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The Mutual Life Insurance…


The Mutual Life Insurance Company. Dinner at Conwav. number of policy holders and officials of the mutual Life Insurance Company of New York were entertained to dinner at t'he Aberconwy Hotel, Conway, on Friday evening. Among ^Q'se present were Mr D. E, Davies, North Wales manager, Carnarvon Mr Josef E. Jones, ^b-distrxt manager, Conway; 'Mr Tarry, Dr D. l1. Foulkes1, Dr William Morgan, Mr John Roberts, Castle-street, Mr J. Roger Dawson, M'r Parry, Old Col'wym, Mr W. A. Jones, Ll'an- ^rfech-an, and others. rh,e dinner proved' an enjoyable function, being served in Mrs Jones's weli-knowm style. Mr D. E. Davies presided over the after-din- lier proceedings, and expressed his regret that a larger number were not present, and read tele- ■ gram letters from gentlemen who. were, at the •Las't moment, unable to attend. In the course of an address, the Chairman stated that he 'had rece-vedi from :.1T C. llaldeman, general manager for the1 L nited ^ingdiom, a brief resume of the business of the •Companiy for 1902, which showed uninterrupted Progress and prosperity in every department, whilst the accumulated funds, the income, and- insurances continued to increase largely, .rt Was gratifying to learn that the expense ratio showed a decrease. The figures received by Cable from, the home office showed, in round numbers, that the accumulated funds belonging to the policy holders at the end of December, 1902, amounted to ^78,528,000, showing an in- crease; over the previous year of six million Pounds. The contingent guarantee and surplus ver liabdlhi.es amouîTted: to ^13,9^1,000, show- In,gan increase, of /1,016,350. The total in- come from receipts was- fifteen- million and 52 ^housand pounds, showing am increase- of ^I'57/,ooo. New business issued and paid for amounted to. ^42,438,000, an- increase of ^a»527)Ooo, whilst payments to policy holders Counted, to ^5,977,000, showing an dn-orease of ^88,000. The British business fully partici- pated in these results, and taken- as a whole, year was the most successful year isin-ce the Tit.-sh branch was opened. Proceeding to refer to the exceptional position Company, Mr Davies stated that as life insuraiite was one of the greatest problems of the would interest the readers of the TOneer" if he endeavoured to impress upon their minds what these figures meant, and to ^wplify matters he would only refer to the branch. It is but 16 years ago the Mutual -started oper- ^ons in Great Britian, and -at that time practic- IC v its only recommendation to public favour ^ere was its excellent reputation in the United ^ates for the sterling: character of its contracts a2 ^1'e high plane of probity upon which its '^ttairs were trans acted. And what do we find Why, that there is scarcely a town or ,Se in Great Britian in which the 'Mutual has n°t its policy holders. To have completed, and 0 received payment for business1 to the of nearly ^1,500,000 in one year shows inclusively that the Company has something attracth'e to offer to the public—and some- j fl1? which they need. And the public have /fis £ rasPed this fact. A total income of oyer fh ^'00° hi one year ds sufficient to. establish -Britisix Branch of the iMutual Life in our --cist as a British institution. We understand! at the British list of policy holders is as varied a,„ J!ts' ch&eracter, as it is numerous, comprising does some of the noblest in the land, as of iv 11110561 °f the artisan class. In the matter th, a t^n8Sl have heard it mentioned that OtT has recently completed in London, g ? the largest insurances ever taken in Great ■t ltam. And""we cannot say that we wonder at for ■VVe not know of a safer investment 1 CaP'hal than that -afforded by means of the M' 5Strrient: policies of isuch an office as the ■s4?vla; While the Company can show such a WUem^t as that detailedl in the following fin 6r' there is no fear of its forfeiting the con- na,ence of the .British public — ''Kin.gswinford, p. October 20th, 1902. state have to-day received from you. a take^meMt m>' Pol-cy, No. 524,099, fo.r £ 5,500, out ten years ago. I have paid a premium *?5 99 2d -for ten years, or a total of £ 6,054 \?nd y<™ offer me, as a surrender value, •fort,tr x Policy, £ 5,318, or makdmg'a total cost 'hihey-ear'sinsurarice of^5'5°°' £ '736 lls8dto 0T 1 se'e, makes an annual cost of £ 73 13s 2d I c -• P^ cent, per annum, a result which T°hn's,lder extremely satisfactory. e' other options you offer me of having my ^j)5po policy increased by a reversionary bonus cent 1 4s-, wh'ch is equal to £ 3 11s 7d per PolicvP?r annum 5 OT I could have a paid-up draw £ 5,500, payable, at my death, and pr-egx. cas^ bonus of £ 1,509 os 8d. Under my is 'Circumstances, I think the latter option be gi/t neficial to me, and I shall, therefore, to to av&il myself of this, and request you Up pr,. 'n'e cheque for £ 1,509 os 8d, and a paid- CY FOR £ S>5°0- Yours truly, t). P tf H M- p." Waldeman, Esq." the i aVrS ^^rred to other letters, from some in som ea mS f?entlemien in. North Wales, statiing their nN'C^'Ses' how well satisfied they are with and, and in others, with the very hon- ftr-e Sett1a j Prompt manner in which the claims, letter hip6^' ^avies further referred to a re the T(S ,ac" ^a't day written to a .gentleman, Several T^e ^lutual and other offices, ^■cid-lv Questions -were asked whdeh were very I-,UTth!XPainsd. were made by Messrs J. R. Ro^'gw Jones, John Roberts, Dr Morgan, ?atisfi€cj +,S and Dr -Morgan saying how very Mutual were with their policies in the Ton-^s0-0 XVfS rnade to the success of Mr J. ^ji'nlv satW 6 ^on;way district, and to the °rth WaVS actory prO'g.xess of the bu.>iness in 3 ears.. es ^U;r"ng the last seven or eight

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----Bazaar and Sale of Work…


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Denbighshire Infirmary.

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