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Mountain Ash Territorials. J. ADDRESS ON "PATRIOTISM" BY THE REV. E. V. TIDMAN. STRANGE ATTITUDE OF SOCIALISTS. A unique service was held at Nazareth Eng- lish Baptist Chapel, Mountain Ash, on Sun- day morning, when the Mountain Ash Detach- ment of the 5th Batt., Welsh Regiment, at- tended for the first time a service in a Non- conformist place of worship. The officers on parade were: Col A. P. James, V.D., Lieut.- Col. Morgan Morgan, V.D., Capt. and Adju- tant J. C. H. Richards, Capt. F. N. Gray, Capt. Gwilym A. Evans, and Lieutenants T. A. Evans, Windsor Evans, and D. Morgan. The Mountain Ash Band, conducted ,by AIr. T. Greenwood, headed the march from the Drill Hall to the chapel. The service was of a special character, and the singing of the hymns, under the conductorship of Mr. S. Deverill, proved a feature of the service. Dur- ing the singing of the last, hymn, "God bless our native land," a number of Socialists kept their seats, owing to the fact that the hymn was sung to the tune of the National Anthem. There was large congregation present. "PLAY THE MAN." The preacher was the Rev. E. V. Tidman (the pastor), who gave an address on "Patriot- ism," taking as his text the words: "Be of good courage, and let us. play the men for our people and for the cities of our God, and the Lord do that which seemeth Him. good." He said there were many uéh calls to national defence in the face of danger, but never a fuller one than this of Joab's.Nelson's call to his men, "England expects, every man this day to do his duty," was a good one. but there was no recognition of Godwin it. Considering the age and the moral ideals of the time in which Joab's words were uttered, there wa-s something remarkable as well as stimulating and inspiring about them. There was a com- bination of patriotism and piety that seemed to be lacking in this professedly enlightened age. God was in the mind of Joab as well as the serried ranks of Israel's forces. There was an anxiety to be in harmony with the eternal purposes, and a recognition that after all, if God's smile were withdrawn, the power of bow and spear and ail physical courage would be in vain, for the utterance recognised that God was the supreme arbiter "of the nation's destiny. It was no silly jingo cry; no empty warlike shout of defiance; no manufactured panic eloquence of those who talked about shedding their last drop of blood for their native lanu, but who were not willing to shed the first- drop. It was the calm, quiet confid- ence of heroes who had done their best, end who were ready to defend their interests, but. who, like Abraham Lincoln, were above all anxious for the Divine alliance. Considering the enlightenment of this age, it had something to learn from Joab, for attention now seemed to be centred upon material forces of defence, while there was a non-recognition of God and true righteousness, which were the real basis of a nation's true defence. This age had something to learn in appreciating that lesson. Joab's heroic language thrilled with intense patriotism. PATRIOTISM DEFINED. But what was patriotism ? Its true meaning was not always rightly gauged. The term was sometimes degraded and narrowed in its mean- ing. There was a need to define it so as to recognise its full significance. There was a meek patriotism about to-day-a bastard type of which they had had enough. There was a narrowed conception that robbed it of some of its best meaning. Some appeared to think it was connected only with ideas of national con- ceit and military glory, and that it was a mcnopolv of the soldier and tho sailor. True patriotism was one of the deepest instincts in a mar's heart; one of the profoundest senti- ments of our nature. Next to religion, was there anything so deeply rooted in human nature, and to fruitful of sacrifice and hero- ism? That individual was a. very singular one who had not felt its power. As the poet said. "Lives there a man' with soul so dead, Who never to himself has said, This is my own, my native land?" Love of country and homeland was pretty Uni- versal. It was not, therefore, the possession of the soldier and sailor only, nor was it only connected with military glory, for when rightly defined it was the duty of every good citizen to do the highest and best for the welfare of his native land. It was the sacred obligation of every citizen. Peace had her patriots as well as wai. There was as much patriotism in living a. heroic life as in dying a. heroic death. The achievements of statesmen and philanthropists were patriotic. General Booth was as great a patriot as General Lord Roberts. The Peace Society and Labour conferences were as patriotic as the War Office. There was no book filled with an intenser patriotism than the Bible. There were many utterances in the Old Testament, and coming to tho New Testament they found the same thing, but in a larger and more purified form, for Jesus came to widen and broaden their conceptions of every virtue. There wa" a richer emphasis in the New Testament upon this wider and larger patriotism. There was a richer insist- ence that a nation's righteousness was jt8 greatest glory, and that anyone who laboured for that in any department of activity was therefore a real and true patriot. Was not this seen in the life of Christ? He was a patriot in the true sense of the ■_ term. He was a Lover of His own people and land. He re- cognised the responsiblity of citizenship, tie therefore thought of His country's sins, and when He drew near to the Holy City, and uttered that pathetic cry, "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem," he (the speaker) thought it was not only the cry of a Redeemer, but He de- tected the plaintive wail of a broken-hearted patriot, who wept over the iniquities ot HIs beloved land. He (the speaker) hoped they would all be patriots in this sense. