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Ruthin Flower Show. -

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

Ruthin Flower Show. A ROUND OP SUCCESSFUL FUNCTIONS. CYCLE CARNFVAJ. AMD SHEEP DOG TRIALS. Tbo florai exhibition., garden feto, cycle car aivai, and sfcoip dag triaJs, promoted by the Rutiim how Society, last Thursday, justified the hopes of the niost for the pro- ee>txiin £ s genajaiiy were thoroughly aucecssful. Hovering clouds threatened io interfere with the events, llanpiiv, howevor, no rain foil till late I) the cvernig, when iititie, if any harm coukl be (1Qne as tar as ihe exchequer was eon corurd. Consequently the attendanoo was very tivxni'-aging. In fact the ^ato money alone Vnonu ted to the respectable total of The 8atries in the var;O:3 elassos numbered 102*2, aibti exeeil-ent progress made s¡w the SQ- ciety's inaiitruntion, three years ago, will bo ruaiuscd frorii tho fact tihat this number coin pares with 1400 entries cataiojuod in the first year. In 1906 ho r:umtx;r was 787. There were leci less entries this year in the sheep d-og events, but the cycle caraivai attracted six nioro participants lhan ever. Thanks to the eharacterritic generosity of Cohxr'l OornwaJhs West, the grounds of Jluthin Gristle were placed at the society's dis- as a vonue, and a. more doiighttui spot for the purposo coukl not bo oorroeivod, a fact which was apparently imptrcv-ned upon the hun- dreds üf v!Sik>!3 who a.pí>ec.:10{¡ the privitego of ;:ispcc'i:^ the picturesque surroundings. The society is under the distinguished patron- ago of Pnneoss A lex:s Dolirorouki, Princess Ifeinry Ilarw of Pitas, the Duko and Duchess of Vvostriiinster, C'ol<?nol Mrs Ooniwai'is West and others, and general character of those in atto-Mdas'.ee indicated that the Ruthin Show has attained considerable success as a sociaJ event, scores of premment fashion- ably-dressed [>eople making: their appcararice during tbo day Mr Goorge PJczard, of Pooh Park, tho president of this year's siiow, and the aot vo interest he has taken in the proceeding durmp his term of otHco iiad a whoie-some cffixt upon tho r<v>ulfc. As ricc-piosid^rit,• Mr H. Forder haa also been most industrious, while Mr Row- land H Jones (hon. see.), Mr Thomas Roberts (assistant seerot.'iry), Mr J. K Williamson (ore of the siipcrintoTidonts of tho show), Mr W. T. A Jon.s (ho i. trt'-asurvand Mr WaJter O. Jon.U. A. (hon soTortor and auditor), cor- tributod largely to tho suLeca? of the day's uork. OFFICERS. The judges, stewards, etc., of tho various •octrons of the Bower show were ^elected thus:— Flowers and (open class). — Mr llig-svns, Riiff. f'orwon. Mr J. Moasop. Plas- nowydd, Lian^'ollon (amateurs anil oottajrers); Mr Owen RAKV ards, Wij<fair, Sb. Asaph; Mr hor Lloyd. Castle I!ou.<:{\ Detibigii. — Stewards: Mr R. A. Jones, M-a.