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HOME TEACHING SOCIETY ¡ FOR THE iiLIND. QIiIW j ANNUAL MEETING AT FWLLKEfcl. < RECORD OF WORK IN NORTH ttaLES. The annual meeting of the North Wales Home Teaching Society, for the Blind, was held at the Ctiurch Hall, Pwllheli, yesterday week, under the presidency of Colonel 0. Lloyd J. Evans. There was a large attendance, and considerable interest was manifested in the exhibition of mat, brush. ba3ket and I)ther work done by the bÍind, ANNUAXi REPORT. Mr E. A. Young, iun;. urju, uaiijur (on behalf of -urd 1: 'JIHI! the nun. gee. ul tile society), submitted "He annuiu report, wuicii wall as tvlJOW;- 1n it\lowing 1,.1I woiiv ttio society lias done during a i|iuiw oi a century, we leel mat its iounucra Will De tsutiened tuao tutu- enorts to "gIve systematic Ill- euuctiOii to me bJlna or a luorougmy rural district" iiuve Den fouowcu by many biessiugs anu the practi- CLtt atlL1 Willing c-upyort 01 ail WH/J iiuve beei; 1Jn}gtlt intj Close CUlllact wnh the work. At the enu ot tile nrt year lnere were 10:3 biind pnóons Uti our books,—u>ia year tnere wen: J\;id,-tll\J Hlcreasetl number btmg accounted for by tin; fad tuut our teacuers VISIt over a iuucm larger area; tins indicates tile growth of the Society, but the work is son growing, jJl iact, we members 01 the committee scmeumtB say tliat- "it spreadt; in s}utc of us." for toe great aimcuity is to increase our Subscription list in proportion to the increase of our expeu&eu. We are making a epevial enort. wis year tu Oraw in fresh interest, as we find it impossible tv carry on our 0rdmary working expenses lit so low a 1JgUJO Ii it j has tJçen done neretotore, aud those who Know the J1.t\ure and extent of tne coulltry over which we work, wiil realise that tne visiting, teaching and checring tne bund ill 80 large a district, necessitates helLvy! trayeJJing expen8e, especially III pome of the out- lying places, wncre carnage hire is at times absolutely lieceisary, yet on account 01 their very loneiiness these cases are often those that need llJOst help. Every e:furt is made nnù will continue to ùe made, to keep tile expenses a low 118 PQH81bJe. but we du, want more money, ana more annual subscriptions. Those who caretuny examine the accounts will, we think, agree that a larger sum is needed to carry on the increasing work efficiently, and having had so much encouragement in the past, we appeal con- fidently fur mote Help in the future. A large share of t.ie success the Society has en. joyed JS due t,) our senior teacher, Mis3 Kllis, who began her duties when the Society was first organ- ised, her quiet helpfulness in all times of difficulty her unceasing devotion to the cause of the blind, a-nd^ her untiring patience and bact. have endeared her to all with wtiom she has worked. Those who were present at the lit h Annual Meeting may remember that when the question of changing the Society's name from "The Bangur Home Teaching Society for the Blind" to "The North Wales Home Teaching Society for the Blind" was being discussed, one of the speakers, while approving of the change, ad- ded, "But you know, you may call it what you like, but. the blind people will always can it 'Miss Kills- we arc not. jealous of our teacher, but only hope that she may be spared for many more years of happy work with UII. ST. ASAPH AND NEWTOWN BRANCHES. Thece two braneJws whieh were offiliated to the Society last year, are us yet hnrely in working order. So far 26 blind persons have been put on our books in the St. Asaph Branch, and IS in the Newtown branch, several in both districts have expressed a wish to learn t,) read, :1.1)(1 good progress has already beEn mady by Bom, WlO appear very grateful for the inlerest taken in them. Our thanks are due to tiie ladies in both (]istrjcti<, WJII) have helped to organise the work, and those in the different parishes who have undertaken the duties of visitor." SICK AND INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. The work of this branch has increased so much, that one of our teachers, Miss Davies, has now been appointe,1 secretary tl) the Industrial side, Each years sees one 01' "two more pupils returning to their homes, from the Manchester and Liverpool Schools, I fitted to do something towards earning their own living, if we can