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RETROSPECT A OF THE 1 I "') I" '1 YEAR -t, 4 00. A t1J" I(!Y II E YEAR'S EVENTS: r A llLIA ^ENTARY AND POLITICAL. °f the oeVf,nt^ Session of the Fourteenth Parliament Aiigilgf g eei! °Pened on J, «"!(), and closed on Commons r<* kdmond Fttonaurice moved in the totheO|San- Amendlnent to the Address in repiy Co&duct rT" «? r-uiecung on the Ministerial was reWt' rs in South Africa, but the motion as Wag o a't,er a full debate, by 352 to 139 votes FORWARD L'NE^I)F A 8TOP FCB« war" nature, brought Ash ',V Johr, Redmond, Wt^r^ vote of £ 13,000,000 out of tho .A.fricail WI. f?un<i' towards the cost of the South by 224' f0 ar;,was carrie i in Supply on February 10 Jiaty pgt; v",f!S- Mr. Goschen introduced the 'he (•[ February 26; and 011 March f- :Lludge,t, of tile- brought in hit £1'> 3' !■> ded for the raising o! Y during the was ir 11 l-an of £ 45.000,000. Income-tax barrel 1 m £ duty on beer Is. per lb., 0n c •" .>•>, on tobacco 4d. per lb. ''r !'ir fl°d on tea 2d. per beenap, n i>r the w.-r there would have ii*: vf„ 'he n^ ,v- »•< t'»f "-pssion, apart from ,'1 1 an(* discussions ;ionin ^i » War and the situa- tutiiig i}le wats tlie P,c"" l,~ "f the Act consti- ^"ders' "r,l"mVfa'th \.t cralia: the Money- 0°U)pe,,s.' "le Ar-- the Workmen's «>°ns of V|l 10n 0< a'"3 extending the provi- Hlllendi,icr ft PHme f° !1-r cultiaal labourers; the Act the Jaw rei-itirttf to agricultural holdings 1870 to K^nif)ntary Education Acts Hons-' a"C^ f'ie Act amending Part III. of ■The <•'Ma: of tlje Working Classes Act of 1890. the prQf,), '"ru?nwealth of Australia Act provided for Victoria ^naf 'on '^at the people of New South Wales, also VftVf0' Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, ^eed th«er? Australia, if the people thereof had ^onwealth 'jSllonId be united in a Federal Com- Auatraljn ""der the title of the Commonwealth of aPpointPri.. „^er the Act the Earl of Hopetoun was The A FIRST Governor-General. tfmending the law relating to Agricultural the tf;rt:ves to the tenant, a right to compensation tion or p ""nation of a tenancy i'or erection,, altera- do buildings, formation of silos, in§ of osi^k0 ,PerraaPent past-iire, making and piant- °f irrioat.: "s> making of water meadows or works waterconw°n' or gardens, making or improving of Water, op !?8' Ponds» &c., or of works for supply of 1 ^rman" f)ads or bridges, ni"kingor removal of frQitbushfi nces- planting of hops, orchards, or ^^eland pro^ecting young fruits, reclaiming of. sluipp' WarP'ng or weiring of land, embankments *0rk in V,8 a"a'nst floods, and the erection of wire- TheA^°P Kardens- Pr°vidfis the Elementary Education Acts Eletvic f or the PurPose of the fee grant under shallk1"^ Education Act, 1891, average attend- of tu in accordance with the beinrr • ard °f Education in force for the ardianf ,n resPec'; Public elementary schools, ^seg 0f empowered to contribute to the ex- 0r Part'v ;PU elementary schools incurred wholly "are « tvfSpect ?f sch?lars taught at the schools 0arded niL resident in a workhouse, or are Ihe AT 1 fhe guardians. Oration oneJ'"ljenders Act, 1900, which came into Proceedin„°a ^ovem^er. 1900, provides that where l^der f0r h, are ta^en in any court by a money- ^ement of recovery ofany money lent, or the en- ^°Qey i„ f any agreement or security in respect of 8t cha t'le ^°urt is satisfied that the in- ex Ch r ed, or the amounts charged for all that renewals, &c., is or are excessive, >° £ iable n! .transaction is harsh and uncon- | fruity ls. otherwise such that a Court of 1 an8action j've re^e^> Court may re-open the QcW an j and taken an account between the money- SUe^from „ Person sued, and relieve the person C01a?nJent any sum in excess of such sum Cl,C|»8tano av'n? regard to the risk and all the sUnnl may adjudge to be reasonable. v*8 a2i^6mentary military vote of £ 11,500,000 to !tles8 offi° °n Ju,y 17' and 00 A.ugust8, the Proro/ Session ')eino concluded, Parliament hias 'ssuef) !9 ^ufc.on September 17 a proclamation x 6 on n,aor0,uncinS that a dissolution would take JjTe* -f e 25th- tho OQT6 issued accordingly on that date, a '8slle b f General Election commenced, JLP°S8iblp f °r? tlle country being confined as much v had ^haki question. The contest, i'0tl of » with the Government in posses- ion!?8 ROft^a^°r^'y ended with Ministers 134 r electi' aS a"a'nst a plurality of 152 after the n°n' I)erhaps the most prominent old i/lfrid r_nseated at, the polls were Mr. Birrell, Sir bilip S, ^°n, Mr. Horace Plunkett, the Hon. tP6' an<^ ^r' -Arthur O'Connor; while l^ection Parliamentarians who did not seek nP^ald Goschen, Mr. Courtney, Sir 1' 8,anle.y. Viscount Sandon, at the t; Williams, and Mr. Justin McCarthy. j,°0d that A?6 <^enera^ Election it was under- ratrr.toschen was giving up his position as j rd Selbo 6 Admiralty, and shortly afterwards N Salisk116 was appointed in his place, while teL nS thft .b"ry retired from the Foreign Office, fi resign j8t Lord Privy Seal, vice Lord Cross, tu°VerHrriP^T> Mr- Chaplin also left the Local ,n -^otne rur«0arc'' an^ ^atthew White Eidley eC6' "e new aPP0intments made in Sry, lord t ^ese changes were: Foreign Secre- Vn* St -r ,ansdowne; Secretary for War, Eight p^hie-i0"? Brodrick; Home Secretary, Sir. J^ald 5aifres'^en^ of the Board of Trade, Mr. t ^altP» rUr; Local Government Board, *lre. M;r. tr an^ President Board of Agricnl- tek^^deran ry> Tbe Postmaster-General, Lord ch WasTu Was a^s0 included in the Cabinet, 'ber, o'hereby brought, up to 20 members in p, .ordinate Ministerial posts were filled j.-S^dhaiji. Secretary for Ireland, Mr. George tv^lcial o' nder Secretary for War, Lord Raglan racial cfCretary to the VVrarOffice, Lord Stanley; .^attibej]a- Cretary to the Treasury, Mr. Austen s miraUv'?r: Parliamentary Secretary to the ,?Cretarv f • Hl °- Arnold-I forster; Parliamentary 1 >letltarY <3 or India, Earl of Hardwicke; Parlia- pll^er SACre^ar^ ^or the Colonies, Earl of Onslow; r/^borr^^i^y. for Foreign Affairs, Viscount n?0VerOtnPT,'f parliamentary Secretary to the Local f the .Board, Mr. Grant Lawson; Civil Lord r!^e Tre,.11 ty, Captain Pretyman Junior Lord n Ihe S8Ury. Mr. Ailwyn Fellowes. on Parlif")icnt of h'T Majesty wa§ .j^eaker 0f eceinbef 3, Mr. Gully being' re-elected hriefes). r-.6 House of Commons unanimously. In })KS .