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LLANDUDNO URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION. MEDICAL OFFICER CONDEMNS POLICE BUILDINGS. CELLS DANGEROUS TO HEALTH OF INMATES The monthly meeting of the Llandudno Ur- ban DisUriot Council was held on Wed'needay, Mr Samuel Chantrey presiding, and tn. other members present wore:—Messrs E. E. Bone, T. W. Griffith, Henry Wilson, J. R- Dawson, J. J. Marks, J. 0. Thomas. W. H. Jones, Da- vid Davies, Ihos- Smith. Robert Roberta, Hugh Edwards and William Thomas, together with Mr Walter Wood (accountant), E. P. Steven- son (engineer and surveyor), W- D. Longsihaw (deputy clerk), H. Morton (eleotrioal engineer), J. Shadbolt (gad manager). Mr F. J. Sarson was unavoidably absent- SANITARY INSPECTOR'S SALARY. The Sanitary Committee recommended uhat Mr W. Little be re-appointed as inspector of nuisanoos for a furtfner period of three yeaNl at an increased salary of £156 per annum. Mr Robert Roberts proposed that the matter be referred back for further consideration- Mr J. R. Dawson seconded- Upon being put to the vote, the proposer and eecond'er only voted for the amendment, and ail the otiher members in favour of the com- mittee's recommendation, which "was carried. CABMEN'S SHELTERS- The Bye-La wa Committee reported that they were in favour of the erection of two movable shelters as an experiment—one in Lloyd-street and one near the Masonic Hall or in other suit- able positions. They asked the Council to ex- press on opinion on tihe matter. The Surveyor explained that what was sug- gested was a movable shelter on wheels- Mr Hugh Edwards thought the men wanted jfiieltera not for themselves, but for tlhe horses- Mr Davicf Davies was of the same opinion, and the matter was referred back to the com- mittee for further consideration- PROPOSED MILITARY BAND. A letter was read from Mr A. Group, of Birk- dale, asking for permission to bring a small military band of nine performers to Llandudno during the ensuing months of November to March. Mr W m. Thomas proposed that the matter be referred back to the committee witSh a view of giving the local bancf an opportunity. Mr E. E. Bone: Some might object to a military band on the grounds that it might encourage a spirit of militarism (laughter)- Mr J. R. Dawson seconded Mr Thomas' pro- position, which was carried. LLANDUDNO'S HISTORY. A letter was read from the Rev. J. Spintiher James, M.A.. asking for permission to inspeot the old minute books, etc-, of the Council as be was about to write a book on the history of Llandudno. The application was granted. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE SEASON. A letter was read from the Llaiwfudino Rate- pavers' Association regretting the fact that the Liverpool and Nortih YVaks Steamship Com- pany had stopned running their boats, and re- questing the Council to Cake steps to prevail upon the company to extend their season next year. The matter was referred to the Bye-Laws Committee. A MATTER OF PROTECTION. The Electricity Committee reported visiting the Electricity Works, and dieoustsing the ap- plication of the Ligiht Railway Company Jt'or permission to erect a booster in the position indioate<j in the Electricity Works. They now recommended that the Council agreed to the proposal on the following condi- tions, namely:—(a) On payment of an annual rent of £20. (b) 'Hie Rallwav Company to ao oept aid. responsibility in relation to the mach- ine and to indemnify the Council, (Q) The mach- ine to be removed at three months' notice if the space be required by the Council for ex- temsion of plant." Mr David Davies moved as an amendfrnent that the matter be referred baok; to tihe Com- mittee, on the ground that the committee had not made the best bargain they could with the Railway Company. For reasons which, the Bpeakeir specified in detail he thought the Coun- cil should ask the company to y JE50 per an- num for the privilege. Mr Dawaon seconded. The Eleotrioal Engineer, in reply to questional, taid the machinery referred to would be part and parcel of that by means of which the Coun- cil would be supplying electric energy to tho oompany, and it would be regulated b- the Council's employees. There would be little if any risk attending the working of the maohin- ery. Mr T. W. Griffith said' three members of the committee, who inapacted the worka. were in favour of the reoommendation submitted to the Council, while the remaining one was against it, and he personally felt that that was the best bargain the Council could make with the company- Mr Griffith added that plenty of obstacles had been already placed in the way of the Railway Companv's wool&rtaking, and it was time that the authorities beran to meet them as far as they reasonably cuuld. Mr Bone pointed out that, in regard to tihe termination of the oontraot between the parties, it was desirable that the Council protected themselves more adequately, and with that end in view he moved that, as an addendum to the committee's recommendation,, a clause be in- serted to the effect that, Drovided the Counoil decided that the arrangement was prejudicial to their interest, they could terminate the con- tract after giving twelve months' notice to the company- Mr Marios seconded. On a division, tihe committee's recommenda- tion was adopted with the addition of the clause proposed bv