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Painful Police Cases at tConway.


Painful Police Cases at t Conway. TYvo YCUNG VVOiVIEN CONVICTED. FALE PHETENCES AT LLANOUDNO AND DEGANWY. Two cases of a somcwht painful nature I came bc-lore a specia-1 fitting of the Conway justicet> 011 Saturday morniing, \vh?n two young women ware charged with obtaining goJods uiidor false prcitcin-oes. Lilian Smith, alias, Wilecm, alxvs juc-roer, w::o,)' C.9C had been partially ccittJod r 121,to 0:1 the pre coding Saturday, and who refused to give anv information as to her arrteced-ec^, k; a tail br cwn-hairrod, well-built you "g ^"Olivia of about 23 vctvra of age. Lilian wore a s;n:ui"t light-grey cloak, a cream-coloured hlcnsse, clo-k slcirt. and a fash ion aisle hat. She wae chargod with having obtained, under fai-so pretcaccs, two night dresses, valued a,t 27s f:x>.rn Messi* W. S. Williams, Llandudno, Mwl, further, with obtaining four blouses aJid two uadersiips, valued at. £1 15s from M? di^ni-o^ Smith, draper. Castle Buildings, gamvy, urwler false protc-nces. Su0 t. Rees briefly explained that accused on day La question went into the shop of iWs' W. S. Williams _and Sons, and said fche required various articles of clothmg for her iTivali-d siateir, who \vii.s stayng at 9. South l>iirr_Vjj ajxl on the understanding that she T'o:»hl rotiirn in a few minutes, they we,re given to her. She did not return, however. r..1:,J when inquiries were made at .9, South Parade, it was found thaifc no person answering the a-ec\!fv:xli's description had been eee-n ne.4_.heo: was there an invalid there. Liiz. Ann Jones, an assistant in Messrs Wil- liams's employ, stated that on the 22nd ■August accused called at 1.hc shop, and askea to L shown some night dresses. Witness "rou.^ht same out c-o-tuig 5s lid eaoh, but said she waited "sornathin^ better, tddin.g- sJie wawted them or an inv alid Siirrfcor, who was living wiihh her at 9, South a,ra<ip, 'Llandudino. Witness identified the resec-s pixxkiosd as the articles Cakcm. l' was valued .tt 1& 6d and the other at \'lii! 61.. Not hearing "anything more of the ,j, inquiries were made at 9, Sduth •s-radc, but n*thing was known of lior there. ir;, re-ply to the Chairman, accused said *"e hid no questions to put ito the witness. P.C. Owen, of Conwa-y, stated he IH- the aceuesd, and charged her with ^airung the goods under false pretences from Messrs \V. S. Williams and Sons." In reply khe sa.;<j; "I did take them." Ivt-oallod, E. Ann Jones stated she had pe-i'scuKjily te 9. South Parade, and tire an.tljaciy fcheire told her that nobody of- the **°9usoj s t'oscripticci had becn staying \:h8rl'; had an invalid been a guect there, articles would n 1. uave been given to the f^ou&cd {jut for the misrciprcsctfitation tli&it L^cy were for her siLer, who was" alleged to art invalid. ■Lfi reply to Mr W. Evans (who acted as Y^i'^trgj'-es' clerk in the absence of Mr James Pcd,;or), I isonoir ^a.id she chose to have the case "alt with summarily, and she pleaded guilty. A DEGANWY TRADESMAN DECEIVED. ¡:; TD oQlJd oha.n¡:;oC y..a.s thC1l procC'cded w:lt..h. Ulh. R-oc't5 L.b:ocrvIlng tha' tLhe accuOOod :fClpt".X! a simi1a.r m< \:hoJ íf obta!inmg gooc-t.'3 Ueganlwy on th{} 27th ulL.. d.Y Smallwood. ma.lIagerns: for MrSmi,th, a., JoGI', Dog-anwy, sa.IÙ ,tha.t an th.o 27th ult. :h(;Od oaJlüd at .the ¡¡hop..she aSokcd to be f O\\n a wlllte co..9t Uillt' I.JHl afterwa.rds Mked vr. b!osøs lto the yaluo f 109 .61 for au in' yI- Si:&tœ wh.;) woo si.a..YLng wlt.h her at 5. 