^sked F een's Speech on record the Legislature /f T'8i0n to make further necessary financial Wfs<!an Wa>.aCCjUrit' the continuance of the South '°08 exPed'tion to China, a grant of oJr Matters formulated. Discussion on this %}, ''Pied tim out of the General Election 8Peci«i attention of Parliament during the ,ye? extra p^hmtmas Session. bp-1" ^ag no(. ^arliamentary political oratory of the j»iln8chieg a nature calling for particular note, aTfi 0l}cerned with tbe war and the General ci. ^0loniai qW attacks upon Mr. Chamberlain, t|1a^cteri8ticl"fCrftary at times defending himself in Ii? j ,a'on' Attempts, too, were made by 5^osebpr fect'on the Liberal party to induce to Kthe ^ble return to the Liberal leadership, and6 ^ree fro6 ^le spring announced his desire 3p tho^gjj j01 such a position of responsibility, 'feivT es> in »nj Iriade afterwards some important a'ne<l m0r 0ut of Parliament, Lord Rosebery ,t\ Ijjg 6 0r *ess a dilctante politician. TOINFAIL'S CHIEF EVENTS; AND COLONIAL, for hT^u' ^hree thousand Styrian miners !QQy handert81* Wage?- 4. The Eoyal Niger Com- 5, rnPVer Nigeria to the British Govern- P !et in IQJ- ree million people received famine off1*0 reachiiri -p-, ■1 ^^e first through train from c of 4oo p -Kbartouuf. 13. Lord Strathcona's Af by ii an?dian roughriders and scouts ac- thtfvr^' 19 n° ar Office for service in South -Nile. oR 8™an Digna captured near Tokar on (sf8?^ LutT„ t Dowager-Empress of China dis- £ dar) left r ■ u* 29. Colonel Sir F. Wingate Omdurman. 13 art' i ^0?veiltion signed at Washington tjplr- speech ri'v8 the Clayton-Bulwor Trea'ty. the 1? the ered at Berlin by the German Em- \yeit nu^'re,ation of a great German fleet; in « i^^er the Mixed Tribunals of Egypt £ 1 loA*1 acco f6.d for five years. 14. Tbe Egyptian tri9O'O0o StS for 1899 showed a surplus of 'Qtne. dieij, Ir> Cardinal Jacobini, Vicar :1 111 MARCH.—6. Lord Pauncefoto consented to remain is Ambassador at Washington until the autumn. 13. An offer from the United States of its services as mediator in the South African War politely declined. 18. Sir William Lockhart, Commander-in- Chief in India, died. 19. The bi-centenary celebra- tion of the Berlin Academy of Sciences opened by the German Emperor. 22. Crown Princess Stephanie and Count Lonzay married. 23. Mr. J. Lyall, acting British Consul at Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, fatally stabbed. 26. Disturbed condition of the country round Tientsin, in China. 29. Award of the Delagoa Bay Arbitration published. APRIL.-4. The Prince of Wales was fired at by a youth named Sipido, at the Nord Railway Station at Brussels. 8. A statue of Alphonse Daudet unveiled at Nimes. 9. Disturbances at Coomassie reported by Sir F. Hodgson. la, The Boer mission to Europe arrived at Naples. 14. Paris Exhibition opened; Cronje, Colonel Schiel, and other Boer officers reached St. Helena. 20. The Boer Mission was received by the Queen of Holland at The Hague. 28. Accident at the Paris Exhibition 10 killed. 29. Continental Powers decline to attempt mediation in connection with the Boer war. MAL-5. JSevvs received of serious fighting in Coomassie. 6. Celebration of the coming-of-age of the Crown Prince of Germany. 15. The Boer mis- sion landed at New York. 21. Attention now turned to the Boxers and the anti-foreign propa- ganda in China. 30. Foreigners in danger at Pekin. 31. Troops landed by the Allied Powers to protect the Pekin Legations. JUNE.—1. Reported relief of Coomassie. 2. The Pekin Tientsin Railway damaged by the Boxers.. 6. Foreign reinforcements entered Tientsin; con- tinued destruction of railway near Pekin. 9. Im- perial Irade issued condemning General Nieh for killing Boxers. 10. About 800 British troops, under Admiral Seymour, left Tientsin by train for Pekin. 15. Telegraphic communication with Pekin entirely cut off; native Christians massacred foreign pro- perty destroyed. 17. Capture of the Tu-ku forts by the allies. 18. Sir J. Gordon Sprigg made Prime Minister of Cape Colony; anarchy in Pekin, murder of the German Minister. 23. Relief of Tientsin by the allied forces more British ships ordered to China. 24. Edicts issued ordering ex- pulsion of all foreigners from China. 25. Continued grave situation in Northern China. 28. Admiral Seymour relieved and returned to Tientsin; his losses 62 killed and 312 wounded. 30. Arsenal Borth-east of Tientsin captured by the Allied forces. JULY-I. Marriage at Keichstadt of the Archduke Frantz Ferdinand of Austria to Countess Sofie Cbotek. 3. Kaiser William vows vengeance on the Chinese. 10. Sir F. Hodgson reached Cape Coast Castle from Coomassie. 13. British aud native regiments ordered from India for service in China. 14. Tientsin captured by the Allies; appointment of the Earl of Hopetoun as Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. 15. Relief of Coomassie accomplished. 16. Report of massacre of foreigners at Pekin afterwards discovered to be unfounded. 21. Chinese Legation in London received intelli- gence that the Embassies in Pekin, respecting which the gravest anxiety was felt, were safe. 28. Arrival of the Shah of Persia in Paris. 29. Assassination of the King of Monza. 30. Death of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha from paralysis of the heart. AUGUST.—1. Hereditary Prince of Hohenlohe- Langenburg took the oath as Regent of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 2. Attempted assassination of the Shah of Persia. 3. Shah abandoned his pro- posed visit to England. 4. Funeral of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg. 5. Marriage of King Alexander of Servia and Madame Draga Maschin; Strike of cabmen in Paris. 6. Yangtsun captured by the Allies with heavy loss. 8. Appointment of Count von Waldersee to the command of the Allies in China. 9. Funeral of King Humbert. 10. Russian telegram reported the taking of Newchang. 15. Pekin captured by the Allies. 19. King Prempeh, late ruler of Coomassie, and King Asibi of Kokofu deported from Sierra Leone to Seychelles. 28. Allied troops marched through the Imperial city of Pekin to commemorate its capture. SEPTEMBER.—6. Announced that the Duke of the Abruzzi, in the Stella, had penetrated 86deg. 33min. latitude, beating Nansen's furthest north." 