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ABERYSTWYTH. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL MANAGERS, FRI- DAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH.—Present Mrs Jessy Williams, vice-chairman, presiding Messrs C. M. Williams, Richard Richards (Gwarfelin), R. J. Jones, J. P. Thomas, Mrs James (Dolybont), Messrs John Evans (clerk), and David Samuel, headmaster. THIRD ATTEMPT SUCCESSFUL. After two unsuccessful atterrpts to secure a quorum of members, the Clerk made yet another effort and at last succeeded in getting six members to turn up. being one above the number required to form a quorum,—As the meeting was commenc- ing, Mr R. J. Jones said he noticed that the Press were making capital of this failure to forma. quorum. —Mr C. M. Williams Some must have some- thing to make capital out of.—Mr R. J. Jones I did not know that there had been a failure twice to hold a meeting. The Press furnished me with the information.—Subsequently, MrC. M. Williams said in justice to the members it should be said that during the past few weeks several had gone for their holidays whilst others had been called away suddenly on business. This failure to form a quorum was not due to any lack of interest on the part of the members. Far from it. It was hoiiiay time and there was as u-tial a difficulty in getting members together.—Mr R J. Jones said this was quite true. He was away on both occasions the two attempts to hold a meeting were made. MISCELLANEOUS. The appointment of cleaner of the school was deferred, there being only one application.—The Clerk reported that a deputation of managers had waited upon Mr Gough, passenger superintendent of the Railway Company, with regard to altering the time of the 9 40 a.m. train for the convenience of pupils from Borth. Mr Gough said he could give no hope for alterationat present.—Mr Richards suggested that the school should open half an hour later in the morning. Would this cause inconveni- ence ?—Mr Samuel, the headmaster, said he did not think it would.—It was agreed to consider the matter at the next meeting.—The Managers agreed to sign the claims for grants to the Science and Art Department in respeet of the attendance of pupils. The total number of attendances recorded was 941.—The report of Mr Darlington, H.M.I., as to the scholarship examination was read.—On the motion of MrC. M. Williams, seconded by Mr R. J. Jones, it was agreed to award eleven scholarships of JE5 each, that was, the school fee and two half scholarships of £2 10s each, as recommended by Mr Darlington.—The report of the Finance Committee showed that arrangements were being made for painting the school and the provision of window blinds. The tender of Mr David Watkins for paint- ing was accepted. COOKERY AND LAUNDRY TEACHER. The Finance Committee recommended that the Board should pay JE11 2s 2d towards the salary of the laundry and cookery teacher to be appointed by the County Governing Body for the county schools of Aberystwyth, Aberayroa, and Tregaron. —Mr C. M. Williams said the County Governing Body had appointed a committee to confer with the head teachers of each of the three schools with regard to the time for giving lessons in cookery and laundry. Instruction would be given, he hoped, in less than a month at each of the three schools. He took it that this would not interfere with the present arrangements.—The Headmaster replied in the negative. A BRILLIANT SCHOLAR. Application was made by a Llandilo man recently removed to Aberystwyth for a bursary for his son who had held a scholarship at the Llandilo County School. It was hard that the boy who had shown great apti ude for study should be robbed of secondary education owing to the removal of his parents. The reports of the examinations in which the boy had taken part said that his work was almost perfect," that it would be difficult for any boy to bat him," and" that his position in the examinations was unique."—The Headmaster said he had received a letter from the Headmaster of Llandilo County School about the boy. He wrote in glowing terms and stated that the boy was the sharpest and best pupil he ever had under him. The case was a hard one and if there ever was one in which a bursary should be granted this was one. The boy would amply repay the school later on.— The Chairman Yes, he may bring great credit up- on us.—Mr R- J- Jones asked if it was open for the JVIanageis to g ant bursaries to children from Aber- ystwyth ?— I he Clerk replied" Yes," adding that an application was made for bursary a short time ago and refused.—The Chairman: Yes, on its merits. Mr R. J- Jones said the Headmaster re- commended a bursnry and he proposed that the application should be granted—Mr R. Richards seconded the proposition which was agreed to. IN WANT OF JroNEY. The Clerk said the Managers must now make arrangements for collecting subscriptions to pay for the new buildings. A lot of was required. —The Chairman said it was certainly time to can- vass for subscriptions. The town ii:1d been divided into wards a long time ago and collectors appointed. —Mr C. M. Williams But since that time several of the persons appointed have ceased to be mem- bers.—The Clerk That is so.—It was then^agreed to make fresh appointments.