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Our London Letter.


Our London Letter. (From Our Correspondent). LONDON, Wednesday. the Birthday Honours. Not,hing very startling in the way of eurpiiees was found in Kirk's Birthday Honour*' fjist- Two of tihe most popular names in the list, at loaafc so far as Lonclo-ii was concerned, were undoubtedly fvoso of Mr John Hare, the well-known actor, aixJ Mr v.a-rlee Santley, tno famous eiiiigor, upon whom hone-ur of Knighthood was conferred. It j» an interesting coincidence that, after the birtmduy dinner on Saturday evening, Sir John Hare and hie com- pany gave a command performance in the ball- room at So.ndiringha.m- Thlis was his second visit to Sandringiham, but he was also i»r orra- ed once- at Balmoral, and. including Thursday's performance, he will have appeared three times at Windsor. Saturday's e-nrert-a.ir.ment at Sand- PHigham aloo imdudoo performances by lr Cyril lilaude and Miss Jean Ay 1 win. Interviewed by a "Chronicle" man, Mr Maude says there were about 300 present, and he never -dayed' a jollier audience. "The King of Spain was c- cially appreciative- It did one's heart good to boar his ringing lauglh-" ? < A Troublosomo Possession. In these days events more quickly, and S3.nd- jriug>harn is no longer the oentre of interest. But Jjoloro speaking of thiis week's doings a brief reference may be made to th South Afilcun presentation. Great precautions were taken in conveying the Cuilinan diamond to and from 6and<nngl«am, and whiie it remained in the pciasession of Sir Ridhard Solomon he was more carefully guarded than the King himseLt- It is no light responsibility to be in possession of the biggest diamond in the world, and Sir Richard' must have felt a welcome sense of relief when his day's work wad done and the diamond was onoo more in the strong room of line London land Westminster Baiiik a.t Lofchbury. The pro- ven tatjan itsoSf only occupied a few minutes, but though the proceedings were almost informal the incident WPB a very gratifying one, and Hia Majesty gave very hearty expression to his ap- preciation of the feeling which -ad prompted the gift on the part of tine neople of tne Trans- vaal, It i understood that, after ei cut, the (diamond will bo added to the C.own jewels. • • • Tho Royal Family. This week the centre o; interest is at Windsor, •fnd' Sandringfham tails mto the background. Hie King and Queen left for Windsor on Mon- day morning, and some little sensation was created in London by the report of the delay of tiho Royal train. Happily, the broken rail dis- covered near Bishop Stort'ord had no sinister import and was soon remedied, so that only ton minutes was lest upon the journey- Tho fog in tihe Channel had the c{kd of dislocating the ar- rangements at Portsmouth, and delaying the reception at Windsor, but "all's well that ends wølJ, and at 4-30 the Imperial train duiy reaohod ilts destination. My readers will have elread'y read in t.ho daily newspapers a full des- cription of the reception at Windsor, but it is pleasant to add that the extreme warmth of the Royal greetings hu,3 caused much sat:& action in {.ty cit'elcs, wh-ere tlliere is a general desire that tihe rap preachment between fcne two nations Should bo complete. The fact the Emperor is not in robust health, and is likely to stay for 8 few weeks in the Isle of Wight has added a touch of human sympathy to popular feeling 4»ero. and finally extinguished tihe ici'ea of a fcoscele demonstration- It Our imperial Visitors. The olricial visit of the Empe-roi- and Empress will be comparatively hort, and. in addition to tihe by the Ciity Council, there will bo a number Of public functions to-day (Fncl!av) the JOmpe'-or id lo receive a delegation from the Uni versity of Oxford to confer on him the de. grot) of a. Doctor of Civil Law. It may be noted that at tlso State banquets at Windlsor the luagnitkxmt gold dinner service made for George IV., and which times 130 peoni), was u-ed. It is a gratifying coincidence that the Emperor should ihave heard of the birtih of a second son il to the Crown Prince and Princess of Germany K jufit as ho was starting fox England. Last year similar good reached him when he was r cruising in the North Sea- 3 » » » « Lord Mayor's Show. Not for many j-ears past lias London been fav- oured with such beautiful weatiher for the Lord Mayor's Show ae we had on Saturday- The day .was delightful, a return to the Indian summer we 60 enjoyed in September, and all Londbn Beemed bent upon seeing the Show, w'hitih was the be,9t and tiho longest ever known. To Mr Louis Parker the "pageant maker" the success of bhe undertaking was due, and the emblematic cans, representing the reiginis oi the Seven Edwards, were very fine, the prettiest beoiiig "The Harvest of tho Peacemaker" representing jour own King's reign. The oar was drawn by i eight Suffolk fooroes, led by six Suffolk yeomen; f and tour ladies represented Europe, Asia, Air iea, and America- Another car was an ex. ..