9. News received of the surrender of two of the prin- cipal rebel chiefs in Ashanti. 10. Sir A. Gaselee announced the occupation by British of Tengtai railway junction. 15. Li Hung Chang léft Shanghai on a British steamer for Taku. 16. Prince Albert of Saxony killed in a carriage accident. 17. An- nounced that Duke of York was to visit Australia to open the first Commonwealth Parliament. 18. General von Waldersee landed at Hong Kong. 19. Sir E. Satow appointed British Minister to Pekin, Sir Claude Hamilton being transferred to Tokio at his own request. 20. German troops and Bengal Lancers stormed the walled city of Liang-Hsian, a Boxer stronghold, and slew 500 Chinese. 22. Ban- quet held in Paris—23,000 guests-to celebrate the Centenary of the French Republic. 28. Cape Treason Bill passed. OCTOBER.—2. Prince Albert, of Belgium and Duchess Elizabeth of Bavaria married at Munich. 5. British landing-party occupied Ching-wan-tao. 10. Ten thousand more troops ordered to China. 12. Empress Frederick seriously ill. 15. Empress Frederick's condition improved serious rebellion in Southern China. 16. Betrothal of Queen Wilhel- mina of Holland to Prince Henry of Mecklenburg- Schwerin. 17. Prince Hohenlohe, German Chan- cellor, resigned. 18. Count von Biilow appointed German Chancellor. 20. Agreement announced between Germany and Great Britain as to settlement in China. 22. Cook Islands formally annexed to New Zealand. 29. Pr:nce Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein succumbed to fever at Pretoria. NOVEMBER.—1. Funeral of Prince Christian Victor at Pretoria.' 6. Mr. McKinley secured re-election to U.S. Presidency. 8. Sir Wilfrid Laurier returned to power with increased majority in the Canadian Elections. 12. Paris Exhibition closed. 14. Czar of Russia reported suffering from typhoid. 15. Sad accident to express from Madrid to Paris, many passengers killed, including the Peruvian Minister and his wife. 16. Woman, believed to be insane, threw an axe at the German Emperor's carriage at Breslau, no injury done Kruger landed from the Gelderland at Marseilles on his visit to Europe. 2.3. Kruger left Marseilles for Dijon, en route to Paris. 24. Kruger received in Paris by President Loubet. 26. Ogaden Somalis rebelled in British East Africa, Sub-Commissioner Jenner killed. 27. Count Yorck, commanding German Expedition in Yalgan, acci- dentally asphyxiated, 29. Ashanti campaign ended; Czar announced to be nearly convalescent; Oscar Wilde, poet and novelist, died in obscurity in Paris. DECEMBER.—1. Kruger left Paris, intending to visit Berlin, but was stopped at Cologne by the Kaiser's intimation that he could not be received in the German capital. 3. President McKinley delivered his Presidential Message to the U.S. Con- gress. 4. General Mercier ineffectually endeavoured to interest French Senate in a scheme for the inva- sion of Britain. 6. Afrikander Congress at Wor- cester, Cape Colony; violent anti-British speech by Mr. Cronwright Schreiner; Kruger arrived at The Hague news received that Lieutenant Watts-Jones had been tortured to death on the Yellow River. 7. King of Portugal made a friendly speech towards Great Britain at Lisbon British members of Inter- national Court of Arbitration under The Hague Con- vention appointed. 8. Kruger received by Queen Wilhelmina; great Liberal majority in the Quebec elections reported; British bluejackets honoured by the Portuguese King. 12. Important speech by Count von Bulow on Germany's foreign relations. 13. Davis Amendment to Hay-Pauncefote treaty adopted. 18. Small-pox epidemic in Paris. THE SOUTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN. Concisely stated, the chief events in connection with the South African campaign during 1900 were as follows JANUARY.—1. Enrolment of the first draft of the City Volunteer Corps for South Africa. 6. Suffolk Regiment loses heavily near Rensburg, over 100 prisoners taken Boer attack on Ladysmith repulsed. 8. Successful British reconnaissance from Sterk- stroom towards Stormberg. 9. Cavalry reconnais- sance from Modder River enters Orange Free State. 10. Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener (new Com- mander-in-Chief and Chief of Staff) arrive at Cape Town. 18. Dundonald having crossed Tugela engages Boers near Acton Homes. 23-24. Spion Kop captured and held during 24th, but evacuated on the night of January 24-25. 27. Embarkation of the first draft of Imperial Yeomanry. FEBRUARY.—5. Buller again crosses Tugela, and captures Vaal Krantz, but is unable to hold it, and again retires. 9. Lord Roberts arrives at Modder River. 12. General French seizes De Keil's Drift on the River Riet, and on the 13th captures five laagers and quantity of sheep and cattle. 15. General French relieves Kimberley, after capturing stores and ammunition depot; siege lasted 123 days. 18. Monte Christo taken bv Buller after severe fighting; Colonial divi- sion, under Brabant, enters Dordrecht. 20. The Boer army under Cronje bombarded by Lord Roberts. 26. Buller once more crosses the Tugela. 27. The whole Boer army under Cronje (5150.men) surrender* I to Lord Roberts i,t, by assault. 28. Lord Dundonald relieves Ladysmith after a siege of 118 days. MARCH.—5. Gatacre occupies Storm berg; over- tures of peace made by Boer Presidents. 11. Over- tures of peace rejected by Lord Salisbury. 12. General French occupies hills commanding Bloem- fontein. 13. Lord Roberts without further fighting takes possession of Bloemfontein; Boers retire on Kroonstad. 19. Kitchener enters Prieska and re- ceives submission of 200 rebels. 23. One Guards officer killed and three wounded and taken prisoners 13 miles north of Bloemfontein. 27. Death of General Joubert. 31. Broad wood attacked at Water- works during retirement R.H.A. and convoy en- trapped at Koorn Spruit; six guns lost, 350 casualties. APRIL.-3. Detachment of about 600 Royal Irish Rifles and Mounted Infantry surrounded near Red- dersburg, and taken prisoners. 5. The British capture about 50 Boers near Boshof, and their com- mander, the French General Villebois, is killed. 14. Commandant Cronje and his wife land at St. Helena. MAY.-2. Lord Roberts's request to Mafeking to hold out until May 18 published. 6. Wynburg surrendered, Boers in full retreat towards Kroon- stad. 12. Lord Roberts enters Kroonstadt. 