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--.._----"----SUICIDE OF A…


SUICIDE OF A COLWYN BAY GENTLEMAN. WORTH £ 20)1(00, AND THOUGHT HE WAS POOR. INQUEST AND VERDICT. Mr 1L Daviess, deputy coroner for Wetd, De.ntKjrhs.ture, held an inquest at Colwyn Buy to-day week, into the circtmiSv.ar.oeR attending the death 01 Mr Hampton lrü- land, a retired gentleman, as?cd »0. wiiiai occurred ac Oa-kt-re-e, Coo.! Pel la-road. on Tuesday morning. The citeuinstances ot the caw, which were fully reported in our last issue wero aeoardiug to the Tjohoe report, briefly as folio-vs: Deceased ret rod to bod at ,eil c'dock on Monday evening, when ho appeared to by in his visual spuit-s. At S o'clock on Tuesday morning his housekeeper took liiin a cup of tea to b-edcooiJi1, but found t o Sat-er empty. She mmo down p-sain and tried to open tlio sit tang-room tkor, which was however locked. Sne called in Dr. NV who entered by a side wir.Jow, and behind a door binding in/to the lri, he fc-ur-l deceased bang- ing: with Forac eo»>por w ire around his neck. Assisted by a police constable who h;,11 by this time arrived, the doctor cut down the body. Councillor George Bevan ivas oleo.ed man of the jurv. HOl'SLUKilPF.R'R b,VIDE.\CK. Miss Saraii Brown, hoiusekcoper to the i- v :i'i'.(■ <' oi identifioat-ien. She sâd she tad been in the employ of tllw deeeasod for six and a half years, but had. known him 23 vo;rs. lie had p.revious- ]y owned a null, but was now l-e- tired. On the Monday Ilight Mr Ireland retired to rest at 10 o clock. At about 9.30 he cam-e into her kitchen with a 'v*»>cr read 7; to her .1Id talked ci what had iial)- poned according to it, but he >,nd nothing in particular. lie left the kitchen saying he was quite ready for Led. He wen'o to the «sittiug-room and Fat down, wif2i the (klOr quite open. Witness and t-he irjaid re- tired to bed f I',t-. dc<raev:d {'••dieting a few nunutcfi site heard noihui^C more. Docease'.l had poorly for some time, but had been bettor lately. I1 or the last six months lie had net been "quite tiho thins." and at times he von; depressed. Hrt coi>rnW;if<l to wituecw about the state of his boat h and of his affairs. On Tuesday 1ll0;,1Ïllg she to his bedroom wiitfo a cup of t^a sU usual. The doer was olosod and the knocked. There was no n.n,sw-or, bIt as he did not alwr.ys replv -he went in. The bed, she found to 1>- just «s the maid had prepsved for the nigtht, and she thought. lie bad not Iw -^n to bed. She them came cTow-,r;t.al,-s and found the door ci t.h:-> sit- ting-room hacked Ul the inside. She rap- Tsed" repealedly but got no answer. She then sent fSc maid for Mr Jones and also far D' W. Wn«.ble« Williams, who arrived im-mcIrately after Mr -Jcme^. In rei>lv to a jiirymaji, witness said there was nothing in 'die paper that would up- set the deceased. He spwke very -v about something liappening in France which he had expected, and i-tioi-P pleased than usual. In addition he talked Of his troubles. POLICE EVIDENCE: SINGULAR LETTERS. P.C. R. Evans, said tliat sft about 9 a.m. on Tuesday mciiTj-Ui; he was <:1:.111<¡ to Oak- tree. On arrival there, in company with Dr. Williams he entered the hou>« and re- mained Lil front hall whil.vt the dcoter entered by the sitting-room window, opened the door, and a.sked him to come in. Wit- ness assisted the doctor ',0 take down the b'dv\ wii'iah was hanging beJiind the door, tlwj copper wire (produoxl) being around his nock. A peg was on the other of the door, and the dcor shut, hus .stopping the peg from slipping. On the billiard-room • t&bie he found two letters, one addressed to Miss Brown, and tlie otlx-ir was m an envelope, reft^rriing co some money, addre-s- ed to Miss lkown wich the name of Mr AmphlNt, the solicitcr, nbovo. The