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RHYL'S GREAT IMPROVE- MENT SCHEME. NEW PAVILION AND MARINE GARDENS. THE EAST END SCHEME DEFERRED. # COUNCIL"KEFU?E TO WAIT LONGER FOR PIER PAVILION. RATEPAYERFMEETING TO BE CALLED AT ONCE. The Rhyl Council, on Monday, spent upwards of two hours in debating the great improvement scheme which they have in hand. There were present: Messrs T. D. Jones, J.P. (cha-irmain). A. Lewia Jones (rice-chairman), J. W. Jones, 8. Perks, J. Frimston, Fred. WaU'lis. Llew. B. Evaras, I. Batho, J. H. Eilia, H. A. Tiiilby. A. L. O.ows,' David Owen, A. Rhydwen Jones. T. Whit, y, J. Asher, Arthur RowlandU (clerk), L. G. Hail and water manager), A. A. Goodall ((purveyor). E. H. Wright (electrical lurid Robert Lowe (sanitary inspector). REPORTS OF "IN CAMERA" MEETINGS. The following reports were placed before the members of the proceedings which had taken oj-tce "in oamera" since the last opon meeting of the Council:. The Council in committee met. on October 21st to consider the matters embodied in re- solutions by Mr ELia, at the Council meeting on the 14th met., with reference to proposed prooKmade ex't-erisdona and a new pavilion. The Town Surveyor submitted pilaris and estimates as follows:—I. West Promenade Wideeming. No. 1 Scheme: The widening of the promematte from Edward Henry-street to the pl(1-80t.. wade— and making five new flower beds in existing pro- menade, .£2000. No. 2 Scheme: Wktenmg of the promenade from the bandstand ecmbayment to the pier, the additional part being iin the shape of a wedge, 80ft. wide at the erobay- ment. and 180 ft. wide a.t High-street, part of the addition to be asphalted and the other part !to be laid out with ornamentaJ. flower bedte, and grasspiate„ and five new flower beds on the exist- ing promenade estimate, £3°.°5. No. 3 Scheme: An additional! 200 feet in width to the pTcec-nt. promenac.Le extending from the bandstand em- baymenfc to the pieu\ a portion asphalted, and a portion l'aad out with flower beds and graea- plats. A &Lte for the proposed pavilion is pro- vided on the widened portion. £4000. In (schemes Nos. 1 and 2 the site for the pavilion is taken further seaward, the additional cost, beuig JB450. II. Promenade Extension: To extend the present Marine Promenade to the pier, to form slip-way on to beach at the end of Bath-street; the work oomprioos a ooa walil similar in character to the present eea waHl„ and levelling up with, sand; a 30ft. width of promenade, £3000. ill. Proposed Pavilion: The Town Surveyor submitted a plan, of a low building with a seating accommodation of about 1500. hetimated cost, £3500. After consider- able di&cufitiicKii it was resolved unani.rnout-iy: "That we recommend the Council to take alii the necessary steps to erect a pavilion on tho West Promenade, on a edte seaward of the band embay merit, or thereabout, according to plans- and at a cost to bo approved of by the Coun- cil." It was further resolved: "To appoint a. deputation to visit Great Yarmouth to gather information aa to pavilions, promenades, and works for the prevention of Rand-drift, etc. The deputation to consist of the Chairman, Messrs Ellis, dews, Tiiby. and D. Owen, with the Town Surveyor, with power, if thev should think ad- visable to caN in London at the Office of Woods, etc., and at the offices of the Local Government Board to ascertain their views as to tihe erection of and loan for the proposed pavilion. The clerk was instructed to invite 'the frontagers' (owners and occupiers) to signify their approval! of the proposed pavil ion—to astdwt the Council to obtain the oonMnt olf the Office of Woods. etc., to iits erection. The consideration of t'he proposed schemes for widening the promenades "was deferred awaiting the report of the depula- tiion. Tho committee of Iro whole Council met on November 4th: Chairman repoi-n>d ilie of tho deputation to Yarmouth on the 28th ult. They were attended by tho borougfh sur- veyor, who vory kindly lod them to see what liad been done there for the prevention of sand- drift by the laying out of par La of the &ea- ehore, the erection of pavilions, oto. Tiie de- putation were unanimously of the opinion that similar works in Rhyl wou!d prove of great iienefit—by adding greatly to the attractions of the They were prepared to recommend the Council to erect a substantial pavilion on the West Promenade, and to lay out a stretch »f about four acres of the foreshore adjoining the pavilion, to