13. Attack on Mafeking repulsed, 108 Boer prisoners taken. 16. Mahon and Plumer engage the Boers in- vesting Mafeking and drive the from their western positions. 17. Buller occupies Newcastle. 17-18. Relief of Mafeking. 24. Advance portion of Lord Roberts's force crosses the Vaal. 29. Lord Roberts arrives at Germiston. 30. Flight of President Kruger from Pretoria. 31. British Bag hoisted at Johannesburg. JUNE.—5. British flag hoisted at Pretoria. 7. Temporary interruption of Lord Roberts's com- munications. 8. Capture of Botha's Pass. 11. Laing's Nek and Majuba evacuated. 13. Surrender of Wakkestroom. 18. Krugersdrop occupied without opposition. 19. Laing's Nek Tunnel reopened. 20. Surrender of commando under de Villicrs. 23. Union Jack hoisted at Heidelberg. JULY.—2. Occupation of Greylingsfcad. 6. Com- plete railway communication restored between Pre- toria and Natal. 7. Eight hundred British prisoners released by the Boers; occupation of Bethle- hem. 8. Boer officials surrendered at Heilbron. 111. British reverse at Nitral's Nek. 21. Lord Methuen defeats Boers at Oliphant's Nek. 29. The Boer General, Prinsloo, surrenders at Naauwpoort with 5000 troops. AUGUST.-—10. Plot discovered to seize Lord Roberts at Pretoria. 24. Hans Cordua, the origi- nator of the plot, shot. 26. General Olivier and three sons captured in a defile near Winburg by small force under Bruce Hamilton. SEPTEMBER.—1. Proclamation issued annexing the Transvaal. 11. Ex-President Kruger quits the Transvaal for Lorenco Marques. 13. Stevn left Hector Spruit ostensibly for the Orange River. 1.5. French occupied Barberton, releasing British pri- soners and capturing 100 Boers and many locomo- tives, rolling stock, stores, and ammunition. 18. General Stephenson occupied Nelspruit; French secured 50 more locomotives. 19. Methuen cap- tured convoy near Hart's Iiver; Hildyard occupied Vryheid. 23. Lord Roberts reports collapse of enemy 3000 Boers surrender to the Portuguese. 30. Explosion at Komati Poort while Boer shells were being destroyed. OCTOBER.-I. Guard's Brigade left Komati Poort for England. 3. Commandant Dorcksen and his field-cornet surrendered. 4. Organisation of Baden- Powell's South African Police force commenced; General Builer bade farewell to his troops at the front. 7. C.I.V.'s left Cape Town for home. 11. Small British contingent ambushed near Kaap- munden. 13. Mahon successfully engaged Boers near Machadodorp. 19. Kruger secretly embarked at Lorenco Marques on Dutch cruiser Gelderland. 22. General de Villiers died at Bloemfontein. 24. Several sharp engagements with the Boers, three British officers and nine men killed. 26. Jacobsdaal ineffectually attacked by the enemy, Cape High- landers lose heavily. 27. Sharp fight with De Wet, three Boers shot for abuse of the white flag. 29. Prince Christian Victor succumbed to fever at Pre- toria De Wet repulsed by Barton and Knox; C.I.V.'s enthusiastically received on their return to London. NOVEMBER 1.—Funeral of Prince Christian Victor at Pretoria. Sharp fighting near Bethlehem, Lord G. R. Grogvenor wounded; Bothaville destroyed by British. 3. Lord Roberts appeals against treating returned British troops. Schoeman's laager in Steen- kampsberg captured. 5. Boers routed near Botha., viile, Steyn and De Wet narrowly escaped Colonel Le Gallais and two officers slain, eight men killed British took seven guns and 100 prisoners. 9. Sir Redvers Buller landed at Southampton. 11. Severe fighting Generals Prinsloo and Fourie killed, Grobe- laar wounded; Gravett, another Boer commandant, died. 18. Lord Roberts slightly injured through a fall from horseback Lancers defeated George Brand's commando near Baberspan. :!l. Outpost of Buffs surprised, with serious loss, near Balmoral, by Boers. 22. Kruger landed at Marseilles on his visit to Europe. 27. Plot to blow up Lord Roberts whilst at church at Johannesburg frustrated. 30. General Settle drove off a Boer commando under Hertzogg near Luckoff; Lord Roberts relinquished South African command to Lord Kitchener on his return home to take up chief command of the entire British Army. DECEMBER—1. Lord Kitchener's first despatch received. 3. Lord Roberts's farewell order eulo- gising troops he had led; sharp engagement with Delarey, who had attacked convoy near Rustenburg. 5. Lord Roberts left Durban for the Cape; Knox and Pilcher engaged and drove off De Wet near Bethulie; sharp fighting with Erasmus and Viljoen near Pretoria. 6. Afrikander congress at Worcester, Cape Colony; violent, speeches by Cronwright Schreiner and others. 7. Knox took a Krupp gun and a load of ammunition from De Wet, who had released over 400 British prisoners captured by him, and was himself trekking northward in desperate straits official list of British casualties in South Africa to date showed 3329 officers and men slain, 1045 died of wounds, 13,998 wounded but living, 1250 missing or unrecovered prisoners, 96 died in captivity, 180 accidental deaths, and 6729 of all ranks died from disease; the total number of the British forces serving in South Africa on December 1 was: officially notified as being 210,293; a special war gratuity of £ 5 or upwards per man for every soldier employed during the campaign was announced in an Army Order dated December 8. 12. General Clements attacked at Nooitgedaoht, near Pretoria, by superior force of Boers under Delarey; British loss, 5 officers, 9 men killed, many wounded 18 officers, 556 men missing and captured (after- wards released). THE YEAR'S CHIEF EVENTS: SOCIAL AND GENERAL. JANUARY.—1. Queen's New Year's Gifts presented to the poor at Windsor Sir Stafford Northcote and Sir John Lubbock raised to the Peerage. 2. Prince of Wales visited Lord Iveagh at Elvedon. 3. Duke of York visited Dake of Devonshire at Rowsley English Educational Exhibition opened at Imperial Institute. 8. Queen received news of birth of a daughter to Crown Princess of Roumania and of a son to Princess Henry of Prussia. 12. Freedom of City of London presented to C.I.V. 17. Princess Christian opened Victoria Wing of Leamington Hospital. 19. Farewell service for C.I.V. at St. Paul's. 20. Cardinal Vaughan inhibited Dr. St. George Mivart for heresy. 25. Funeral of Mr. Ruskin at Coniston. 27. Prince of Wales inspected Imperial Yeomanry for the front; Duke of Teck's funeral at Windsor. FEBRUARY.