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FLINTSHIRE. ST. ASAPH. A LADY'S CHANGE OF NAME. The Hon- R. C. Grosvenor, Barrister-at-law. held his Revision Court at St. Asaph on Friday afternoon. Mr T. W. Hughee w present as Town Clerk of the Bone ugh of Flint. Mr H. A. Tilby, with Mr Kelly, represented the Con- servatives, and Mr E. ,8.. Hughes, with Mr Thomas, represented the Liberals. LODGERS' CLAIMS. Mr Tilby pui forward a lodger's claim by Mr C. F. Farrow, of Chester-street, and it was opposed by the Liberal agent. implying to questions, Mr Fsurrow roid he lived with his parents, and had the sole use of a bod room. there were seven rooms in the house. which was rated at J613. He paid 6s per week for lodgings- By Mr Hughes Triore are only three persona in the house. The vote was allowed. Mr Wm. Kyflin Hughes claimed a lodgers vote in respect of roomy occupied in Bod'hyf- iyd. He said he 'ived with his cou £ ~n. Inert1 were eight rooms in too Ihouoo, and four per- eouis lived there Mr Hughes: He is not alone ag a lodger. There is one already on the list, and if you al- I Jpw this vote there will be two lodgers and one occupier. The house is only rated at £12 The Barrister: I see no reason why they Should not have votes- I bavo given one vote already there. and I can stretch a point for another. Mr Hughes: Two llOd votes and an ooou- pier's vote for £12! The Barrister: The lodger's vote has nothing to do with too occupier if the rooms are of the required value. Are Lodgings ohecp in St. Asaph ? Mr O. Williams (Assistant Overseer): Yes. ,You can get a. large house in parts of St. Asaph at a rateable valine of £10. Mr Hughes: Just think what it meaw- throe votes in a. small oottaige of JE12 rateable value. The Barrister: I thank I shall allow it. It is good enough- I oan 6wrolv stretch a po:nt for the second lodger. It is granted. The Conservatives claimed a vote for Mr Harry Tomkmson, of Mount-rood. Replying to questions oy the Barns tor, the Assistant Overseer said the house was rated at £10. and contained four or five rooms. Mr uTombinaon was the only lodger there, but there ;ware several members in the family. Mr IIughes: Several members in the bmily. How many males are there ? The At Overseer: Ho is the only male person beeodes the landlord. m The Barrister: Then I takj it he have a bedroom to himaolf. I shall allow it- Mr Alan Jollies claimed a lodger's v^-t for a bedroom in his fa-ther'a bouse in High-street, but Mr Hughes objected, and asked how 'he paid far his room if he kept himself. Mr Williams: I pay for the room, and being in a. shop bring in my own food. Mr Hughee: How long bave you bad loolging ? Mr Williams: Why, it is my home (laughter). The vote was allowed. A LADY'S RIGHT TO PLEASE HERSELF. A question was raised by the Liberals as to the correct name of a lady who was entered on tOO lost as Mrs Kelly- Mr Ilugbea contended that the name should be i-voberts. Slue first married a Mr Kelly, and afterwards a Mr Ro- ber1B. The Assistant Overs<-or said she gave tlhe name aa Kelly, and was always known by that name. It was stated tihat dhe preferred the name of Kelly. f The Barrister: I bave evidence before me that her real name is Rcberta, and 1 oanoiot al- low Keily to bo used. Mr Tilby What is she known as—is it not Kelly i Tho Barrister: It does not matter what she fc known as. What is her legal name ? She was first married to Kelly and afterwards to Roberta- Hor name is not Kelly. Tluo Assistant Overseer: She would be very trsuoh offended if you called her Roberta (laugh- ter) She told me to put her down as Kelly. The Baa-raster: Well. not wishing to offend tfho tady, I will oall bar Mrs Kelly (laughter). STRUCK OFF. On tihe ground that her name appeared in the list of persons ia receipt of parochial relief objection was taken by Mr Tilby to the name of Maria IIughes, but the Liberals claimed that there were two persons of that name in the house, and the one entailed > the vote was the oocupier, and had not received relief. Mr Daviee, relieving officer, taid-^e wag not of that faot. He always understood that the other grown up female bad a different name. Mr Tilby: And if tie contention of the other tide is correct I shall want proof of her ten- ancv. The Barrister said be must take tOO parochial list., and struck off tOO name- PLAS-YN-CWM VOTE SUSTAINED. Mr Tilby claimed that the names of Mr Hoary Daviee and Mr John Jones, of Plas-yn- Owm Lodge ana Cottage, should be placed in Division I. instead of Division 2. He submitted fftuat tlhere was a proper agreement by which the men were entntjjed to a month's notice be- fore they could be turned out of tihe houses. Mr Hughes, for the Liberals, submitted that gluey were service voters. If they received a month's notice to Leave tiheir work they would aJtp have to leave the houses. The