arrest the sand-drift and to beautify the grounds. Thiia would be treated as II. section of the contemplated scheme—embracing the Weet and East Promenades. The cost of the pavilion was estimated at between JE6000 and and £1000 for furniture., and the laying out of the grounds about £4000, The Town Surveyor read his report of the visit, a.nd Messrs Elilis, Tilby, Clowe,, and Owen, confirmed the re- ports of the chairman amd town' surveyor. The Town Surveyor submitted plains of tho pro- posed laying out of the promenade a.nd grounds. The Chairman aiiso reported attendances by the deputation in London on tihe 29th ult., at the Offiocs of Woods, Local Government Board, and Board of Trade. At each office they had bean courteously received, and assurances given of assistance in carrying out the proposed improve- ments. The dredging at Foryd was epeoiai.'ly discussed with Mr Stafford Howard, at the Office of Woods, etc., and with Mr Pelham at the Board of Trade. The deputations were assured that no works or dredging would be sanctioned .without inquiry or previous consultation with tho Council. Proposed by Mr J. W. Jonet^, seconded by Mr Taveirner: "That the recom- mendation of the deputation to Yarmouth to pro- Coed at once with the erection of a pavilion on the West Promenade, and to construct an enclo- sure, laid out in the form of gardens be a.p- proved, and that plans and designs be prepared by an architect, to be submitted to the opinion of tihe ratepayers." Amendment proposed by Mr Evans, seconded by Mr Wa-His: "Tha.t we take the opinion of the ratepayers as to carrying out the whole of the scheme for the West a.nd East Promenades." The committee divided: For five, against nine; lost. Amendment proposed •by Mr Perks, seconded by Mr Frimston: "That for the present we confine aJl preliminary pre- parations to the erection of a pavilion and site lor same." The committee divided: For three, against eleven; læt. Amendment proposed by Mr Eva-ns, seconded by Mr Walllis: we lay the whole scheme before the ratepayers, with a. recommendation to f-rect a pavilion and to carry out the scheme as rø: a,tin to the East Pro- menade. The oommittoe divided: For three, against eight.; iost. The original motion was thein put to the meeting and carried unanimously. Proposed by Mr Frimston, seconded by Mr J. W. J oner.: the site of the pavilion be opposite Queen-street or Water-street.. Carried unanimously. Proposed by Mr Ellas, seconded by Mr Taverner: "That wo invite a few archi- tects (named) to submit plana and estimates of a pavilion to accommodate about 1500 persona.' Carried unanimously. The dlerk to write to the architects and the committee to meet on am eariy date to consider tihe pl!a.ns. The c'lerk was in- structed to communicate with the Local Govern- ment Board with reference to the borrowing of money for tho erection of the pavilion etc." SOME QUESTIONS. Mr Rhydwen Jones asked how ma.ny replies the Town Clerk had rokeived to his letter ask- ing for the views of the frontagers. The Town Clerk replied that he had sent ouit about 50 Jottens to the owners and occupiers, and had had sevaral answers. Some were against tho scheme. Mr Rhydwen J ones next iwyuired how far the dot tern bad been sent on the West Parade. Tho Town Clerk said he had sent them to tho&o between Edward Henry-street and High- Btreet. Mir Jones said he did not consider that tihe Town Olerk had done what was right. He understood that thov weiro to be sent to the people on tho West Parade. If the Town Cferk looked upon tho portion of the Parade to wfluch he had sent as "the West Parade" he had nothing further to. say. Several members pointed out that the Town Clerk had obeyed orders, and had sent the letters to the persons who wore interested ai, frontagers. The Chairman said the Council had met in committee, and had thoroughly thraehed out niattors, a.nd he moved that the reports aa printed be adopted. lie considered that the scheme would grefrjy benefit tho town, and he hoped it wcu d be carried out. Mr J. W. Jones seconded. MR S, PERKS LEADS THE OPPOSITION. Mr S. Porks said he d'csdired to bring forward the amendment which he had moved in tho committee, but in doing eo he did not wish to projucLioe the remarks or tho imfluodioo of the pMit.emen who had gone to Yarmouth. In tact, he foilt tfeafc the town was deeply indebted to thom for the trouble tthey had taker) and they siiould bo grateful, to them for what' they oid and tne recommendations they made. He wished to ay that Mr J. H. 