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DENBIGHSHIRE EDUCA- TION THE TRAINING COLLEGE QUESTION. THE HALF YEAR'S RATE. < NEW APPOINTMENTS. An important was taken by tr. Eea- "bigtas'.ure • Education Committee at their meeé- ing on Wednesday, when they appointed a sjiecial committee to consider the advisability of the committee establishing in the county, or jointly with some neighbouring county, a col- lage for the training oc teac-heis- OnJy just effected, the tnuihier of the Normal Colicgo, Bangor, to Carnarvonshire and Anglesey is evidently already stimulating the other ooiuK.les oi North Wales to aspire to training cci-legcs cu their very own- Under present coixittiions, all they ha\o to do is to and they can have, for the Government will provide three- fouruha of t,,0 cost of the nece,,sairy buildings, and t~e remain-nig iourtii can bo boriovvcd readil'y from the Pubbc Works Loan Beard, repayable in thirty years, at taeeo and threo- quaner per cent.. wnich is three per cent. be- low the market value OJ. money at the moment- wore engaged upon ctrdLnury bu»mcv-s unlil quite a 1 a to hour ot the meet- Bmg, and Mr Cnristnuae Jones, who had' given. hcmco of a motion to set the bail rolling iin t'he direction of a training college, offered to post- pone hIS proportion to the next meeting, ii wiat were the with off the nnonubeis present- It appeared, however, tlhat even though e might bo opposition to the proposal at subse- quent stages., there was to be none to its initia- tion, and Mr Christmas Jones went on with his ei>eech, and the resolution submitted by rim was passed by tho corftmi'ttee without oveat op- position. Mr Christmas Jones explained,' how- ever. that what he now the committee to do did not oommit them to any expense. There wore indications that he dud not take action without the concurrence of the majority of tho dominant party on the committee, who are probably anxious that the county should bene- fit, whiio the offer remains open by the Board of Education's financial encouragement of local authorities to set up and equup training col- leges Mr W. G. Dodd, chairman of tiie commin.ee, presided at the meeting, Mr J. Wilcoxon, Mr J. Stephen Jones., Mr K W. Thomas, Mr Ed- ward Roberts, Mr J. E- Powll, the Rcy. Thos- Lloyd, Mr E. R. Parry, Gomer Ro- berta, MrD- S- Davies, Mrs J. E- Powell, Mr Bennet Jones, Mrs A. Parker Davie-0, Mr E. Allen, Col. Charles S. Maimvaring, Mr F- A. Sturge. Sir Faster R CmJlufe, Bart, Mr John D. Jones, Mr Simon Jones, Miss Gee, Mr R. A. Jones, and Mr John Roberts, with the organiser (Mr J- C. Da vies), the architect W, B. Wiles), other officials- CHAMPIONS OF Aj. J. ENHANCES. ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. A return was presented showing that the at- tendance from January to June L:6t through- out the county was 88 per oent. Colwyn Bay district ranked highest next to Cerrigydruid- ion- In the latter district the attendance was 91 per cent-, and in Colwyn iiay it was the same in the aggregate, though Mr H. p. Chambers' district only reached 89 pea: cent., whiloe that of Mr Bithell's was 93 tier cent. During the previous January to June, Mr Chambers' district attended 88 per cont. and Mr Bithell's 92 per cent. The highest indivi- dual school, Pontricket Council School, in the Llangollen district, made, between January 1st iwul Juno 30th, the wcndeivul attendance of 100 per oout- For tlho corresponding period of last year the attendance in this school was 99 per <x>nt-, and from July to December. 1906, it was 98 per cent- Tho next highest attendance was 99 made in the Llandy ring Church School, in Mr Roger Price's district. Next oa-me Llantyi-.ilio Non- provided School, near Llangollen, with 98 per cent. Tho following schools returned 97 per cent. — Beftwuynrhos (in Mr R. P Chambers' district). Chirk Boy a, Llanddoget Church Infants' Scivjol, and Pen- trcoclyn Council Infants' School wliilo Llan- C-hurtlh Mixed School and Bwlehgwyn Couueii Mixod School readied' 96 per cent- Complimentary references were made to Pontrickot School's achievement, and to the other high percentage;?, wlule the schools with lower roco-rds were urged <!D eavulato the fine example set by Pontricket- FOR AND AGAINST MIXED SCHOOLS. The committee procoede4 to conddor the re- ports of the Staff ItonmiC^D, and incident ally it was reported thf. reJuctantly the Llangollen lion-provided school managers iwi<i' -conseiwcd to jnix too two dopa.rtiiients as tljey had been mpiired To do by the cominittee. Mr Simon Jones (Wrexham) hoped that the fad of mixed schools would not be pushed