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WORLD. Continuing, he said if there was any country that roused and called forth the intensest pat- riotism, sure it was their own. There was everything to encourage and not to detel any effort pulsating with lovo of country. He couid quite imagine a Russian patriot feeling quite discouraged because of the crowning principles of unrighteousness thwarting every well-meant effort that be might put forth for his oountry s welfare. But Britain offered every incentive to patriotism. Our constitution' was one of the justest on the face of the earth. Our institu- tions for the development of our varied lite were unrivalled. The social and civic liberties, eclipsed anything any other laud could sho. Our moral and religious privileges and heMt. age were the envy of less happier v10 country could boast of such a grand field tor the exercise of patriotism. Britain was a vast storehouse of liberty, laws, and religion tor the whole world. From this country went forth a stream of beneficent influences for the benefit of the whole world. The govexnmen of India, Egypt, and South Africa. were sam- ples of what she hAd done for the uplifting ot the people. There were many blots and stains, but generally speaking, no one would deny that Britain's influence and achieve- ments bad been, under God's blessing, for the benefit of the nations. Surely, then, our pat- riotism would rise to the duty of protecting our great nation from all her foes, for it oould eafely be said that if this nation was destroyed the whole world would suffer. We could not stand by and see oux great birthright brought to nought. National defence was perfectly consistent with the highest patriotism. Na- tional defence was simply the extension of self- defence, and no one would hold that a man should not protect his life, for even the ani- mals did that. He was an arrant coward who would not protect his home and family- Na. tional defence was simply the broadening of that universal principle. Many ■ said that preachers of the Gospel should have faith in Omnipotence to guard them. He believed in that, but faith was allied to works and the human preparation went side by side with faith in Almighty God. Faith combined with works was the deepest common sense a well aS the deepest piety. There were many pious people who prayed to Almighty God each night to defend them and their homes, who took (rood care that every bolt and lock were put up. They decried the necessity of an Army and Navy to defend the nation,, but were quite* willing that the man in blue should defend them. Pious people sometimes put up barbed wire to defend their gardens from trespassers. They could trust the nation to Almighty God, but could net trust their gardens. That was his answer to the anonymous scribblers who had criticised his advocacy of the defensive forces of tho nation. Our national life and re- sources b0 defended, and he therefore welcomed the Territorials to that service of worship. They recognised the necessity of their existence as a, constituent element in national defence. There was hoed for a dis- ciplined citizen army, and he was pleased to see them (show such an interest in the force. By their efforts, they would ward off the shadow of conscription that some would like to see a reality in their national life. A NATION'S GREATEST GLORY. In conclusion, the preacher said that a na- tion's greatest glory and strength was in her manhood and womanhood. National character was her most valuable asset. A nation's greatest foes were her sins and iniquities. These really sapped and undermined her strength. These were the vampires that suck- ed the best blood and life out of the vitals of the nation. That was the unerring testimony of history, and history told no lies. The voice of history was that the rise and fall of empires was invariably determined by moral and relig- ious causes. Nothing could save a nation from decay if its morals were corrupt, its re- .iigion dying, and its character decadent. What was the voice of English history? What placed Britain in the front rank of power and of civilisation? Not her material forces, but her sterling character and advocacy of righteous- rness. They had been made great by the moral land religious calibre of the nation. The forces which had made them must maintain them. That was the lesson they wanted to learn juSt now. The nation wanted to pause and medi- tate over the true founts of her greatness. Finally, they had each their part to play in keeping up the nation's character. Each must play tho man. The efficiency of the corps de- uejttded wag, and ..1,. of the nation depended upon the character of each individual. Let them, therefore, serve King Jesus, and labour for the expansion of His Kingdom. The collection was in aid of the District Nursing Home.

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