'I;L'O:i.d, Dcgal1wy, for SIX .wee-k.s. On th(.: t1hBlJ%'t.ll of tlat stat.me'IJ;. Wltni3'S gav hor 1 LOUr blouse, a.nd t.wo un-d.er>ilrps proouoed, 11i.t}H.d altogothN n.t 358. In due OO'UfS< a bt.t{)r Was sent wth a. notoe t,o 5, York-roa-d, t.h()r{) was no on.e i.n. Later in the even. 1 wittn0ss went :tJlero hcrsfdf, but wa told nJet r.Ü oU'O of he a.couS('d's de.sc.ription livod W1rc to -och'U8e-él Sl:.1.iù she had no quctioru; to put tJ c witne:>s 8..1)Dt¡_t.hy Hug'hes, of 5, yo,k-roa.d, Døgail1\vy, b:l () took in ,iittors ,duri.11g the summer, k. ,sl1e ha.d Jl(wer &Oedl ,tobe accuscd to her c\lodg'c; r1"It.he.r had 5)W h:¡¡J c¡.11 ,'JvalJ;d fl!lg wiIt,h hür Jurrng t.lle .)'ear. 15t' OWf"ll sklted that. aceuE'Ûd pkade-d '¡)1" J .w'hc.a ch8trged Wlt.h ol::bammg the goc)(].s ::uce.d UIlIC\cr falw pret.cnl(o('S a.t Dcganwy. !J!} fma.j]y ohnrg<X1. tho accused úJow ,oed gUlity. no(,J?t. Ht"èS sai,d it W.1G (;lly right he should th "(}n at thLt st.a.go j,11.t there "'0JC i ce or four otJlef û<1.Sœ ,w!;i.eh cO'uk! be c;J\e (1 aginst the &cUOOi.I., bwt Jle did not widl '1 tJ;at. Iln:!c'f the clrcumstarLOès., Ch.a.n"m,<JJ (I?r, R., Arthur ,Prwhard): l' j vc! know aiI1yUung- of he-r JllJ)t.. Rc('): She h':lB la;.oo.k.l',u.s aU.' We :th Y(: bc.cn unb!<) to find anyth,].g ,of hor for t Q kt fiv-e voaI1!. She belongs t.o Manchœ- but tha.t l all \() ¡know about hm. Sll'¿ 'tho )cn du' n hûrü a few \'1('081; preyjous to lI.\Vvtl;"n{<S.he bas tokl us "he wouhl r.otgive 1-¡" h?r t non.d.:>. f hairman (to accused): Have you any: g to say? ^.use, (tremuJousJy): No, sir; I have no- to S:I.y. d: Ch1.iJ:rman: 'VeIl. thus if) a. very SiCrious f": to prefer a.gillr-t. yeu..Ilol\veycr. the 1118&, h<l; Y{) t.alæn a len Jl'IJi/j; v JBW of YíJl\,r \a f: ,qnng rcgud for .tbe fad that nothmg ')<>u.1' we ar>; ,o'a.r.e 18 kn1)wn agaH1t you. cba.r< \,v¡Jl go to prison for one mObth 011 each .s. the rontenoos to run concurrÐnt!y. l)T';CAKWY LANDLADY'S STGRY. \,1 6Q;'l!Jr.'t Wilson, the olhor ¿(, fOJJ-d ant, who čt.il{X t.o fe1 ber position aout.c-Iy, was n63.t]y (.r.C(, She W38 cha.rgoo with having obt.ain- I.r()y'0' a.nJ ,!1'11gS 1ll}('J.or false' pretp.J1e\c, ÜU'u L1tz. C nH¡t41&, (If AugU;¡'h'utri'ct, LI.:L!I 'l'i'O' to the val tie of £1 Is 6:1. and [rom .1 rs \'¡l:On.a&, of "Tha Uills," !JÐgo.nwy, to t.hû iN\ o;f l5s. t}l'lt' fhomas, of The Hills, ])og;¡,nwy, ,1,"1i11 h\), On t.he 16tdI July a.ccll.c,d cal1cd a t her 8hu'1. and ask.cd f?r room.. and OClJ,rd. &:l.yÜ1' t>J(), \\hod. lx""l st.3ymg prevrously, at Lla.n<lt:d- Qi¡ CIC 'Q ha.d '-orne luggage. Sh. alsa êut ¡shc war, 1>!).1.¿'i!J1g at 1\1 I' Dicken'" ,Lt bicYn, Bay, that she was ongagod to Mr to tn. tOn, an<l tha,t :¡JJ() was t.o bo m.a.nrie-d cu..I;rn short!y, 'Vit.nc.<.s t,hl'rl a.gr<(xl t.hat ;)< 101' .o'.I-Q'UIJ ;¡tay with her for 2s od pt':r ni[;ht.. 1ft 7: 1t11?h pCI' mea.1. AccuS<'d a.ftcu-war&¡ but. ,tonawly to telc,:phone for h'I boxf'Ø b.¡t 0,.1 he-I' roÍIurn she s"c1.id tb(; had not cc,me: 1J..1-¡ f?uk¡. p.nobably follow. in due OOUIFO. On bi¡¡ ,l')wlng Thuu,day, Wll..n-ss prœenL<xl ber \it¡\<llt LLft.c,1' thr.t ;u;cI16.