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u_. MERTHYR CORPORATION ACCOUNTS. AUDITOR'S REPORT. COSTS OF INCORPORATION. EXPENSES OF WITNESSES. SUMS WHICH THE AUDITOR SUGGESTS SHOULD BE REFUNDED. 'Ai: a special meeting of the General Purposes j Comu.tteo pf tho Merthyr Town Council on j Lioucuy, tij»-fallowing reportAnd?taj^ {Mr. M.„L). Propfert! c-ii .the aocCfuntf of tho.-CorjjT poration for the year ended Match 31st, 19C3, i was read:— J 'Tc tho Worshipful the Mayor, tho Aldermen, anu Councillors of the County Borough j of Merthyr Tydfil. s -f beg to report that I complet- j eJ the audit of the account's of the Town Coun- cii, and of their accounting officers, for the year ended the- 31st March, 1908, on the 26th Febru. j arv last. EXPENDITURE. The «xpendii.ure aurmg iije. year, including. Ii37.0<33 3s. 2d. out of loailsf and excluding. £ 8,133 6s. 6d. transfers to various accounts of ■the Corporation, amounted to £ 163.373 12:. lld., pa rticulars. of which, under appropriate heads, w.il be found in your duplicate of -fhe fiuanciJ.: i tatenient signed hv me. The receipts I and expenditure under the -sarious departments j during the two years ended 1908. are ".et out hereunder for the purposes of com- parison. | Receipt (excluding ;■transfers). Borough j Fund: 1907.. £ 14,269'"7.s. M-i 1908, £ 17,365 8i,.i 4d. Elementary' Education '1907 £ £ 52,632 8s. I 00.; 1968, ;651.15,5 10" Id. v^Eighcr. Education f 1907, L223 12s. 8d. Other ..hail Borbiish Fund 1907, £ 59,^45 2s. 5id. 1903, £ 59,552 [;.c. 11.21 d. í Accounts of the Corporation acting in the exe- cution of the Buna' Act..?: 1907, L2,293 6s. 7d. 1908, £ 2 226 17s. 6d. Loansi 1907, £ 22 230; I 1908 .B2.801 16s. 5d. Total receipt- 1907, €151.098 18s. 9id. 1908. -0154,103 Is. 3 £ d. Expenditure (excIuding'tranftVr^). Borough Puna: 1907. £ 15,241 13s. 8 £ d. 1903, £ 16.175 4.. Elementary Education: 1907, £ 49.332 7s. %d 1908, £ 51,335 15s. 4d. Higher Education |907, £ 112 1C-. 1908, £ 116 6s. 8d. Other than Borough Fund: 1907, £ 57.532 2s. 2d.; 1908 5^56,929 14s. 6d. Accounts of the Corporation acting in the execution of the Burial Acts: 1907. £ 2,270 5s. 2d 1903. £ 2 223 8, 6d Loans: £ 57.050 9s. 4d. 1903, £ 37.008 3s. 2d. J'otà.J Expenditure: 1.907, £ 181,547 Û. Ojd. W, B163673 12s. Ilid. From the tor"goinp, it will be seen that thf- ^crease in expenditure on revenue account Waring the year was £ 2,296 lis. Id. and the do tremee on the loan expenditure during the same foriod was £ 19.970 6s. 2d., the net total decrease lor the year being E17,,673 15s. Id. The re- ceipts during the year .show an increase of '51.432 6s. Id. on revenue accounts, and £ 1,571 t6s. 5d. on loan account, making a total in- crease for the vear of J63004 2s. 6d. The Amount of loans outstanding, at the commence- ment of the year was 34 ZR5 18s. lid., and ilt the close of the year £ 444.658 8s. Id.. show- ing an increase of £ 10.372 9s. 2d. on the vear. Ùt liability at the 31st, March, 1908, under the various departments is cet out hf"rellnder ;-Ac- soimts other than Borough Fund accounts, 5339,671 6*. 9d.. elementary education, £ 90.772 ts. Id.; purpose.,t of the Corporation acting -in I the execution of the Burial Acts, £ 14,214 19s. *d. total, PA44,658 8a. Id. OBJECTORS AT THE ATIDIIF. The President of the Merthyr Ratepayers' Association (Mr. John Mann) appeared on be- half of the Association to object to sundry J items in the accounts, and some point,; of con- siderable public interest were raised. A de- mand also was made that surcharges should be made upon certain officers of the Council to the extent of the fees and emoluments earned and received by them from employers, etc.. other than the Council, for 'outside' work done by such officers, when thev were whole-time officers of the Council. It was alleged that this prac- tice had prevailed for years. As a considerable amount of confusion and misapprehension ap. pears