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.L. Llanrwst County School.


.L. Llanrwst County School. The Financial Situation. The Chairman and the New Education Act. Measure not so Bad after All. A MONTHLY meeting of the governors, of the Llanrwst County School was held at the Magis- trates' Room, Llanrwst, on Thursday. There Wre present Mr O. Isgoed Jones (chairman), Rev John Morgan (rector), Rev Wm. Thomas, Miss Jones, Col. Sandbach, Mr E. Jones Owen, ~fr D. J. Williams, Mr O. Hughes, Mr John Roberts, with the clerk (Mr i eter Mclntyre). Election of Chairman. THE EDUCATION ACT: A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. THE CHAIRMAN IS OPTIMISTIC. The first business was the election of chair- man for the ensuing year, and Mr Owen Hughes I b Proposed the re-election of Mr Isgoed Jones. Mr J. Roberts seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously. The Chairman, in reply, said that while feel- ing very grateful for the honour again conferred "Pon him, he felt that perhaps a change would be of some benefit to that body. He had been acting for something; over eight years now, and e was certainly anxious to see the school in eviery way prosperous. The education imparted was, he thought, equal to that given in every similar institution in the county, or in North Wales, consistent with the staff they were able to engage. They were really in want of an in- creased staff. He was pleased to think that the number of the boys attendiiag the school was ncreasing, and he was also in hope of finding ln the near future a similar state of things in reference to the girls. They were, one and all, feeling acutely the want of funds, and there Seemed to be an awkward, misunderstanding in to the contribution of the sister county. Their own county was acting very honourably towards them.; the governors had the annual Contribution regularly paid them, and also the amOunt for non-educational purposes. More- OV€r, the superior authority were meeting the governors in their difficulty. As he had report- ed to them before in regard to the deficit, the County authority had kindly come forward and said they would pay half of it if they secured 76 other half locally or otherwise. The grant f^ven was made on those conditions. However, t1.6 was very sorry to say that the amount appor- _*oned to be paid by the locality had not yet 'f^n provided. He was only hoping they would able to fulfil the arrangements made with Mr p Intyre, when he attended the meeting of the County Governing Body, and that was to pay, retrospective from the start, the £5° per annum which would cover the balance of me deficiency. ,r .n frey would be placed on a. sound financial asis. They had had a good deal of discussion « over the country about the new Education and really they must think better of it tnan key had done hitherto. When he looked at the ct> and read between the lines, ~e thought it e ruled. to place education generally upon- a Rational system plan, and he would very much ike to see the day when national education was cknowledged all over the land. It would not ,e long coming, and the adoption of the new was a step in the right direction. Regarding the religious difficulty or contro- he hoped that that would not be the cause of any friction amongst them in their educa- _uxs to carry out educational principles. J ear, hear.) He could not tell them exactly ^w the Act would affect the Local Governing _,0cv, but there would be a meeting of the ounty Council during the first week in Febru- and then, he took it, they would appoint a to confer together in the first ance, and afterwards to frame a scfteme k ereby the local education authorities would, jj s°nie means or other, elect their own bodies. ^ar matter would affect them, he was in a position just then to explain but they inJ" l^PeHd upon it that the parties constitut- ion T committee would be men possessed of ^oretk°ught, a thorough knowledge of different districts, and a great experience in j^'tional matters upon local education Jo0-l?s" With those combined together, he was fa ..lnS forward with a certain amount of satis- tile '0n ^n' £ 'ed with anxiety to the working of ig;e new Act, not only in elementary schools Mrell ly> hut in the intermediate institutions as catio '^QP'&d thus to see an end to the edu- *hei n Pr°Wem and their anxiety concerning t«li °Wn financial position. He was led to >i0 7? their friends across *he water in Carunr- thina Were very anxious indeed cuat some- Pos.ii' Snou^ be done. They knew exactly the everv°n sc'booJ> and he personally had ^oulHC°nfiden'Ce '^ey would puit their th 6rS *° and help them to carry (Anni6 Tlanrwst Joint Intermediate Scnool. ^'Oncl?^56'^ With those few words he would heart"1! 