—1. Princess Henry of Battenberg inspected Isle of Wight Volunteers ordered for active service. 3. Six inches of snow fell in London. 9. Queen knighted several gentlemen at Osborce Board of Trade returns good. 13. Renewed fee&Ty snowfalls, 14deg. of frost registered. 14. Arch- bishop of Canterbury said prayers for the dead were legal in the Church of England. 15. Earl of Chesterfield married to Miss Enid Wilson. 19. Bugler Dunne received by the Queen at Osborne. 20. Court returned to Windsor. 21. Thames full of floating ice wien thaw set in. 26. Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke of York visited hospital ship at Southampton. 27. Queen visited wounded at Netley; great concert at Covent Garden in aid of war funds. 28. Queen inspected Berkshire Volunteers for South Africa. MARCH.—1. Roman Catholic Union of Great Britain addressed a vigorous protest to Cardinal Rampolla on the falsehoods of the Vatican Press great jubilation over the relief of Ladysmith. 7. Queen ordered that all ranks of Irish Regiments should wear shamrock on St. Patrick's Day in recog- nition of their gallantry in action. 8. Formation of Irish Guards announced Queen visited London and drove to City. 9. Queen drove through West-end Prince of Wales inspected Imperial Yeomanry at Chelsea Barracks. 14. Queen inspected reinforce- ments for Grenadier Guards at Windsor. 17. Cele- bration of St. Patrick's Day; Queen preseated with a shamrock harp; Duke and Duchess of York went, to Sandringham marriage of Hon. Oliver Howard and Miss Muriel Stephenson. 22. Queen I vieiied the wounded at WooUvlch Hospital. 29. Prince of Wales visited Lord Derby at Knowsley. SI. Duke of Norfolk left for the front, having resigned the Postmaster-Generalship; Duchess of York gave birth to a son; Cambridge easily beat Oxford in the Inter-'Varsity boat-race, tieing the record time. APRIL.—2. Mr. Lever gave £ 25,000 to a Free Church at Birkenhead Queen left Windsor for Ireland. 3. Queen arrived in Dublin; Prince and Princess of Wales visited wounded soldiers at SLit,biion. 5. Dr. Norman Macleod designated Mode- rator of t,he Presbyterian Church in Scotland. 7. Queen inspected school children in Phcenix-park. 12. Koyul Maundy gifts distributed in Westminster Abbey. 18 Queen received addresses from 42 public bodies at the Viceregal Lodge. 19. Queen reviewed 50 Jubilee nurses advance of five per cent. in wages conceded by the Manchester cotton trade Con- ference. 20. Queen visited Dublin Zoological Gardens; enthusiastic welcome to Prince of Wales on his return from Copenhagen. 26. Queen left Ireland for Windsor. 30. British Empire League Fest ival. notable speeches by Prince of Wales, Lord Salisbury, and Australian delegates. MAY.—2. Queen inspected Powerful men and Naval Brigade at Windsor. 5. Marriage of the Rev. Richard A. C. Bevan and Lady Mary Waldegrave; Opening of Women's Exhibition at Earl's Court. 10. Sir Richard Webster (Lord Alverstone) presided for first time as Master of the Rolls. 11. Queen held a Drawing-room at Buckingham Palace. 14. Prince of Wales held second Drawing-room. 16. Queen again visited wounded soldiers at Netley Hos- pital. 17. Queen attended christening of the Duke and Duchess of York's infant son at Windsor. 18. Prince and Princess of Wales and King of Sweden visited Military Tournament. 19. Grand Te Deum at tot. Paul's for Mafeking relief; great rejoicings everywhere Marriage of Mr. Justice Day and Miss E. Westley. 20. Memorial statue of Mr. Gladstone unveiled at Westminster. 22. Queen went to Scot- land. 24. Queen's birthday celebrated. 25. Princess of Wales held a Drawing-room. 28. Total eclipse of the sun. 29. Marriage of Mr. A. C. de Trafford and Lady Victoria Seymour. 30. Prince of Wales's "Diamond Jubilee" won the Derby. 31. Dr. Chavasse enthroned Bishop of Liverpool. JUNE.—2. Captain Berkeley Levett and Miss S. L Bass married. 4. Whitsuntide Bank Holiday; beautiful weather. 7. Sirdar Sir Fras. Wingate received by the Queen. 9. Great heat all over Britain Princess Henry of Battenberg laid founda- tion stone of Nurse's Home, Devonporc. 11. Two hundred troops affected by sunstroke at Aldershot, several dying. 12. Sir George White, hero of Ladysmith, made a freeman of Belfast. 14. Mrs. W. E. Gladstone died at Hawarden. 18. Lord Salisbury delivered an important speech on mis- sionary enterprise. Marriage of Lady Evelyn Wellesley and Hon. Robert James. 20. Prince and Princess of Wales visited Newcastle. 21. Queen arrived at Windsor from Balmoral. 22. Wallace collection at Hertford House opened. 25. State Concert at Buckingham Palace. 26. Operatic per formance before Queen at Windsor. Marriage o Miss Clara Butt and Mr. Kennerley Rumford in Bristol Cathedral. 27. Prince of Wales opened Central London Railway. Khedive arrived in London. 30. Prince and Princess of Wales visited Norwich. JULY.—1. Khedive gave garden-party at Bucking- ham Palace. 4. Khedive left England. 6. Duke of York held Levee. 7. Queen visited Princess Louise of Battenberg at Frogmore. 10. Queen ,isited London. 11. Queen gave garden-party at Buckingham Palace. 12. Marriage of Miss Evelyn Afillard and Mr. R. P. Coulter the Prince and Princess of Wales opened new buildings for aged find infirm at Ladywell. 16. World's Christian Kndeavour Conference opened in London Duke and Duchess of York opened new infirmary at Higligate. 19. Continued abnormal brat. in Britain. 21. Pri- vate Ward, 1st Devon, with a record score, won Queen's Prize at Bisley for the second time; Earl of Leven and Melville appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland; Prince of Wales visited Duke and Duchess of Devonshire at Eastbourne. 25. Marriage of the Hon. Reginald Scott Fremantle and Miss H. L. Barry; marriage of Lady Randolph Churchill and Mr. G. Cornwaliis West. 31. Mr. Burdett-Coutts examined before the Hospital Com- mission. AUGUST.—1. Serious split in the Church of England on the ritual question announced by the Bishop of Lincoln marriage of Baron Percy de Worms and Miss Nora Samuel. 4. In Memoriam services for late Duke of Coburg. 6. Suicide of Lord Hugh Grosvenor at Vienna. 11. State visit of the Lord Mayor of London to Scarborough. 17. Lord Clarendon appointed Lord Chamberlain the Prince of Wales arrived at Homburg. 