IV* ESSBS. H. W. HARRIS and SON, J-SL Auctioneers, Accountants, Valuers, House, Estate, Land and Insurance Agents, NEW ALCTIOX MART. Court-street, Merthyr Tydtil' «o? to inlonn tiie Public that all Matters entrusted to vieir care will be punctually, promptly, and carefully attended to. Life, Fire, Plate, Glass. and Accidental Insurances •fit cted with the best ottiees, and 011 the lowest terms. Messrs. II. IV. HAIiJUS and 80X announce that they bold IVriodiL-iil Sales by Auction at tIle alnn-c Mart, whero articles of Furniture and other Goods sua now he received for the next sale. Wednesday, November 5th, 1884. Important and Attractive Sale of High class Furniture anù Gelleral Household Appoint- ments at the AUCTION MAILT, COURT STREET MERTHYR TYDFiL. Messrs. H. ¥•. HARRIS and SON WILL SELL by AUCTION, at the spacious » t AT (-i-ioN -Makt, Court-street, on Wednes- DAY, November cth, all extensive variety of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (rei) oveil f .r convenience of Sale), Comprising Fiencli, iron, and brass bedsteads, Fliliase. spri, g mattresses, feather and niillpuff beds, bolsters and pillows, mahogany and deal chests of drawers, mahogany wardrobe wit h plate- glass and tables, Citi. and wash- stands, ]tainted washstands t.nd tables, toilet ware, mahogany towel rails, commodes, cane- seated chairs, nialiogHiiy swing glasses, fenders and tire irons, mahogany sofas aud couches in hair-seating, hair-se-.ited and cloth-covered chairs, mahogany 100 table, pictures, hearthrugs, carpet- ing, hair-seat- d and lath-back easy chairs,maho- gany window pole and rings, Pembroke table, kitchen and cloth-covered office tables, pedestal writing-desk, Windsor and lath-back chairs, lamps, drawing-room suite, devotional chair, mahogany sideboard with plate-glass back. maho- gany bookcase, tight-day clucks, walnut CllCBioneer, bedroom suite iu painted wood, handsome coal vases, fancy tables, gilt and Oxford-framed pier glasses, elccfr.-plated cruet stands and teapots, oleographs. kitchen fenders, gipsy; coffee, aud side tables, knives and forus. lustres, vases, work- boxes, jugs, matting, oilcloth, child's and rocking- chairs, travelling trunks, bi a;kets. cretonne couch, two oak hall chairs, tin toilet sets, baskets, tumblers and wine glasses, aecordians, trays, butter (1'sIk.s, biscuit jars, small bookshelves, wool quilts, mats, t-aucepans, kettles, and other household requisites. Kale to e()lJ]¡¡¡C¡r-e :1t Two r/dock sharp. The goods will be on view morning of and day prior to sale. Dated October 23rd, 1SS4. Auction Offices. Auction Mart, Merthyr Tydfil. NOVEMBER 5th, 1384. AUCTION MART, CDURT STREET, HEKTHYS TYDFIL. Messrs II. ^HARRIS and SON WILL SJ.LL by AUCTION, on Wednesday, November jih, at their AtrcTiOJf Mart, 4 Chaff Cutters. 5 Mot.ou 1 Jeer Engines. 0 Moti-'ii Ji'jci- Engines. 1 4-cwf. Weighing Machine. 1 Doub e-barrel Breechloader also 1 Seven-octave Cottage Piano. Tne above Goods are all new, and wottbv of attention. J Sale to couian iicc at Two o'clock prompt. Auction Oliices, Auction Mart, Merthyr Tydfil, October 30tli, 1884, SUN FIRE & LIFE OFFICES, LOEDOK. Fire.—nistablishecl 1710. THE oldest ourely tiie Office in tae World. !L Home and Foreign Insurances against loss by Fire and Lightning fit mone, ate rates. Losses settled with promptness and liberality. Life.-Established 1810. Profits divided f vry live years. Laige Bonuses Tontine Bonus Po icke"; gtatited. Very low pre- miums without participate-n in profit?. No partnership liability, simple Proposal Forms For farther information apply to the following Agent; :— Merthyr Tyrif.i Mr. David Price. c Aberdare B. O. Gery. Brynmawr George W. Walter's Blaina Edmund Kvans Kbbw Vale 0. Powell. Ferndale, m ar Pontypridd David Thomas. Hirwain (Ab-reare) „ Geo. T. Tuckfield. Mountain Ash (H.-e only) „ Mr-. H. E. White. (I,i c Olli Y) Isaac Thomas. Pontypridd (1'ireo-aly) Y\ iliir.oi Merchant !