find a steady market for the goods they make,— our annual sales are a great help in this direction, but we aiso want as many orders as pos- sible to enable us to give them employment all the year round. Orders for mate, baskets, ete" of all sorts and sizes will be most gratefully received, and should be Ijent to Miss Davies, Kyffln Place, Bangor, who will do all she can to ensure prompt and careful attention to the orders. We are much indebted to Dr. Grey Edwards, who has successfully treated many eye cases, free of charge, both private!y and at the C. and A. In 1lrmary. THE SOCIETY'S FINANCES. The balance sheet for the year ended July Jet last, showed that the receipts amounted to £54 188 Id. This amount included £149 IUs Gd annual sub- scriptions; £9 7s annual grants; and.1.:7 138 0d donations. The expenditure amounted to £250 15s M., leaving a balance in hand of £4 2s 4d. The balance sheet of the sick and industrial branch showed that at the end of the year there was a credit bal- ance of £15 4s 5d. Referring to the accounts. Mr Voting said: I will endeavour briefly to explain our financial position to you. Let me ta!:c you over our last three years' accounts, ending on the 1st July each year fur 1905, 190C and 1907. The first of those three years our ex- penditure was £:!08, in the following year £230, and last year (the account now in your hands) .£249. and to meet that we received the first year in subscrip- tions, donations, etc., £199, and the second year and last year ,£2!):J, so you see we were £ 9 to the bad in 1905, and £ 2 short the following year and this year, we fortunately had a balance to the good of 2s 4d, which, however, is too small a margin to enable 118 to carry on the work to the best ad- vantage. In fact, instead of being £4 to the good, we should have been £1 on the wrong side but for a special gift from it friend of £5. The Society's work ia steadily pushed further and further all over North Wales, so that the number of blind on our books has now increased to 366 and our annual ex- penses naturally increase also. We have also a, branch called the Sick and Industrial Branch, through which £63 was paid outlast year to our blind folk in the shape of grants to the sick £9 12s 8d, grants of materials, etc., to tho Industrial Elind £4. Jis lOd and £6 for spectacles, etc., for partially blind per- Sons, and £43 was paid for maintenaee and tuition in Henshaw s Asylum, where we send blind persons to learn a trade,—and you can see and purchase the baskets and mats etc., after the meeting,—and please Jet me tell you that our annual sale of work is not like a bazaar, because the Society makes no profit bv the sale, but distributes every penny received to those blind people who made the mats, baskets, etc. I therefore conlidenly place these accounts before you. and appeal most earnestly to each one of you for your generous help. We badly want more annual subscriptions and donations, and I feel sure that the other speakers, who will now address you, will so move your hearts that you will gladly open your pockets to help us, and please get a pencil out of your pocket at the same time. and you will find I have made it very easy for you just to fill in the amount you would like to subscribe and sign it. The Dean of Bangor, the Rey. j. Puleston Jones, Mr J. G. Jones (Llwynffynon)J, and the Vicar of I wllheh, spoke in eulogistic terms of the work done under the auspices of the Society. INTERESTING PRESENTATION. Miss Ellis. Bangor, the head teacher of the Society, was presented with an illuminated address and a purse containing as an expression of apprecia- tion of the excellent work she had done. The presentation was made by Mrs Williams Ellis, Glasfryn l'awr. in the absence, of Lady Verney. Miss Ellis briefly acknowledged the gifts, and thanked the members for their kindly fecinig towards her. The usual votes 01 thanks closed the meeting. It is interesting to note that the amount ot" goods sold and remitted to the blind persons who made ths various articles WM £49 Jljs 10d., and the sum re- alised at the tea stall for the benefit of the kcicty amounted to close upon £ 10.





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------jEDWARDS-OWEN. ------

--'....;""""-CONWAY CHUliCH…








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