20. Empress Eugenie visited the Queen. 21. London Mansion House War Relief Fund reached over a ntillion sterling. 30. Bubonic plague outbreak at Glasgow. 31. Taff Vale strike settled. SEPTEMBER.—3. Trades Union Congress opened at Huddersfield. 5. British Association meeting began at Bradford, Sir W. Turner, president; Lord Wolseley witnessed important military and naval manoeuvres at Dover. 11. Prince of Wales returned to London from Homburg. 12. Prince of Wales's Diamond Jubilee won the Doncaster St. Leger. 17. Announcement of Duke and Duchess of York's forth- coming visit to Australia. 19. Queen received coloured troops at Balmoral; Metropolitan Taber- nacle re-opened after restoration. 25. Church Con- gress opened at Newcastle-on-Tyne. 27. Marriage of Earl Granville and Miss Baring. 28. Opening of the General Election. 29. Lord Roberts appointed Commander-in-Chief, vice Lord Wolseley harvest completed, returns on the whole fair; Alderman Frank Green elected Lord Mayor of London. OCTOBER.—3. Farewell banquet in London to Lord Hopetoun, first Governor-General of the Com- monwealth of Australia. 6. Large increases in British imports and exports officially announced. 13. Strike of lightermen on the Thames; Women's Exhibition at Earl's-court closed. 16. Lord Alver- stone appointed Lord Chief Justice of England, vice Lord Russell of Killowen, deceased. 21. Nelson column decorated in Trafalgar-square. 22. Announced that a second Channel Squadron was to be organised. 29. Enthusiastic reception of the C.I.V. on their return to London after distinguished service in South Africa. 31. Amalgamation of the Free and United Presbyterian Churches of Scot- land. N OVEMBER.-l. Memorial services in London, Windsor, and at Crathie for the late Prince Chris- tian of f-chleswig-Holstein. Elections for new London Borough Councils, victory of Moderates. 2. Lord Chesham appointed Master of the Buck- hounds. 8. Japanese battle-ship launched at New- castle. 9. London Guildhall Mayoral Banquet, im- portant speech by the Premier; Sir Redvers Buller landed at Southampton. 12. Forthcoming visit of Prince and Princess of Wales to Belfast announced. 14. Duke of Manchester and Miss H. Zimmerman married quietly in London. 16. Lord Rosebery installed Lord Rector of Glasgow University. 22. Freedom of Exeter conferred on General Butler. 27. Sir Arthur Sullivan buried in St. Paul's Cathedral; new Colston Hall at Bristol opened. 29. Household Cavalry, returned from South Africa, inspected by the Queen at Windsor; result of London School Board Election showed a Moderate gain of four seats. 30. Lord Wolseley relinquished command of British Army, Sir Evelyn Wood officiating uiatil the return of Lord Roberts from South Africa. DECEMBER. 1. Queen won all the champion cups at Birmingham Cattle Show. 3. Prince of Wales inspected Household Cavalry and Canadians at Regent's-park Barracks new Parliament assembled, Mr. Speaker Gully re-elected. 6. Announced that Supplementary Army Vote was to be £ 16,000,000. 8. Mr. Henry Chaplain delivered important speech at Reading on agriculture; Princess of Wales visited hI" hospitl ship at Southampton. 10. Smithfield Club Cattle Show opened at Islington. 12. Peerages conferred on Mr. Goschen and Sir M. White Ridley. 15. Queen conferred V.C. on five heroes of South Africa at Windsor. 18. Lord Strathcona. made an offer of E25,000 to Aberdeen University. THE YEAR'S CHIEF CALAMITIES, CRIMES, AND CIVIL CASES. JANUABY.—1. Wivelsfield railway disaster Coro" ner's jury found three company's servants partly responsible, though their negligence was not very great. 3. New Royal yacht heeled over at undock- ing. 7. A terrible earthquake in the Caucasus. 9. Louise Massett hanged at Newgate for child murder. 13. Triple tragedy at Earlsfield. 16. The Margrave Fallavicini, attache to the Austro-Hungarian Em- bassy in London, died from a hunting accident. 22. Litigation against Leicester Guardians concluded, a vaccination officer being appointed. 28. Boer shell factory at Johannesburg destroyed by explosion. FEBRUARY.-2. Fatal boxing bout at National Sporting Club, verdict of Accidental death at the inquest on Martin Riley. 5. Loss of the Ibex, court found that the master alone was at fault. 7. Justice Barnes fotuid that Earl Cowley's former wife was Young on all points, with £ 4000 damages against I Mr. Mintoft, co-respondent. 20. Railway accident at Hampton Court, several persons injured. 27. Alfred tlsghfield sentenced to death for the murder of Edith Pool in Great Queen-street, London.; Sir R. Peel bound over for libelling Mr. D. van der Heydt. 29. Verdict of manslaughter against driver of Slough express by coroner's jury), committed for trial (and subsequently acquitted). 30. Disastrous fire at Hoboken Dock, New York, 400 lives lost and damages to the extent of two millions sterling. German steamer Bremen sunk in collision with liner Orotava. JULY.— I. Confirmation of the murder of Baron von Ketteler in Pekin received. 2. Trial of Sipido for attempted assassination of Prince of Wales began found guilty on the 5th. 4. Disastrous fire at the Standard Oil Company's works in New York, damages about £ 1.00(1,000. 7. Rotterdam dock strike, suspension of traffic. 11. H.M.S. Conqueror ashore on the Shambles shoal. 16. Four drowned in yachting accident at Brighton. 17. Boer plot to regain Pretoria discoverd. many traitors arrested. 19. Queenborough Pier destroyed by fire. 21. A sailing vessel run down by the Campania in St. George's Channel, 11 lives lost. 24. Accident to the Dewsbury express; two killed, seven injured. 25. Transvaal Railway scandal Eugene and Robert Oppenheim and Henri Warnant sentenced to one year's imprisonment and a fine of 2000?., Emmanuel Terwagne to six months and 500f. fine. 29. Assassi- nation of the King of Italy at Monza. 31. Mr. Burdett-Coutts examined before the Hospitals Com- mission. AUGUST—2. Attempted assassination in Paris of the Shah of Persia. 5. Strike of cabmen in Paris. 6. House of Lords gave judgment in favour of the claim of the Times to copyright in reports of speeches. 9. Discovery at Pretoria of a plot to seize Lord Roberts. 18. Militaman accused of murdering his comrade with a bayonet at Gravesend discharged. 20. Murder of a girl reported near Staines Belfast Lough collision; captain's certificate suspended, chief officers censured. 