> W.Wiiliams. Tredegar (Fir* on!.) t> Tlios. Boswell „ (L:f; n!y) Morgan Price. Xstalyfer i (l< ire>) „ llees. PUBLIC APPOINTMENT, BHYMI^EY LOCAL BOARD A Caretaker of Cemetery Wanted. r|HL Rhy tuiiey 1. icai Board requiro t.lie services I 4 of a Maa 'O take ehavge of the Ceinfitery and dig the Graves. He must be able to sop-1- ami W-IsIl.m I auu wxiiih. Jiaiary, *5a l,or aimuni"StT>l>Tt?!ainV-ns in own handwriting.accom- panied by three recoiit testimonials, and stating present occupation, to be sent iu to ine, sealed and eadors. d Caretaker," on or before MONDAY, "tl.e the 3rd day oi' November, 18S4. W. LLOYD MARKS, Surveyor, &c. Local Board Oliice, Rhymncy, October :2n 1. 1884. JOHN JONES, Glan-y-Nant, MERTHYR TYDFIL, BUILDER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Building Surveyor and Valuer. Surveyor to the Merthyr and Dowlais Building Society. JOHN JONES be. to thrmk his numerous frieud Hud tbs Public generally for their very extensive patronage and support for very man? years in the above branches of the Building Trade, aud intimates that ail Orders will receive his immediaic attention as Builder and Under- taker, Valnei of Hon. Property, Trade Utensils, Shopkeeper- and Innkeepers' Fixtures, &c., Sic. Estimates for all kind of work prepared. Work in all branches of the Building Trade ].1";1.1,1 and Valued. BRYNMAWR and BEAUFORT. Important Sale of Lea.sehold Villa, Business Premises, and Cottag-es. MR. DAVID THOMAS executor of the luteJolni Jiuld, SELL HAS been favoured with instructions from the by AUCTION at the Griffin Hotel, brynmawr. on Tuesday, November 4th, lUSi, at Six o'clock in the evening, the following Valuable Leasehold Properties NAMELY: LOT 1.—All that ;IOUSE. SHOP, and PREMISES, situate and being No. 7. Beaufort Rise, Beaufort, m the occupation of Mrs Morgan, together with the two Cottages adjoining, in ihe respective occupation of Rev. J. V Stephens and Mrs. Evans, at a gross rental of £ 41 4s. per annum. II-Id under a lease for 99 years, dated March 4tli, 18di, at the yeauy ground rent of £ ."> .ris. Lot 2'—All those Two DWELLING HOUSES and PREMISES, situa. e and being Nos- and ,6, Worcester-s! t,e,t, now in the respective occupation ()f Alr. Tlioinis Gi-illi-lis !it Crowley, at 't rental of £ ii l^s. per annum. Held under a lease for 00 years, dated July 21st, 1803, at a yearly rround rent of £1 -is Lor All that HOUSE, SHOP. and PREMISES, jeing No. !>1, Worcester-street, now in the oeeupa- ion of Mr. J. Gibl.-tt, at a rental of ;(il0 4s. per mnum. Held under a lease for m years,dated lr;gust lGtli, 18G- at a yearlv ground rent of It is. Lot 4.—All that HOUSE, SHOP, and PKEiVI I.bbS, situate and being No. 147, lving-street, now Jin tna jecupation of Mr. S Davies, at a rental of £ -U per innuin. Held under a lease for all yeais, dated IB4; at a vearly ground rent to b., apportioned. Lot 5.—Alljihose Five COTTAGES and GAP,- DENS. situate and beim: Nos. 73, 74, 75, 7<>, and n, Nos. 73 Glamorgan-street, nosy in the occupation of Messrs. G. H. Powell, t'McGarry, J. Rogers, G. James, and Mrs. Morgan, at it gross rental of £:\1) 12s. Held under a lease for 'J9 years, dated 1842, at a 3ettrly irround rent to be apportioned. LOT B. -AIl tliosj Two nOC3E. SHOPS, and PREMISES, situate and being Nos. 14 and V" Beaufort-street, and in the occupation of Mr. J. 11. N. Jiuld and Mrs. Hicks, at an animal rent of £ ."•>. Held under a lease for a term of 99 years, dated 1817, at the yearly ground rent of il 10s. LuT 7.—All that well-bniit RESIDENCE, known as Bryn Villa, and contains live bednHn11S, drawing room, dining room office, pantry, kitchen, cellar, also stable, coach-house, granary, large garden, with every other convenience attached. Held under a lease from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort for 99 years, at the yearly rental of C2 10s. The Auctioneer would invite the sp. cial atten- tion of Capitalists and others to those desirable investments. The Properties occupy commanding positions in the leading thoroughfares of the town, and afford a rare opportunity for the acquirement of first-class business Dremise. Further particuJars apply to the Auctioneer Auctioneer's Office's, 8, Queen-street, Brynmawr. 