loiters were next read. and in IJJe one to Mi^ Brown, deceased wrote: "I could not s'ajid the pjaso and personal re- marks of the WoL>ih people, aaikl I should like to got, away from my unha.nnv thoughts. This is owing to my brother Maurice's doings, 1 told him he had taken my birthright awav. and he told mo he had made a mistake." The remainder of the mit&ive was with referonce to keys, etc. iTie sr-oojv] le-ttor W'as \_o Mr Amphlet-t, and as follows: — Mr Amphlett,— I have liaal no much trouble in my He that I do not care to live, and nothing to look forward to that my future is not likely to be a happy one in tihis ivoi-ld. Is you have always been so kind ajid con- jjisiarate, I send t'litis to you, as you would, I believe, do what you could, if anything should happen to myself, and advise my housekeeper irbat is best to do. I would like you to have the Pri noees cart, as believe you will never forgot me. I am scyry that I have not used you better for the kindness you have ever shown me. 1 horn? von w.ill believe what I .say. It was canard by my brother- turning mn out of business and putting my nephew over me, by his writing to bho Reward ar.d having his name insen-t- ed, as I never was a tenant only of 1\f1" by word of mouth. Ever voar oblige*!and humble HAMPTON IRELAND. P.S.—I have been a broken liearled main this twelve yeans, which many oan tell ycai. i know I corud not s.peaJf to you wliat 1 Mad co .'■ay, fct- at t I was very queer, and they would put nio away as inM-ine. Lif, is a lottery. I liavc worked for otliers all mv life. Infatuation co make money btc; beon tlio ,-a-use in both brcdher and myself, a great otir-,t, witlli hun, joaloixsy. What 1 have tç.}d you as to money is you will find about- correct. I cam not what becomes of it. My nephew, Ma4irice, I could not cV- with. Please wnte mv nesheiw. I oan ml; see to write hardly, dare (say you can rrake thi<? out. "Mr Ampli'ett, who appeared for the nephews., said that deceased art'l liis ncpliow, Maurice, had been concerned in a busines?-. The brother, Maurice, referred co had been dl':ld some time. W r?d ng to lus nephew, Maurice, deoec. sai<1 Dear Nephew Maurice,—• If anything should iiapi>eii to me I just write a line to sav I have appointed Arthur C'loment. and yourself as executors to my will. I have written a letter to Mr Aniijk'il;c-t tolling him to advise you, and asking him to got the key of iron dhestfc in a letter directed to Miss Brown, kmi-,n ovor and take ciiarge of same. Note.- I left the keys f iron chest in my desk in the billie.J-roo:n. aaid this letter 0 pcfit on to you direotod to Miss Brown, and her to go to Mr Amphlott, for advio< and to give- the bujieh of keys of iron ohe-t to Mr Amphlett fo,r liini to I keep nrn.1 hand ovc,r to you. I think I am worth about, £20,000. I have not written to AiVhur. ^Following this wo.;e some deUiils as to ^j .'ased's hjaaiking account, che letter ing At present I ca.n.not writ( more, my boad is not clear at all cimes. I am :1!7y to make you suffer on my account From vour unforturate untie, HAMPTON Il{i:LAND. FINDING THE BODY. Dr. W. M. Venables Williams sa.id tiiat on Tuesday, April 23rd, J; he received JLU urgent message to co to Oak"i.roe fiouc-i'. On arnvai there m »que.nco ol v.:ha;: he was told l.e opeiua tho bLting-!t>om wi»t- dow a.nd unlocked the door, h( then wont- to the billiard-room door, but I" would not open wide, so he pnt his head aro-iiiifl the door and there saw deceased l r.noint'. With the cy.id.ablo he get the brdy down. oeoRed had had a slight paralytic seizure e-bout six months ago. The cause of fLoath wa. asphyxia, due to- hanging. Deceased had been doad fcr euite six hours. His













-_--------. HAPPY MAN AND…

--.._----"----SUICIDE OF A…