Barrister said it was clearly a monthly tenancy, and had nothing to do with the ser- vice. Many gentlemen ware adopting these agreements now, and notice could be given to him to leave his work, and be need not teave tihe bouae uml a proper notice for him to do to was p-ivecn. The two notices might be given at one the same time. but that did not matter. Mr Hughes: Supposing there was instant dismissal ? The Barrister: The- men would be entitled to a month's notice to leave the houses- I shall allow the votes on Division 1. CLAIM IN RESPECT OF LAND. When the claim of Mr Llew. Lloyd, Ffordd Qriocttn, was made for a vote in respect of band an the rariah of Cwm, Mr Tilby said that he oould prove from information received from the Estate Oflioe that the land was rented at £ 14 per annum. Mr Hughes said his information was that it was JB7 10s, and he objected to statements coming from estate agents. He wanted corro- boration of the estate agenda statement. The Barrister: I do not tihir.k under the oijr- oumstunoes it requires confirmation. Mr Tilby: I should not make such a state- ment unless I knew that the facts were as I have said!. Mr Hughes: It is very unusual to do this sort of thing- I do not aooeipt the statements of estate agenta. j The Bar raster: I allow the alaim BODELWYDDAN MATTERS. A question arose as to the vote of Mr Joseph Badoock, who was described aa a motor driver employed at Bodelwyddan Hall. The Liberals objected on the ground that he bad not occupied for tine qualifying period, and Mr Roberts, the assistant overseer, said he bad been there just under the twelve months. The objection was sustained. In connection with a claim for an ownership robe in Bod'elwyddan, the Liberal agent asked to see the original claim. The Barrister: You can see it. Show it to him, Mr Assistant Oversew, but he oaainot do anything on it. You oa<n show it to him for his amusement, but be oan-not object to it (laugh- ter). A peculiar Aiscuseson arose respecting the designation of a man named Robert Davies, ■vtfho was stated to occupy a lodge at Glaegoed. Mr Thomas, for Che Liberals, said there was no such man, but Mr Tilby said ho lived at a lodge there, and the Assistant Overseer, on be- ing appealed to. said the man lived at a Lodge, but he differed with the others as to its exact name. Tho Barrister said he could not waste all d'ay in locating the maai. Mr Tilby If there is no such person, tlien no harm con be done by leaving it on. Mr Hughes: How does a person who does not exist have a vote ? The Barrister: There k doubt aa to whether there is such a man, so I had better leave him en. Mr Tilby said be had a claim for Mr Wm. Owen, Faanol Fawr, and he understood there was no objection. Mr Hugthes said he did not know the circum- stances. but later on he said it was his ciaim, and the man farmed some hundreds of acres- Mr Til by: We have both apparently claimed for the same man. Mr Hughes: My claim is the only one in Mr Tilby: When Mr Hughes said' he would allow him to be put on I was naturally a trifle auspicious (laughter). Replying to nucstions, the Aa»is-ant Overseer aaid that Mr Owen farmed the land with his mother. Mr Tilby: I do not objoct. I am willing to allow it. It is an extraordinary tihing tbat we botl1 clauned for him. The vote was alkuwed. RHUDDLAN. A SERIES OF INTERESTING CASES. On Friday afternoon, the Hon. R C. Crc6- venor hold a. Revision Court at the Marsh Inn, Rhuddlan. Mr T. W. Hughes was present to 1 aoo to the Borough Register, and Mr H. A. f Tilbv represented the Conservatives, and Mr E. A- Hughes, with Mr Caradoo Williams, appear- ed ft* the Lateral*. l AX OBLIGING i>.&RRISTER- Mr itiiby objected to the oocupier's vote of Mr Robert Jones, of Springfield, contending Lha-t he had not oocupiod for the qualifying pe.riod.. and also that Mr Jones vras not the ooou,pier. Mr J-pmee said he had been. there about 18 months,- but cm being asked for his rent book, said he had only tho rate reoeapts. Mr Tilby questioned Mr JOIlJæ as to who had signed tho agreonkent., whether it was not his wife's houee. Mr Jones maintaLnied thait they had both signed the agreement. Mr Tilby said ho would like to put Mr Jones on oath as to who was the tenant mentioned in the agreement. Too Bamristar said be did not like putting aaijione on oatil unless it was absolutely neces- sary. Mr Tilby suggested that Mr Jones should fetch the aigireemeiit. but he replied that he could not do that as he was .suffering from rheumatism- Eventually he said Mr Bar net t, the landlord, had the agreement. When it was stated that the Barrister would pass Mr Bairnett's bouse on his way to Rhyl, he said he would stop his carriage and louk at too agreement- If Mr Jotwa was right b could obrian his costs. Mr Jones replied thait lie oould not do with- out his costs. Later oa Mr Barnett