too far in the county. Boys should be specialised in the direction of the professions or special industries of the dMtrici:, and tho girls s.iould bo specialised in the direction of domestic duÙœ. Sir Foster CtntMe u.c-k«i for information as to the educational advantages of mixed sdhooia- The Organiser (Mr J. C- Da\iee) said the principle iinf been adopted and was working admirably througliout the courntr*- in tho uni- versity colleges and inteiiTuediafc schools, and to bo consistent the principle should be adopted in elementary Kchools- There was a little pre- iudioa against it in the higher centres at first, but. that had been overcome- Sir Fciitcr Cunliffe, for his own information, liiqunred what were tho special advantages of a, imixed sehoc'l. Why rfcculd the sexes be kept apa.nt^ andl why ehotil'd the be put together ? The Organiser said the argument used by educational experts was that it the method of nature, and that it should be applied within certain limits to eletnentary schools. Sir Foster Curd;ft'e: That is a large state- ment. Miss Gee. Denbigh, paid she asked a very good Council school teacher how he liked the system of dual schools- lie replied that when he oame to Wales lie was against it, but no.v he did not want anything but a mixed school- The Chairman considered Mat it was rather late in the day to raise an obection to mixed fohools on general principles. FINANCIAL: THE HALF-YEAR S RATE. The Finance Committee asked for authoadty to rnakra tota.1 paymc-ntg in respect of elementary education, amounting to £8384, and in respect of ih-igh».'r education amounting to £5579 The payments in rer-peet of elementary xkie<t. t'on for the haif-ycar ended Scptonhcr 3L h, oame to £32.55.3, and the rece>iptB, which inoltid- ed £112 balance brought forward, £10,330 from ratefa and from the Board of Education, came to £31,1f.;6. showing a ba'ance overdrawn of £ 1366.. An estimate for the half-year cndiing Mwrah 31 next was fjubnxitted, showing a total income, includirig £23,500 from the Board of Education, and £1:,219 in rates at 5d in tho pouind (making 10d for the year), of which is expected to meet all the expendituro aiid, also, to icave a balance at the end of tho term of £1942, a compared with tihe present deficit of £1366. This i6 accounted for by the fact that certain annual g-rants are paid in this half-year. The County Council were asked to levy a rate of 5d in the pound for the half year in respect of elementary education, and of Id in the pound in raiXMtrt of higher education. DISTRICT A rDITOH:S REPORT. Tho following is a.n extract from t'he- report o.f the District Auditor on his audit of the accounts for the year ended 31F.t. M'arcli last, so far as it relates to the accounts of the Education Com- mit-tee:— The total amount received for elementary cdu- cation purposes, including the amount received for the tale of Brynteg School Hcur:e, amounted to £71,050 8s. The total expenditure was £6ï,943 8s 5d, but this included £9388 148 4d, in rcfpect of In-an repayments (interest and prin- cipal). For higher education and in'.or media to was raised. The uncollected fees, due to the Colwyn Bay Higher Elementary School, after writiing off a sum of JS11 15s 5J, as ineoo-verable, amount to JE50 113 lid. This is very unsatisfac- tory, and ertepfi should be taken to collect there fees promptly. Iu'jarmediate Education Account: Llnnrwst Endowment: Eglwysbach a.nd Maenan 1ith.. Thc.ro were arrears duo on the 3lst. March, 19C6, of £55.1 6s 8d, and out of this sum £281 14s 3d has been collected, leaving a balance et.i-11 cut- etanding of £266 12b 5d. The amount due for ono year's tithe on list January, 1907, was £489 14.,8:td. and of this ram je326 15s lid has been received from lefi April, 1907, "to 24th July, 1907, leaving an amount outstanding of J6162 ISs 9gd. ThcM two sums, amounting to £,1[9 11" ohould be collected as eoon as possible, 0S.¡j'2(iI!tlt0 reason for tiheir n{).n_(}1Jeti.G'll was given to me. Evening School District Committee Accounts. —The accounts of the above committee were produced to mo for audit for the first time, and entai ed a co;iside>ra<bJo addition to the work. I make the following Tha.t students' fees be paid regularly into tho !>xnk; 2, that the eohool registers be filled up, e-ompleted, and produced for audit; 3, that the cash books be written up Tcguariy. Bonds.