-I;et-i;trtx't: Mr J. Jenkins, (.'olorr.enov Mr William IloU-rts, Lianbodr; Mr U G Hodgson, Mr J. J. Williams Mr G. F. Il.vford. Bread: Mr W. N. Green, 15. Cattle Hill, IVnbigh.—-Mr J. J. liufcl-.r Mr Riotclur, Higher Kirrrierton, Chaster.— Mr J. J. Butler. Rggs and butter: Mrs Jones (late Brynsamt, Cerrig), Crowu IIo;?l, Corwcn. Mr J. J. Butler. birds: Mr J. Kershaw, Llanrwst.—Mr Fred. Davies. Ambulance: Dr. Rvfoid. Ruthin. and Dr. Calvert, L#!anl>odr Hall.— Mr R. J. Jones. Cycle ./irnivv Mrs Batsman, The Castle; Miss Jenkins, Colomendy; and Mr R. Bcech, Castlo-stroot. — Messrs Rouvv and Beech. THE HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITS. The Ooral exhibits were shown in a spacious [ marquee, and, iu view of the protracted period of dry weather experienced of late, it, was some- thing of a revelation to lind such a flrve array of good quality entries. Nearly all thy classes wore woli patronised, and tho bcnching ar-I rangements were entirely satisfactory. Several special prizes were awardoo in this seot.on. Amongst these was a silver cup, presen- ted by Mr T. II. Rtgbv, jfv<ei'u.r, for tho best group of plants. Unfortunately, however, tho beaut.Jul non-competing group, entered by olonel Cornwall',s West, was the onlv one Rhown. The cup (riven by Prituxsa Henry liana of Pless. for the best exhibit of roses, oapburod by Colonel Mo!lor, of Abergele, who displayed a remarkably wet! grown lot, while the trophy offerod by tho Duchess of Man- chester for the- twelve bunches of pansies in the amateur scoti<jn was won by Mr T. D of Pw-liglas. Fcr tho third time Colonel Cornwallis West provcrl surx?css<fid in gaining the cup presented bv Mrs Cornwaihs West for tw two,vr. bunches of sweet peas. Colonel tbu3 the trophy e'tkKjIutely. THE SHEEP DOG TRIALS. Some of the l>esto known dogs m. th-e. K r.gclo>rt ( took part in tho open sh<x-.p dog trials, somo highly interesting competitions were wit- j>es.^xl by a. big crowd of spectators. The task in tho principal event was to guide throe sheep round a flag, through a gap between two hurd.es, drive round another flag, guide thein bet-.veon two upright posts, ar.d finally into tho f-en. Tr-e sheep were uncommonly difficult to manage, but Lady, a famous bitch owrned bv Mr W. A. Krigv, wrforTnc-d work ad- mirahl.v and within half a minute of the twelve minut-cs allowed, fihe finally nogotiakxi all diffi- culties and w-on the first prize midst loud ap- plause. Tno second piize winn-.T was "Nip," anothex well-known competitor, belonging to Mr J. Moecs. whilo third and fourth were taken by Mr George Bancroft's "Dus-t" and Mr J. Moses s "Trim" respectively. In tho special etakes evont for working two dogs simultaneous- ly, W. A Krigg* with "Lady" and "Laddie" won easuv, while the contest for the Rufh-n Caswo btakes foil to "Scott." a promising young animal owned by Mr William Iioborts, Fostiniog. i-'O officials in tJiese events wore:—Judges: Mr T. Owen, Melai, Aborgole; Mr R. Siivanus ^.dwards, No.v Inn, L'^ing-wm. Referee: Mr Tom L?ath;.s, Wornfawr. Ruthin. Time- keop-TS: Messrs T H. Ri-bv awl H. E. Joyce, Ruthin. Starter • Mr W. E. Poulson, Rhyd ■wrial, Ruthin. Stewards: Messrs E Tegsd Owen. John KelleK. D. M. Jones. T. Tithes, R. Johnsan. Bodyngha.rad; W. Williams, \Vernfa'.vr \V. Roberts MaestyddvTt; J.T Wù- lÙncs, FœluhL LIST OF AWARDS. The were as follows: — PLANTS. Six plants, suitable for dinner tabici decora- tion: West. Specimen foliage a;jd specimen (lowering: Colonel Howard, C.B., W igfaar, St. Asaph (Owen Edwarc! gardener). Zonal pelargoniums: Colonel Cornwallis West. Three begonias, distinct varieties: Messrs R. and T. Roberta St. Asaph. Three colons: Ccioricl Cornwallis West. Six ferns, stove or greenhouse plants: Colonel Cornwallis West. Threo dracsenas: Colonel Cornwallis CUT FLOWERS. Twelve carnations, not lets than six varieties: L Colonel Howard, C. B.; 2, Messrs R. and T. Roberts, St. Asaph; 3 C. F. Farrow, St. Asaph. Tvvoivo cut rocvee: 1, Colonel Melior, Abergele; 2, 11. Hughes a:id Son, Ruthin; 3. 'Mrs it T* .Williams. Denbigh. Six double dahlias, distinct varieties: 1, Colonel Cornwallis West; 2 T. Kirkham, Kinnerton; 3, R Blzad. Park (John Jones, gardener). Twelve cactus ditto- 1, Mrs Walthall, St. Asaph; 2, Colonel Cornwallis West. Twelve gladioli spikes: 2, R. and T. Roberts, St. Asaph. Twelve asters: 1, (Lionel Cornwallis We.o 2, Mrs Waithai!: 3, P. Bur. don. Ruthin. Six bunches stove and greenhouse cut flowers, distinct varieties; 3. Mrs F. M Harrowor, Llaubedr. Ruthin. Twelve bunches herbaceous flowers; 1, Colonel Howard. Twelve bunches violas, distinct vau-ietiv.s: l. Colonel Cornwallis Vvc-st; 2. Mrs Walthall. Twelve bunches pansios: 1, Coionc-i Cornwallis West; 2, D. E. Hughes, Denbigh; 3. i: ihighes and Son, Ruthin. Six African marigolds: 1 John Edwards. Ruabon; 2, R. and T. Roberts. French ditto: 1. C. F. Farrow, St. Asaph; 2, Mrs Walthah; 3. John Edwards. Annuals- 1, Colonel Cornwallis Wost; 2, Colonel Heaton Trefnana (R Pierce, gardener). Button-hole bouquet it Hughes and Son; 2, C. F. Farrow-; 3. Mrs Hughes. 2, Market-place. Twelve bunches eweet p^as. not less than six varieties: 1, Colonel CornwaiLis ^est; 2. Colonel Howard. Bridal oouquet: 1 Geo. Brockichurst, Ruthin; 2, R. Hughes ana Sen. FRUIT, Etc. Six dishes fnait (pines excluded): 1, Colonel I to ward; 2. K \aughan Willianis, Der.b-'h Grapes: 1 and 2, Colonel Howard. Peaches•" i Colonel Cornwall^ West; 2. Colonel Howard! Piums: and T. Roberts; 2. Colonel Hear.on, 3, J ^rin Ld wards. Meion: 1 Mess-^s I< and T. Roberts. Hardy fruit (peaches and I noctannos excluded): 1. Colonel Howard- 2 Colonci Cornwallis West; 3, R. and T. Robert*' Dessert apples; 1. Fred_ Meakin, St. Asanh' 2 R. and T. Hoborts; 3, J. J. Williams, Ruthin' Cooking apples: 1, R. and T. Roberts; 2. it D. Hughes, Denbigh; 3. T. Kirkham, Kinnertr>n! Dessert pears: 1, H. and T. Roberts; 2. (.'olonei C0rjr5s.ilis West. Chernes: 1, 11. and T. Roberts; 8, 0^ Farrow. VEGETABLES. C^hction of vegetables .