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The Dark Side of -Convict…

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-.------Death of Mr. Matthew…

Abergavenny Easter Eisteddfod…



-...- . Sunny Bank, Merthyr.


Bronchitis and Blood Spitting…

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ALL I 11» -i M. Samuel's »ot only lnclu.dcs'hundreds of 'HM.*?**?( Ch'Vr. astounding values In WATCHES,^EWM^^UTIMY, 6free gift h 4 DISTRIBUTION. EASTER OCKETS 040 WEDDINGS. &Mtko 14. 2z-ct. Hall-mkd. PILIgOAk "LUCKY" WEDDING RINGS, Latest Court Siylcs. Free Wrd- ADL TRAIN 1 dl-g uift vith every FAI% PAID Prices up to I K^^SH^d^^MLVBR Wedding Ring 4 A 1 8 |S ymj^j .» Complete "| G/j5 Hanasoms'.y Engraved SOLID M| J "T"™"™T!I1 with \i *#/ W GOI.I^WA f'CHKS for Lades. Take advantage of these exceptional lEaatgi^ j three zrvsli. SAVE MONEY-BUY AT H. SALiUlEL'St 516 CALL TOL- DAY I ff. SAMUEL'$ RECORD MARVEL VALUE CUTLERY IN PARCEL, 13 0 e CUTLERY. 83 Articles WORLD'S DRST SOLir, 26/. 616 GOI.D VALUE. GEM- Sut^Qitt. | tie; aottable for Easter iiljl^\?j}j mBS COMPARE THESE PRICES I Gift* from 1/- upwards— ^fflU&S$%V^ Hake a point of calling at l| EB8, GWYE^P^L Mlft H. Samuel's TO-DAY. S H HOOKS. ^kJLfcL ^e&r-§v _■_ m c. DO SO NOW 1 J| i u & i| U B1 £ T* I full hom™'s 1 u IIb O^^lWiyEs&i TRIAL M usual. I 119, HIGH STREET, MHJIUMYJS. I Also at Cardiff, Newport; and Swansea. JB saggasy^aass^^ miki m.- j^jsagaagfisiaggBaMi JU w1 lynflfy, saggasy^aass^^ 1" miki m.- j^jsagaagifsiaggBaMi JU w1 lynflfy, 4/- MONTHLY SRA 10 6 AND 211- BALE8 OF HOUSEHOLQ OoLj"P £ RY, »iso Blankets. Sheets, Quilts, Boots, fer Skirts, Suits, Clothing, etc. Send postcard Wholesale Supply Co., 79, Kni!htrider Street, London. C.C. n_ om wS™K"is j taken regularly at this time of 3 1 shield the body that has been H a Weakened by Winter. For Influ- ■ t enza, Colds, Chills and winter m ills it is unequalled. Name this M Paper and send 3d. to cover carriage for m A FREE TRIAL Ilottle and see how much real load it will do you. COTEMAN & Co., Ltd. Wlnearnis Works, Norwich. HAVE A TERRIBLE JSL 33 J&. CS 3EC 3EJ 4D AM SO BILIOUS AND SICK I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.. An. r' ^gft are thousands of Men and Women of ? offering so, making Life a burden. If *OOWQ bow effective HUGHES'S Bch IMin PILLS s would delay a moment before taking ^heoe Pills act like a charm, and give SMIV^^ relief in the most severe attacks of ^OM^CHES, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGES- ^Utv PRESSI0N 0F SPIR1TS. IRRITA* • By acting on the Blood as they do, KM the cause of Inactivity of the Liver b^A^ys. «>d cure BACKACHE, CON- J^SBt AIgN. WIND, PILES, and all SKIN Read a few extracts from letters re- t etunot speak too highly of your Blood Pills. !in? curd me of a severe Sick Headache, 4W.(.Usfless, an^ Foul Stomach in a very J 'lme.—C. James, Wigan. been in a very weak state for *lhe. severe pains in the Kidneys, I?1351''0 P8-'11 in all my limbs. Headache, tio^ ?U1 Stomach, with Wind and Indiges- *ti> ?ue no doubt to Bad Blood poisoning jt "°le system. Your ■^u^hes's Blood E»ills,' ^*rnl 1116 'n 'vc'T short time.—W. Jones, 1 Jroke Terrace Pontypool. i.tVe a great sufferer from Pain in fceSK and Back, with Wind and Indi- te lon. I was induced to try ?ughos'a Blood Pills Ml^jy j., a,d me an extraordinary amount of Mh. "r,i^ow arn QU'16 well-—Sarah Phil- h Street, Ferndale. always R°°^» .1ii^uying see that this X k. MARK, a Heart, sr:i> on each box, with- none is genuine. |j for ,,I!ghes's Blood Pills,' 1^1 take no Substitute, by Chemists and K it Is. lid., 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., or send value fcljf.0- cr Stamps to Maker — JACOB V/ES. M.P.S., L.D.S., lanufacturing ^">t. PENARTH. CARDIFF.