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•;•.• Absolutely Pure made from fine 51^S•• Virginia. Best value in £ 4$W$$t f the world-10 for 2° 0 T ¥&■ & ztt&A Of all wf Th« Indepeadcat Firm I 8 B'Ha.t k Ln9'l-ion I 1/11. The Pim 11 1 ■ 9tMUMWWWWC>MIIHP — .nil- :■- mm I) œm. vi fH IRogal Dattonafle. g| H HIS MAJESTY fe| I KING EDWARD I |gj bas again honoured HUMBER, Ltd., "With instructions to prepare a y^| IHUMBERI () His Majesty's persona! uie. His Majesty has never ridden anything else but ftj|| ygj HUMBERS, displaying thus his confidence in the cycles mI Kg! "IN ALL THE WORLD UNEQUALLED." pS KWJ Prices from £ 6:6 to £ 14, or by easy payments from 7/11 per month, delivered <Vyl ■ carriage paid to any Railway Station in the United Kingdom, £ £ 2 Kg! Htndivmc illustrated Catalogue tøst free. jSfn ™ THOMAS BROS., TT 130, Hlch-st., Merthyr. -,7F A. BUCHAN & CO., (L-^ ILAWW SHOP, RHYMWEY.r^W | jf T. JENKINS, TREDEGAR. T. JENKINS, TREDEGAR. r 13 .r f 1 IT* -:( !II ..»)" ;< mf ^coop ,k f-JF A Cheap Bicycle, yon know the sort—"Direct from Factor? ^S. m to Rider at^3 19s. lid." is dear at any price. It has Cheap fyrcs, ^LA tWm Cheap Chain, Cheap Saddle, Cheap Pedals, Cheap Everything- M| result in 12 months, if it lasts as long, looks a c.ock ||| Ms* as a contrast look at the all- mm Sffiji «TFFL RALEIGH. The Prvces vary from £ 5 19s. 6d. ':$ £ V*i5 15s., fitted with the Best and Guaranteed for ever. ¥Aj§ Brooks' Saddle, Dunlop Tyres, Sturmcy-Archer 3-Speed JgJ |w| Gear, &c. Send for book of the Raleigh, post free. '^KL Crabbe & Co., 52,*Glebelaai Street, Merthyr,, j. FINE, Lawn Terrace, Rhymney. PICTON & MORRIS, Dowlais. Jmf T. PROSSER, Ebbw Vala JL- Arm, I I! I HAVE A TERRIBLE 3BC "S3* Jk. 3 £ > A* G S3C JES AND AM SO BILIOUS AND SICK THAT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. There are thousands of Men and Women oi ages suffering so, making Life a bur dep. If l' was known how effective HUGHES'S BLOOD Pll" I r D U U Lit no one would delay a moment before taking them. These Pills act like a charrn, and give 'mtnediato relief in the most severe attacks of Headaches, BILIOUSNESS, indiges- nON. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. IRRITA. ÐILITY. By acting on the Blood as TRey do, they remove the cause of Inactivity of the Liver *nd Kidneys, and cure Bx\CKACHE, CON- STIPATION, WIND. PILES, and all SKIN RASH. Read a few extracts from letters re- eeiv.d I cannot speak too highly of your Blood Pills. They cured me of a severe Sick Headache, Biliousness, arid Foul Stomach in a very abort time.-C. James, Wigan. I hay. been in a very weak state for tnonths; severe pains in the Kidneys, Rheumatic pain in all my limbs, Headache, and Foul Stomach, with Wind and Indiges- tion, due no doubt to Bad Blood poisoning toy whole system. Your klrlxiilhesls Blood Pills,' cured me in a very short time.—W. Jones, Pembroke Terrace, Pontypool. I have been a grea.t sufferer from Pain in the Head and Back, with Wind and Indr- trestion. I was induced to try j Blood ( They did we an extraordinary amount of S°°d, Now I am'quite well.—S&rah Phil- 'Ps. Elm Sfere^t, Ferndalo. \v Pills afways (10 good, 'Vfi A*Lkuyin £ see that this -~th E MARK, a Heart, ouj. r~ris on each box, with- Lit vt ic none is genuine. ^ghes's Blood Pills,' take no Substitute. 80111 bv lnd c I,, .I -r ores at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. 4a. 6d., or send valuo iTT1nijr.o °r Stamps to MaJcer JACOB LUU"ES. M.P.S., L.D.S., Manufacturing Caenuat. PfiNARTH. CARDIIIj I Caenuat. PfiNARTH. CARDIIIj | Why have a Face like this? I WHEN NEURA-TONA N Cures Neuralgia. || Toothache and g all Nerve paiis. I wAr^SiiA v Take no Imitation. fe W& rnsist on havius wl r§^\ WS NEURA-TONA 1/1!d. per Bot., Post Free, Froni the Sole I forsake- 1 Henry M. Llovd, Chemist, 5leethyr XiYOMS' %-m$8L AOM 117 -x- LU Cl FOR In li-, 6d., wnd 3d. Bottles. Sold by H. W. SOUTHEY & SONS «« EXPRESS OFFICE, MERTHYR.




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