21. The trial of Lieutenant Cordua at Pretoria concluded with a verdict of guilty. 24. Lieutenant Cordua shot. 25. Serious railway accident at Glasgow; 36 injured eleven persons killed and 25 injured in an accident to a mail train in India anti-negro riot at Okron, Ohio three persons killed, 18 wounded, serious damage to property, 26. Smuggling at Eastbourne three Deal boatmen fined C51 13s. lOd. each, or three months' imprisonment; collision at Sandhills Station, nine injured. 29. The assassin of the King of Italy sen- tenced to penal servitude for life. 30. Considerable attention given to the appearance of bubonic plague in Glasgow. SEPTEMBER.-I. French torpedo boat wrecked near Rouvres. 5. Mrs. Munro awarded P-4000 damages against Mr. A. W. Craven for breach of promise. 7. Fatal fire at Tonbridge, four lives lost. 8. Disastrous cyclone at Galveston, Texas, town destroyed and thousands of lives lost. 10. Serious explosion at a cartridge factory in the Gray's-inn-road, London. 13. Parr's Bank robbery, Goss sentenced at Old Bailey to seven years' penal servitude. 14. Fatal railway accident at St. Neots. 16. Prince Albert of Saxony killed in a carriage accident; disastrous collision in Cardigan Bay between two steamers, about 20 lives lost. 19. Fire in the telegraph department of the Central Post-office, Manchester; one British officer and several soldiers killed in an explosion while blowing up a magazine at Tung- chow, China. 22. American coal war; martial law proclaimed at Shenandoah. 28. Ro wdyism at election meetings in London. 30. Explosion at Komati Poort while Boer shells were being destroyed, several soldiers killed and injured. OCTOBER 4.-Suez Canal blocked by the grounding of a steamer. 3. Disastrous fire at Welbeck Abbey. 13. Lieutenant a'Beckett, R.A., honourably acquitted by court-martial at Dover on a charge of stealing coins from canteen strike of lightermen on the Thames. 15. Three lives lost in a Southwark fire. 16. Important evidence given before the Transvaal Concession Committee at Pretoria respecting pay- ments to certain journalists. 17. Two men impri- soned for assaulting the son of the Lord Mayor of London at a Southwark election meeting. 23. French warship Caravini sunk in collision in the Inland Sea, China. 26. Strike riots in Canada, militiamen wounded. 27. Destrutive storm on the English north-east coast. 29. Great fire in New York, many lives lost. 30. Earthquake at Caracas serious ex- plosion at Canton; Amoy devastated by fire. NOVEMBER.—4. Liner St. Paul arrived at New York after a serious accident caused by striking a submerged wreck. 5. Troops drafted to Bangor on account of the Penrhyn quarry disputes. 7. Marchioness of Anglesey granted a nullity decree. 10. Typhoon at Hong Kong, British river gunboat Sandpiper sunk; Salson, the assailant of the Shah, sentenced to penal servitude for life. 15. Sad acci- dent to express from Madrid to Paris, many pas- sengers killed, including the Peruvian Minister and his wife. 16. Woman, believed to be insane, threw an axe at the German Emperor's carriage at Breslau, no injury done. 17. Court of appeal decided that coupon guessing competitions in newspapers respect- ing sporting events were illegal, several heavy fines followed. 18. Lord Roberts slightly hurt through a fall from horseback. 19. Director and auditors charged with frauds in connection with Dumbell's Bank found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment varying from five years to six months. 22. Master Gunner Acheson honourably acquitted in connection with the Dover canteen scandal; Govern- ment code book case, prisoners Hodgkinson and Manning sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment. 24. Bennett committed for trial on the charge of murdering his wife at Yarmouth 26. Ogaden Somalis rebelled in British East Africa; Sub-Com- missioner Jenner killed Hospital property exempted from Land Tax by a Queen's Bench decision. 27. Plot to blow up Lord Roberts whilst at church in Johannesburg discovered, 10 foreigners arrested; Count Yorck, commanding German Expedition in Yalgan, accidentally asphyxiated many deaths and much illness reported in Manchester and district not entitled to use the name of countess. 8. Parr's Bank robbery, nearly E20,000 in notes recovered. 10. New York poison by post" case, Molineux found guilty of causing the death of Mrs. Adams. 13. Two Englishmen, Dr. Kiddle and Mr. Sutherland, murdered by Burmese natives at Monghem. 16. Molineux trial, sentence of death passed. 17. Bat- tersea child murder, woman Williams sentenced to death. 18. Two elephants escaped from. Crystal Palace, attendant killed. 26. Grand Theatre, Islington, destroyed by fire. MARCii.-5. Earthquakes in North Italy and Southern Tyrol. 6. Court of Appeal decided that Guardians were not to relieve men on strike, but might support their wives and children; Crystal Palace application for a seven days' licence refused Ada Williams, Battersea murderess, hanged at Newgate. 7. Mob attacked British Consulate at Bordeaux. 8. Total destruction by fire of the Theatre Frantjaise in Paris. 23. Mr. J. Lyall, acting British Consul at Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, fatally stabbed. 27. British missionary murdered in China. 28. Railway collision at Glasgow, several passengers killed and injured; Editor of the Birmingham Argus fined £ 100 and £ 25 costs, for reflecting on Justice Darling. 29. Delagoa Bay award Portugal to pay 15,314,000 fr., with five per cent, interest. APRIL.-4. The Prince of Wales was fired at by a youth named Sipido, at the Nord Railway Station at Brussels. 6. Transport Winkfield and Cape liner collided, all on board saved. 11. Mr. Havelock Wilson, M.P., fined £10, and five other men P-5, for besetting Shipping Federation depot ship Siren. 12. Disaster off Cornish coast; fishing boat wrecked, three of crew drowned, eight lives lost from lifeboat attempting rescue. 13. Great fire in Leadenhall- street., London. 17. Serious labour disturbances near New York, military called out. 18. Tragedy at King's-cross; Van Praag, a publican, shot his wife, and then committed suicide. 23. Colonial rebels sent to prison at Cape Town. 26. Disastrous fire at Ottowa, Canada. 