Garston; Thomas Price, Mertfayr Tydvil; and Wm. Lloyd', Car- na.rvon, were charged with sleeping out in the UyrsTaen lime kilns on the previous evening-— Evidence was given by P.C. Rowlands. who in company with P.C. Owen, found the de- fendants- After being admonished bv the Chairman, tibo men were discharged on pro- mising to leave the district- SPfiOIAii SERMON. On Sunday morning the Vo.n. Archdeacon Wynne Jones will ptrmdh ÍIt special sermon at St. Paul's in connection with the Ciergv Sustenfcation Fund. BTrTHTJlHEM LITERARY SOCIETY. A large number of members attended at the week- ly meeting of this society, on Monday evening, Hinder the presidency of Mr Morri-s Ellis, when the subject for discussion was "The House of •Lartb." The debate was opened by Messrs Ellis Owen, Tan-y-Coed; R. E. Hughes, Small- tlhaw, and J. Davies, Green Villa, respectively, advocating its abolition, reform, and leaving it as it is. Each sidoe had many rtipparters, amongst whom were the following who spoke: Messrs D. Roberts, O. Ll. Evans, E. G. Jones, J. Hugfbee, and J. W. Thomas. After a vote was taken it was found that the majority be- lieved that the House of Lords should be re- formed. SUNDAY OOHOOL CONFERENCE. The •tnnual Sunday School Conference of the Conway Weeleyan Circuit was held at Horeb, CoIwyn Uay yestetrdiay. Mr Jonathan Roberts, Colwyn Bay, presided over a large attendance. Mr J. E. Jones, Uaafairtalhaiajn, gave an address o» "The art of teaching in relation to the Sunday School," and the Rev. F. E. Jones opened the discussion. Mr J. A. Jones, Old Colwyn, spoke on "The duties and qualifications of a Sunday School teacher," Mr Thomas W. Hughes opening the discussion, and the Rev. P. Price, Conway, gave an address, "The best means of making tlie Sunday School effective," and Mr David Roberts, ipreswvlfa, opened the discussion. ACCIDENT TO A FOOTBALLER. -Ail foot- ballers will regret to hear that "Neddy" Grif- feths, the popular and well-known half-back of &e Cotwyn Bay team, met with a serious in- jury whilst following his occupation as a brick- layer. On Wednesday morning, whilst walking jcrose a aoaffold on a building in Co>nway-road, he fell across the joists sustaining internal in- fttrv. Dr. Reginald Jones was sent for, and ordered Griffiths' removal home. He is re- covering as well as can be expected, and is under the care of Dr. Price Morris. OBITUARY.-Th,a death occurred on Monday £ ?.iIj6s Seville (29), Fernviile, Prinoe^s .(Jrive. Tuie fuiHMial took pLaee a.t Bronymant ^tmetery on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. J. Hopo officiating. Mr J. E. Mills was tihe undertaker. Y.M.C.A. RESIDUAL SALE OF WORK.- (Yesterday (Wednesday) a sale of those articles that were left after the bazaar held 81 September Last was held in the Pbbüo Hall. MJBB Holmes, in a neat and sympathetic speech, referred to the good work vane U home and abroad by the Y-M.C.A- in tfw helping of youn# men in life's battle- JMaoogst the ladies attending to the sale were j**?"5 J• W• A damson, the Misses Browne, Mrs ■gJAey, Mrs Clarke, Mrs J-ohneton, and Mrs j&uiley, assisted by Mr Chapman. Miss Alice rtetcber, assisted by Miss Beamer, had charge Øt the ne £ reahmerut stall- Mr Robert Jackson, Mr J. W. Adamson. and Mr Johnston, the hoi- soo, were busily helpkig in the work. A jumble sale was held from 6 to 9 o'clock. ENGEDI C.M. CHAPEL. Rev. Robert Efberfas presided over Monday's meeting of the LAtortury Debating Society- A dehghtiul chknge was made from the usual routine of the meet- fegs. the proceedings taking the form of a trip fttHJgh .Norway (by lantern). Mr Li. Jones, dlemiot, was tfhe guide- Oveir 200 slides wore Sjpsd, the whole forming a delightful eveniner's •njoymeoit. "WHY I AM A PROTESTANT."