—Tho question of the advisability cf taking out bonds for your dir-triot clerks M. I understand, under consideration by your com- mittee. I strongly recommend your doing 1'0, FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS. On consideration of the Auditor's report, Mr V. R. Evans, one of the joint seorettaries, ex- ) uned that the higher a.nd intermediate fiC- ounts hail been kept since tho appointed day Viiy t-ho same member of the staff as had kept tho accounts of the laite Governing Body, and that tho manner in which they were kept had satis- fied the late auditor, but that latterly these ac- counts had greatiy increased, and had become much more complicated; and that it had. be- come necetssary to devote much more time to this part of the work, so much that partly owing to this he had been obliged to engage an additional clerk at the Countv Office where this work is done. He pointe-d out that. the commiitco at prct-ent only allowed 4e per week t.oward..9 eerical assistance for this work, whjch was quito inadequate; and in order t.Lat arrange- ments might be made for the accoujils being efficiently kept, and tho requi'remeiiits of the Auditor sat.isfi.e-d, he asked the cominittee to allow a fiiira of to j650 per annum, instead of the 48 per week allowed now. The matter was fully discufred, and aJt.eri,nfo.nlla,t.tD-n had been given as to the mode in which it was pro- posed to keep the accounts in future, it viae re- solved unamimou&ly "That an allowance ef £45 per annum, to commence from October 1st, be gia-nt-ed towards clerical assistance in keeping tho righer and intermediate education ac- counts. TITHES IRRECOVERABLE. WTit-h regard to the arrears, the Secretaries reported that, the collection of many tithe rents was placed in the hands of a firm of solicitors in tho time of the lato county governing body. in tho time of t.he lato county governing body. The county governing body were unable to ob- tain an account of the amounts collected, or a remittance thereof; and the limitation of time within which such arrears can legally be re- covered from the landowner having long since expired, the committee wero advised to write off a sum of £193 3s 3d.—It was resolved that the sum of £183 6s 3d bo written off as irre- coverable. NON ATTEND A NCE PROSECUTIONS LLANRWST DISTRICT. On further consideration cf Mr J. E. Hum- phreys' account for £3 3s, for prosecuting in ten cases, i*. was pointed out he had received in- ftrùctiou., from t-ho district managers, and hav- ing regard to the fact that convictions had been obtained in nine cases, and that the fines un- posed excejdcd tho amount of the claim, the committee resolved that the account be paid, but hat 1 he district managers be informed tnat in future the sanction of the attendance com- mittee must be drained before any liability for legal assistance is incurred. GLAN CONWAY N.P. SCHOOL. On further consideration of Dr. Morgan's claim of £:3 s, for the medical examination of (hddren ac this school, and in view of tho ob- servations of rhe Ll-anrvv'st district managers anei ffie mc-d.brtl officer of health (Dr. Frater), it was resolved vo pay tiho claim, and that the district managers be requested not to incur such liabili- tie in future. COLWYN BAY HIGHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The ITead-Teachcr reported that arrangements were being made for holding a concert, the pro- ceeds of which are to be set against the arrears of fees which are irrecoverable! collection of fees. It was also reported that the present system of collecting the fees is working satisfactorily. NEXT YEAR'S SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINA- TION. The syllabus lJT the examination for scholar- hps, g.ving entrance to the county schools from the elementary schools, to be held on the third Friday and the following Saturday in June ncx', was approved. No scholarship will be awarded to any candidate who obtains less than 50 per cent. of the total number of marks. Mr E. Morris, M.A., His Majesty's Inspector of Schools, of rexham, was appointed the examiner. RUTHINS CLAIM RECOGNISED. On the reconsideration of the recommendation that the capitation grant, at. the rate of 308 per scnolar, be paid to the Ruthin County School Governors in respect of the year ending March 31st, 1903, it tvn ultimately, after considerable aiscusxio.i, ie6.)lved that the Ruthin County School Goverxicrs be paid in respect of the year ended March 31st, 19fd, a capitation grant- at the rate of 3(;s per scholar in the school during the summer term, 1907. APPOINTMENTS. The following arc among the appointments made, at the rate cf salary set opposite each name, viz. Mr Llewellyn Williams, B.A., assist- ant ma-tcr Col.vyn Lay Higher Elementary School, JE105 per annum; Miss Linda Carrington Jcnes, B.A., assistant mistress, Cdwvn Bay Higher Elementary School, £90 per. annum; Miss Annn J. Rob?