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THE 30 HUM WORDS LEADER 6d. IHSEATIONS Advts. is. SITUATIONS VACANT. r\FFICE BOY WANTED.— Apply in own handwriting, stating age, ana previous i rp^P^ymeiit, if any, to Dl., LEADER Office, f *°'»ypandy. SITUATIONS WANTED. u.- (COLLECTOR, now at liberty, would like bunk in good society or would collect I'eote of any up spa, e time in office, required.—D.2ni, LEANER Office, Tonypandy I'Ni PLO NI T wanted or commission for E good house, by Gentleman with spare time, —}>> LEADEH Office, Tonypandy. V^TANTEi)- [ ■01 respondents in all districts j,™ i'» Uhonddu Valleys to represent the U[oxi)i,v LEADER. The three essential qllalitication required are promptness, brevi- y, and thoroughness. Applications should he addressed to Editor, RHONDDA LEADER, lonypandy. WANTED in a Solicitor's Office in Ponty- pridd, engrossing clerk, knowledge of -^orthaud desirable.-Apply "A" office of this paper. 11 J 85 HOUSES WANTED. r TVTANTED to Rent, early as possible, 2s/ dwelling House in Tonypan<ly, about u/p or per month. Send Particulars It) tw, iuit»" Rhondda LEADER Office, Tony- P°-"dy. c53m I FOR SALE. HAND Basses, all sizes and qualities, for the Fish, Game, and Meat Trades.—T. Hulfair' Mimufacturer> Wellington Street. PLEA for the Portable Turkish Bath. Just enlarged, double size (Farts I. and {M» illustrated, with copious footnotes, '"pfessive revelations for all, especially i.Hiatic sufferers. Post, 4 £ d.-W. Fulleylove, llkington, Nuneaton. 35 APER BAGS, PACKING PAPERS, 1 wines, Carded Goods, Stationery, Inks w u j1 Cno J?'llies> f°r shopkeepers.—J. i (°J Taf street, Pontypridd. Print- 1 Pra»ptlyStejeSCri',tion arti»tica">' "7J j A^ES Black Cashmere Hose, ribbed, 3 Price liltV?' 2//9.: sanip!e pair, I/ post free ern T manufacturer. Hatli- Loughborough. 83 tTOMlNG Pigeons for Sale. 20 Pigeons, Avick • }Wn a|! stages from Stafford to Ber- fruiis 'J\r w'nners in, the show pen. Bar- P'Hld* es James, Pantygraigwen, Ponty- 84 -= MISCELLANEOUS. Shoe Dealers. You will make no ba,1 film"tock if you buy your boots and \Voln„, °y'e & Co., Wholesale Warehouse, and Street, Cardiff. Biggest, cheapest, assorted stock in the provinces. 86 FOREIGN STAMPS.-Any quantity of y°ilr ],foreign Stamps purchased. Look up school j^ters, or collections made when at °r," T seiu^ particulars to '"Stamp Collect* -ADer Office, Tonypandy. HA!,E A COUGH or Cold ? If so, I'iNsput?6! time by taking LEWIS' all ch»a* -LINCTUS." The best Remedy for fromt c.0I11plaints. Past free, 1/1 i per bottle Chemist, Mardy. 17 RVOITS debility, loss of vigour. Men, i"ecipe f when you can have infallable ftiaoe ° £ V3 stamps, quite harmless, easily Strepf if.rus.c°tt, Hygienist, 12, Gt. Brook -reet, Birmingham. 39 plCruiES FRAMED complete from 1/9 HitrU uPwards at Richard Thomas's, 20, ^otddin Veeh Treorchy. Dealer in Glass, enlan^ri^r' n^s' Oil Paintings, &c. Photos o any 15 d^l P^^EL 0F BEST MUSIC, Is. 6d. pieces or ee songs or all pianoforte stock » portion of a large bankrupt ^°ad p~ MONMOUTH & JONES, Be™ ^^ntyprid. Glam. ON'T FORGET THAT "VIRIDINE" discoveJv C,URE for CORNS.—This grand cya;?- er^ many .to imitate it, but with f?ictoriT "lnS ^ov such preparation the satis- bottlP» ,e!su t,8 Viridine has secured. In J' MttVA-J y Post» Chemist, High-st., Cardiff. 57a TtTv LAND SADDLERY WORKS. -Cj )n^ heen cheated by certain sad- Publin ?' I will in future give the per Sp*i of saving from 20/- to 30/- good buying direct from me. Pony sets, ^arria^leTr' from 55/>' ver.Y special, £ 3; With J? ,'VP8 6/6 per pair; Superior ditto, fonv 3/ f ii • 10/' per Pair > Stable Rings, comb i U size' 4/6; Dandy Brush Curry- WMpsf™ Cover., I>air V-' ^> 4/6 Driving Reins, good, 5/6 Any article you want. JOHN PEDLEY, 6, Rushall Street, WALSALL. It EV. HUGH PRICE HUGHES says When events of interest take place in n,v}n°?-tlon Christian Churches, let ^vertisements be sent to the local press IT 'ley are of much greater use in all respects than mere placards on walls, -Which are suirounded by so many others." MUSICAL. t1011 PIANOS AND ORGANS, SONGS, AND PIANOFORTE PISCES, JHE Cg^|gR(2OK0 MUSIC STORES, Write tot Price Lift. PONTYPRIDD, 4

Porth Police Court.

Ystrad Police Court. l-

Reservists Furtd.

Competitive Meeting j»t Clydach…

Porth County School Governors.