—Mr 8- GSyxme Jkxtes, B-A., ecieooo master at tihe Higher Grade School, read an excellent paper at Friday's meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Literacy aDd Debating Society, on "Why I am a Pro- psatant." There waa a good attendance, and a ..eIy discuffiion followed. Numerous eigna- tores ware appended to a petition, to the House of ComnwoB, relative to conventional and monasfiio institutions- WELSH BAPTIST'S SALE OF WORK— in the Sthookoom of the Tabernacle Chapel ^bergeie-road, was held a sale of work, yes- terdaj (\Vedaie3day) towarcfe raising fuoicfe for the erection of a small Baptist church in Green- field, Flintshire. The stalls had been tastily Operated for the occasion, and were ladfem Tribb a variety of usefud and ornamental ar- ticles. They wore presided over by Mrs Peter Jones (wife of the Rev. Peter Jones) Miss Lbyd, Miss Noble, and Miss K- Fair sV«ew, the Misses Jones, Plas Ucha Miss Evans Ardmere; Mtis Llow- T. Jones Mrs Jones, Tabernacle House; and Mrs Jones Fernroyd- .Mrs Roberts. Llandudho italotiorl. graciously opened the sale with a fe.w choioe words, expressing her pleasure at being pre- sent to help a cause in Flintshire, and she wished it every success. A cheque for three guineas waa handed to the treasurer by her In the absence of Mr T. R Davies, Windsor lUoase, through indisposition, the chair was ocoupicd by the Rev. W. Hughes Congo In- stitute- Mrs T. R. Davies brought an encour- aging letter from her husband and a cheque fOr one guinea. Tea was provided during the «teriK>onf and the attendance was gx>od and tt is hoped a good amout for the cause will be the outcome. I XMAS. 1907. MRS NEEDHAM, CONW AY-ROAD, for CHOCOLATES, XMAS. CRACKERS, MRS NEEDHAM, CONW AY-ROAD, for CHOCOLATES, XMAS. CRACKERS, and FANCY BOXES. 19638p B j COTTAGE HOSPITAL — Sister Marguereta begs to acknowledge with thanks the following eifts: Mr Raynes, two lots of rabbits; Mrs p ignett, West Derby, Liverpool, parce! of illus- trated papers; Mrs Helsby, box of grapes; M-TB Eden, Graphic;" Dr. Russell, fruit; Mrs Booth, vegetables; Mrs Ha'.liwell, illustrated papers; Mr Edwin Davies, flowers; Miss Wood, Seawood Hill, jam and sweets; Mrs Jones, Ocean View, E'enmaen, books and papers; Mr Nunn, illus- trated papers. DAiCK-The first of the monthly dances at the Colwyn Bay and District Constitutional Club was nold last evening. The large and commodi- ous reading room, with its wood block floor, is admirably suited for dancing purposes, and capi- tal use was made of it. Dancing commenced at 7.30, and was continued until 10.30, about 50 taking pact. An excellent programme of music was provided by Mr J. Reynolds. The M.C.'s were Mr H. Woodiwiss and Mr J. D. C&rtmelL Durmg the evening refreshments were served. A most enjoyable time was spent. HERMON (M.C.). The annual preaching meetings were held at Hermon on Tuesday and Wednesday, the preachers being the Rev. J. Smallwood, Cytnmau, and the Rev. J. Hry Williams. Llangefni. SUNDAY AFTERNOON MEETINGS. The Sunday afternoon meetings held at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms are becoming more popular weekly. On Sunday Mr T. Herber Davies delivered an ad- dress on "Fortitude." In the absence of the president, Mr C. E. Elcock, the chair was taken by Mr A. J. Parsonage. At intervals two solos were excellently rendered by Miss Needham. FREE CONCERT FOR MEN.—The reading- room of the Y.M.C.A. was crowded on Satur- day evening, when the free concert for men was held. Mr Charles Davio presided, and an excel- lent programme was presented, in which the fol- lowing took part:—Messrs A. J. Fleet. E. H. Fleet, L. Thomas, A. H. Summers,W. T. Tucker, Miss Oliff Davie, Miss L. Taylor, and Miss Louie Greenfleddi COMPRTITIVE MEETING. The a.T»QAiaJ competitive meeting in connec- tion with the English Pireabyterian (Jnurch was held in the Schoolroom on Monday evening. There was a large attendairuoe, and all the com- petitions proved1 most intetretiting- Mr Jotnn Lewis presided. The adjudicators wore loud in their pnaascs of the work of the competitorsin tihe i for written work. The essay ine Autobiography of a Robill. caused some j amussement.. Too following is the list o. prize winnera:— Scripture Examination#: —CLASB 1 (over 16): Miss Dilys LLoyù. Class 3 (under 13): Miss Gwymedd Edwards- Eesays—Claas 1 (under 15): Miat Gwynedd Edwards. Recitations-— Class 1 (under 12): "How Little it Coste," Master Willie Owen- Cla^s 2 Junder 18): "What is Noble," Miss