-!?, uncertificated acsisi-ant, Colwyn Bay Infants' Council School, jS45 per annum; Mr Alfred Rowborry Williams, uncerti- ficated assistant, Denbigh Lovo-lano Boys' Coun- cil School J355 per annum; Miss Catherine M. Evans, uncertificated tcacher in charge, Mochdre Council School, £50; Bessie Evans, Art. 68, Gwytherin Councii School, commencing salary j330, and if a satisfactory report is received witii regard to her at t.he end of two months her salary to be increased to £35 per annum; Margaret Griffiths, Art. 50, Ruthin Mixed Coun- cil School, £45; Mary E. Mostyn, Art. 50, Ruthin Infants Council School, £4û; Elsie Coulter; Art. 50, CoIwyn Bay Girls' Council School, £40. APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED. The following appointments by non-provided school managers were confirmed, at the rate of salary sot opposite; each name;—Miss Margaret W. Roberts, unccrtifioated assistant, Ruthin N.P. School, £47 10s per annum; Miss Edith Price, uncertificated assistant-, Abergele Infants' N.P. School, £45; John Jones, headmaster. Glyn N.P., £105; Louisa A. Downing, Art. 50, Den- bigh Girls' N.P., £45; Gertrude Wraihwright, Art. 50, Abergele Boys' N.P., £50; Mrs A. E. Clarke, certificated, Lla-nsannan David L. Thomas, headmaster, Trcfarth N.P., £100; Kate Brickhill, Art, 68, do., £30. COLWYN COUNCIL SCHOOL. NEW SCHOOL PRESSED FOR. INVITATION TO CARNARVONSHIRE. Tha following letter from Mr Holmes, dated October 10th, was considered:—"At a commit- tee appointed to consider tho acquisition of land for the enlargement, of the Old Colwyn Council School, it was unanimously resolved (before pro- ceeding further) to request the education au- thority to write to the Carnarvon Education Authority, pointing out to them that- as £145 children which attend this school, i.e., 70 from the contributory portion and 75 from oul-sidc, out of a total of 277 on the books, come from the Llysfaen parish, that authority should either erect a school within the Llysfaen parish for those children or should' contribute towards erecting a joint fchcol in Colw-yn. My Com- mittee) arc of opinion that no land can be ob- tained to enlarge the present school without ac- quiring property, the price of which would be (including the two houses already purchased) about £1500. It was also resolved that-, should the Carnarvonshire authority agree to a joint school, the committee recomincnd a site in Albert-road, which can bo acquired at 5s per square yard, this being the best, in the opinion of the committee, out of throe sites submitted." The Board of Education wrote"WTith re- ference to Messrs Evans and Roberts' letter of the 24th ultimo, in which the Board are informed that the question of new school accommodation ill deferred pending enquiries for a new- sito, I am directed to slate that. His Majesty's Inspec- tor and the Board arc strongly of opinion that the proposal for a- new school is a sound one in tho educational interests of tha district, and the Board hope that there will be no undue delay in oarrving out, t.he proposal." lUie "committee ros-olvod that the full a wing five members of the committee be appointed a BUib-coniimittee to confer with fivo i-cpreisenta- tivee ot" the Cnniarvcretire Education Com- mittee on the subject matter: Mr W■ G. Dodd, Mr James Darlington, Mr D. 0. Dnyp". Mr Edward Roberts, and1 Roev. Tho-mas Lloyd. C-OLWYN BAY COUNCIL SCHOOL- LOCAL DEMAND FOR A NEW BUILDING The following report of the Joint Committee appointed on. the 20th September was rcao', approved, and adopted: — "In accordance with the resolution passed by tho Education Committee on the 27uu ultimo, wo visited Cohvyn Bay on t'he 30th, accom- panied by the County Architect, and met by tho fallowing members oi the district man- agers, \iz: —Revs. John Ed w a rdls, Thomas Lloyd, Peter Jor.es, William Hughes, Mrs T. M. Jones, Messrs William Davics. and Ed- ward Allen.. Revs- John Edwards, T'hoinns Lloyd, and Peter Jones expressed themselves in .favour oc abandoning the proposed enlarge- ment of the Conway Road School, stating that jt would' -not provide sufficient accommodation for the growing need of the district beyond two years. They advocate the building of a new sohcol near the centre o>: the town, to ac- commodate four or live hundred children, e,s the majority of the cihildrcn. attending the pre- sent soivxjl irecsade hrt that part- ci the district- To erect such a school building would cost at least £10,000. 