6f a^ter again thank:ng them all very (Ilea 1 Yh for re-electing him as their chairman. (Ilear, ear.) I q The V?ce=Chairman. hy thi -n Tnot^on °f Mr E. Jones Owen, seconded Unam'rv, ev, Morgan, Mr Hugh Pierce was ously re-elected to the vice-chair. Yk foll The Committees. C0m.inittOllOWin?r- ™?re aPPointed on the various :Qlian yees(i,7~Vsiting Committee: The Chair- Is'go4d T r.man' Mr D" J- Williams, Mrs ^ss Higson, Miss Jones, and Mr ^an Vir otf' Staff Committee: The Chair- JWs airman' Mr D- J- Williams, Mr D. ^S' ^rs ^sooed Jones, Colonel ^01. Th ^ev J- Morgan, Miss Jones, Rev r^e-dav !r-as' aPd the Headmaster .(Mr Farr). ^airman The Chairman, Vice- » 9S HicrL Js;'oed Jones,Mr D. J. Williams, Ss^staxitb Mist re **eac'rnaster' anc* t^ie Senior A CTION Rnk Pressure. — OF THE COUNTY GOVERNING The Ci t. B0DY- ?einber rlad,a letter> dated the 17th De- North and South Wales Bank- -^thorS6 thJ'r.S atm^ ^at before they could required^ayment of ^235 due for salaries, ^oriey. Personal guarantee for the hg pi t i^at letter exP^a^Ped that upon receipt of e County n 011>inrunicated with the clerk of Heyrel;fnin^ Rody! a^ing for instruc- inlt Stating the a telegraPh message in re- s-DpJUCt^0ns» but .rer 8entleman could give no Bodv + Finance Committee of the °*y to consider the matter. -A- A meeting of that committee was held in due course on the 23rd December, as a result of which the following resolutions had been passed and duly communicated to the local govern- ors:- "Resolved, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, that a sum of ^250 be paid to the Llanrwst County School governors on account of the special grant of £329 13s id, and that the balance, £ yg 13s, be paid as soon as the locality provide the remaining ^329 135 2d, or guarantee the payment thereof by bond to the satisfaction of the vice-chairman and .úe clerk "Resolved also that the sum of ^414 us 2d be transferred to the general purposes account to meet the overdraft of Z16i us 2d on that account, and the _C250 this day ordered to be paid to the Llanrwst County School governors. "It was also resolved unanimously, on the motion of Captain Griffith Boscawen, seconded by Mr James Darlington, that the Llanrwst County School Governors be required to in- crease the tuition fee at least Ci per annum. "It was further resolved unanimously, on the motion of Mr Thomas Parry, that the following governors be appointed a deputation to meet the Llanrwst County School governors to discuss with them the financial position of the school, and to reporlt thereon at the next (February) meeting of the County Governing Body, viz. Mr W. G. Dodd (vice-chairman of the County Governing Body), Mr J. Harrison Jones (chair- man of the Finance Committee), Mr Jas. Dar- lington, and Mr Thomas Parry." Mr E. Jones Owen, proposed that they depute a certain number of members to meet the depu- tation. The Chairman observed that the. whole Board would be expected to attend, and he was anxious to get all the governors mere to hear the views of the four gentlemen appointed as a deputation from the County Governing Body. He wanted united enthusiasm, if they could pos- sibly get it. The Rector proposed as an amendment that a sub-committee be appointed to arrange a finan- cial statement, and make out a case for the local 'governors. Mr Jones Owen then withdrew his motion, and the Rector's idea was adopted. The sub-committee will consist of the chair- man, vice-chairman, Messrs E. Jones Owen, D. J. Williams, W. J. Williams, and Mr Farr. Strengthening the Staff. A report was read from the Liiief Inspector of the Central Welsh Board, in which he called attention to the need of strengthening me school staff or adopting the mixed classes system, and as to the salary of one, of the assistant mistresses which he complained was too low. The Clerk read a minute passed by the Board subsequent to the inspector's visit recommend- ing the adoption of the mixed class system in the school. Mr D. J. Williams said he was of opinion, as he had said time after time previously, that Mr Farr and Mr Williams, were very hard-worked. In fact, they were completely knocked up at the end of each term. As they could not afford to get an assistant master for the classics, he would suggest they secured the services of an assistant who would be able to take tne elemen- tary subjects, as that would be of material assistance to the existing staff, while it would not cost them so mucn. The Rector observed it would be wise to defer consideration of that matter until the Board had met the deputation from the superior authority, so that they could learn what amount of sup- port they could expect from the County Govern- ing Body. The Chairman, concurred, and, acting upon this suggestion, Mr Williams gave way, and the matter dropped. The Almshouse. The application of Mr Thomas Williams, of Efail Ucha, Maenan, for admission to the Alms- house was recommended for approval.

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