(twelve distinct W. B. W. Griffiths, Henllan; 2, Colonel Heaten; 3. t. B'ezard. Six dishes of potatoes, distinct varieties: I, R. Blezard; 2, Colonel Cornwallis West; 3, John Edwards, Ruabon. Tomatoes: 1, G. F. By ford. Dcdwydd- fa, Ruthin; 2. Colonel Cornwall's West; 3. The 1A:lum. Denbigh. IVas: 1, John Edwards; 2, Colonel Cornwallss West. Spring on-one: 1, John Edwards: 2. E. 0. V. Lloyd, Rha-ggatt! Co;-wen; 3. Mrs \Vaithall. Autunui onions: 1, John Edwards; 2, K. Blezard. Cucumbers: I, Tho Asylum, Denbigh; 2, R. D. Hughes. Den- bigh. Vegetable marrows: 1, R. and T. Roberts; 2, O. E. Hughes. Denbigh. Cauliflowers: 1, John Edwards; 2, W. B. W. Griflitlis. Celery: 1., Cojbnci Cornwallis \Ve,¡¡t; 2, Ore, Fish, and I Calvert, Llanbedr; 3, Colonel Heaton. Runner bea.n3: 1, W. B. W. Griffiths; 2, Colonel Corn- iraHis West; 3, Ore, Fish, and Calvert. Br-jad beans: 1, Om, Fish, and Calvert; 2, E. 0. V. Lloyd; 3, R. Blezard. Dwarf French beans: Hugh Williams, Brynhyfrvd, Ruthin. Carrots: 1, E. 0. V. Lloyd; 2, Colonel Cornwallis West; 3, John Edwards. Parsnips: 1, E. 0. V. Lloyd; 2, Colonel Cornwallis West; 3, John Edwards. Yellow turnips; 1, Ore, Fish, and Calvert; 2, E. 0. V. Lloyd; 3, R. Blezard. White ditto: 1, Colonel Howard; 2, John Edwai\Ls; 3, Colonel Cornwallis West. Salad: 1, Colonel Cornwallis West; 2, Colonel Howard, 3, John Edwards. Beet-roots: 1, Hugh Williams; 2, J. Edwards; 3, Colonel Cornwallis West. AMATEURS. PLANTS.—Six greenhouse plants: 1. Mrs F. M. flarrowcr, Cacl,- Frun, Llanbedr. Ruthin; 2. Sergeant Jones, Ruthin. Three ferns, distinct varieties: 1. Evans, 56, Borthyn, Itatliiri; 2. Mrs Harrower. Two geraniums: 1, Mrs Har- row,?r; 2, J. 11. S'111,j 1 Llarirli'Vuld -Alill; 3, li. C;oQdm' arcl,.I,n, p,ant, pn? variety: 1, Mrs Harrower; 2, J. Goodwin, Ruthin; 3, H. Molvneux. CUT FLOWERS.—Six roses: 1, Sorgt. Jones; 2, J. II. Simon, Llanrhydd Mill; 6, T. D. Ellis, PwdlgLas, Ruthin Double dahlias: 1, D. Ellis. Cactus dahlias: 1, T. D. Ellis; 2, J. H. Simon; 3. J. M. Evans, Brynchvyd, Rutbm. Asters:. 1, J. M. Evace; 2, T. D. Elbs; 3, J. [I. Simon. Ariiiiuals 1, H. Molyueux 2, W. Jones, Ll'-urfwrog Institute, Ruthin. Bouquot of wild flowers: 1, Amy M. Gee, p, CKvyd- £ /c.reet, Ruthin; 2, M. M. Simon, Llanriiydd Mill; 3, John Hughes, Prion School- Denbigh. Stocks: 1. Wm. Jones; 2, T. D. EULs; 3, J. II. Simon. PausieB: 1, T. D. Ellis; 2, Sorgt-- I-n^t. H. Taylor, Ruthin; 3, J. II. Simoci. J V ao'as: 1, T. D. Ellis; 2, J. H. SLmou; 3, J. Hughes, Prion School, Denbigh. Sweet peas: 1. H. Molyneux; 2, T. D. Eh is; 5, J. M. Evans. FRUIT.