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ST. DAVID'S CELEBRATIONS. [Continuation from 3rd pag.] EDINBURGH WELSHMEN HüNOUtl THE SAINT. SPEECHES BY DISTINGUISHED GUESTS. The annual dinner of the Edinburgh Umversiiy Wcisu (Students was held on the eH:JÜH1 01 £ ?c. iJaviu s JJay in tHe (Jariton iaoc-ci. '=> Aiie iOilüWIUg were the guests of tue evening;—.ur J. Lynn Tnoinus, (J.B., i> ui Camiff; Mr T. J. ieiiu, M.A., Li.sc., jt±.L> 11 bt. Andrew's; Mr J. H. uoti-e.Jl, i'.it.C.S.iii., iliainburgh; Mr V. L,\ Wuiiaiiis, F.K.C.S.E., D.t.xi., of W rexiiia-ui; aaicl all Thomias Jones, M.A., lectuier Oil toonoinicti in tiie University of 1.a- g, ,L Mr Lioya Hughes (LLajiiair- foui-uaai), presided over a large gathering. -s.Xi.er tne royai toasts iiad been sub- nu^-ed, Dr. D. j-iie.v Vv a nanus s.po*.e ->n c iie "j-te-iiO.y of St. David,mentioning his Gb..d a3 a surgical opeitAor. l'he Ciiaaman proposed the toast of L^e UucbLS." They were proud, he said, to nave wiui them trial; nignt Wales'" cluet ba.geon, Hr Lynn Thomas. The medical p. oito&iu-n m Vv ales looKed up to hini as tiieia' 0..101, for lie took his place with ea^ uiLiOugtst the first. rank of living surgeons. Not only was he a ois-inguusiied suigeon, fcuc he was a patriotic NNelistinian, and for the services he rendered the country in connection with the Welsh hosratal, Wales was Uiiifctd pi-odd of hini to-day. They also welcomed amongs,. them Dr. Jehu, who had done more re&eiaieii work in connection w u.ii the geology of a^es tuan any other person living. Also Mr Llevv Williams, who had been such a good friend to the Edinburgn Welsh stul,ellts for many years, ana Mr Tom Jones, from whom they had for a long time been wishing to receive a vis..I. There were two reasons, he said, why they should welcome Mr Gotteriil, though he was not a Welshman. First of oil, Mrs Cotterill came from a well-known and higliiy respected North Wales family —the ynn Jones' of Bededern—members of w hose family were real ornaments of lie Estabu-Church in Wales, and secondly, because Mr Cotterill could claim more of his old students amongst the medical pro- fession in W alts, than any other surgeon in Britain. The majority of Welsh medi- cal students in Edinburgh had worked under Mr Cotterill. Mr Cotterill, in replying, expressed his plea-sure at being present at the annual dinner of the Welsh students. He had never received anything bilil kindness from the Welsh people: no place was dearer to his heart than "ion mam Cymru," and no scenery delighted his eye like that of the Arvon Hills. He advised the students present to make the bed; of their ad- vantages, for ooming from Wales, as they did to a t niversity where there were men of so many nationalities, their minds should coi-tainly be broadened bv close ac- quaintance with such. On behalf of him- self and on behalf of the other guests he would just sav "Dioleh yn fawr." A GREAT NATIONAL PURPOSE DESIRED. Mr Tom Jones, M.A., in a brilliant speech, proposed the toast of "Wales." tie saiu that; those amongst chem who had lived tor >onte years away from Wales were perhaps able to juuge their nation's strength or weakness somewihat more truly than chose who lived at home. No one people had a nicuop-oly of good quali- ties, and he did net desire, though it was fet. David s Day, to exalt the Welsh by disparaging other nations, or by shutting one s eyes to our own defects. He could not help feeling that in spite of the mani- fold activities of the Welsh people, chose activities had not been sufficiently inform- ed and pe-UMated by a great national pur- pose. lii.3 boy grew up into manhood, through r.h family, the school, the chapel, the coaipit, the football field and the news- paper, but all these interests—not the chapel only-.bore che marks of sectarian- ism. They were not fused in an intense national consciousness which gave unity of aim to a variety of energies, which in- spired all efforts making for good citizen- ship. Changes in the industrial framework of scciety were going on silently and al- mosio unheeded which would deeply affect the inner life of Walcs--dianRes which called urgently for more organised study than would be given by an individual or a society here and there. The influx of summer tourists, the decline in rural nonu- Lation, the flocking to the mining valleys, were chree movements which were bound to affect the quality of national charaoter. Such movements could not be arrested, but some attempt should be made to regulate them and to subordinate them to higher aims. The speaker concluded by appealing to the many medical men present to take a oounageous pa; in the work of social betterment and net to drfit into the be- setting sin of routine and con-tenement with things as they are. THE SACRED LAND OF DEWI. Mr Lynn Thomas, C.B., in responding, said he appreciated very much the kind invitation of the Welsh Students Society to come and join them in commemorating the festival of Gwyl Dewi Sunt. It was to him a sincere pleasure and a source of comfort and encouragement to feel that he still enjoyed the confidence of the profes- sion, and the chairman that night had re- ferred 'co his achievements in the orofession in far to flattering terms, but he confessed that his (the chairman's) reference to the generous views that '.he medical students of Edinburgh entertained with regards to the result of the recent lawsuit was very pleasant 'co hear. Speaking further on St. David, lie ad- vised every Welshman who had not already made his pilgrimage to St. David's Catedral to do so from Aberystwyth, via Aberayron and Cardigan, for in that way he would pass c-be very spot where St. David was born—Hen Fynyw, near Aber- ayron, and will also cross a little stream between Llanurth and Sarnau. peacefully bubbling forth by the roadside from mother earth—the renowned Ffynon Dewi. When a Welshman pays his pilgrimage to St. David's he will no(L only enjoy the the feeling that he is walking on the spot one good patron saint trod aJt the dawn of Christianity in Gwaiia, but it would Uene- fit him ako to 2eche names of patriotic a £ d noble-minded sons and daughters of Wales, who gavo up their lives for the glory of their native land, aud over their names was the flag which flew over the Welsh Hospital in South Africa. To a former generation of medical students;n fchis very city the late Professor Alfred Hughes had spoken in eloquent terms on St. Davids Day, and Alfred Hughes was the finest patriot he had ever met, and lie teoc-mmended his life as one thev should .bony in the:.r love for their calling, and Wwir devotion to duty, and loyalty to their native land. St. David now stood for a type of Welsh fiauonaiity. He is a gentle but all -ow,r- ful uniting force in our national life. He Is the one Welshman under whose aegis We all met as friends and brother (cheers). Dr. J oh u, of St Andrew's in proposing the toast of the "Welsh Society," said thac in times gone by the Welshman showed his love for Wales by his enmity to the Eng- jjAthmaii, bu' now time had changed every- ^e was a poor rait riot who shouted Wales for the Welsh!" Let it be rather The world for the Welsh," and he be- lieved that Welshmen had' yet a special part to play in the British national character. He recommended his hearers to unite the strength of the Scot-his dog- f-j determination and peraerverance with their own Cymric nature, and when a Welshman had this fine combination then the world lav at his feet To t fi I-s Mr W. Gl-n ¡"lIlS replied. Mr Ed. Lewis, of Cwrtai, Anelesey, and +>f" Macbynlieth, spoke on the ladies of Wales, and Mr T R fcvans p-opwod the toast of the chairman. The successful evenl was concluded by T:;°™as sinking "'Hie Land of clKirrs 3' 6 aS3°mkly joining in the

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