Mr Bone- DULYN EMBANKMENT IMPAIRED. The Engineer submitted a lemgrthy report re- lating to the progress made up to the 5th iost- on the sdheme for repairing the Dulyn embank- ment. From this it would' appear that the work had been very successfully aooamoiiahed- In conclusion. Mr Stevenson stated:—"Ithas been a aouroe of regret to me that owing to the accident to my knee, I have keen unable personally to inspeot the work, but with my ill- timate knowledge of the locus in quo, and by being in constant touch by telephone with Plas Dulyn, and by seeing one or other of my assis- tants who are inspecting this work, evarv third day, I have been a.ble to thoroughly appreciate the state of affairs a.nd give instructions f.rom time to time. In Mr Ward, also, I have every confidence, and his efforts have been well se- conded by Mr Evans and W- 0- Roberts, the gaug&r. Should this work prove in every way successful, and I have every hope that it may be so, the dam will bo veirv considerably strengthened, and oould at any time be raised several feet, giving you approximately an ad- ditional storage er foot of 9,800,000 gallons, or about 10 supply for present maximum population. The apprwimate cost of the work to date has been £102." The Engineer now supplemented IILJ report with the announcement that tl J whole work would be finished at a cost of about JB125, and the first fine day would see the close of the work (hear, hear). There had been about 4.7 inches of rainfall at the lake since Saturday, end the water was now within 3ft. of the over- flow. He wm gilad to say there were no signs of a leakage anywhere at present (hear. hear). POLICE STATION CONDEMNED. The following report was read from Dr. Frazor, the medical officer of health On the 1st inst., in company with Mr W. Little, I in- spected the three cells at the Llandudno Police Station, in which the prisoners are kept while awaiting- trial by the magistrates- These ceLs each contain about 620 cubic feet of air space. There is no window or opening in an external wall for light and for ventilation. Light and air are taken from an inside passage. A pipe in the ceiling of each cell acts as an air outlet. The interior off the cells is very dark when the j other doors are closed. In one cell at 4-30 p-m.. I was unable to see my hand' when 0.099 t my face. In my opinion the absence of lignt and the defective method of ventilation in-those cells constitutes a nuisance dangerous to the health of the inmates of uae cells." On the motion of Mr T. W. Griffith, the re- port was referred to committee. PREVENTION OF CONSUMPTION. A letter was read from the Local Government Board drawing attention to the practice oe- lieved to be obtaining amongpt a certain class of dealers with respe^* to the saie for human food of diseased cattlo and especially of covs suffering from tuberculosis or otiher wasting ■dsseass, and suggesting that the local authonty should instruct Their officers to exercise as far as possible supervision over the c:ittle in their district^ with a view to aatioipaiing, so averting, possible or ir.tert-o'ed infringement of the law and of seeing that the carcase of any animal found to be diseased is disposed of pro- perly. CulOTk was ^rec^e<^ -o inform the Board that this authority are giving special atten- tion to the question, and to susr<?«>t that focal authorities shouJd be given increased powers so as .to enable them to destroy the whole of the carcase of any animal found to be affected by tuberculosis or otfher wasting disease klf^ierk was also directed to bring- the mat- ItetriS"? -pxef!,liv« r;o"flcil of the Urban X/Ltriot Council s Association- NOTIFICATION OF BIRTHS. The Clerk^ ki<! before the Council a print of the notifications of Births .Act, 1907, an adon- fr^'the1 Local" GdoaJS° 5r trorn tne _,ocal Government Boar<? calling at- ten ion to the provisions of the Act, and ex- pressing the opinion of tlha Board that there is /POfliivg- upon parents and others the cy.^a.ion of uotuymg births unless are Ut&n to carry out th* ultimate ob- ject of the measure, namely the giving of ad- vise and instruction to those who have charge of the infants, and, stating that in ordinary circumstances tihe Board would not be pre- pared to consent to the adaption of the Act, unless it' appeared that arrangeane:^ had been made for this purpose. It was resolved "that the question of adopt- ing the Act be deferred Lor a month, and that in tihe meantime the Clerk communicate with the honorary Secretaries to the Charity Associa- tion, anti the District Nursing Aasociaiton, and asoertain if they would be prepared to co- operate'with the Counoil in the manner Indi- cated, ia tibe-event of the Council adopting che A,Dt- A CHARTER 0: INCORPORATION. Mr Marks gave ."N.I.<)6 tihat at the next meet- ing of the Council he would move that imme- diate etepo be: taksn by the Council to apply for a charter of incorporation for Llandudno (hear, hear). THE WATER WORKS. Mr Wm- Thomas called' attention to a num- ber of inberestin.g photographs laying on the Gouncii table depicting Dulyn Lake and the Ooltnc.il'a.- water works, and be suggested! that they be .-reproduced in the local preps. It was decided to frame the <v>rtraits, and to display them in the Municipal Buildings' entrance, hali,oo that the general publio oould inspeot them..














Family Notices