1'ney further of opinion that the future increase in t-110 population would bo in. t'he eame neighbourhood. "There was a difference of opinuon among the managers on this point; some thought that the irJCIr-eI¡>3 would be in t'he direction of Con, ■way-road, where the present school is situa- ted and vvcro in favour cf proceeding with the poopoi^d enlargement -of the present school to- provide tho accommodation necessary for the next few years; they believe that the growth of Colwyn Bay generally will coiimimip, and are tihe-rcfoire in favour of "reeom-ineiKlling the L.E.A. to puirchexo a p1,"t 0: land for the building of a school where required, as land will probably -be difficult to obtain in the near future. TBW majority favour thip course. "After fnn consideration of tba views ex- pressed by the managers, we recommend the Education CVwnmktee to proceed at once with tho enlargenymt of the Con way-road School according to tho plans ap- proved of by the Board of Educa- tion. If Cohyyn Bay continues to increase at the present further school accommoda- tion will be necessary, al1(¡1 if a favourable op- portunity presents it pelf of securing 0, suitable plot OIf land for building a school theroon; it may be advisable for the Education Committee to acquire it.—D. S. T) a vies, W. G- DQdd." The secretaries informed the committee tlhat on the 9th October the Local Government I Board had given their consent to the borrow- ing of £3000 for the enlargement of this school'- COUNTY ARCHITECT'S SALARY. APPLICATION FOR AN INCREASE. The following application 0: the County Architect and Surveyor (lr Y\ alter Wiles) was read.:—"It ae nonv two and a halii years suice I received the honour of mv appointment at the hand* ci your County Co-uncil. I venture to euggcot the. work placed in my department by Education Commit tee is far greater than wart antieLpated at tilat time, consequent upon whici'.i I now ask for a recoimnendation from YOUr committee for an increase in salary. In bo c'omg, I place before you iue following; — 591 piui-ft a.nd tracings have been prepared (for educational purpcsc-s 402, and for Count Coun- Many CL these- have ent-ahed a conexibrable amount otf labour. I have also issued over 200 certificates for payments of noney for work done, a good deal of my time up to the present has been occupied in \p:y.;iaratory work i-or large school co.ntrac!<s. These contracts, now about to bo canned out, will necessitate mere oif my time in supervi- sion. I also find small contracts up to a. few hvjr.elrodA, where 110 clerk cf works is appointed, nhou.ld also receive diooe eu.pervi&ion, either by iwyeolf \dl,iûh being to your in- tercuts, would be better accomplished it I kept a horse arJ trap, or a motor. Peirliaps, in jour consideration, you will take into account the adv'ioabiility or otherwise of allowing me. an adequate sum per annum for travelling ex- l>env'a (within the County and Chester) in Lieu of tIieprMent, arrangements- My picsent sal- ary is £650 pen1 annum— £ 325 payable by the County C'<>UJ11c:L! and £325 payable by the Edu- cation Committee—for w hio.i I devote tlie whole of my time to the duties of the cmce, and pro- vide a suite of offices in the principal street of \V rex ham, and pay for all assistance, which lately I 1100 mut increase both in J"C1na;liJra- tion and number. With these deducticWB from my salary, I consider my personal income will be -inadequate for the important position I hcW. My nett travelling expenses and trap hire (exclusive of parsonal expenses) payable by the MXMMby for the last 12 mont-lis, amounted to £68 14s 9^d—Cor Countv Council }.u-rjK.;i-:es £23 53 3d, for educational purposes JE45 96 6!d- whicih will increase now tho various large con- tacfis are about to o:)mme-iice. During the time I have hold Uhe appoiiKtmeftt at the hande of the Couny Council, it hna always been my encJca- vour to servo the OculIcil and its various com- niit-tccfi truly and to the best of my ability. Trusting I may still receive wc coniidence tho Coarofl and the various comimittees havo al- ready placed in me.—Walter D. Wiles-" The committee decided to defer the con- sideration cf the request, and that the applica- tion be (specified on t'he agenda lor the next meeting. CERRIGYDRUIDION'S ISOLATION. COLONEL MAINWARING'S PLEA FOR JUSTICE- Colonel C. S. Mainwaring called attention to the desirability OI transferiring to the Cerrigy- druidaon dastnet and Limisdin district fund ac- counts uiuier tlie DembignBdiire Intcnnediate Education Scheme, the proceeds of the 2o' rate it-j-sed eaoii year under Part II. of the Educa- tion Act 1902, so that same may be applicable for additional sdholaiBuipe and bursaries in these districts- Co.onel Mainwaring pointed out that in the original Intermediate Education Scheme, approved by Queen Victoria in August 1894, Ceir,r.gyei'ruidioii and L.'aniidlin districts of the county, comprising at that time popula- tions of 2516 aiijd 3917 respectively, were left without provision for seco-ndarv schools of t'hoir own, but a grant of £100 each from the genera] fund was to bo given each year to be ci'.opensed in tihe form cf scholarships and bur- saries enabling- f.