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f' iiiiwngnnnra——wwi'w, min iminiiniiM'ti»'i»iiiw»fc CMRfcjgLWTlE* I; | lk'* -tri | ig JjpsyfeM maV"41 WWAaam PNI J 0URS IS NOW A VERITABLE TREASURE HOUSE of Rare and Beautiful Articles for g 1 Holiday Y^ear. EVERY DEPARTMENT CROWDED WITH NEW GOODS. I I t Merely "The Latest Thing' but < Just the Thing for You, 1 I will "be found in oar Superb Slock of Ladies' Costumes. Hundreds of Smart || Summer Costixmes and Coats and Skirts, at Z5s. lid., 29s. lid,, 35s. 6d., 39s. lid., up 1; to 5 Guineas. I j Blouses, j To&combine simplicity with elegance,—*1They are made of soft, light, fine 1 materials, en^ianced by beautiful combinations of Exquisite Laces. We have 1 hundreds of delightful styles ranging from Is. ll^dl. to 39s, 6d. 1 Summer Costixmes and Coats and Skirts, at 25s. lid., 29s. lid., 35s. 6d., 39s. lid., up 1; to 5 Guineas. I j Blouses. I To&combine simplicity with I-o, i -They are made of soft, light, fine 1 materials, ezhancect by beautiful combinations of Exquisite Laces. We have 1 hundreds ot delightrul styles ranging from Is. 111(1. to 39s, 6d. 1 [ Millinery. I Elegant styles, immense variety, and exclusive models, Out Millinery 8 lias that chicEtess which distinguishes it has having passed through the hauds of Skilled 9 Milliners, and which is not observable in the Millinery of any other Tio-Lise, I [ Neckwear and Belts. I Rich Assortment of Dainty Neckwear Belts, fe Mest of I the lines have just arrived," and in order that they may be cleared before the holiday, i we have marked them at unusually Low Prices. I Gloves* We are displaying these in large assortments. We eatmot tell you about 8 them all here-but just make a mental note of the following » I J20 Casea of Ladies' Mousquetaire Suede Lisle Gloves (Special Value), in white, black, 8 pastel, grey, heaver, mole, navy, tans, &cM 6|d., 8Jd., lOJd., and Is. Ojd, per pair. I Extra Value.-67 doz. French Washing Castor Gloves, with 2 smart pearl buttons, in I < chamois aned white, at Is. Old., lB. Bid" and Is. llid. per pair. 8 Special Purchase.-125 doz. Ladies' Choice Kid and Suede Gloves. (with patent fasteners 9 or fancy pearl buttons), at lB. lljd., 2s. 61-d., and 2s. 11ld per pair. In white, black, I 2 mole, pastel, beavers, slate, navy, browns, and pale drab shades. 1 Exceptional Value.-12 doz. only, Ladies' Black Suede Gloves, with white silk 1 embroidered stitching on back, Is. I lid, per pair; worth 2s, I I d, | Indies' Real Gazelle Gloves, in tan, beaver, grey shades nnd black (pique sewn), 2 press I buttons, 2s. llfd. per pair. I Sunshades, I There is no better finish to a smart costume than a Dainty Sunshade. 1 I Onr stock of Sunshades is so varied that we can suit any particular fancy or costume. j 'Ladies' Sunshades, in Cotton, Muslin, Silk, and Tussore (all colours), is, 11-id., 2s. lljd., 3s. iii-d, 4s. ll-Jd. to 15s. lid. Childi'ett.'s Sunshades.—3?kiii, also drilled, in all 8 colours, 6td. to Is. 11 Jd. each. Hosiery. I Ladies are particular about their Ho§fery» Otiratoeks are exceptionally fine, .and the prices are less than usual. Summer Hosiery for Ladies and Children, Bid. to ,4s. lid. per pair, in Lisle Thread, Spun Silk, and Pure Cashmere (Fancy Itibbed, Plain, or Embroidered)* TJn derskirts. Washing Underskirts at a low figure; good materials, excellent work- 8 manship, and dainty trimmings. White Petticoats, trimmed embroidery or lace, Is. 1lid., 9 |vj&. lid., 3s. lid., up to 18s. lid. Coloured Zephyr and Washing Petticoats, from 8 la. 11ld. to 10s. 6d. An immense variety of Moirette and Silk Skirts, in all the New 8 Shades, 3s. IIid., 4s. llid, 613. lid., up to 29s, lid. 8 I Felather Boas and Stoles. I Special Purchase for the coming season. The assort- I merit is certainly a most delightful one. Every style is included, some of the effects [ "being exceedingly handsome. Real Ostrich Feather Boas, 50in. long, very special value, Sin black, grey, natural, and white, 5s. lid. each. Also an immense selection of Real tk)strich Boas, in better qualities, 60in., also 72in. long, in black, white, grey, natural jbrown, mole, 12s. lid., 16s. lid., 18s. lid., 21s. lid., to 47s. 6d. each. Marabout ■Stoles and Round Boas, in brown, natural, and white, also black, 12s. lid., 15s. lid., 18s. lid. each. Coque Feather Cravats, nice soft feathers, well made, in various colours, 8e. lid., 10s. lid., 12s. lid., to 21s. 6d. each. Emu Feather Cravats/l2s. lid., 16s. lid., £ ls. 6d. each, in white, natural and brown. 8 TO'REALISE THE VALUE WE ARE OFFERING AND THE EXTENSIVENESS 8 OF OUR STOCKS, A PERSONAL VISIT IS RECOMMENDED. | ffig* EVERYONE MAY FREELY INSPECT THE NEW GOODS. 1 In our Gents' Department we are also showing an enormous variety of everything Q that is Newest in Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Juvenile 8 Clothing, &e. Trunks and Bags for the Holidays, offered at the Keenest London Prices. 8 FISHING STOCKINGS, Coats, Brogues, &c. GARDEN HOSE from 21d. per foot. Hose Fittings. CRICKET BATS, Balls, Leg Guards, Bags, and all Accessories. Bats from 4/6. LAWN TENNIS, Racquets, Nets, Posts, Balls, &c. TRAVELLING REQUISITES, Waterproof Garments, Holdalls, Trunks, Portmanteaux, Hand Bags. FOR SEASIDE. Bathing Costumes, Bathing Caps, Swimming Collars, Water Wings. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. J1"7- ,j, New Lot of Books Just Received. H. W. SOUTHEY k SONS, Salves* Mertnyr Here's help, A proved and certain help AND ,— AND \11 Puritan 312 d. abomp ffff^ It a worker: it is jflT made to wash clothes 8t v and does it. THOMArt. BLUSTOL. SHOPPINCJY POST. 1/„ WHRTtlTTT. Y will seenre one of onr AHAjXVAJ X. Special 10s. 6d. or 21s. BALES containing Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, Flannel. Flannelettes, Towels, Curtains. Jackets Skirts, Furs. Boots, Clothing, See. Write for Bar gain IJsts.—WHOLESALE & EXPORT SUPPLY Co., 79, Knierhfcrider-street, London, Eo C. LADIES! LADlirS Mrs. E. SHAFFER-BENYON, the Eminent Lady Specialist, has much pleasure in an- nouncing that her REMEDY WITHOUT MEDICINE is the only Positive. Safe. Cer- tain, and Speedy one known. It acts almost immediately, and does not interfere with household duties. Send at once stamped-ad- dressed envelope for full particulars and most convincing Testimonials (guaranteed genuine under a penalty of £ 1,000) to-Mrs. E. H, Shaffer-Benyon, Catford, London. 10 j