13 R Y N" V ILL A, BRYNMAWR. MR. DAVID THOMAS to SELL by AUCTION on the Premises, on Vrdxesday and Tiiurwav, November jth and fith, lSi, the whole of the Furniture, Iron Safe with folding doors, CARRIAGES. CARTS, PONIES, HAY, nd other Eilects, for particulars of which see posters.. Sale to commence each diy at Two ocloe The furniture will be soldjlhe hrst day. Auctioneer's Ulliee, 8. Queen-street. Brynmawr. T' WHITTY EVANS, Auctioneer, Ap- • praiser, and Fire Insurance Agent, flnmmnrci V V)cvdar». THOMAS HANCOCK, Bill Poster, &c. JL 44, Kinx-Street, brynmawr. REGISTERED "'¡. If "V I.i :j1 ;( t M' j K "\) 1 RECISTERED C IU SUPPLY. STORES, (Opposite tlio Post Offlcs), '} 'ÛJ iØ!f' 1Itii:a BOOK OF PRICES PER POST FREE TO AiiY ADDRESS. Arranged on the London Store Systenl for supplying (for Cash) General Provisions of every Flour, Corn, aDd Seed Wines, Spirits, Ales, and' Stouts, JEratea and Wators, Bread, Cakes, and Biscuits, Gaiiie, and Dried Fish, -Patent -L)Iodlcljies Propriet, acco 0 -try Articles, Tolo Ci ars. J. GUNN in introducing the SYSTEM into gratefu11y teiidei-s hi,}est thanks to his old and valued for their support receive(I for so many past years, and begs to inform thern and the general public in the SUlTOll¡}t.llg that lie has inei-oased f;wilities (silpei-ior to any ottiei- house in the y I district) for supplying his customers with every requisite for the Lunch, Dinne1', Tea anll Sapper (froUl the Cottage to the :Jhllsion).. Novelties for the Season 1884- MANCHESTSR HOUSE, MERTHVE, OCTOBER. 1884. I have the nonour to inform you that rny arrangements are now complete for the Winter Season, and that my principal Show will take place this day, FRIDA y October 31st, when the rooms will be found well stocked with the Latest Movelties j IN MILLINERY, MANTLES, FUR CAPES, SEALSKIN JACKETS, FUR-LINED CLOAKS, WINTER DRESS MATERIALS, FANCY DRAPERY, &c. JOHW AT-COW I HIGH-CLASS TAILORING. m -m. IMPORTANT -NOTWE OF REMOVAL. W. c. WILLIAMS, TAILOR, &c. (Late Cutter and Manager of Messrs. Phillips and Evans's 1 Tailoiing department), B EGS respectfully to intimate that he has Removed tioiii H», Church-street, to more suitable and com- iiiodiotis pi-eiiiises, situate at No. 14, Glebeland Street, Merthyr, where he is now prepared to show a Choice Selection of the fewest and most fashionable Materials in Cashmere West of England, Worsted aud Scotch Suiiin^s' mgs, Covert Overcoatings, &c., for the present season, which he will still continue to offer at the lowest remuner- ative prices, and hopes by vigilant attention to the require- ments o/ his customers to merit a continuance of the kind patnnmce and support which have hitherto been accorded to him, and which he takes this oppoituuity of gratefully acknowledging. Scotch Tweed Suits at 50/ Trousers, 12/6. Made to Mkasuke. SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCARFS, BRACES, HOSIERY, &C AN INSPECTION" RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Please note the address:- 14, GLEBELAND STREET, MERTHYR. —————————— -+- THE CELEBRATED WATERPROOF K BOOTS. ABSOLUTELY WATESPKOOP. MAY BE OBTAINED IN THREE QUALITIES AT WI. CHARLES'S Boot & Shoe Warehouses Beaufort Street, BRYNMAWR- 59, High Street, "ft IT "S-% wnrn-*>—~ 7—— < < Also, at ABERGAVENNY, CKICKHOWELL, and MUNMQUIH. -n_ THE CHEAP MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. I LONDON HOUSE, MERTHYR J. WILLIAMS I; IS DAILY RECEIVING j NEW GOODS FOR THE GOMIjG SEASON j A Large Variety of Fur Capes and Waterproof Cloaks Very Cheap, j LONDON HOUSE, 133, HIGH STREET, j Millinery, Dress, & Mantle Rooms. AUTUMN~FASH ION S M. SAMUEL, 58, Crockherbtown, CARDIFF, IS NOW SHOWING THE LATEST DESIGNS IN MILLINERY, MANTLES, 0 PALETOTS, JACKETS, COSTUMES, Silks, Gown Fabrics, Mantle Materials, Sable, Seal, and Fancy Fur Capes, Dolmans, Cloaks, &c. &c. M i■?S. JOHN L) A'VIE8. 