—Mr C M. Williams said the Managers must admit that they had not gone thoroughly to work collecting subscriptions, but this was due to the fac that they were wasting for the formal opening of the school to take place. Undoubtedly, matters had been delayed, but he felt certain that the subscriptions promised would be instantly paid when the collectors went round. The Managers must exert themselves and work hard in order, if possible, to open the school free of debt. He did not see why the school should not be opened free of debt, seeing that nearly all, if not all, the schools in the county had been opened free of debt. The Managers had become guarantors for the sum of £2,400 and the deed was in the bank. They could not do any- thing until that money had been made. A (aT ge amount of money had been received, but there was ( a. still larger amount in promises and money above that promised would also have to he secured. At Tregaron, despite the fact that the district was one of the most thinly populated in the whole county, the intermediate school was opened free of debt. Surely Aberystwyth could repeat the performance of Tregaron. All that wasnecess.ry was to take to the matter thoroughly and they were bound to succeed. He felt that after the brilliant work done hy the school in the past that there would be no difficulty whatever in getting a large number of additional promises. The Managers had every reason to feel proud of the flue block of building* at which the school was held. He 'hought tha* i was the finest block of its kind in Wales. Again, the pupils were increasing term after term and the reports of the examinations were excellent. They had every reason to congratulate them- selves. Disparaging remarks had been made by some individuals, but if the Managos or persons interested in the school wanted a tes-t of the work done, let them real the reports of the examiners. If the Managers united and work -d hard the school would be opened tree of debt.—The Chairman supported the views of MrC. M. Wil- liams.—The following were appoint-d collectors —I\o. 1 ward, Messrs George Davis and C. M. Williams No. 2 ward. Messrs J. P. Thomas, R J. Jones. and Professor Genese; No. 3 ward, Mi-s Maria Jones and Mr Peter JanIs; No. 4 ward, Mrs Jessy Williams and the Rev T. Levi.—It being slggested thclt the coun'ry members should also be added to the list, Mr Richard Richards said they would have enough work to collect in the country.—MrC. M. Williams: Unfortunately the people in the country have fubscrihed very little.—Mr Richards They have subscribed a good amount. — Mr C. M. Williams said that he knew Mr Richards and Mrs James were doing what they could, but there was no use blinking the fact that the rural district had done practie ally nothing for the school. The town had doue everything. Having regard to the great advan- tages which the c uutry distric s derived from the school, he thought they ought to do a lot for the school. There was a large number of pupils from the country. There were wealthy people in the country like the town and even if they were not so, surely they could do as the people of Tregaron did, subscribe, say, £1 or £2. At present they took no interest in the school beyond sending their sons and daughters there after they had won scholarships. The country ought to assist the school in a substantial manner.—Mr Richards As you say, the country may not have done much, but they have not been approached in the same way as the town has been approached. I am certain when canvassed they will do quite as well as the town.—Mr C. M. Williams I am sure they will do.—Mrs James said in her district the people appeared to be favourable to holding a good entertainment in order to get money.—In the con- versation which followed, it was stated that last year the greater number of pupils at the school were from the country and the Headmaster said there was a good percentage of them this year.— It was agreed to leave the canvass of the country to Mr3 James and Mr Richards.—Arrangements were then made to send circulars to promisees and those likely to subscribe shovving the financial position and intimating that the collectors would call in a few days. THE OPENING CEREMONY. The Clerk said Mr Vaughan Davies, M.P., Prin- cipal Roberts, U.C.W., Principal Bebb, S.D.C. (Lampeter), the Mayor of Aberystwych, the Lord Lieutenant of Cardigan. and Sir James Szlumper had expressed their intention to be present at the formal opening of the school on October 26th.—The High Sheriff and Principal Prys had not yet replied to the invitation and Mr 0. M. Edwards, M.P., had written regretting his inability to attend.—The Clerk said in case diffi- culty might be experienced later on in getting a quorum to transact urgent business connected with the opening ceremony, it would be as well if the Managers would delegate a committee with power to act.—The suggestion was adopted, all the Managers to consist the committee.—The Chair- man asked what would be th, number necessary to form a quorum ?—The Clerk It will not be neces- sary with a committee to have a quorum. —This was all the business of interest. TOWN COUNCIL, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH.- Present: Councillor D. C. Roberts, mayor, pre- siding Aldermen David Roberts, Peter Jones, and Captain Doughton Councillors John Jenkins, exmayor, C. M. Williams, Robert Doughton, R Peake, J. P. Thomas, Isaac Hopkins, G. Croydon Marks, and T. E. Salmon Messrs A. J. Hughes, town clerk, aud Rees Jones, borough surveyor. FOOTBALL. A letter was read from Mr Evans (Mr J. P. Thomas's), Teriace-road, saying that seeing that no steps have been tak°n towa-ds making the field at the end of Plascrug into a recreation ground, he on behalf of the Wednesday United Football Club beg to apply for the use of that field for the season or six months. The Club were allowed the use of it during the past season for £2 10s. On the proposition of Mr PEAKE, seconded by Mr ROBERT DOUGHTON, the letter was referred to the Finance Committee. THE MINSTREL TROUPE. A letter was read from Mr Harry Collins begging most respsctfully to ask the Council to renew his permit for next season. It the Council thought he had served the town faithfully for the past seven seasons, he hoped the Council wouid give his appli- cation their kind consideration. On the proposition of Mr SALMON, seconded by Mr R. DOUGHTON, the application was referred to the General Purposes