'Eli-is deuerved great credit for bringing the inatttv forward too wan tho first one to menliion it. He was »so of tho opinion that ((hey wanted to do eonie- wung more for Rhyl in the way of attractions. • ,,li0 P'osont tune thov had many naturail- ad- vant;ig«s, atthcy. wanted something more than *»axv and that 'socmothin^" was attractions (hear, hoar). Rhyl W8(; one of the older watering plaoea on the coast, and in order to bring it to the front and to add to natural attractive- onass .it xeqwirod amuiiomeaits and the building of a pavii'ion wherein high-da^s cocnoerts could be given. He hoped that ve.ry soon they would have a structure that would be a credit to the town (hear, hear). It was pmpcead to spend between S8000 and £10,000 on a pavilliion and in providing concerbs in- side as well, as outeido for the attractions of visitors. That wouid mean something like a 4d rate, and they had to remember that the most sanguine of tibem did not expect that it would pay for the finst few years. In Margate it was said tha,t the town had derived a. profit of something like £2000, and at Bridlington the same happy state of things existed. He had tOvory ooThfidanoethat if tthey in Rhyl had a good paviJion and a. first-oWs band that they would be abfte to make good use of it.. So far he witih the Coutnoii on the matter, but he was not in favour of the other jw^toon of the scheme— to oarry tihe promenade seaward, and to hay it out in ornamental gardens. He agreed that it was a veiry desirable thing, a.nd that 6.udh a. scheme woidd add to the attractivenets of the town, but he asked them as men. of busmen to hesitate before they embarked on such a, gigantic undertaking. They had he-ard what had been dono at Yarmouth,, but he would like to be more (satisfied as to wha.t the result of fmGh a eclfoenie wottld be on the eeafront at Rhy' Woad the scheme prevent the sand Wowing on to the pro- menade and street? In YarmoutJh, he was told, that tho low water mark was about 100 yards away, but in Rhyl it was nmoh further, and they had four or five times the distance for the eand to blow, and the question nwtural'ly as to wliether they would not. have as mneTl trouble with the sand on the iMyw promenade as they ha.d with it on the old one of to-day. He asked them to defer tho garden portion of for the present in order that t'hey might have more information,, and a'so to compare the work at Rhyl with what was done at other places. He oonXcffiüdehwt ho wae..iraitibej sceptical on the nnattier. a.nd he could not forget that a const durable portion of the sand which came on t'he Went Parade blew over from the other side of the Foryd. It wouild blow over houses much Less over a river. It was al/1 very. wo.R. to talk about this portion of the sohome. but they should hesitate before embarking on the large expendi- ture^ as the logical conclusion was that, if tihoy carried out this part, tihey would have to carry out. thie whole of what was oontempiiatad., and so the expense wou/d: be very heavy. He moved that thov proceed with the pavi'iion only now. Mr Rhydwon Jcnee seooaided, and said he hoped tha.t the Counci'l would fully reailiise thear 'ixJsponaihiKities in the matter. It was but a month ago that tho matter was first brought up. yet tliey had had a. deputation to Yarmouth, and schemes had been formulated,, ready for putting into effect. The deputation was supposed to havo go'no away with the idea of ascertaining means for checking t'he sand nui^ancx>, but they came baolc with that object forgotten,, and in its plaoo they had a gigantic scheme for laving out the seiafront. They proposed,, not to cirieck the sand-drift, but to iay cut aa gardens a.bout 3 acres of the foreshore, out of some 12 aores. He had been told that it was not the intareats of the West Parade tJaat they were oonsidexing', but the interestE of tho town as a He agrecsd that they should consider the intereslB of the town, but it was not. Tight to dMnage the imteiesta of the people an the West Parade in the way that was proposed. They ehouid have an equal interest in the development a.nd beautifying of the whole of the town. He was sorry to think that the matter had been rushed an the interests Of a few,, and he was told that the architects had been instructed to have their plans ready by next Monday,, November 18th. Mr J. H. F/is Hear. hear. I Mr Rhydwen Jones added that it was aTv very w-ellil to