("1-clë"m from the two districts to go to other secondary schoolis- He strove hinascJf to eocuro a secondary sdhool for Cerrig- jxliruidioaii, in order that the dristrdct might be treaited' on the same basis as the other, but more ]x>puk>ius parts of the county. Having failied in that, however, he had to be content with the arrangement as to scholarships and bureairfiea. Schola-rs from the district had done very well indeed in ol!h.cr cotinty schools. The speaker quoted tome of their succesees., and cordended that there was a (Strong desire higher ed'aoatioin among the young people of tie district- He pointed out t.hat for several years past rates had been collected in two dia- tlKs under Pa.rt 2 of tilie Education Act, for higher education purposes, which so far had been expended upon schools id other parts of the county This he considered to be unjust, and1 ho askc-d that the money raised be placed to the credk olf the Cernigydruidion and Llan- silin Schelarships Fund. He moved aecording- Jy. JOINT COMMITTEE MOVING. Mr J. E- Powell said that the vacancies on the Joint Education Committee for the county had now been filled up, and the committee were cairefully considering the sciheme. 0.1" mocii- fications Q'1 the scheme prepared by this-co.rn- mittee, which now existed in the county, for the purpose o; reorganising or making complete the system throughout the whole of the area, would it HtffiOO if he-, as chairman of that com- inittee, promised that the proposal Colonel Mainwaring had made should hive favourable coiniidcration by tihe Joint Committee? He felt that this woulld be preferable to the Education Committee being pledged absolutely to over the whole proceeds of riie higher educa- tion rate, as that might bring them face to face with some difficulty. Some better arrange- ment for the benefit of theise districts equally with the whol-o county might suggest it sell!. He was quite prepared to prom.se that he at any rate, as chair.ma.11 of thc ClC!lllm¡t,C>(), would give favourable consideration to the proposal. Colonel Mainwaring said he would agree with the suggestion Mr Powell had made- He was quite prepared' to place himself in the hands of the Joint Committee. The Chairman paid that the resolution would bo that the Joint Committee be asked to con- eider the proposal and to recognise as far as pCKiible its spirit. In that form it was passed. Mr E. W- Thomas asked whether the prin- ciple of expanding the 2d rate in the locality in which it Was to be raised, was to be applied, because tlie Ruthin School district had haq' no-no of it for years. Mir Powell: I did not bind myself to any- thing. The Chairman: This is as rega.rds the two districts only. Mr Powell: We are only dlFing the two district#, but it will apply all round (hear, hear). THE TRAINING COLLEGE QUESTION. POINTS IN FAVOUR. Mr Christinas Jones moved that the advisa- bility of a training,college for teachers in the county be referred to a special committee to con- eider and report. Giving reaeonfc for the estab- lishment of a college he said: From the state- merit prepared by the chairman of the com- mittee I finel that tlmre a-re in the county .at present—or were when that was mado —661 adult teachers, including the three grades of certificated, uncertificated and supplementary teachers, and excluding pupil teachers. The exact numbers are: Certificated, 271; article, 50 teachers, 140; Bupplemcnta-ry 15U. Ccm-paiiing this with the Let at the "appointed day" I fiml that the number of certificated tcachcs in the county was 215, and the total number of teachers 496, so that there has been an increase of 171, or 35 per cent, of the total number of teachers, and an increase of 56, or 26 per cent. iin the number of certificated teachers. Tihc's I take it ie a very satisfactory increase, and it would be well for critics who ought to know better not to tajik about the educational clock being put back since 1902, hut to measure their words a 'little more ca-refujUy befcro uttering such mild and random state- ments (applaus.e). Then