1 CROWN HOTEL, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, j Begs to inform her Eumerouscaston)ers and the public generally that, in order to meet the j ° convcnisncc ot private families, Messrs. AMUEL ALLSOPP and SONS! Ilavo arranged, after the 1st November, 1SS2, to supply any of their celebrated Ales in 0 gallon Casks DKLIVERE.D FKEK, at the following prices 10s., 12s., and lis. aim in lb sadoi, (.asks at ISs., 21s., 24s. 27s,, 30s., 33s., and Hennesey's Brandy; Dunvilles Vvhiskey; and Wines of all classes. First-class Accommodation for Commercial Travellers and Others. An ORDINARY every SATURDAY at. One o'clock, 1/6. j CLOSED FOR REPAIRING PREMISES, j J. B"EYI\ON. Jeweller, 142, High-street, Merthyr BEGS to inform her customers and the public generally that her place of Bus'ness jwiil be CLOSED during the Repairs of Premises. At the same time J. 15E\NON begs to thank her numerous friends for their past support, hoping that she may be favoured with their kind patronage in the future. U BERUfTWOOL & FANCY REPOSITORY, Masonic Buildings, 29, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil. 0 i\. ,-1 ,Ii.. .1-3. J. DAVIES & EVAN8 (EVANS, late Gas Collector), Bva most resnectfullv to announce that they have opened business in the FANCY, TOBACCO, an(* WOOL TRADES, a{ No. 29. Masonic Buildings, Hixh-s,reet, Merthyr Tydtil. They have great pleasure in calling the attention of their friends and the public to their Large Stock Ot the Newest and Latest Fancy Goods, Cigars, Tobaccos, and Thev desire also to call special attention to tlieir Larae Stock ot WOOLS, V.OK.5ILIJS, ana FINGERINGS, comprising I Colours and Shades which they can guarantee to be of First-class Quality and Fast Colours, at the Lowest Prices. Cheap Clothing, Watches, and Jewellery 1 I Q]0 EDWARD SIEDLE, Q PAWNBROKER & OUTFITTER, 25, P0KTM0RLA1S, MERTHYR, BEGS to call the attention of his customers to the following List of Prices for Clothing, Watches, and Jewellery. Men's New Tweed Suits, from 15s. each; New Worsted Suits, from -4s. each; Men's New Tweed Trousers, from 3s. 6d. each Men's New Tweed Jackets, from Ss. t3tI. each; New White and Dralb Mole Trousers, good quality, from 4s. 6d. each New Mole Vest from 2.. each; Bronze and White Cords, Duck, Dnngarn and Serge Goods of every description. Suits JIadk TO JNieasure. A large assortment of Men and Women's Second-hand Clothing of every description always on hand. Bedding, Counterpanes. Sheets, Quilts, and Feathers. Watches, Jewellery, and Clocks. Second-hand Silver Patent Levers, from kl 10s.; ditto, Silver Genevas, from 14s.; ditto, Silver Verges, from 15s.; ditto, Pair Case. from 15s. Gold and Silver Guards and Alberts at low prices. Canadian Alberts from 4s.; Plated Alberts from Is. Gold Wedding Rings. Keepers, Earrings. Ac. American Timepieces from 4s. each. American Alarums from 5s. <5d. each. Dials, Regulators, Carman and other Clocks. Weekly Payments Takbn. Open all Day on Saturday. PHILIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD AND RHGNDDA VALLEY, BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, I. TREORKY, AND 6 Church-street, Pontypridd, rents all the principal Posting Stations in Pontypridd and Rlifindda Valley. Horse and trap, and i iai,oiorte, kept for hire. To the Gentry, Colliery Proprietors, and Owners of Stock of Merthyr and District. Mr. T. raDMM L. GLAYES, VETERINARY SURGEON, PONTYPRIDD, PONTYPRIDD, BEGS to inform the above that be purposes attending at the COWBtUI'Gii ARMS HOTEL Higli-street, Merthyr, every Saturday. Veterinary Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act for the I'ontypridd, Khondda Valley and Llantrisunt Districts. MOSES GOODMAN, IN returning thank to his numerous customers and the public .