28. Accident at the Paris Exhibi- tion, ten killed MAY.—1. Three hundred lives lost in mining dis- aster in Utah; Archbishops of York and Canterbury pronounced the reservation of the Sacrament in the Church of England illegal. 3. Henry Graves sen- tenced to death for the murder of Henry Smith with a scythe at Enfield. 5. Sandon, British Columbia, destroyed by fire; 12,000 persons rendered homeless. 7. Theatre de Cerque at Antwerp destroyed by fire. 16. Synge divorce suit; Sir F. Jeune found that Major Synge did not desert his wife; Hirsch will case, judgment for the Crown. 24. Firm of New York cotton brokers failed for 13 million dollars. 25. Dreyfus case: French War Minister stated that copies of certain documents had been taken and made use of illicitly by an officer who has been dis- missed. JUNE.—9. General Nieh condemned by Chinese Imperial Irade for killing Boxers. 10. Distress- ingly tropical weather in Britain. 11. Several sol- diers died of sunstroke at Aldershot; hundreds medically treated. 12. Strike at the London docks. 14. Mission stations destroyed at Ynn-nan-fu in Southern China. 16. Railway accident at Slough Station, 19. Young divorce suit; verdict for Mr. and elsewhere from arsenical poisoning through drinking beer supposed to have been deleteriously impregnated during manufacture. 28. Benjamin Greene Lake, well-known solicitor, committed for trial on charges of misappropriation. 29. American warship Yosemite lost in a typhoon at Manila. DECEMBER.—1. Policeman murdered at White- chapel. 4. Tiber floods: embankmtmt eollapsed in Rome, rendering 100 of people homeless. Italians sus- pected of plot to assassinate Lord Roberts at Pretoria deported. 5. Passenger steamer Rossgull foundered off the West Coast of Jersey. 6. Lieutenant W. A. Watts-Jones, R.E., tortured and put to death by order of the Toatai while on an expedition to the Yellow River; two convicts escaped from Borstal prison exciting hunt in Kent. 7. Two other prisoners got away, but were soon re-captured. 8. Seven people killed and 12 injured in a railway accident between Cordava and Belmez Nelson relics stolen from Greenwich Hospital. 11. £ 1500 damages against Earl Russell awarded in Somerville divorce suit. 15. Lady Katharine Manners committed sui- cide whilst temporarily insane at Belvoir. THE YEAR'S OBITUARY OF EMINENT PERSONS. JANUARY.—1. Lady Emily Folev. 2. Mr. Schnad- borst, founder of the National Liberal Federation. 3. Dr. Edwin G. Monk, musical composer. 5. Henry Coxwell, aeronaut. 6. Viscountess Newry. 10. Rev. Dr. Martineau. 12. Lord Ava (from wounds) at Ladysmith. 15. G. W. Steevens, war correspondent. 16. Earl Manvers. 17. Marquis of Lothian. 20. John Ruskin; R. D. Blackmore, novelist. 22. Duke of Teck. 25. Duchess Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein, mother of German Empress. 31. Marquis of Queensberry. FEBRUARY.—3. Prof. Sir Thos. Granger, of Edin- burgh University. 9. Sir Wm. Geddes, Principal of Aberdeen University. 18. Mr. Joseph Cowen, ex-M.P. 21. H. D. Traill, author. 23. C. Piazzi Smyth, astronomer. 27. Lord Lyveden. MARCH.—2. Ladv Louisa Tiffhe. 9. Sir Charles Hall, Recorder of Lort AIR. Phelps, formerly U.S. Minister to Britain. 16. Sir F. Burton, formerly of the National Gallery. 18. Sir Wm. Lockhart, Commander-in-Chief in India. 20. Sir Edmund Fane, British Ambassador; Admiral SirH. Fairfax. 23. Chev. A. de Souza Correa, Brazilian Minister. 24. General Wood gate, from wounds received at Spion Kop, 26. Earl of Harrowby; Field-Marshal Sir Donald Stewart. 27. General Joubert, Boer Commandant; Archibald Forbes, war correspondent. 28. Count Benedetti, French dip- lomatist. 29. Prof. Pepper, illusionist. APRIL.—1. Dr. St. George Mivart. 4. Osman Pasha, hero of Plevna. 11. Sir Wm. Priestley, M.P. 19. Lord Londesborough. 24. Duke of Argyll. 26. Sir John Bridge, metroplitan magis- trate. MAY.-I. Michael Munkacsv, Hungarian artist. 3. Dean Cowie. 4. General Pi-tt Rivers. 13. Tom Hearne, cricketer. 28. Lady Granville Gordon. 30. Sir George Grove, musician. JUNE.—3. Earl of Radnor. 5. Miss Mary Kingsley. 8. Duke of Wellington. 9. Sir W. Cun- liffe Brooks. 10. Dr. Ryle, late Bishop of Liver- pool. 11. Earl of Airlie (slain near Pretoria). 14. Mrs. Gladstone. 16. Prince de Joinville. 20. Lord Loch. 21. Count Muravieff, Russian Foreign Minister. 25. Admiral Maxse. 26. Lord Kensing- ton 'at Bloemfontein). JULY.—1. Baron von Ketteler (murdered in Pekin). 6. Franklin McLeay, actor. 15. Earl of Cavan. 18. Richard Daft, cricketer. 29. King Humbert of Italy (assassinated at Monza). 30. Duke of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha. AUGUST.—2. Archdeacon Furse. 10. Lord Chief Justice Russell of Killowen. 12. M. Stenitz, chess master. 17. Thomas Faed, R.A. 18. Sir William Stokes, distinguished Dublin surgeon (at Pieter- maritzburg). 26. General Sir John Adye. 29. Sir Saul Samuel. 30. Sir John Hassard Mr. E. McHugh, M.P. 31. Sir John Bennet Lawes, agri- cultural scientist. SEPTEMBER,—16. Prince Henry of Hesse Prince Albert of Saxony. 18. Captain the Hon. R. Bourke, R.N. 25. Earl Howe; Hon. F. G. Marchand, Premier of Qu-ebec. 30. Baron Fairfax of Cameron Prebendary Harry Jones. OCTOBER.—2. Dr. Porter, Master of Peterhouse. 9. Marquis of Bute. 14. Lieut.-General Macdonell. 15. Lord Hamilton of Dalzell. 16. Sir Henrv Dyke- Acland. 20. Colonel F. C. Maude, ViC. 22. General de Villiers, Boer officer, at Bloemfontein.- 24. Rev. Professor Shuttleworth. 25. Sims Reeves, the great tenor. 28. Professor Max Muller. 29. Prince Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein (at Pretoria). 30. Earl of Darnley. 31. Mr. Newton, ex-London magistrate. N OVEMHER. 3. Professor Hughes, founder of Welsh Hospital in South Africa. 8. Maharajah of Patiala. 13. Countess of Mexborough. 21. Pre- bendary Whittington. 22. Sir Arthur Sullivan, composer; Lord Farnham. 25. Lady Sprigg. 27. Count Yorck, German commander at Yalgan (acci- dentally asphyxiated). 29. Oscar Wilde, poet and dramatist (in Paris). 30. Prince Imretinsky, Governor of Warsaw. DECEMBER—1. Mr. D. Macaleese, M.P. for Mona- ghan. 2. Countess of Kinnoull. 5. Lord Donough- more. 6. Dowager-Countess of Derby; Rev. Dr. Momerie; Baroness von Scliroeder. 7. Henry Russell, veteran singer and song composer. 11. Earl of Harrowby. 15. Lady Katharine Manners.