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Lillildlidiio Urban District…


Lillildlidiio Urban District Conncil. CoaticlIIor Bellis Succeeds Lord Mostyn. Gicddaeth Street Improvements. On Tue^r|la^ mee^I1S,-°^ this Council was held Bellis -v" There were present: Messrs R. Owen'i X Roberts> T. W.-Griffith,John (The o J ^oma&) T- Williams, John Jones JIAIAS T T)r William ™is Jones, W. O.- Wil- S- Th ,V* ^ar'cs) E. E. Bone, J. O. 'inomas, Chanti-6 s' J- McMasteT, S. Alfred ep' anc* Thorp, wivh the Clerk (Mr u ^onolly), and other officials. Th ^ord Mostyn Declines Office. I'Qrd^r'" read ^be following letter from Was 0 ost>'n' addressed to Mr R. Bellis, who to;a^°f the deputation specially appointed ihim t0 UP°n his lordship with a view to getting .year-, Pres^e over the Council for one more -day, J8,1 -r Bellis,*—Since seeing you yester- and' an?ave again thought the matter well over, that I Very sorry to have to write and say ,lllansh'Cann0t See wa^ t0 accePt the- chair- ^vhich T f°^ ^'ounc^ this }'ear, for reasons •can as fu% explained to the deputation. 1 the Co .Ure ^°u i much appreciate the honour the cha'UC^ ^ave done me in again offering me and th U' anc* am very mucb obliged t'o you ege tlemen who came over here to see Council T*" can only say, though not on the est iu j, sball continue to take a deep inter- baCkll al.1 matters concerning it, and shall look elien,e pleasure to my year of office. leve .J < yours, faithfully, MOSTYN." Mr T^e ^ew Chairman. Belli- ^7^^ams propose'd that Councillor Mr D s ia^e the chair for the ensuing year. The 6 seco«ded. cla-reH Ipot\0u was put to the meeting, and de- "^he Chrne^ Unaaimously. sPeech airman returned thanks in an eloquent ^Ir j0^anlts to *he Vice-Chairman. .,Pr°poSe^i 11 J°nes, with characteristic fervour, -Roberts Uf heart>' vote thanks to Mr Robert 'during th<» '1S "serviC-fcb tbje vice-chair ^as f,' •r', Williams seconded, and the motion u'rried unanimously. Conn ^ate William Evans. r ^an death of Mr William Evans, a chairm ^ears a member, and also at one time Paid a the Council, Mr T. W. Griffith ^•s cha°Wln" tribute to the deceased gentle- •°^ anf^ abilities, and moved a vote their u wr[h the relatives of the deceased m, Mi?relsemeiu- Carried. CS having seconded, the motion was Mxw o Finance. ,^0lI1niitte 1^iams, chairman of the Finance °Uncii's 6' leP°rted a deficit of ^1,066 on the estinv ^enera* account in comparison with 5°24fora+?' SS comPared with a deficit of the same period last' year. On the TA, Tenders. ?ittee, ij. Cornrnendation of the Sanitary Com- T thai the tender of Messrs ^wyn-ter.rar 'ams) of Northern Grove, Maesl- °Undary e'in accePted for the building of the newVa and the erection of entrances !^e SUm on the Great Orme's Head l^or the tS55- office nAVorlc °f Bering and renovating the T 0»reiI11SeS Church 'Walks, the tender Lialldud,ltNVilliarns, of 45, Madoc-street, 5 a £ 2SA was accepted. t ^he l Street Improvement. t[0ltl the A" ^°™mittee reported that a letter e i;3;isPutetiairUy Vommissi°ners "with regard to r^der carefiian<^ ^oddaeth-street, had been' Pinioj^ ^onsideration, and they were of c sale b- vf Commissioners in consenting -L'°IilII1Unicati^ t Parties in possession, without ■vu^ n°t treT*1^! ^leir intention to. the Council, r ,ch was rire1 the Council with that courtesy •tn clerk6 0ne Public body to another, iu lhe CoIrir_-Was directed to forward a letter Matter Issi°ners expressing that view of t Wag of lhe Councn 8^ that subiect to the approval in Carryina apportionments of the cost C°'niiecH^^0Ut. Private street improvements via n°xv s £ 'rveH ^h the land above -mentioned J^ely v ln the manner provided try lav. arde^ of T 7n Estate, /^5i 9s 2d church- t'landudn0 parish, ^65 6s 9d.

[No title]

Llanrwst Bvard of Ouaidians

Llith Ned Llwvd. *

Cyfarfod Misot Dyffryn Conwy.

' Cyngnor Phvyfol Gwledig…

LIythyrau at y Goiygydd.

Llandudno Junction.

« Gwyl Lenyddol Ty'nygroes.

^Breach of the Building Byeiaws…


Beth Mae y Bobl yn Ddywed.