-enerally for the kind cupport lie has had for the last 20 yefus. begs to inform them that he is now selling his large aud varied assortment of SEW AUD SECOND-HAND CLOTHES, consisting of Blankets, Sheets, Gowns, Dress- pieces. Flannel, Coats, Trousers, Vests, and a miscellaneous assortment of other articles too numerous to mention, at a puce that will enable the working-class to reach, at a Reduction of 25 per cent. off Cost Price. He also intends to Re-open his Furniture Establishment in Victoria-street with a lame Stock of Goods, consisting of chests of drawers, chefiioneers. sofas, couches (in hair- seating and American cloth; centre, side, and round" tables; pictures; mahogany, cane, and other clr irs mattresses, feather and jnillputi" beds looking-glasses, clocks, iron and French bedsteads, wavlistands and tables, and other useful aiticles. Special Notice -All PLEDGES in Victoria- st. Shop have been KEMOVKI' to No. 8, Bethesda- street. where gold and silver Watches, Jewellery, and Goods of every description arc taken in pledgej Plrasb Note tiie Adpkkss :— Moses Goodman, 6 and 7, Victoria-street, Merthyr. MONEY LENT from £ ,3 to £ 300 to all Borrowers on tlieir Household Furniture, Stock-in-Trado, Farm Imple- ments, &c., without renitiv;:), who require a Loan on their own security without delay. No charges or-de unless the money is lent. Pvcpay- ments made as may be agreed upon to suit Borrower's convenience. Cash alio liberally advanced on Jewellery, Watches, Plate, Diamonds, Pianos, JKerchandise, and Deeds-—Ai ply personally, or by letter, to Mr. Willia.m R. Cohen, Pohtmorlnis Loan Oilice, 20 and 21. Pontmorlais. HerthyY Tydiil. N.B. — Borrowers Will find this Oilice greatly to their advantage. This is a genuine advertise- ment. SPECIAL, UOTICEI JUJLIXJS PK'AAG, PAWNBROKER, Furniture Dealer, Outfitter, & Jeweller, BEGS respectfully to draw the attention of the public to his large and varied assortment of New and Second-hand Ciothieg, Piece Goods, Millpuffi and Feather Beds, Household Furniture, of first-clasi manufacture, Watches, Chains, and Jewdlery, which he is now offeiing for sale at exceptionally low prices. Money liberally nd- vanced to any amount, upon Oild and Silver Watchc, Diamonds, Gold and Mlver Pi it", and Jewellery of every description also upon Wearing Apparel Furniture. Piaueg, ail kinds of avuilx Ic- securities. Weekly rayments taken upon all Goods.—Please note U»e Address 17, LOWER HIGH STREET, (Opposite the Old Church). Merthyr Tydfil. C. PULMAN, BILL POSTER, AND TOWN CRIER, Yictoria-street, Merthyr Tydfil. DAVID KENT, AUCTION EER & APPRAISER, 40, PONTMORLAIS, MERTHYR, IS prepared to execute C-mmissions for the Sale of Property of every description by ( Audiou or Private Contract. t Parties requii ing immediate advances of money upon Furniture and other goads consigned for absolute sale may obtain it to any amount. 1 40, PONTMORLAIS, MERTHYR. JU"CTtolOAJL. ^TUDlK^- MR. EDWARD LAWRANCE, Professor of Music (of the Conservatorium of Music, Leipzig), Organist of St. David's Church, Merthyr Tydfil, and Honorary Local Examiner tc the lioyal College of Music, London, &c., BEGS to State that he is at all times prepared to receive ADDITIONAL PUPILS, including beginners, for PIANOFORTE, SINGING, HARMONIUM, OKGAN, HA11MONY, and COMPOSITION LESSONS, Sze.. &c. Terms may be known at his residence. :2, COUItTLAND-TEllRACE, MERTHYIt. -Air. E. Lawrance visits ABE 14DARE MOUNTAIN ASH, PONTYPtllDD, NEATH, and the ItHONDDA VALLEY professionally, every week, and eontinnes to accept engagements for Concerts and 1,iste.ldfotl;1ot1. inir. E. Lawrance may also be consulted respecting the purchase of PIANOFORTES and HARMONIUMS, which lie is always prepared to supply (frem the best Makers) on highly advantageous and convenient teUfiS MiSS HILDENHAGSN, Niece of Mr. Edward Lawrence, who has been thoroughly prepared by him for the duties, continues to receive YOUNG PUPILS for the Pianoforte at No.:2. Courtland-terrace, Merthyr, and carefully prepares them for later tuition under Mr. E. Lawrance's pers mal care, at the usual lady's terms. Just published (for the beneiit of the Organ Improvement Fund at St. David's Church. Merthyr,) the two admired Eveirng Hymns, "Abide with me, and "Befoie the ending of the day;" also J lib lb it e deo O be joyful in the Lord ") and Nunc dimviittis ("'Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart, in peace"). Music by Edward Lawrance (Organist St. David's Church. Merthyr). To be had cf Messrs. Farrant and Frost, Messrs. Thompson aud Shackell, and Miss Wiikins, Post Office. (choirs suprlit d at reduced terms ) For Terms, &c., Address:—Mr. EDWARD LAWRANCE, Professor of Music, 2, COURTLAND TERRACE, MERTHYR TYDFIL. WM. MEREDITH, Watchmaker, Silversmith, Jeweller, and Optician, 125, High-street, Merthyr, Invites attention of the public to his magnificent Stock, which will he found equal in quality and prices to that of the best house in the trade. The Stock consists of Gold and Silver Watches of the finest quality and highest class manu- factured. All warranted free of charge for two years. Gold and Silver Jewelry of the. Newest Designs, comprising Diamond. Pearl, and other precious stones set in Brooches, Ear Rings, Pendants, Lockets, Rings, Studs, cfc. also Chains, Alberts, and Necklets in Gold aud Silver, together with a great variety of Fancy Articles suitable for Presents. m Electro and Silver Plate, consisting of Tea and Coflee Services, Cruet Frames, Waiters, Butter Coolers, Pickle and Eg Frames, with other articles too numerous to mention. t Spoons and Forks of the fin est quality made, also Ivory Handle Table and Desert Knives, Fish Eaters, and Desert Cases. All warranted A 1 quality. Optical Goods of Every description. S',>e< ial facilities for suiting all kinds of defective sight with suitable Spectacles, Folders and Preservers, both Pebble and Crystals, in Gold, Silver, Tortoise Shell, and Steel Frames.—Observe the Address: WM. MEREDITH, 125, High-street, Merthyr. WINTEB SHOWROOM, 1884. R. EDWARDS, Opposite the Railway Station, Merthyr, HAS THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNCING THAT HIS SHOWROOM IS NOW OPEN, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS IN MILLINERY, MAliTLES, JACKETS, AND DRESS MATERIALS. 59, PONTMOBXAIS, AND Bush Hotel tables, MEETHYS TYDFIL < THOMAS DAVIES, PDSTINC MASTER AtiO CAB PROPRIETOR (LATE OF tub NELSON INN), RESPECTFULLY thanks the Public for the liberal patronage received from them for many years H past (T. D.'s father having been one of the first-esatblished cab proprietors in the town), and takes this opportunity to announce that in additinn to the u? ual posting facilities, he is now prepared to accept engagements for funerals, haying at a large outlay provided a Hearse and Mourning: Carriages. Parties at i\ prompt y treated with by post or personal waiting upon, vehicles ot all descriptions, covered and open, for single horse or pair, upon the most reasonable tsrms. Note the AddressesBush Hotel Stables, and 59, Pontmorlais. Depot for New and Second-hand Clothing, Furniture, Watches, Jewellery, &c., 20 and 21, PONTMORLAIS, MERTHYR TYDFIL. ESTABLISHED 1864. W. R. COHEN. PAWNBROKER, invites public attention to nis large and varied assortment of Beady-made Clothing, Piece Goods, Household Furniture, "Watches. Clocks, and Jewellery, both New and Second-hand, which he is now offering for Sale tipun exceptionally low and advantageous terms, whicb he undertakes to fay will satisfy all classes of customers. The Stock comprises every description of household furniture of first-el", manufacture, wearing