Committee. THE SMITHFIELD. A letter was read from Messrs Studt and Son offering jE6 6s for the use of the Smithfield during the November fairs, saving they intended bringing a first-class machine and providing a great musical treat which would be enjoyed by all. Mr SALMON proposed that the application should be referred to the Market Committee and it was stated that the Surveyor had quoted £7 7s. but that Messrs Studt had been writing repeatedly for a re- duction. In reply to a question by Mr Salmon, the SUR- VEYOR believed that JE4 4s was paid last year but Captain DOUGHTON did not think the payment was so much as that. Mr SALMON added that great complaints were made of tradesmen and ratepayers of the town being injured by the attraction in the Smithfield being kept up for three weeks and it was thought in the Council that the charge should be higher. It was then agreed on the proposition of Alder man PETER JONES, seconded by Mr SALMON, that the matter should be referred to the Markets Com- mittee with power to quote terms which, it was understood, would be somewhat protective. APPLICATIONS FOR LEASE RENEWALS. The Town Clerk read the following letter from MrR. Bickerstaff, Great Darkgate-street :—"Sept. 18th, 1899. Dear sir,—WTe applied for a renewal of the lease of the premises in Terrace-road last May and wrote again ia reference to it in August. We have heard nothing about our application, al- though other applications have been sanctioned by the Finance Committee since ours was made. The premises will be vacant next week and we wanted to get the building operations finished before next season as the street is narrow and we do not want to interfere with the business of those who will naturally be incommoded by the work. We have done all we know of that has to be done and should be glad to know whether there is anything else that is required to enable the application to be dealt with forthwith." Mr SALMON asked if the application had been considered in committee ? Mr C. M. WILLIAMS (chairman of the Finance Committee) replied in the negative, adding that he believed that the application for the lease was made iast June, but not having heard that a tracing of the ground had been received, no visiting committee had been called. It wa.s the instruction of the Finance Committee that whenever two or three tracings of premises tor which renewals were sought were received a meeting of the Visiting Committee would be held. In that case he had not heard lof a tracing having been sent in. He might say that the Finance] Committee was anxious not to delay any matter. As soon as any matter:was on the agenda and as soon as any tracing was sent in he had invariably convened the Committee and presented a report. As a proof of that, he might say that since last November between sixty-five and seventy applications had been made and terms recommended by the Committee to the Council. So it was clearly proved that there was no delay on the part of the Committee. Captain DOUGHTON-When an application is made for renewal of a lease or for anything that is required from this Council, is it not customary to give a reply in writing to the applicant stating whatever decision the Council has arrived at ? If not, how are applicants to know ? I know that several applications have been made with regard to the renewal of leases. Well, if they happen to get the local papers and see the decision of the Council therein, that is all they have to be guided by. Is it not customary, if not it should be, to inform the applicant what our decision is? If I am in order, I shall move that in future all applicants be given the decision of the Council whatever decision it may be. The MAYOR—There is an instruction of that kind. The Town Clerk does write. The TOWN CLERK—Yes, I do not know any case where it is not done. Captain DOUGHTON added that he did not know anything about Mr Bickerstaff, but he ought to have been informed of the decision soon after it was come to in June. The MAYOR said Mr Williams did not say a de. cision was come to in June. Mr Williams said the application was made in June and he fully ex- plained that until a traciug was ha.1ded in to the Commit;ee the Committ-e could noc prooced and the question then was, was there any tracing ? Captain DOUGHTON asked if a tracing was re- quired in that case ? The MAYOR replied that there should be a trac- ing of the ground plan in every renewal. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS said that had been the t justom for a long time. ) Captain DOUGHTON—Do the ratepayers under- ) stand that ? Suppoe I have a hous, in North- parade and I want a renewal, am I to send in a traci 'g ? < The MAYOR—Yes, that has been the custom for many years. Captain DOUGHTON I never understood that. I have been in the Council for six years and I never understood it. But I want a repiy o be sent to every applicant, whatever is the decision. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—If you will kindly allow me to explain, I may say that difficulty was felt some eihteen months or twn years ago and a resolu- tion was pass d on the recommendation of th. Finance C.mmlttee that immediately on the presentation of therepoit and its adoption the Town Clerk should inform 'he ap{. bcant aud without ex- ception that has always b eu complied with. I know that it is so in half a dozen cases. I saw three and asked if they had receiv ed a letier fr^m the Town Clerk and (hey ,aid they h id. Captain DOUGHTON—I shall now a-k a question in pnlnt. There iH Mr Gibson with his house in Trrrace-rnad, in which Mr John Williams has a shop. Now, wha ever decision this Council has arrived at in regard to that matter, in his paper all allng he says that he nev er has had a reply. Now that is a ca e in point. Has he had a reply ? The IA YUR-K I can answer that. Captain DOUGHTON—Ttore is a resolution on the hooks why canno, he get a reply? I do not con- sider any individual. 