—Cooking apples: 1. J. M. Wil- Rams, Rutlikn; 2, J. H. Sirriom; 3, J. M. Kvarai. Dcdert. apples: 1. J. J. Williams; Ruthin; 2, R. C. Williams, Llanfwix-g; 3, J. Mcstyii, Riutuisi, Pears: 1, J. M. Williams; 2, Hugh Williams, Ruthin. Plums; 1, J. M. Evans; 2, J. M. Williams. VEGETABLES.—Six varieties: 1, T. D. Ellis; 2, J. II. Scmon; 3, Serg-t. Jones. Itoupd potittoe^: 1, il. Molyneux; 2. T. D. Ellis, i ku. uifcto: 1, T. D. Ellis, 2, II. Molyneux; 3. R. Lloyd, Hengocd, Llanfwrog. White turnips: J. H. Simoau Yel,uiv (Iit.tk): 1, n. Roberts, Lkuriybedr; 2, J. M. Evans; 3. T. D. Ellis. Carrots: 1, J. II. Simon; 2, Wm. Pritehard, Craig iea, ^laniair D.C. Pcia.s: 1, J. H. Simon; 2, W. Jones, Llanfwrog Insti- tute. Broad beans: 1. D. Da vies, Pen y o c, G,rorts, De.njbcg-h; 2, W. Jones. Dwarf French beans: 1, J. II. S;m,-m; 2, T. D. Ellis; 3, Sorg-t. Ioncs. Runner beiiis: 1, E. Cox, 'r-refz,o.nt; 2, T. D. FIlLs; 3, S-cTgt.. Jcmc,,3. Cabixi. L T. D. 2, J. 11. Iiiinan. 1, T. D. 2, Src,.rgt Jorc,. VtVo'L,Lbl?, nii.rro?vs: 1, T. l,laii-civra, 2. J. 11. Sl"rnon. 1, J. 11. ?ialoti, *vy 1, J. If. S' no,n 2, l? ox. m Tfr R. 2. J. M. Evaris. T. I). E !L, 2, E-d. lioi)ert,, Tti) y lui-os. T.ryddvri. i, r- D. Ellis; 2, TI)ornz?c,, Co,-?t T. D. Lllia; 2, W. RoHcirts, Llanbodr. Salad- 1, J. H. Simon; 2, Amy M. Gee,' Rutluu. Beot.noots: 1, }I Molyneux; 2, Ed. Roberts. COTTAGERS FLOWERS.-( IXXSCB; 1, S. Da vies. Bryn eirin Gellifor; 2, R. E. Steors, B<w>tuchel. LXaldaas: 1. G. Cuirfcs, lluthiin; 2, ,1 IIum- phieys. A>l;ers: 1, G. Curtis; 2, J." Hum- phreys. Stocks: 1, J. Humphreys; 2, Wm Jones, Lla.nifwrog Instkute. Herbaceous ftawt;rs: 1, S. Davies. Bryn eirun, GellifoT; 2, G. 1.1Jjrt:. Aiifruals: 1, G: Curtis; 2, S Da • viea. Window- plant: 1, S. Daviee; 2, Parry, Ruthm. Geranium: 1, J. i• a-rry; 2, J. Humphreys. Singlo plajit: 1, J. HumphreT.fi- j, O. W tilaras, Ruthin. Collection of wild flowers (children): 1, R. C. Jcoic^, Paradwvs Clocae.ix/g; 2, Lucy Forder, Park Cottage! Ruthin Castle. t RLTT.—(bokimg apples: 1. S. Davios; 2, K. h,. Steers, I3on)tuclieJ. Pears: 1, T Ro- berte, Ruthin; 2, E. Jones, Tiefrant. Piums- 1, Mrs Armour, Sgubnr istx, Botntuchel. Des- sert apples: 1, J. J. Williams, Ruthin- 2, R E. Steers; 3, S. Davits. VEGETABLES.—Fou.r dishes of vegc-fab'es, dMtmct var.ctes: 1. G Curtis; 2, J. "Hughes, Prioll School. Dcmibigh. Potatoes: 1, S Di Vies; 2, 1L I>avies, Tai is-a. Ll.-uifwrog. Round potatoes: 1, G. Curtis; 2, R. E. S-teers. Len- iwtatoes: 1. S Davies; 2, R E. Steers bpi-Lng onions: 1, John Humphreys• 2 R f' DT tur-nips 1, Ed- Robetr's, Top y Rhos. Ty<ldvTx; 2, R. E. Steers. White kirnins: 1, J Parry, Ruthin: 2. S. Davies Carnojs: S. Davies; 2, J. J. Willi,a.ms. t "1L • Llanfwroir Iikstitute; 2 ■ ,"y-^phreys. Runmer liea.ns: 1. G. Curtis; r ,s ,nway K Steors. Dwarf French bean's: 1, J. OTJ vih^ms; 2. Ed. Roberts. Ilroad bcaais: '• Davies, Pen y oaie, Grc-es., Denbigh; 2 r; ^orv%' 'OabBages f X, L). P. Jones, Ruthm; 2, R. E. StetM-s. 