apparel at lnciedibly low figures,. and an immense assortment of jewellery, including A LAEGE QUANTITY OF 22-CARAT GOLD WEDDING KINGS, which will be sold upon specially low terms. X5T Most Money lent upon Securities of all kinds, Several first-class SEWING MACHINES to be Sold Cheap for Cash, or upon Weekly Payments. I NOTE THE ADDRESS :-3Q & 21, PONTMORLAIS* MERTHYR. X MPOR T.A. >; T. W. JENKINS, Billposter and Town Crier, Merthyr, Member of the United Kingdom Billposters' Association, T^T^HILE thanking the Public geueivlly for has removed to nioi-sex^Liveinemi^al^ U> 30, CASTLE STREET, Near the Cosmopolitan Club. He also rents several larte an.: iiunorfcmt Posting ^uitioi.s in Merthyr and D.nMais aid throughout the District. Circulars Addressed. and Delivered in Town or Courtry. Contracts made weekly, quarterly, or yearly. All orders promptly attended to. Charts' iiiOuerate. Auotiout ers' halcfe ° w • jerkins, BILLPOSTER & TOWI* CRIER, 30, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil. N.B.— Order j re.-p,;ct fully solicited. M. usio "ESZC.,Ns. 17, Newcastle Street, Merchyr. I EfSONS on t; c Pianoforte. Harmonium, and r! H. '?r>^n by Miss CBOOK, late Organist >f Wesley Chapel.— Terms on avocation. The quarter coo,meucea the date of t'ue ;>upil i enu-v. MONSOlf mUSICAL ACADEMY ABEKGAVEKY. PROFESSOll CAIRD, I jHGANIST of Llandewi Sityrrid .Olwircii, svd 5 Organist to Crawshay Patlev, Eso.. -iMairuiill Court- (10 whom roi'erence is kiniilv nutted), returns his best thanks for the patroiIa<re he has receive dmi.ig vlie past vear. 0 he has receive dmi.ig vlie past vear. 0 I )1r. CAIRD has Vac.iucUs for'a few additional Pupils in Abergavenny district for Organ. Piano- J.v!6, J tU-J A competent Tuner (troni Siessrs. Hems Bros.) sent any distance. ■brynmawr and Dowlais visited pro:essionally every week. Terms on application. S-B.—The Quarter da-es from first lesson. Moxsox COTTAGE, AiiKr.c.AVKNNv. 14th Jaimary. 18s. LLANDOVERY SCHOOL. Visitor: The DI.JHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Warden and Head Master: Rev. A. G. EDWARDS, M.A., late aid j^xiubilioner, Jesus College, Oxlord. Assistant Masters Rev. E. J. M-CLELLAX, B.A.. late Open Classical Hastings LxlubUioner, Queen's Col ego. Oxford • 1st Class Classical Mods. Honours, Gxf..i\] iSiiT* ALEXANDER MclXfOSH, M.A., Seninr Moder- ator aud Gold 31fdaihst, Trinity Co'Ie"e Dublin 0th Wrangler Cambridge Mathematical b il 'e' °' Feliow ^ueeu's College, Cam- C. S. BARNFS, :ill. A.. hte Open Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford; 1st Class Xatural Science Honours, Oxford, 1 v9. E M. RODEUICK, H.A., late Classical Scholar Jesus College, Oxford; vmi class Classical m 3l'd c:«s Classical Finals, lsSi. T. II. \MN iLR, 13.A., late Matin matieal Exhibi- tioner, St. John's College, Cambridge 6th lSS2°r ilne C*1"1 bridge Mathematical Tripos, 1832. W. H. DAUDENY, B.A., late Classical Demv Mods 1STi'°'l0°U' Oxforci 211d Ciass Classical ISi 1. R. 8. BISHOP, First B.A., London University, Trained Ceriihcatcd Teacher. D. 8AUSDERS THOMAS, Certificated Dr-,Nviii,, Master. ° FIIRE Honours gained direct from the School L during the last eighteen mouths include Powis Exhibition; Orell Scholarship B iliol College. Oxtord; Open Classical Exhibition, Wad- ham Colleg. Oxford Classical Exhibition. Jesus College, Oxford; Open Exhibition, University L'dlege, Oxiord Open Science Scholarship. Clare Lollege, Cambridge; Classical Schoiarshii), Jesus College, Oxfol d; Science Selio,arsbil), Jesus » °1>en Exiiibition, Balliol College, Oxiord Open Science Exhibition, ballio College, Oxford. Six Distinctions," jxloid and Cambridge Hoard Exiiiiinations. Great and special attention is given to preparing )oy.- for the London JVIatriculMttnu. v~-m COSMOPOLITAN CLUf Glekland House, Mertbyr. 