1 do not side with Mr Gibson T anybody else but if there is a resolution on the books it oughr to have been sent to him. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—What resolution ? I know we hear a great many things and see a great many paragraphs of many kinds, but what is the resolu- tion? Captain DOUGHTON — It was decided at this Council—if I recollect rightly—that application should be ma *e to the Local Government Beard c incerning Mr Gibson's le ise. Application was made and the Local Government Board would not Inrerfer. Cons> quently, I believe it was carried in this Councd by a majority of one vote, if I re- collect rightly. Now that is the decision. Row is he supposed to know ? He is not here and has no one here to represent him. There is a decision and has it been given in writing to the applicant ? Mr C. M. WILLIAMS- We all recollect the resolution — that all in connection with this particular le18P-every resolution on the books, was cancelled at the time. Mr PEAKE-No. The MAYOR—No, no, sir. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—They were cancelled at the time and at tne end of the Council there is a paragraph to the effect that the Town Clerk should write to the Local Government Board asking their opinion on the matter. Every resolution with regard to that lease was cancelled by the resolution and I appeal to the Town Clerk to read it now. Captain DOUGHTO- Yes, I mean the decision of this Council. The MAYOR—Order, please. Mr MARKS—What are we discussing ? Are we discussing Mr Gibson's lease ? Captain DOUGHTON-Not Mr Gibson or anybody elses' lease. I say that the decision ought to be given through the Town Clerk to the applicant otherwise it is not business. Mr C. M. WILLIHls-Since a certain time that has always been doue. Before that time perhaps it was not done. Mr SALMON—Has Mr Bickerstaff been informed that a traciug was required ? The MAYOR—I was coming to that. The TOWN CLERK said he did not receive the letter until the previous evening. Mr Bickerstaff did not know that a tracing was required and now he would let him know that it is required. The MAYOR thought that when acknowledging applications for leases it should be stated that trac- ings were required. The TOWN CLERK said he would do that in future. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS said that some months ago it was passed to ask the Borough Accountant to enter up lea-es in a book and that notices 8hald be given to the effect that before the applications could be considered tracings must be tlent. Captain DOUGHTON said he recollected well when terms were given to Mr William Rowlands such and such a thing was required to be done to the house, and when the matter subsequently came before the Couueil whether those things had been done, Mr C. M. Williams's chief point was that the resolution had not been sent to Mr Rowlands. Mr WILLIAMS replied that that was the case then, hut since then it had been altered. Captain DOUGHTO^ said it should always have been done because when it was not done people were mislead. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS said they could get to know if they only took the trouble to ask. Captain DOUGHTON did not think they ought to have to ask. They applied and they ought to be informed what was t e decision of the Council. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—You know that some people can make mountains of mole hills. Captain DOGGHTON-I agree with you there. Mr PEAKE said he disagreed with one remark made by Mr Williams. He did not think it should go out to the public that all the resolutions relat- ing to Mr Gibson's lea-e had been cancelled. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—-Before you make any re- marks, I ask that the resolution should be read. Mr PEAKE added that there was no resolurion- only to remain in abeyance until the decision of the Local Government Board was known. The MAYOR- T" defer the matter until the Local Government Board replied. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—Excuse me the resolution will speak for itse f. Alderman PETER JONES said an application was made oy Mr Gibson for a renewal and he was entitled toareply. If theCouncil refu-ed the application they should reply to that effect. If, on the other hand, they granted ic they should say it was granted and state the conditions attached to the renewal. As a matter of busine-s, it was the duty of tne Counci to give that reply, and he suggested that it should be ascertained for the next meeting. As far as his memory went as to the decision it was exactly the same as Mr Williams's. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS took it that the matter could not come before the Finance Committee. They presented a certain report and the Council cancelled it. Alderman PRTER JONES thought it only fair that thpre should be a reply according to the resolution. Mr C. M. WTILLIAMS said he was calling for the resolution. The TOWN CLERK (who had been looking for the resolution in the minutes) suggested that it should go to the Finance Committee and that he should be instruoted to report so that a reply might be sent. Alderman PETER JONES moved to that effect and Mr SALMON seconded the proposition and it was agreed to. Mr J. P. THOMAS said a Mr Davies wanted to know what became of his application with regard to property in Thespian-street. A STEEP HILL. Mr W. A. Northey asked that the Cycling Club should be allowed to place a danger board on the hill running down into Trefechan and the letter was referred to the Public Works Committee. CORRECTIONS. Mr HOPKINS called attention to a report in a local paper and asked Mr C. M. Williams if he was correctly reported in saying that he (Mr Williams) protested against the granting of the lease to Mr Hopkins, on the ground that it robbed the rate- payers of £60 a year. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS replied that he had made a note on his agenda (which he produced) of what he said, and the pith of it appeared in the report of the Cambrian News. What he said was that he could not move the adoption of 19 and 20 relating to Mr Hopkins on the ground that the terms giveu by the Council, in his opinion, robbed the rate- payers of JE60 as he had shown by previous figures. At the previous meeting, continued Mr Williams, it was stated that it was decided to enlarge the Corporation Offices by one vote only. He had looked up the resolution and found that it was passed by seven to three. He thought councillors should be correct. Captain DOUGHTON-That is not much. (Laugh- ter.) ° Mr C. M. WILLIAMs-It is only that you said the resolution was passed by one vote. Captain DOUGHTON—Well, it has been done out of current rates instead of a loan. That is my grievance. FIRE BRIGADE. Mr Salmon brought up the report of the Fire Brigade which recommended the purchase of 600 feet of hose at f54 12s from Messrs McGregor Dundee. DR. HARRIES'S APPLICATION. Mr Peake brought up the report of the Finance i Committee, Mr Williams, the chairman, being absent at the meeting. After recommending the payment of £1:3 5a lid, the Committee stated 1 that Dr Harries attended and explained that he required 2a 3r 23p on the south side of the Rheidol for the purpose of making a lake. The Committee recom- mended that a lease for seventy-five years should be given, the terms and conditions to be settled in committee of the whole Council. The Committee also decided to recommend that Dr Harries should be allowed to erect a bridge across the river so as < to afford an approach to the land. 1 Mr PEAKE added that there was but small at- tendance at the Committee meeting and thought it wise to refer Dr Harries's application again to the Committee for further consideration. He moved that the matter shculd be considered by a com mittee of the whole Council. It was an important; matter and deserved the attention of every mem- ber of the Council. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS seconded the proposition. Alderman PETER JONES said there were two or three questions in connection with the application that must receive serious attention. First, with regard to the legal position of the Council. By section 108 of the Municipal Corporations Act the Council could not grant a lease of land for a longer period than thirty-one years unless building of equal value was to be erected on it. Whether there was iny buiidiug contemplated in that case le did net know, hut it would be misleading to Dr Harries and place the Council in i wrong position if that point was not c. nsidered. There WHS al-o t e question whether the erection af an embankment in forming a lake would not limit the water way and militate against the lower o .rt of the town. He personally had m-ntioned t e idea of having a lake at the place repeatedly and the bed of the river might be changed and s-traighten"d up above and the flow of the water thereby accelerated. However, that was a matter of detail which might he turther considered. Att, mp's were made to fix a day for meeting, bur. as Saturday wa" an inconvenient day and the Surveyor vi as going out of town, it was agreed that rhe Mayor should convene a meeting on his re urn, his WORSHIP r. marking that a special meeting of the C<uncil could be held if the matter was found to be urgent. The approval of Mr Wheatley's plans was deferred for a conference with Mr WThratley and plans by Mr J. J. J ^mes (if offices in Baker street weie deferred for further information, as was also a plan of prop sed rebuilding of the Weston Vaults, Alder- man PETER JONER remarking that the Committee desirt d to know the area occupied by tile new premises in order to see if the licensed area would be greater than at present. Mr J. P THOMAS asked if chat would make any difference, and AlIermu PETER JONES thought it desirable 'hat the Council should know if thel e was to be any increase in licensed area, A licensed house like the Talbot, for instance, might buy five r six adj ining houses and add them to the liceu-ed premises, but he thought the Corporation should know in the case of their property what was pur- posed to be done in the way of increase. HOPE FCR COURT DWELLERS. The Surveyor presented reports and estimates for putting Cambrian Cottage-court, Britannia-court, Triniry-court, and Chalybeate-court in order at a cost of about £200. and on the proposition of Mr C. M. WILLIAMS, seconded by Mr PEAKE, it was agreed that the matter should he placed on the next agenda in order to take the legal steps to carry the work out. In reply to Mr C. M Williams, the TOWN CLERK stated that he was going on with advertising the notices concerning Trevor-road, Alderman PETER JONES adding that the Private Streets Act had been amended and that the legal process must now be very carefully at- tended to. The MAYOR said it would be very much easier for the Council if the adjoining owners did the work themselves and not leave it to the Council. Of course they had to pay the cost when the Counc 1 did the work. THE HARBOUR. The Harbour Commit'ee reported that they had examined bills and labour sheets. APPLICATIONS. Applications for renewals by Mr T. Evans of 76, Cambrian-street, Mr Isaac Hopkins of his yard, and Messrs Green and Colquhoun of 5, Terrace-road, were referred to the Finance Committee. The TOWN CLERK thought it would simplify matters and secure systematic treatment if all applications for leases were addressed to him in writing. He would then place it on the following agenda and be able to trace the matter from start to finish. (Hear, hear.) The suggestion was approved and adopted, it heing understood that any applications going to the Borough Accountant would be forwarded to the Town Clerk. CONSTITUTION HILL. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS then moved "That this Council, firmly believing that the granting of a liceuce for the sale of intoxica'ing liquors at Con- stitution Hill will be injurious to the best interests of Aberystwyth and will seriously tend to endanger its reputation as a desirable educational centre, prays the magistrates for the division of Lower Geneu'rglyn not to grant the same." Mr Williams said he very much regretted that the occasion had arisen for hitr to have to place that matter on the agenda With many others, he hoped to have no repetition of the application of 1887, when a licence to sell intoxicating liqours on Constitution Hill was refused at Llanbadarn in response to the strong feeling of opposition expressed in town and district. All the arguments then adduced in opposition, he believed, were now in force to a grpacer extent. That was the third attempt to get a licence. On the first occasiofc petitions were signed by nearly all the ratepayers. [Indication of dissent.] It was not a personal matter. He had no personal feeling against the Company. In fact, he believed he was acting more in their best interests than against them At the second attempt to btain a been- e resolutions were passed against it at all places < worship. In addition to that. an influential rl-p-itation attended before the magis- trates and appealed to them in the interests of Aberystwyth not to grant the licence. The College authorities also objected and he believed that the majority of the inhabitants of the town felt strongly that the licence would be injurious to the best interests of Aberystwyth as a health resort. Constitution Hill was not quite the place for a licence. That was felt by people who did not take a narrow view of the licensing question. He was convinced that the licence would not only be in- jurious to the best interests of Aberystwyth, but of the Company as well. Up to the present the public had acquired confidence in the way the Hill had been conducted. They felt that it was a splendid place of resort where young people were tree from temptation. As regarded Aberystwyth itself, it was a place to which a large number of men and women students were sent because of the high moral tone of the town and because it was free frum places which existed in large centres wherein young people were led astray. If a licence was granted for the Hill it would very much prejudice the town and the College, for parents would say there was then a place where their children would ba tempted to go and would ultimately go astray. He therefore moved the proposition en the agenda. Mr ROBERT DOUGHTON (after a pause) without hesitation seconded the proposition, believing a licence would be a source of great evil. However strong the reasons had been they were stronger now, for nowalarge numberof buildings had been erected under the Hill which did not exist when the first application was made. There was also the new Hostel for women students and it seemed to him that a licence for the Hill would be almost ruinous to that institution—(a laugh)—for strangers would not send their children to it in consequence of the proximity of the licence. It would also injure the College, for it would attract young people who would go up the Hill merely for the sake of the drink. Facilities for drinking had been very in- jurious all over the kingdom. Grocers' licences had not only ruined grocers' families, but the families of customers, beciuse women had been ible to get drink at the grocers' shop who would not think of going into a public-house for it. It seemed to him the Council should oppose the licensing of the Hill by every means in their power. If it was granted, it could with difficulty be dis- continued, no matter what was the result of it. Mr CROYDON MARKS (who spoke in so low a voice that he could not be properly heard) was un- derstood to say that the Council had strong temper- ance speeches by Mr Williams and Mr Doughton and if he was catering for people and not consult- ing his own tastes he should consider them exceedingly narrow. The MAYOR interposed to call Mr Mark's atten- tionjto the Municipal Corporation Act and members of councils taking part in matters in the Council in which they are interested outside and Mr MARKS said he purposed not voting, but he had aright to speak. The MAYOR said it was the custom in that Council to allow a member to speak, but he had no right to do so. He could speak if it was the wish of the Council to allow him to do so. Mr PEAKE—Certainly, Mr Marks may be allowed to speak. The MAYOR—He may do so with the consent of the Council. Mr MARKS-I make my application to speak. The MAYOR—Otherwise I cannot allow it. Mr ISAAC HOPKINs-I do not think there is any- thing against Mr Marks speaking. This is not a resolution affecting the business of the Council, but of another body. The MAYOR—Mr Hopkins, I will not discuss my ruling with any member, please. I take it that Mr Marks is pecuniarily interested in this matter and, therefore, I draw his attention to the section of the Municipal Corporations Act. Mr Marks then sat down. Mr PEAKE said he must make his protest against that resolution, as he had done two years ago. In the first place, he thought it a piece of impertinence In the part of the Council to approach a body of men of the calibre of the Llanbadarn magis- trates. If they were not able to form their own judgment he was sure there was no member of the Council able to instruct bhem. Mr Williams stated that there was i furore caused previously by the application. He also stated that the majority of the ratepayers were against it, and that there were resolutions From the different religious bodies and a strong deputation to the magistrates, as