rush things in ilhat way, but were tho oouncilors acting on their own Tesponsifbiliity or wore they acting in the beet iimteircsts of the ratepayers? One of the heaviest ratepayers in had told him tha.t what tfhev proposed doln.g meant a ahiFting rate for the town. They air- knew what hie meant, and how weill acquainted with such .mntteirs he Wias. Mr Elite: He has never said so to me. Mr Jonas •reported tihat they wore. rus.h'i:ng mafcteir^, and that their attitude towards the sand-drift nuisance had changed since the do- putation went to Yarmouth. He hoped the (riatepayiOM wouHd not alow the C^ounaif to act on their own wsponsibi'ity, but that they would insist upon having something more definite ain character before deciding to spend so mudh money. THE CHAIRMAN CORRECTS MR RHYD- WEN JONES. The Ohairma.n said he felt bound to contradict Mr Jones. They not acting on their own responbibiiity. It. was true that had asked certain architects to lay sketch plans and sug- gestions before them on Monday next, but before anything was decided UpDill t'he .ratepayers would be called together &t 0.. pub'ic m{}ting. and tihe whofle matter would be put before them. If the ratepayers said they only wanted a pavilion the Council would go on. with that alone. If they wanted the gardens and not t'he pavilion tihey would say and it would be the fame way with the combined scheme, or a.ny otihe.r scheme that was brought forward. Ho denied that there was any rushing in the way Mr Jones suggested. Mr J. W. Jones said he rose to supporttloo .recommendation of the Council in committee. He was surprised to find that Mr Rhydwen Jones ohargfed them WitJl attempting to riudi the scheme through. Had they not spent nearly two days in discussing the matter, and had tihey not given the subject the fullest possible oon- i?,:delation? He had hoped tliat there wouM not have been a. public diuou&Mon on the matterr until they had had more mature plans before them, so that they wodd have known what w-afl the real scheanc. but ala the matter had been opened they had better deal with it. Repre- sentatives of several wel'-known firms of ardhi- tects had been down to Rhyl, and they were to prepare and submit designs for a pavilion and W'luen those designs were ready thoy would bo able to go fu.by 'into the matter. It was abso- lutely necessary that something shoul'd done for Rhyl by next scission, as the paucity of enter- tainments and attractions last year had done oon- siderable injury to the town. They did not want a repetition of what occurred last year with reference to the band. They were pushing matters it was true., but with, the object of gott.ing something done for next season. He hoped that the Council would that day re-affirm its decision to go in for a. pavilion worthy of the town and also for o.rnamenta'l gardens.. Mr Rhydwen Jones, he understood, did not object to the scheme as a whoLe. Mr Rhydwen Jones said he wanted something mare d'efinite, and did not want tihem to lose sight of the measures for stopping the sandr- drift. Mr Jonett replied that that was what they were doing. They were taking the scheme in hand in giections. They did not want to try and oa.rry out aU ttho scheme at onœ, or it would be damned from the first, as nothing woud be acoompliialied in time for next season. What they now pro- posed to do was to build a, pavilion and to have at surrounded by something that waa attractive. It was no good having a pavilion tin!lei-H there were attractive surroundings, as wiiflx>ut the gardens the pavilion would not be tho success they wanted it to be. They wanted open-air concerts as weilll as the in-door attractions, arltd the gardens would be not only a source of re- venue, but they would be en attraction for visitor. They did not expect that there would bo a profit for a few years, but he believed that the ratepayers were prepared to pay some- thing towards the cost for a few years. Thoy wanted in Rlhyl to build up the reputation of the town, as at present they did not compare very favourably with some towns, but if they carried out this scheme in a very few years they would be in the front rank, and that, c-oufld only be secured and maintained by having something attractive. They should not damn the town for the sake of saving £2000 or A scheme might be dear tha.t wotld be cheap at £20,000. In RhVl, he was errry to eay, they did not go far enough with tibeir enterprises. lie asked thorn to bo unfa-nimoua in