I find that since the appointed day there ha& been an increase of 52, or 29 per cent, in the number of uncertifi- cated teachers. I also find that there has been an increase of 30, or 26 per cent: thei num- ber of supplementary teachers; but I am glad to bo able to inform the committee that supple- mentary teaches is- are hard!iy ever appointed at present, though I do not think that this class cf teachers deserves the ridicule which is poured upon them. A WrORD FOR THE "SIXTY-EIGHTS." Some of them are positively the belSt iufanjts' teachejrs in the whole county, and a little-train- ing in modern kindergarten metho<li would make them into first-rato teachers. You will thus fceo that of the teachers in the county the certificated teachers form about cent. I believe that a Little before the appointed day they formed about 35 per cc-nf;. We should like to see the number of certificated teachers in the county rising to about 60 or 70 per cent, of the total number of teachers, and it is with the object of attaining this that I beg to put- before you my proposal with respect- to the training college. Tho committee has lately de- cided to do away with half-time pupil teachers, and to adopt the new bursar system instead.. PUPIL TEACHER CENTRES ABOLISHED. The two pupil teacher con tree- have been abo'liihed, as it was generally felt that t'he half- time system produced; both indifferent teachers and indifferent pupils (hca-r, hear). Now it •reoma to me that the adoption cf the bursar sviitem r.ecesi-itates the.l establishment of a t-taim- ing college for during the second year of ap- prentiecdh-ip—that is, during his year of recogni- tion as a student teacher—arrangements must bo ms-flp for him to obtain practical experience together with such further general education as may be available. Again the regulations pro- vide that the student teacher must -receive some training under supervision in accordance with the scheme approved for the area by the Board of Education, and the headmaster of the elementary school in w'hich he is employed must keep registers showing the time spent, by the .■udioTiit teacher in this training and full record of ilh nature. Now it has been reckoned that wo require about 40 to 50 bursars year, and to pro-vide for their training and im. to notion in a scattered county like Denbigh would re- quire a special man for each end of the county. Including travelling expenses the cost would be. at least £400, or somewhat about £10 per student per annum. ECONOMY OF A TRAINING COLLEGE. It wou'd be far more economical for the com- mittee to establish a training colliege for the county, or in conjunction with one or more of tb3 neighliouring counties. As you a.re weil aware 75 per cent, of t.he of the building would be defrayed by the Government, whost the cost of maintenance after the first year or ro would probabiy be completely defrayed by the grants and kE (applause). Lot me give you some rough figures as to the probable cost of building, etc. The site would cost, say ;1;2000, and I am sure that is a liberal estimate. Tho building and equipment- of the college would cc.i:;r, at, eay £50 per head for 80 (students, £4000" while a h/c»!el for la-dy. student' 50 at JB50 per head, would cost £2500, making a total c-cstd the buildings and equipment £3500. Tho Government would provide 75 per cent-, cf this outlay, cr leaving £2125 to be pro- vided by the county, or, say £2CCO. The annual repayments on that amount for a period of 30 years would be, say, £70. and the interest on tho loan at 3i per cent, would be £75, making a total of £145. I now come to the et-t;mate for the maintenance (of the college and pur the coot of staff r., foliowi?,:— Principal, £350; la-dy vice-principal. £250; lecturer on infaj.its school- methods, £150; assistant lecturer, £200; making a total of JE950 per annum. Cleaning, light- ing and heating would be about £240. ;:nd the h-cslel ougiht 10 be self supporting. The total expenditure, including the cost of the capital, would therefore be £1335. I now come to the income. Eighty students would earn Govern- ment grants at B15 each, £1040, and their foes, at £10 each, would come tc, £800, making a tota.1 cf £1840, aw compared with a total expenditure of £1335, Thus it will be seen that, the col- lege would be made self supporting (app!ause). OBJECTIONS TO PRESENT METHODS: BANGOR UNIVERSITY CRITICISED. There are other considerations of a more general dharacter that migiht be urged in favour of a training college for the county. The general feeling is with regard to teachers tha/t a.t pre- sent the