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"f- "WESTERN MAIL" MUSICAL SCHOLARSHIP.— Will all those interested in the candidature of Miss Dowlais. kindiy all the final coupons, Xo. 12, to the .Secretary, D. B. Evens, 40, Bronbeulosr. P?nydarren, before April 18th, ;9W. As this coupon ends the com- petition, it ia h- p^d a great effort will be rnad: iot obtain every 3\"alÍn úe cevpcn. CVFAF.THFA CIICRCH.—The Easter Vestry in correction with Christ Church, Cvfarthf.i, was held on Friday, the Rev. H. Kiikhouse, Vicar, presiding. Dr. Biddle was re-no ruinated Vicar's warden, .rrul i was re-elected j peoples warden. {COWS WARD BI;A:<OH OF T:?K MERTHYR LI'.DRAL ASSOCIATION.—A mooting of the Liberals of the Ward will be held at the Angel Buildings. Merthyr, on Friday evening, UatT 8th inst.at 8 p.m., for the purpose of swnhuj oliiters ar.d enrolling r.ev/ members. ,■ "■ 1;i' invitation is extended to all Licerais ;o at<end the- mot in?. •'irrs TO THE Wor.KHOUSE.—Mr. D. J. Williams. the master, t hanks the following for i -.•■if 13 fur the live of the inmates :—Magazines, i "tc.— Mr:. Boil, C'aslle-Gtreci: Mr. Duncan, Woodlands, Park-terrace Sir. Harris, chemist; M. I.ieweilvii Richards, Maesydderwen; Mrs. I Jeaos Mi\ E. M. Harris, 27, The Ayenue; Arer.de Librarian (two weeks); and Miss j Laura Williams, 10 William-square. (:YM pi A SKATING- RLSX.—As will be seen VOTU enr advertising columns » fancy dress :arnival will be held at the Olympia Skating on Thursday next, ar.d is being looked forward to with the keenest interest by all who IRE interested in roller skating. A very attrae- tive PROFR AMINEHAS been ARRANGED, and PRICES to the value of £î5 are o'Tered. Full particulars, is to prices üi admission, competitions, etc. wiH be'forml in our advertising columns. Rxr:-R. NOT For BITTKRP.—At an occasional. court, on Monday, €orneU»S Lynph WAS sum- moned for beins; drunk and disorderly on Sunday. DPFENDA^ had walked over to Rhvmnev and back, and WAS seen knocking J neaiast people. A BOLT- containing rum, j found in his pocket,, w. *iced in C9"R^ Mr. J. Flews (presiding -rate): What is the name on the bottle .-The officer Hep bitters, sir (laughtor).—Lynch had to PAY 208. and cost?, or do 14 day;?.. SCDDES DEATH.—On Wednesday Mr. K. «l. Rhy, Borough Coroner, held an inquest upon the bodv of Richard Saggerson, aged 48, a. labourer, who died suddenly at the Rhydycar football ground, on Monday morning. Deceased went to the ground and complained to two workmen there of feeling cold. Almost imme- diately he fell to THE ground. He got up and.fell, Again, expiring ahziost immediately.— I>r. said that death was due to heart failure. The jury returned a verdict accordingly. CATHOLIC YoeG MENS SOCIETY. On Sun- day evening, in the rooms, Morgantown, under the presidency of Mr. J. Crowley, a very LUTERES^ ing lecture was given, by the Rev. T. A. Hind, the chaplain of the society, on the subject of Anglican Orders. HE showed very clearly that the Church (Ie i INLAND could not in any way claim t< be a outinuation of THAT CHNIC»V whose faith was introduced into England by Bt. Augustine. The form of ordination ot its ;lericat staff was altogether altered by Cranmar, wid this altered form ,ontim;d for a period of 110 years. In conclusion, the lecturer said it was a grand thing to belong to the Catholic Church which was and always had been in I every der rec unchanged and unchangeable. OBITUARY.—The sad news of the death of their youngest son was cabled to Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams, Pic ton-street, after an operation performed upon him for appendieite, at bt. Francis's Hospital, NEW The came as a thunderbolt, as the family only heard from him a fortnight previous that he WAS quite well, and that he fully expected paying a v»it to the old country this summer. Arthur Thomas Adams was" well known to many for his GENIALITY and straightforwardness; he was so transparent. He served BIS APPERAU^IP .to the coa'hbuilding under Mr. W. Davies, and eft for America some six years ago, in ( ompany of another young man from the same neigh- bourhood. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents and family in their sorrow. DEATH OF A FOSMBS MERTHYR SCHOOI,- M.iTLR.-The death is announoed of Mr. Richard M. John, ;\t 67, VarP.a-road, Edgfcaston, Binrdn .faam, headmaster of Hope-Ptoet School in that city, on Sunday last, in the 60th year of his age. The deceased was for seme tIme I headmaster of the Aber morbus Board School, in the early vears of the old School Board, and on his removal to Birmingham was succeeded I try his brother->>i-law, Mr. Jenkins, the preaen headmaster. He was *a most efficient teacher „ud great ly appreciated by 'the Merthyr School B-^rl After his removal to Birmingham he rarde the same favourable impression npon the education authority there by his successful KKt'.cls in the conduct of educational work. '.VVLRAL OF A CRIMEAN VETBBAN.—On K, V last John Sullivan, a Crimean veteran, who < "D at the Mcrthyr Workhouse, and who (out-hi in hç Indian Mutiny AS a private in the Dubiit Fusiliers, was hurried AT Coin cemetery with military honours. Snliivan had been in the Workhouse for a long time, and afew years AGO Mr. Lemuel Batten, one of the relieving OFFERS, liimself a- soldier who served in South Africa, interested himseM in the veteran, and was instrumental m getÍ.1\g a pension for him AM GLINTING to 73. A week for life. The Board of Guardians received half of this amount to- wards his maintenance, Sullivan appropriating the other half with which to enjoy the fragrant WEED, and he was allowed special privileges. The deceased was transferred from the Fusiliers to the 81st Foot, and went through many campaigns. There were no friends to accom. pany the remains to the grave, andthe funeral was attended only by a party of Merthyr Territorials, undar the command of Lieut. 1L H. Southey.

Merthyr Man Found Drowned.


Merthyr Health Committee.1

Theatre Royat Merthyr.

Appeals at Quarter Sessions.


Merthyr Board of Guardians.




Mountain Ash Bill.



In Dolygaer Lake.