'auli- Honxfls: 1, J. liufnphre^; 2. S. Davies. Vegetable marrows: 1, P. C. Pierce, Clawdd. newydd; 2, J. Humphreys. Beetroots: 1, p. C. Pierco; 2, J. Humphreys OPEN COMPETITICN. BREAD (bakers artd Hi-kors' wivc-s exclud- ^hite loa.f: 1, Mrs Parry Jonos, Ruthin- 2 Anne Parry, Rut.hin; 3, L. Williams, Rutihm. Pioown loaf: 1, Mrs Anne Parry Ru-thiti; 2, Mrs Davies, IVjlpin, RInv.v1 3, Miss Rnccklehurst, Rutliin. Opffcn: White lioaf: 1, A. E. Davies, RutJiin 2, E. n. Jor.es and Co.. Ruthin; 3. 0. R. Owen, Ruihm 41b brenvn: 1 and 2, O. R. Owen; 3, _■ E. Da- vies. IIONEY.-61b. rect,ions: 1, F. Li'Jile, Llan- gollen: 2, Mrs Fordor, Park 3, J. Humphreys, Ruthin. 61b. bottles: 1, Mi 4 'T, RuLti: 2 aii-J 3, Mrg E. Jones, Denbigh. Bees wax: 1. Mrs E. Jones;* 2. Davie". Llamganihafel; 3, Mrs Ellis, Bron. hyfryd, Pwdlglas, Ru.(hin. EGGS.—CJoknired: 1, A. E. Watkins, Gln.n. dwr, Clooaenog; 2, J. Hughes, FfoTdd las, L 3,. M' "ts J. Jcno-,?s, Putliin. Wh'!tc: 1, T. MaN--nior Gc-f- Rut?h;ri; 21 Nlre T-v.-i v n,v--n, (?'laiv?dibLwyL' -11, Corwcn; 3, L. Willianis, Ruthin. BUTTE4 R.-I, Mrs Christopi-Ts,,in, Tyn y moon. Clawddnowydd, Oar wen; 2, Ja.s. Hughes. St. Asaph; 3, Ms» Bibby, Faohwcu, St. Asaph. CAGE BIRD SEC.TION.CanaTy: 1, MeaJrin airwl Richarda, Denbigh; 2, David Roberts, Dttiibtgh. Mule: 1 and 2, J. M'Robcsrts, Ruttihiai; Trevor Williams, Ru'bhin. Any Brritiah brd (exoeptiritf; mules) 1 and 3, Tre- vor Wdhams; 2, J. Willkwrns, Lieaubigh. Spe- cial: 1, Tr. Williams, Ruthim. Beet fi.rst foathcir bird 1, N-lecik' n and Richards; 2, Hugh Jocies^ Ruthm; 3, Trevor Williams. Best British bird: Trevor Wiiliajns. Mule: B. Williams. Goldfinch: Trevor Williams. SHEEP DOG TRIALS. Valo of Clwyd Stakes (open).—1, W. Akrigg, Garsdale, Sedburgh; 2, J. Moses, Bros.yyntyn Home Farm, Osvvi^t.-y; 3, George Barcro'-t, Shuttleworth; 4, J. Moses, Brogyntyn Homo Fa.r-1. Ruthin Castle Stakes (open to the Counties of Denbigh, Flint and Merioneth) 1, W. 1",4-, 1, Ali,er iNl' 14LYlt, tl'cl,,t I 'I! Llg' Tanyoryn, L'arvannan 3. David Davies, Ty'nv- fedw, Oswo-try; 4, D. Jones, Pcnybryn, Glas- fry n, Corwcn. Special Prizes.—For workiriir two dogs at the same time I, W. Seciburgh; 2, George Bancroft, Mu.t^-<>wo •>. M(TO, Brogyntyn Home Fanri. (A>west:^ 0. D:iv:l-c, Tv'ri\ fedv;, Llanrhaiadr. O.ivvcft: v. Extra Pri7cs.