thin, matter. Tiiey had in the past suffered from a lamentable lack of co-operation. They had plenty of natural attractions, but they must supple merit them with something else, arid he believed that, if they carried "this scheme through ihey. would very soon p"e Rlhyi in the position it should occupy as an attraotivo plaoo for visitors. THE GARDENS OBJECTED TO. Mr Frimston while supporting that of tho pavilion, said lie would oppose the garden sclheme. He considered that, tihey were embark- ing on an undortakinig which they were not in position to carry out at prcecnt. They knew that in the past the great fault of the Council had been that tfhey started with somot/bing that was little, but which Ultimately grew to sudh dimensions that they had spent thousands mOIre than they wore entitled to spend. Mr J. W. Jones had aooused tihem of ia.ck of cooperation in the past, but he disputed tlhat accusation, and would instanoo the West Promonade scheme on wtiiali they had been united. Mr J. W. Jones replied that ho did not refer to the Council 80 much as to private enterprise. Mr Frimston said he that they had also supported private enterprise. Had thoy not given the Pier Company support, and had tihey not gone out of their even to the breaking of their bye-laws, to the Piuaco Company, He had to complain tliat tihey did not eupporfc that which 'had been proposed for the benefit of the town. lie had urged that thev should build a new band stand. The surveyor had prepared plans-and proposed to spend about £600 on it, but from time to time the scheme had boon shelved, a.nd he supposed that they would "go on haying the same tin pot band that tihey had had in the past." He had taken a strong opposition to going on in that way, and had that if they spent money on a pavMion it would be a. source of attraction to visitors, and would afford them shelter from tho cold winds. Thoy next had plarnu of a email pavilion, but they did not, approve of them. Next a large firm were asked to Ðcnd in plans, but wihen it was stated that it woued cost seme- thin" like £3000 they all got frightened and they ooullo. not get anyone to support tihe scheme. Mr TNby: Quite right, and I would oppctso it now. I would oppose spending that sum on a mere bandstand. Mr Frimfebon added that it had been left to I the firm to send in plans later on. They had done nothing from that day untiiL Mr brought forward this large schemo. He gave Mr Ellis a!ll credit for what he had done, and felft that no one but Mr Ellis would have (had the courage to do it. He W doing at he could to lift up tho town, but he (Mr Fiim- ston) fellt that the first. thing they wanted was a pavilion, a.nd the absence of it had lowered the claes of visiitoie. to the town. They knew quita wel'1 tlhat visitors who camo to Rhyl now did not pay the same price as they did a few years ago, and the reason waa that ihere was no pavilion witih foigh-cltuse concerts to attract the class tha.t formerily came to the town. Let them that olates back again, and t'he residents wound hiavo more prosperous times, and they would bo the more able to embark on further schemes of improvement. They could not afford to increase the rates. Last year each committee hiad been asked to ire vice their estimates so that tho rate should not exceed fu 6d. They could not say that the town was in a position to bear the expon&e of the gardens, and they should wait a ÜtÜe longer. He fellt that they might spend a little money on widening the roadway of tilio promenade;, but 'he would; not not vote for the gardens. MR ELLIS DEFENDS HIS SCHEME. Mr J. I-I. Ellilis said he was delighted to find tihat there was a ireal interest being taken in and thaot the inhabitants wew most anxious to do something that would enhance the reputation of Rhyl- When ho first thought of the idea of duplicating th rromenade hÐ thought they should widen it some 60 or 80 feet, and asphalte a portion of it seaward and lay out a few flower beds. Then Use Council in its wisdom decided that a deputation should giO to Yarmouth in order to see how the foro- e:~w>re had been treated there- They found that that place at one time had an arid ex- panse) o eand auoh as Rhyl possossedj and when the wind wap from the east t&e sand was blown up in sudh volumes that eaoh year the Corpora- tion had to cart away some 50,000 to 60,000 leads. Tha.t coat, something like j3800 per an C num, and it was money that was absolutely wasted. Rhyl was in a like