(:d ;nt out., ;},rvJ toO 1' dId r.nt. S,,{} J¡ûr <lg1Ill!. I]¡, Lid camc "r3 ,Ft, -¡, 'l1J.li:. D!.ekCiI1. of QUN:n's ,Driyc, ('.Æ)]wyn I 'I' lJd 110 was eng-aged lD h1g f:hor's ..ITl(\ tirn" -J.j as funi'.hor. AOCH&üd ,f}{}ycr at :1.:1Y S I.a.d boxes at their p]a.c-:I of bn",i.r>ss. .t.c, Pt.. l{e.c..<>: IIwû you promiSÐd to rna.ruy \V a.cXJI.1 sed ? I 1Iu.ü.>.<> (O"ail,,); 1\'ot ml'ch .r.)t. Itec: Do vou knw' ber ? .lí¡:)o(:S: .lust to 'pc",k t.o. I ha.vIC SCün h-c.r }; r;r t\vio:. a.n:tlc, U?",vS: You I'J2\"e.r a.uth-:>,jd.0J hür to do \v ¡..Lllb l'J1 your Diamc? t" ¡¡,ii-c: (om ph,tically): Cortainly nol\ 1\oi l !Pt n \r ""t:' 1 Cl('! .(,G: h n.t did SHe .tell you &.bo.ut ü \Vit.I'1:3 S' 'J "'¡-1, t. ;1- ':1f) SèLIú. sh'Û !;taycd a.t Rhos, :.¡;y¡d 1'('oJ.i ,aad a usl.n. there. Sh<J I1Rll!('¿ 6IOme r.(. t.).e pi'Opj'3 !n'l.T!.g th()t'C. l¡{! r" .H.ob<îf't.s, oÎ DG,,j1\'iY, S a,id that \h"11] h<\t '('l; '(.11. a.ocusocl in CU&tOOy at Rut.b.i.n b} {1n1:n¡¡¡g. he ch.a.rg("d h(}I wi.th t.h ofr"!]ce l'ig-h\. :¡,.Ion. In r<Jply 9ho sa.id, "Yes; t.h: jg JI<'i)r"11 h tJ (>>1" C ')!'Ig('od. a.cerdS(;(] now k.arfully !('U dt.v. TIlE Tn.sE AT LLAi'DUDKO iI!\ t 1¡s< ¡H" ;'):!Id tJ¡a.t in t.he SùOO'!1{1 ca<;c ac. e. h"Q L..J ..1 li);.1üt ,a.O(OPl. slml "ar ,CDUi'f;C WIth rc- /r1J L() 1\1rs L.nJHJths, ot .tho Tempora.nco :¡tv' Aug-ust3.-sf,¡'C«, Ll::mduww, OIL tJ¡e 7t.h J lIs' 1:')' 1.11. ',]Zab0j,h GriffitJ1/> oo..id th.t on t.he 7th ) !i 1, tOdg-in -r¡; 8.cCHS{.'o[ a..s"ed ltnf'&> [or boa;-d and <) b'"f' at. tJle hotel, statÍng she wa.s &uga.ged 11.10t) thlJlarnüù to{) Mr Dichm, of Colw\'J1 Bay. :"th' t. she h.td oomG lugg:lge tllCrČ. Shû llr!lIih1' ¡stat,l t.ha.t hor hCtuse was alre.1.dv '(j ll> Wi-tJ1C. be}ic\'ed her 8tv"m(>J1.t, c. h1l \V:l hew t.J l"Orn.am thoo {or SIX days. J .n{' a.skod her for somo money. ac- 6d l!)lnwdl:¡,te]y left. Tb{} biJJ came to £2 I<' !!It,tr.k ,Dick<:m g:wo evi.t<mcc to the Slame I' ao5 In tlJ .C; "he prcno,IS oa,<,O. r'¿j Rort. sta.t;ed that a.cC'illood had also (>I\' 7uILI.to t.he se-cond ch.a.re when he 1iIo' Sl nOor. 111 c!J6tod;y at P..ut.hin t.hat morn-I rr.vll.I;j'1tl, "Yes; i't is rifrht I am \'orv Jo' UI{j it," 0 Ih .? lfn<i./] .t.:vo to.v oh3.rgxx!. a.ccusoo TIÛI\V pleaclod "I1N both ch:1Jrg<'8. ,R.<'e.<> J. A I fI>C{;¡¡ s;.a.>U.lJ p y to the Bench, :1 n.llt had t.ha.t morJNI1g' been liboralt;0fl I"t.d in .hln gaol, wh'!Ir? she. h:.d. been impri- t In <YJ.f&>qlW'nco ot .a s:mdar charge at bll,<ht. What 0a."3e aga.tl1. he miO"ht have hi' h 0 l.ir oha,rg-cs a.gainst theO accusod IJ hot; C¡a.rJ no d('S to muli-viply them' ,¿. It ¡a.¡,rm:t.n "aid the C:L6<3 a s.eious II'] ]l ;¡, a pit:; to m<1;ke a Dr]miooJ of fiO (\j\ I('V of 1 bl'lt tha.t hl already be.Œ1 done. !\i. f'"cJ fr t e lett.er which the Bench h;¡¿ re- '1¡}I; \V;\t{; the Dis.hch1'.rged PrisonÐTs' Aid So. h'ètr. l\"I1C'h hregaa-d In her c.on.duc.t. in pri/3O/l), 1%IItJ S \orl ¡¿()cnded to dea.l 1lürutl'y with \{rr 1 1'1) hi I( be &c.n.t to prison for ono '(\'It!y. Ga() 'aF, t.ho sem.i.(:l1ee.s to run con-

[No title]

Conway Board of Guardians




[No title]

'1 0 f D--, r$.




Conway Rural District Council.


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