Gwymedd Ed'vvards. Class 3 (over 18): "Odie," Miss Elsie Coulter; article (value of maiterial not to exceed Is). Miep Col- lins. Doll's pinafore (girls under 15): Miss Gvvladyis Pugh. Calk-e (value of ingredients not to oxceed Is 6d). defeirred until sale of work and social on December 18th. Six suggestions for the improverrjamt of next year's competitive mooting MÐ Ooujlter. Six household hints (open): Miss Elsie Coulter- Solo Claris 1 (under 16): Master Willie Owen- Olaas 2 {OVCIT 16): 1. Rosie Aiders; 2. Gladys Davies; 3, May Owen. Quartette: Mr Ed- wards and party. Reading at? eight from modulator1—Clasp 1: Mias Pi- Jones- Cla £ 8 2: Master Wiiide Own. Handwriting (under 16): Miss Gladys Pugh- Impromptu general knowledge: Mias Snodldy, B.A. MeJiftal arith- metic (uwxder 15): Prize divided between Miss Gladys Davies and Miss May Owen. Summary of sermoi* preached on the evening of Novem- ber 24th: Mia, Snoddy, B.A. The adjudicators in the various competitions were: —Rev. R. M. Jones, M.A., Iianfoirfeoh- an; Røv. D. J Willi aim, B.A., B.D., Bangor; Msr 0. R. Hughes, M.A., Lianrwst; Miss J. p. Williams. Colwyn Bay; Mr CynwaJ. Jones, Conway; Mr J. H. Roberts, B.A., Cokwyn Bay; Mr a.nd' Mrs T. J. Williams. Coed Dorw, Oolwrn Bay- Mr S. C. Foulkes admirably carried out the duties of secretary- FREE CHURCH COUNCIL- The Council of the recently-formed Welsh branch, oi the Cohvyn Bay Free Church Council held its first general meeting on Friday even- ing 9A the Engedi C.M. Schoolroom. The Rev. F. E. Jones (president) oooupied the chair, and in addition two wero ptrooent: -Rev. Robert Roberts, Eugod, Rev. T. M. Jones, Bethle- hem; Rev. Wm. Evans (retired). Rev. Williaans (formerly of Maentwrog), Mr Ed. Williams (secretary), with the ofiicials aiuj representatives from each church- The meeting was opened with a prayer- The Secretary read a letter Erom Mr J. Her- bert Roberts M-P-, in the course of which the hem. member said:—"I have no doubt that though seiparate in organisation you will unite with the English Free Churches in spirit and in the aims which you have before you. I need hardily say that there are many questions of great importance in the life of the nation in regard to which your organisation can do much to ripen public opinion. To free education from the fettera of politico and sect, to arrest the growing ticfc of intemperance, to engrave still more deeply upon the life of Wales the let- ters of religious faith should be the goal towards the realisat-lori of which your Council should bend its energies." The Preisideint delivered an 'addreas on tJhe "Objects of the Free Church Couinoil." These were, he said, to promote frierjcdiness and brotherhood amongst the different churches, and also to raise tlho moral tone of the town. References were made to temperance and Sun- day traffic. It was ag,reod to have a ohange of pulpits on the firet Sunday in the year, wbo/k the follow ing will occupy the pulpits in the churches named, morning; and evening respectively: — Engedi. Rev- H- R. Williams, Rev. F. E. Jones; Horeb, Rev. T. M. Jones, Rov. Robert Roberts; Bethlehem, Rev- F. E. Jones, Rev- H- R- Williams; and Salem, Rev. Robert Ro- berts, Ret. T. M. Jones. A further ohange will take pltace at Hermon on a convenient Sunday. It was decided to hold a United Churdh meet- ing at Horeb on January 16th, when the presi- dent will preeide, and the Rev. Robert Roberts will open a discussion on a subject yet to be chosen- While congratulating Mr IJoyd George upon arxf thanking him for his great services in con- nection -with the threatened railway and cotton, st.rikes a vote of deep sympathy with him and hip witfe in their sad bereavom-ent was passed- A further vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Owen on the recent loss of her husband, and &LRD %-ith Mr Brookes Jones on the loss of hip brother, who died in Canada, where he was labouring as a miesiotnaTy in the Indian Settle- ment.










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Family Notices


I -- -Hunting Appointments.

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