position, and eaoh year thiery spent hundlreds of pounds in carting away the pand Which returned year after year. The first idea was to join the li^sst Promenade with that on the west, but when tihey came to consider matters the Council were very anxious that they should do something more. He found that tho members who at first were lukewarm now went in for the larger soheme in a whole hearted manner, and that they ware determined that the front should bo madia attractive and Miat a. pavilion should bo erected Before he went to Yarmouth his idea was to 1ha ve a wall seaward so that it would air rest the sand, but he now saw that they could do much better than tihat- The-" had found that they could utilise the screen that was to be put up for the prevention of sand dtrift, by making shelters on both sides, thus (serving a double purpose- The pavilion would bo attached to the ornamental gardens, and people would pay to go into that encilcBuriO. At Yarmouth such a plan had been followed out and now instead of spending £700 or J6800 per annum to clear away useless aaaiiQ1 the cost did not amount to £5, and t'hey had for thedr money something that was useful and ornamental- He did not think Rthyl would be justified in going to the expense of the pavi- lion nidess they also had the gardens, as they would not effectually check the sand-drift by the pavilion only. In the enclosed' gardens at Yarmouth thono wererdreshanent roome so that people ooidd have a cup ot tea or other ratrosharrjaats vvhilio enjoying the eea breczea under the beat of conditions. Thoy could sit slheltered from tho sea and listen to the band while partaking of refreshments. In Yarmouth the caterer paid £350 par annum for his privi- leges, and at Rhyl they oould carry out isome- tlnmg on the same lines- He felt that the rate- payers were witih them in what thoy proposed, and he agreed that it would' not pan thom to put up a shoddy structure theme- Mr Ithvdwen Jones spoke as if he alone represented the opinion of the West Ward (lau"inter)- Did ho forget that there wtOre others elected by the ratepayers of that ward ? He had been return- ed again and again by tho Wegt Wardl. a.nd he prided liimseli that he enjoyed the confidence of the people (hoar, hear). He had spoken to some 20 or 30 persons from the west, and he was of the opinion that they fairly well voiced tho opinion of the majority. It was all vory weM to pay that, people objeoted to their views being spoiled. But. no fiound tha.t they did not oare much whether they did not nave a view of tho pier or of the Orme's Head so Long as thoy g-ofc visitors to the town. "Get UjS visitors" was the Cry. and when visitors-Were brought to Rhyl the lodigiiig-'housokeiopcrs were prepared to pay a Little more. Every bLisin0S6 man know that he had to spend a. uttle money be- fore he could increase his business, and that if he still and1 did nothing the customers he had would soon go. It wad the same with a seaside town- Lot them once get into a stag- nant condition and other towns took away their visitors- The attractive town drew visitors, and the slow placet. 10st those they had- He did not deny that tho might be increased afc first. but WitS it not betteir to pay a little more and to have plenty of visitors than to go on paying the same rates without any fresh supplies ooming in ? It was said' tha.t the pavilion would cost £9000, with £1000 ifor fur- nifihing. Tlhen the gardens would cost some- thing like £4000. At the same time it was urged that thoy should go on with the East End work, as that would give more direct employment to the many men who he was soirry to see, weiro idle in Rillyl that day. The 90hC''I1lethey proposed to oarry out now woald give work to many. and it would' be the means of allowing the men to eann a 'living without pauperising them, Moreover, it would be an attractive feature and source of revenue for next Let them make the town, attractive and they would find that Birmingham, Man- chester, and Liverpool pooplo would flock dhero in larger numbers- Someone had written to him fnom Bournemouth, and there was a great, deal of truth in. wSiat was said- They wrote "Sorvo you right if you do net catoi- for visi- tors if the visitors go where they cam be cater- ed for." Let tham put tihe matter fairly and 9(juarely before Use r.at.e<rnyero, and it was for them to decide how far they wOlùd go. What- ever they did as a Council thev should not be divided among thomseilveis. As