—An extra prij-e of lCs 6c: a warded to the competitor who showed the bc-:t t^-nnjand over his dog or dogs during tho cay (open) was won by J. ivlo-e-. Brogyntyn lioine Farm. Os- westry, and an extra prize of a silver m. caL pre- sented by Mr David Davies, butcher. L'an:ir D.C., awarded to the competitor who f ho wed the best command over hus dog or dogs during the day (open to the (.ounties of Denbigh F'nit Merioneth), was captured by David J. Williams, Rhiwiau, Llansannan. j AMBULANCE. A competition in first aid resulted as follows.- — 1, Ruthm Mixed learn, captain, D. P. Jones; 2, Ruthin Volunteer Team, captain, J. Jone.s. CYCLE CARNIVAL. Judge. Mrs Bateman, Ruthin Castle; Miss Jcjikiiis, C-olomendy Mr R. Be>ec-h,CastIc-strect; with Mr T. J. as steward. Ne-atesfc and best decorated cycle turn-out (faney dress or otherwise): 1, Miss Thyra Edgar, Vale-street, Denbigh, as "Fairy Queen." Puri)-out in character: 1, J. R. Edgar, Dcn- bigh, "Turk." Humorous character: 1, John Hayward, Ivy House, Ruthin. Most origin^ ingenious, or comical turn-out in (ho procession: Ellis Williams, Unicorn Inn, Ruthin. THE LUNCHEON. Tho luncheon, at tho Castle Hotol, was catered for in their customary admirable style by Mr and Mrs E. Tegid Owen, and the guests wore enterta.ined to an excellent repast of the choicests viands and dojioaeieg arranged on flora.1-ly decorated tables. The utmost satis- faction was expresse<l by all-a reflection of cred'.t upon tho caterers. Mr Georgo Bie-zard. the president, occupied the cliair, but there no "after-dinner" speeches. Refreshments were also well catered for m a 1arge marquee on the ground bv Mrs Williams, of the George Temperance Hotel, Ruthin: and excisable liquors were provided in an ;:djo;n.ing I tent by Mr W. Brockiehureo, of The Star. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES. Tfao_ special prizes of silver cups were, dur rig 'zcs tho afternoon, presented to the winners Dy Airs Batoman, of Rut.hin Castle, who heartily con- gratulated the recipients when handing '.hern tho awards. A large company was present at th;s interesting function, which took place on tho tennis court in front of the Castle, and as the genial vico-presi<lent of tho show (Mr II. Fordeij eteppod i or ward to receive l-i., Silver cap bdialf of Colonel West, he was heartily ap- plauded. MUSICAL AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Every arrangement was made for the, visitors' enjoyment, and the programme wag replete vvitth n, items. Interspersed with choice se- lections of music played by the Ruthin Volun- teer Band—and the opportunity was taken by those who were lover.,3 of tile "light and fan- tastic stop" to dance on the well kept green— there were performances by Negro comedians, Darwin the man monkey, Malone ttid comic boxers, coon acrobats, eccentric krcck- abouts, Dai-w,.ii on the serial trapeze, comedy comedians, hand balancers, etc. The proceed- ings terminated with a cycle parade, headed by the band, through the town.

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