&ot reproduction of the Shrine of St. Edmund, and another was a Children's Car, in which were boys and girls from the Children's Home at JJormer Road, in which tihe Lord is great- Iv interested- The inew Lordi — ayor, Sir John Charles Bell, is a Londoner uJ birth, having been born in 1844, and eduoaK at Brompton Grammar School. He first became a member of the corporation in 1882, was elected an alderman in 1894, and reeoived knighthood in 1902, vfhdn he was Sheriff. Ho was married in 1368, and has one d'aughter. Lady Boll tau; s a very keen interest in all her husband's work, and is • verv popular and kindlv hostess- r. • • • « | The Rcyal Weddingr. j; Great interest ife being evinced in the wedding on Saturday of Prinoesue Louiso d'Oirleans, jdaugtitor of the C'-omfceeae de Paris, and' Prince jCbarles of Bourbon, whicfh will be solemnised { «it Wood Norton, try? Duo d'Orlcans' beautiful r jboaio, near Eveeham- To accommodate ail the » quests a temporary ohapol and -aviltton are be- ing erwtod on the,-estate and lvv foreign work- tinen havo the work in hand. The number 0: royal guests preeont will be unprecedented, and uvul inoliude the bridegroom's brother-iin-lawr, like King of Spain, Queen Victoria Eugenie., the £ -Quoori of Portugal, Vladimir o Russia. The S jDueen of Portugal, Duke and Duchess of 1 Aosta, and the Grand Duke and Grand JDuctess Vladimir of Russia. The Queen of Portugal, who is a sifter of the bride, j lurrivod last Saturday, and hopes to make a iengithy visit in England- The Duke and Duohess of Aosta, the latter being another sister df the bride, will visit the King and1 Queen after tiho v.e-dding festivities, oitlher at Windsor or 5 Sandru&gham, u • • • • SA Titled Lady's Cottage Industry. 6 Liadly Algernon Gordon-Le«nnox has reoerrtly P started a fruit bottling industry on her estate at Broug'hfcon Cattle, near Banbury, and has bad \NY giratifying sucoess- She has set apart ] orrO of bOO cottages for tihe purpose, and em- f ploy a quite a number of hands. During the E ppeeant fruit soason ten owts. of gooseberries, c six owts. plums, and large quantities Gf every t sort of t'ruit were bottie-d, but the orders came p tn so ran idly that it wa found that the demand c exoeod-cd bhe supply^—a very encouraging be- et »«niniri>g for the new venture- Practically all the tf fruit was supplied from t.ho gardens in Banbury faiid Moighbourbood, and there is no doubt the now industry will be a great incentive to the u firiitt growers of the district- Ler the fruit is j;' reooived at the cottage, it is sorted, cleaned, and t] then put wpin white glass bottler, whidh show w off the fruit Do great advantage. The bottles p are tihen horme>ttcaHy sealed with screw lids. q Lard and Gordon-Lennox are very popu- lar on their Banbury estate, and great anxiety p, was felt at the news of Lady Gordon-Lennox's *ariou5 illness at Capri- Fortunately tlhe aer- vices of a very clover medical man were secured 0 at once, end Lady Gordon Lennox is now con- valiescent. « • • « » o- The Suffragists' Campaign. P Tlio various Associations for promoting D awouten's suffrage, though at variance on some M. pltases of thofr jn-opaganda, are at one in h greasing the question to the front and appealing t; to their supporters for a more liberal supply of 0) <9 sinews of wa.r. The Central Society reports w an aelivo campaign of opon air and indoor A jiiteotmget, and suffrage" At Homes" are bocom- [j quite a feature of the agitation. On Mon- at day CV("T1.g Mrs Pa.nkhurst and her coLleaguos Fa of tlia >t-iQn's Sox, a I and Political Union, ad- oj di ijsw! a r.ge and enthusiastic assembly in the w Queen's which yielded unexpectedly- large |inr«;ieial results. A lady ispeakor chaiiengcd her Q< ijoa-reilx to dhow what tiieir svmnatihv was wortii ptul in response to the a- oeal t>tx>misea dropped » whioh totalled up to over £500. It was sta- w ted that early, in February a farllament of p ponton will meet to du^oueis the King s speech, ;■ and if there is no mention of woman's suffrage, <tlK>n matters are to begin to hum- w w B The Visit to VVoct Dean. Af, Kung and Quoon of Spain, on the termi- £0" natter of ttieir visit to Sandrinigharn, proceeded' 6r to West F>ean Park, in Sussex, where tney will iyt reanain far several days as the guests of Mr and M Mrs Willie James- They have been joined by itVincess Henry of Battonberg, who motored A idown on Monday afternoon. A family bereave- of Jtnent has neceeeitated some ii'oditieation in rtie -tfcstivibies, but the illumuiat;oiti M the beautiful M- guiCKinds and receptions vtitm-r parties wdl make bhe occasion a meniora.bie one in the dis- trtot. Tho party invited to meet King Alfonso Ln and the Queen ia a fairly large one and as the ok rrtajision is of limited dimensions it has been I 1n fcounil nacefftary to place the children o Mr and' Sirs Willie James in temporary quarters at .Singleton- Even tlhe nursery of the infant heir and godson of the .Kitntr is said to have been requisitioned, and—in the words of the ohron- IIù -ioler—"the baby will live out during the week." On the completion of their visit the King and | • f)u0>en will proceed Worcoeterahire for the Orleans wedatng, e, A Bride's Trousseau. 1 The Pajrig. carxaspondlent of tlie "Pall Mall Gazette" gives an entertaining description of the trousseau of Princess Mario Bonaparte, which has boon on view at the oHioes of the "Journal des Modes." Says tho correspondent:—"All the I mcst elaborate gowns are white, except for one baindpome black evening go win, on account of the objection of the Queen of Crer-ce. to any otitor colour ac cottrc, even tor "è:1.il:,¡¡ing. are, howc-ver> exceptionally b ':r'1' nv r2a"oOll of the silver-and pearl einbroidorl<-u witti which thev are worked, -and they aro ail somi-Einpire in The caiou.rod gowns aire of tho same style and siaiipl.city- The first id in blue tulle, trimmed witii blue satin embroidered1 with be-ds and witlh Brucssele laoo on tihe sloeyes and de- collete- Tbei-seoond is in Natter blue ve.l vc-t, the corsage richly; embroidered in the same torve and two exquisite' old paste buttons attaching the fran The third is in green lawn trimmed with satin." Of the many .other dresses laoko: space prevents nø¡- from speak- ing The cast of the trousseau altogether is £24,000, out of which JB1200 has been paid for the wedding gown and JE720 for the veil.








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