regards Mr Rhydwen Janes he really did' not knowr what he wanted., for has verbosity was really appal- ling (laughter). Mr Tiiby considered that they had really wasted nnioh valuable timo in discussing a matter upon whidh they had already made up their minds fuillly. It was an extraordinary thing that tlhat dtay they had to speak and vote on. that which they had decided a week pre- viously. But as tihe question had been oponed ha had something to say to Mr Rhydwen Jones. In ILho first place they were charged as a do- putation wi-tih going to Yarmoutn and coming back with something entirely different to that wihidh they v.Ten)t for- It was as if they had gone to Paris artd' returned with a bran new fashion for a. bat (laughter)- A month ago they carried a proposal to extend the West Pro- menade ana to erect a pavilion, and the depu- tation went to Yarmouth for the purposo of seeing whether wfliat was suggested could be oarried out in a practical manner. What did thoy find wihen they got to Yarmouth? Mr Ellis had gone there with the idtea that a blank wal] woulld have been sufficient to keep back tihe sand, and he thought of adding another Sitretclh. of fla,ring asphalt to the sea f ron t. They found that what had been done at Yarmouth would suit thean in Rhyl, and while the gar- dens primarily would prevent tine sand' cfrift they did not stiggest the c-ardens because they were gar,dem. Yarmouth had not carried out its isohenio all at once. They commenced, as proposed to do, with a stretch in the oentre of the Promenade, and at first they were opposed1 by the people, but no sooner had one section been carried out the ratepayers in- sisted on the wlhiole work being completed. The Chairman of the Council and he were of the same opinion and they seemed to have the same thoughts at the same time. As soon as they aaw wthat Yarmouth had done they' with one voice explained that if it came to a ques- tion of Rhyl going withou/t either the pavilion or the gardens they would prefer in the inte- rests of the town to do without the pavilion- Rlhyl to-day ha& no gathering place for the visitors- There was nowhere where they oould assemble for pleasure in the open air. and tho gardens were jutst what were required. They would be able to meet at the (rardens, to sit and road, or sow or knit, and at the same time listen to tlie ba.nd. Tly would charge for adlmisaion to the gardens, and there would be a &;»ur>ce ofrcve.lJuiO for vho town. The object of the gardens was nrimarily to prevent the sand drift, and secondly, it would be a so'urco a; attraction. it was questioned whether the gardens would op sand drift; well, tn any caae they would have 3 acres less sand1 to blow about, and a saving under that head was bound to be affected. Mr Frimston had actually proved at one meeting that they could clear something like £250 to J3500 by having a £6000 pavilion, so that, if they put another JB4000 to it the inoreüood expanse to the ratepayers in annual repayments would not bo such that, they would iose nmoh money, as the profit on Mr Frimston's figures would n<lV the increased changes. It was aid that they ware rushing things, but Ihow could that be &o when they were to submit their proposals to a pyblic meeting? If by pushing matters forward in order to get something for next season it was said that they wom rushing matters then he took it as a compliment and that they woro moving more rapidly than in the past- Last season was said to have been a wrddwd sea. son as regards attractions, and each sea-son that went by would make matters worse unless they were prepared1 with some attractions for visi- tors- They wanted to rush things forward to find work for the men who stood idly at the comers, and were they to be blamed for tha..t? Mr Parks said ha wanted to save expanoo, as if they dropped the larger schema thay would not have to pay for the plana. • Mr Tilby replied that the plans for the pavi- lion Wel loing prepared' by ardhitocts. That would be the oiuy expense for plans, as the surveyor would draw the plans for the orna- mental gardens. Mr As her agreed that they wanted to do [something with the eand drift other than play- ing- battledore and sthuttlcoook with it, but ho bopod that they were alive to tho fact that (Ibey would have to spend more money on the gasworks, the electric Light, and soworage system. A vote was then taken on Mr Perkis' amend- ment. wihich was defeated by 12 votes to 3, the memibens voting