well as a memorial from the Council. They all knew that Mr Williams also said that the majority were xgainst the licence. He (Mr Peake) said decidedly not. The result of the next election proved that the majority of the town were in favour of the enterprise of the Improvement Company, for one member who voted in favour of petitioning the Llanbadarn magistrates happened to get defeated in the November election. Another member who happened to stay away when the matter was before the Council also got defeated—(laughter)—and his worthy friend, Mr Honkins, who did not vote at ill, got defeated. (Loud laughter). Mr MARKS—And I got in. Mr PEAKE added that the candidate who was in favour of the licence and himself who voted in its favour got returned. Whether Mr Williams looked at it from a different point or not, he (Mr Peake) could not say, but that was his way of thinking and it was to him very demonstrative that three mem- bers of the four got defeated. He thoucht he was expressing the feeling of the majority in thinking that the Company should have all the privileges they could get. Where would Aberystwyth have oeeu but for the C< mp>ny? Tney had spent be- i £150,000 and £200,000. The prosperity of ] Aberystwyth to-day showed what they had done. Before the Company came things were nt a stand- ( still at Aberystwyth. It was the College that kept up the town and the sooner the College pe, pie understood that the be-ter. The Council should give opportunities for c pitalists to invest their money in the town. Wha; had it got to do with the Council ? Why should they m their little world prvent people spending money in the town ? It. would g;, out to the world that the Council weretooconversative. Theymightpride themselves on being Liberals, but they were C^nserv stive and were bound up in their little world. Why should the Council dictate to the Company ? He did not suppose that Mr C. M. Will ams ever had a bottle of beer or a bottle of stout in his life but there were thousands who went up the Hill who were astonished that they could not get reasonable refreshments there. The Council were going out,ide2its province in interfering with the Llaiibadarn magistrates ann with the Company's enterprise. He shou d vote against the proposition and should be only to pleas d to see the licence granted. As to Mr Douahtoo's argument about the Hostel, the Hill was clos d when the Hostel was opened and vice versa, so the Hostel could not he effected, With regard also to the value of property, they knew that throughou the country property was more valuable attached or close to a public house. (Laughter.) Mr SALMON said though he was a licensed victualler he wished to say a word on that matter, for he was in a position to ascertain and know the wants of visitors. Thousauds of visitors com- plained of being unable to obtain intoxicating drinks on the Hill except what was carried up in the way of spirit*. (Hear, hear.) It was well known that bottles of spirits were carried by excur sionists up the Hill, aud he was sure that the CID- sumption was far greater and far more in- jurious than if they were enabled to obtain a glass of beer in the refreshment room. Those who quenched their thirst by alcohnicdriuk" had no objection to others taking non-alcoholic drinks. On two occasions he had had occasional licences to sell on the Hill during the past season and there was no difficulty. The Llanbadarn magistrates granted the licence on a former occa- sion, but confirmation was refused at Quarter Sessions on the resolution of the Council. Aft-r the refusal the November election came and the ratepayers rejected the members of the Council who voted for the resolution opposing the licence. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—What year was that? Mr SALMON—The first year they made applica- tion. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—Will you name the candi- dates ? Mr SALMON—Yes; Mr Robert Ellis, chemist, and Mr T. W. Powell. Mr C. M. WILLIAMS—Well, who were returned ? Mr SALMON replied that the town elected in the time of Bourne and Grant not the nominees of any club. He added that the town was now in favour of the licence, at least the majority. He did not mean the Rechabites and Good Templars who were biassed and opposed to licences every- where. Mr Williams said that people sent their children to Aberystwyth to college because of the high moral standard of the place. He, how- ever, did not appear to know that in the matter of public-houses to population Aberystwyth, judged from his point, was one of the lowest in the king- dom, for whereas in other towns there were about one public-house to every 300 or 400 of the inhabit- ants, at Aberystwyth there was one public-house to every 129 inhabitants. That showed if it showed anything that people did not send thfir children to Aberystwyth because they thought intoxicating drinks detrimental, but that they sent their children to Aberystwyth because there were plenty of public-houses in the town. (Loud laughter.) Mr C. M. WILLIAMS-Mr Salmon Mr Salmon Mr SALMON—You said that people sent their children here because there were few public houses but as there are more public houses here than there are in proportion at other places, it proves, according to your argument, that the penple send their children here because of the public houses. (Renewed laughter). Licences, continued Mr Salmon, were granted to places where they were much less needed than on Con- stitution Hill. Mr ISAAC HOPKINS did not say he was going to vote for or against the proposition, but he'protested against the Council interfering with the Llanbadarn magistrates. There were six magistrates present in the Council and how would they like the Llaabadarn magistrates to interfere with them? He did not think they would listen to what the Llanbadarn magistrates had to say. They