1 A VV"ORKIN G M-A HOM] Open week days from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. And SUNDAYS 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. "Prompl BILLIARD, READING, REFRE8HMEN CARD, BATH, AND BED ROOMS Subscription 6s. a year, payable quarter! E. M. THOfitAS, Hon. Sec. DAVID EVANS, LATE COLLtCTOK uF THE MKUTHUt TIDF1L GAS COMPANY, BEGS to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced business as an ACCOUNTANT, AUCTIONEER, Mortgage and General Commission Agent, and respectfully solicits their patronage. Rents and Debts Collected, Fire and Life Assur- ances Effected, VJ.itó"ti0lJS for Probate, ic. Moderate Charges nnd Prompt 8¿ttleln('nt, OFFICK 29, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CEFJST- l>-Y-CYMMEi*. MR. DAVID EVANS HAS received instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Gwvkn's Ahm.s, Cefu, 011 THURSDAY, tin- 13tll day of November, ].-<H, at Eight o'clock in the Evening, subject to the con- ditions to be then unci theie produced, the 'ollowing LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES: LOT 1.- Those TWO DWELL IN G -HOUSES, Nos. 29 and 30, ailiat, SHOP, Xo. 31, all in High-street, Cefn, in the several occupations of David Thomas Malhias Simon, ana William Edwards, producing the annual rent of £:30188. They are held for the triii of 99 years, from the 29th day of September, lSo2, with a written pro- mise of extension of the term for 12 years from the arth day of Septi niber, HiOl. The annual ground rent is £ 2 0s. 411 Lot 2-Those THREE DWELLING HOUSES, being Xos. 11, 12, and 13, in Weil-street. Cein. They are held for the term of Three lives, and to complete t)9 >«ar.s. from the i!:th day of Sept., 1856. and will be sold subject to the apportioned yearly rent of t I ôS, BIl. LOT 3. -All those PIECES of LAND (used as gaideiis). situate, oil the noitli side of the 11"use of Win. Jones, Esq., and between Well-road and the Taff F> clian River, and numbered 141, 140, 14r. and 1-17 <11 the plan on the Ground Lease. They are held for the term of 'three Iii-es, ard to complete \I!) years, from the 29tli day of Sept., 1S56, and will be sold subject, to the apportioned yearly rent of.£1 IUs. For trther particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 29, High-street, Merthyr; or to W. BklDojs, Solicitor, Meithyr. L. R. LCJMLEY, Sw-vtyoT 10 tkt Merthyr 4" Doivmis Bniiding doctetv, MEASURING SURVEYOR, & GENERAL APPRAISER, 6, Glebeland-street, Merthyr Tydfil. 1 U I UMLEY begs to thank the public _j» 15 • J J for their extensive patronage to him during the last Twenty Years, and he hop;s that by his usual pfomptiiesi^nd to the business entrusted to Vim, to Jeserv? the continu- ation of the same. He h;so wishes (.articularly to call the attention of Brewers, Innkeepers, rind Shopkeepers to hi ext.! i sive experience in Valuing Fixtures, Trade Ut.', Furniture, and every kind of House Property. Valuations for Mortgages and for Probate prepared at s'iort notice and moderate charges. Estimates prepared. Work in all Branches of the Building Trade Measured ann Valued. The Merthyr & Dowlais BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1873, and Incorporated under the Building Societies' Act, LOANS made in sums vav-g from £ 100 to £ 10.000, repayable by >t>ntlily or Quarterly instalments. Tables of jv-Payipcots. Costs of Mortgages, and Survey; 8 -j" have been re- vised, and considerably THE SOC1KTY SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TC BUIIRDWERS, the scale of Re-Payments aD" PreJfunary Charges being greatly Lowered- The utmost .-recy maintained. For pal ticq") a¡1I') to MR. E. ROBERTS, at the Office of th.oclety, ;$4, Victoria-street. Merthyr Tvdfit. ,g -"AINE, BiLL-POsil'KR, DISTRIBUTOR 'Vl? ic'' 'J3' CARDIFF STREET, ABER- Dbfgs to inform the public generally that y rents all the largest and principal Rill-Posting jtationB in Aberdure, Aberaman, Hirwain, and all out-lying districts. Contracts made weekly or yearly.