academical side is unduiy emphasised at too expenisie of the professional. Years ago, expe.nier.ee counted for everything and culture for very little. lti,3 just pessibie tlhat at pre- sent, the pendulum has swung too far, and tha.t mere attainments are emphasised at the expense of experience; but whilst eay-ing this I think we liiould protest against the language used by some elementary teachers against the products of our secondary sohools. It is not at ail plea^aiui to hear about some of tihe braghtest pupils dour secondary schools being "dumpoo" upon our primary schools (applause). We have so mo excellent material in our secondary schcoe, and all they need to develop into rc&Ly first- clasa teachers is a. little more practical ex- perience. They may no.t have the self confid- ence and the dog mat kem of the cd style of pupd teachers, but that is chiefly because the broader culture has given them a wider out- look (applaufce). Thcso are the very people who would benefit by a training college. Andaagain many cf those who have gained the senior or honours' certificate of the Central Welsh Beard pass the teachers certificate examination without much difficulty. Their academical equipment is fairly compete, and what they want is a yca.r or two's ii*truction in the professional part of tihe work, that is to say in the history of educa- tion, and the theory and practice thereof. The Jiumbej- of these people teems likel'y to increase very rapidly in the future, and for them a train- ing college in the county would be simply in- valuable (appliausd). The day training de- partmenis of the University Coflegc-s do not meet their needs. The tendency in these col- leges is to encourage unduly reading fo.r de- grees. Examinations arc emphasised, and veiy ii.tt.o time is left for the professional pa.rt of the work. The result of this is that a large num- ber of those who enter the Normal Departments professing a wish to become primary tcacheis go for secondary schools. This it" unfair, and the piacti.co must be stopped, and to epeak quite frankly, the specimens of teachers wo get from the normal departments of tho Univer- sity are not altogether what we want. Further, the training college in the county would bo :L groat boon to the rural districts. It is a cad fact' that few of those teachers arc trained. This is largely due to the lack of opportunity, and we. trust tha.t the establishment of a training college would bring the training within the roach of all, urban and rural1 alike (applause). There is one cthr class to whom the training college would bo a great boon. I J!1Hl.n the infants' teachers. As is well-known the Univer- sity College take oniy those who have matricu- lated, and on account of those there arc dozens of infants' teachers who cannot get the benefit of training. MOTHERLY INSTINCT BETTER THAN ERUDITION. I trusl that the day is net far off when attaiiir mente other than academical will be considered. As Sir John Goret pointed out a short time ago what is wanted in an infants' teacher is motherly instinct, and kindness. Academic at- tain moults are quite secondary (hear, hear). I feel fine that if a col'.ege were established in this county containing a strong kindergarten department a strong stimulus would be supplied to many a,n article 68 with good teaching capacity to at ail herself of its advantages. It appears to 1* that this ie the weakest point of our educational System—the lack of training in our infants' teachers. It has been taken for granted in the past that anybody could in- struct infants, but as a master of fact it re- quires more technical skill to instruct ijrfan's than to instruct adult scholars, and I belive that in the past infants have been l11o.re lleglectcd than any other portion of the school (applause). Last, but not least, the establishment of a train- ing co lege would tend to provide a stimulus for the whole enterprise of education in tho county. All the latest and best ideas would bo foe>!?i?ed there and would gradually radiate to every part of the county (applause). Mr Edward Roberts (Tlrymbo) seconded "the motion, and the Chairman put it to the meeting at once: It was carried nem. con. 0 Sir Fct-.ter. Cunliffe said he wou'd like to haye an opportunity of going more fully into the abatement which Mr Christmas Jones had just made, a.nd ho suggested that it should be dupli- cated and sent to all the members of the com- mittee. S. Davics concurred-, Mr Christmas Jones 'accepted tins suggestion, which wab agreed to by tho committee.


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