as follows:—For Mr Perks' amendment that a pavilion only be built: Mr Perks, Mr Frimston, and Mr Rhydwen Jones. Against: The Cnairman, Vioe-Chairman, Messrs Clews, Tilbv, Llew. B- Evans, Asher, J. W. Jones. D. Owen, F. Wallis, J. H. Ellis, Whitley, and Batho- MR EVANS FAVOURS A LARGER SCHEME Mr Llew. B. Evans then moved that they submit a/loo to the .ratepayers the scheme for joining tihe East Promenade to the pier. Mr Clews seconded, andl strongly urged tlhat it was necessary to prevent the huge sand drift in the East End. Mr Perks said ho would vote against the scheme ae it was too gigantic at present. He pointed out that the eistimatea for many works in Rhyl had been greatly exceeded, and the.re was no guarantee that in this case they kocp within bounds- The sewerage was to cost £14.000, but it cost £30,000. While the electric light scheme cost £30,000 instead' of £ 15,000- Mr J- W. Jones urged the Council to adhere to the pavilion and gardens only now. or they would find that they had too much in hand to get anything dono for next season. Mr Frimston said he would go with the majo- rity, and wouild not vote for spending more monev. Mr Ellis realised that, the East End scheme ought to be carried out, and agreed that it would find plenty of work, a.nd that the Local Government Board would no doubt permit that to no on while they were waiting tor the in- quiry for the other schemes. They would save money in preventing eand dlrift, and so euro was Mr David Owen that for £3000 tho East End work could done that lie wap prepared to »esig.n and undertake the work at that figure. lYLr Owen said that was Mr Tilby said he had opposed tha East End scheme years ago, because they had no money, and for that reason, he opposed It for the pro- sent. He agreed that it was required, but the other portion was ttrnt, and they should concentrate their efforts on that part which would bring visitors to Rhyl and add to the at- tractions- He did not suippose that the East. End Boheme bring visitors here, but the pavilion and gardens would- On a voto bsiriig taken, Mr Evans' amendment was defeated by nine votes to five, the voting being EllS follows:—For: Messrs Ellis, Evans, Wallis, Clews, and Rhydwen Jones. Against: Messrs Tiiby, Asher, J. W. Jor.es, Owen, Frimston Whitley, Batho, the Chairman, and V ice-chairman- SITE OF THE PAVILION. It was decided that the councillors meet on the foreshore on Mondlay next at 10 to do- cide the site of the pavilion, it being laid down that fit should be either at the top of Water- street or the top of Quocn-stireet. MR FRIMSTON WANTS THE PROMENADE ROADWAY WIDENED. Through some mistakes a minute was inserted in the proceedings of tho Road Committee that tile roadway on the West Promenade be widen- ed., but Mr Ellis explained that it should bo that it be asphalted. Mr Rhydwon Jones moved that the work bo done as per minute, and M" Firimston, in supporting. urged that now was the time to oanry out tho work, a.nd that a loan could be had with tho pavilion loan. He said that for years they wanted to widen the roadway, as the traffic was congested- Mr Tiiby opposed?, and said that the traffic wes not anything like as congested .as in Lon- don, and he was sure tihat they could, not get a loan for rt" as the promenade loan was not yot paid off- On a vote being taken it was decided to a¡3- phalt and not to widen the roadway- THE PIER PAVILION OFFERED TO THE COUNCIL. A letter was read from the architects of the Pior Pavilion suggesting that the Council should' conifer with them. and Mr Wanhurst as to the Council taking up the Pier Pavilion scheme, M.r Warhurst being ready to meet them. Mr Afiher hoped the Council would have nothing-. (further to do witih Mr Wanhuist. Lot them stick to what they meant to do for tliem- solvos. He was sick and tired of hearing so much about, tiho Pavilion on the Pier. The Chairman: Wa have hea.rd from Mr War hurst for years, and we never get any nearer- Mr Ellis: There is. no finality in the matter- We are not aa tidied with anything that is dano. It goes on for evor. M'r Aflhiar added that they could novor settle anything with Mr Warhnrat. There were plenty of proanlise/s, and he would vote against any delay in order that they oould deal with him. The Council had docidod on a pavilion for the Jet them pet on to business. Mr Eiilis It wilt do him good. It was decided to take no notice of bhe mat- ter-




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