attended the court in Inis capacity as overseer, and on being ques- tioned said the house was let to Mrs Jones, and Mr Jones only signed as a witness. The Barrister said the question would arise as to whether Mr Jones was not entitled to a vote. he Living with his wife in the house. Mr Tilby said that oould not be so in the face of a specific agreement to the oontrary. The vote was disallowed. WHO IS ENTITLED TO AN OWNERSHIP VOTE? Mr William Edwards and Mr Henry Edwarcti claimed ownership votes in respect of property ait Caatle-street, Rhuddlan, but Mr Tilby objected on several grounds. He submitted that Mr T. J. Eel1 wards, a third brother, had already a vote for the property, and that the conveyance was not in the name of the claim- ants. Mr Edwards said the tliird brother had no interest in the property, although he might have paid the deposit, Mr J. 0. Hughes wes called upon to give evidence as to who the conveya:ice was made out to, but he said he was there as an overseer, and he preferred not to say anything. The Barrister said that if he ohose to ask questions ho would expect Mr Hughes to answer. Mr Hughes said h3 would answer the Barris- ter. but not tho political agents- He then sa;d that to ttbe beat of his reoolleotion the tend1 was convoyed to Mr Thos- J. Edwards. It was decided to refer the claim to the Rhyl Oourt in order to examine documents, and it was laid down by the liairister that only one person oould have too -vote. If one brother was already on the list tha.t was sufficient. Mr Robt. Jones, Springfield, then put for- ward a claian to a property vote in re&peot of houses at Phyl. and Mr Tilby said he h,- d al- ready agreed to a vote for Mr John Jones, a brother, but on roaoling the will, under whcch the y was left, be said he was sorry he had agreed to the vote of Mr John Jones as he found they had no Sreehold interest in the bouses. All they had was the ne-nt until oer- tain persons reached tho age of 21. The. Barrister agreed with Mr Tilby- M.r Hughes said it was unfortunate, but he Gould not pursue tlte matter further. THE RESULT OF MOVING ABOUT. Mr Tilbv ot>iected to several successive c!a:nis in respect of voters who were down as having removed from Rhyl to Cefndy-terraoa, and called for the rent books. Mr Hughee handed in the rent book for Cefn- d>y-terrace, but Mr Tilby said he knew they were there now. but what about the Rhyl tenancies ? Mr Hughes eaiid Mr Daniel Evans had pro- mised to attend, and prove the claims. Mr Tilby said Mr Evans could only Lpeak as an agernt for the property in Rhuddlan. Ho could prove that the. men had not occupied in Rhyl as was set up in the cLaams. It was decided to refer the cases to the Rhyl Court. LODGINGS IN RHUDDLAN. The Liberals dfcaimed a lodger vote for Mr Robert A. Griffiths, Old Post Office, but the claimant did not appear in time. Mr Hughes thereupon, requisitioned the Barrister's carriage and sent it up tor tiue man, who, on arriving, said he lived with his unetio, had a. bedroom to himself, and paid 5a per week, 10s gomg for his board. Tnere were three rooms upstairs, one being used as a. sitting room- It was started llhat tlhe rateable valuo was jSIC per annum. A question arose aa to wliat I-c-dginga wore worth in Rhuddlan, and Mr Bar net t said be bad obtained Lodgings for a young man in a shop at 3s per week in a similar bouse. The Barrister said he had to tind that an un- furnished room in the Old Post Office was worth 4tJ per week- Fæom what be had heard he did not tihink it was. Mr Hughes: I think he should have it. He has taken the trouble to oewne and support his claim- The Barrister: We will oarry, him back in our carriage if he likes (laughter). I do not think it is worth 46 per week unfurnished. Mr Hughes: The house has a rateable vajuo of Blo. Mr Tilby: Including a ahop. Mr Hughes: It is feasible that he pays 5s per week. The Barrister: I have come to the conclusion that a person requiring an unfurnished bed- room in Rihuddlain would not pay 46 per week. Mr Hughes: It is a difficult matter to settle. The Barrister: It is a difficult matter to settle, but I have soon settled it. I am the judge- Mr Hughes: He is a smart, intelligent young fellow. You had better give hum the benefit of it. The Barrister: I have deoided against it. If you cam pet them to. a.mon.d the law all right (TV) the claimant): I wall give you a lift back in the cam-age if you like. Mr Griffiths: No, thanks; I oan easily walk (laughter). A MISUNDERSTANDING. At Rhyl on Saturday, Mr Tilby referred to the case of Messrs Edwards Brothers, and aaid he now found that there had been a misunder- standing throughout. The conveyance was to MOOJrg William and Henry Edwards from the other brother, and not from Mrs Conway. Therofore, one vote was aiSowed-









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