knew what was best to be done and they would do it in spite of all the Council said. Mr SALMON said he omitted saying that the Council intended some time extending the borough so as to include Constitution Hill and the MAYOR observed that that seemed to him to be a reason for the Council's expression of opinion at the present time in the matter. Alderman PETER JONES pointed out that both the majority and the minority report of the Licensing Commission stated that in the opinion of the com- missioners there were too many public houses in the country. He did not think an expression of opinion by the Council on that matter un- reasonable. He had taken exception to an expression of opinion on a magisterial judgment, but that was a very different thing to expressing an opinion before the magistrates had exercised their judgment. That was a question that no doubt very seriously affected Aberystwyth whether prejudicially or benefically and he thought it only fair and reasonable that the representative body of the town should express an opinion upon it and he also felt sure from his knowledge of the gentlemen who constituted the Llanbadarn magis- rrates that they would pay considerable deference to that opinion. Captain DOUGHTON supported the proposition, thinking a new licence injurious to the town and to the inhabitants. If a licence was granted for the top of the Hill, a mortuary would be wanted at the bottom. He denied Mr Peake's contention that members were defeated over the licensing question. It was on the question of work or no work. He did not know whether a, licence on Constitution Hill would keep the working people of Aberystwyth alive for the remainder of their days. He knew that a banner was taken about the town asking people to vote for Bourne and Grant and work. No doubt Mr Peake expected to get a job. Alderman PETER JONES-Oh. Mr PEAKE—Perhaps you wanted to sell coal. (Laughter.) The MAYOR having asked for order, Mr MARKS again applied to be allowed to speak, and it was agreed to on the proposition of Mr Salmon. Mr MARKS, in the course of a rapidly-uttered speech of which it was almost impossible to obtain an accurate note, was understood to &ay that it was intended to ask the magistrates to limit the licence to three months—July, August, and Sep- tember only. Therefore it could not effect the College students. With regard to the control of the licence on the Hill, regulations would be framed whereby people would not be served more than once. He had had many applica- tions by intending excursion parties for arrangements for obtaining intoxicating drink on the Hill. Sir Pryce Jones's party, people from Bradford, and people from Birmingham had applied. If the Council were going to lay down the hard and fast rule that Aberystwyth was to be controlled on carping, temperance, and narrow lines or only the tenets of a particular party were to prevail, then they would keep capital away and prevent the extension of the town. A meeting of his board was to be held this week to consider how further to advance Aberystwyth, but how could he advise them to invest more capital if narrow ideas were to prevail and one class was to dictate to others what they should eat and drink. With regard to Captain Doughton's mortuary, there had been a licence on the Promenade Pier and no mortuary had been required at the bottom. The MAYOR protested against one remark by Mr Marks that Aberystwyth was governed by tem- perance people on narrow lines. He (the Mayor) was not a teetotaler, but he had voted before and should vote again against licensing, not because he objected to licensing, for there were occasions when licences should be granted, but he did not think it would be wise to grant a licence for the Hill. What Mr Peter Jones had said of licensing gener- ally was worthy of consideration. In voting for the resolution, he should like it to be understood that it was not a question of going upon a temper- ance line. It was a question of what they con- sidered the advantages of Aberystwyth. Captain Doughton tried to put in another speech, but was stopped by the Mayor and Alderman PETER JONES moved that the question be now put." The MAYOR saying that Mr C. M. Williams had the right of reply, MTWILLIAMS denied that he took a narrow, temperance, carping view of the matter. Captain DOUGHTON That is only Mr Marks's opinion. Mr PEAKE—He has as much right to an opinion as you have. Mr WILLIAMS (continuing) said the Council had done all they could to support the Company, there being no opposition to a licence for the Hotel Cambria, and thought it somewhat dishonourable to say that if that licence was not granted there would be no more capital spent in the town. Mr MARKS said he spoke what he believed. Mr WILLIAMS added that he was actuated by the broad desire to serve the best interests of the town. With regard to dictating to the Llanbadarn Bench, he said the members were deeply grateful to the Aberystwyth Council for their expression of opinion, several magistrates having told him that the mem- bers of the Council were the best judges of what was best for the town. A vote was then taken when Messrs the Mayor, Aldermen Peter Jones and Captain Doughton, and Councillors Robert Doughton, J. P. Thomas, and 1 C. M. Williams voted for the proposition, praying the magistrates not to grant the licence—6 Councillors T. E. Salmon and Peake—2—voted iga nst the proposition and Alderman David Roberts and Is >ac Hopkins remained neutral. On the proposition of Mr WILLIAMS, the Town J rk was directed to forward the memorial to the Llanbadarn magistrates, and, on the suggestion of Mr MARKS, it » as agreed to add the number of members who wer present in the Council. Aft r going into c immittee for a brief period to consider the Cambrian trains return, the Council ro-e.


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