to exist on the various points raised, it may be well to deal with "some of the salient features of the cases, and to point out some of the matters which appear to call for immed- iate amendment and reform. TOWN CLERK. In the one oi the Town Clerk, it was alleged that whilst being paid an inclusive salary, he drew by way of expenses and emoluments in connection with registration work. the follow- ing sums: During the year 1906, gro&s £ 407, net £ 192; 19(17, gross £ 414, net £ 197; a.908, gross £ 4<5T net £ 207. It appears that the Town Clerk was appointed clerk to the Urban District Council in 1901, at a salary of JE400 per annum, rising by annual increments of £25. to ,54 and in 1904 he was appointed cloerkto the Local Education Authority, at an annual salary of P.W. When the Charter was obtained in It05, he became Town Clerk, there being no variation in the terms of appointment so far as salary was concerned. By a return as to salar- ies and duties of officers, dated the 1st March, 1906 the salary of the Town Clerk is set forth at 1;530 per annum, and amongst the specified duties are the following: 'To prepare and com- plete the burgeas roil and the roll of Parlia- mentary electors for the Municipal and Parlia- mantary Borough.' The objectors alleged that if the Town Clerk earned any outside fees, they were earned for the Council, that the Council did not know that any fees were earned, and that as the Parliamentary Borough comprised parishes and parts of parishes outside the Muni- cipal Borough, any fees received by the Town Clerk from these outeide areas in and about the registration of Parliamentary voters should be paid over to the Treasurer of the Council The Town Clerk, whdlst admitting that he was » whole-time officer, with an inclusive salary, Alleged that the terms of his appointment did not preclude him from receiving sums certified I to be due to him by the Revising Barrister, bad being charged to the overseers, and half to ] the Borough Fund in the case of the Municipal Borough, and in that portion of the Parliament- j ary Borough outside the limits of the Municipal Borough, bis fees were contributed by the over- sere of the several parishes. Prior to the urban iist.net being created a Municipal Borouj'lw the preparation of the Parliamentary lists foF^ {he Parliamentary Borough had been carried out by Mr. Maclure Ph ilips, for which he was allowed J61 Is. per 3.00 names registered. It should, perhaps, be pointed out that as far back as December. 1905. the Town Clerk inti- mated to the Council that his salary should be Ottled. and that he be paid an adequate inclusive salary in consequence of the- great increase in the responsibility and amount of work devolv- ing upon him by reason of the incorporation. j Express reference was then made to expenses for registration, and to avodd extra expense (caused by increasing number of voters annu- ally), it was suggested that a fixed amount to cover the fees should be included in his salary. On the 16th April, 1906, the Council confirmed a recommendation of the General Purposes Committee requesting the Town Clerk to post- pone his application until next November (1906) go as to afford the Committee an opportunity of ascertaining the amount of emoluments for jjeg'stration of Parliamentary electors received b7 him for one year to that date, and in the j meant;me it was decided that the scale of ex- penses was to remain the same as that allowed i to Mr. Maclure Phillips, viz., £ 1 1?. per 100 I uam-s on the Parliamentary lists, which amount f the Town Clerk was expressly entitled to re- f eerve This was not, in my opinion, an un- fML'w-.Qablo arrangement, and would appear to remove the object;o.D rai-,cci, o far as the costs 1 f the Parliamentary electors were concernr-.d. Th Council, however, did not refer to the costs of the. preparation of the municipal or y burgess li^ts. The preempts issued under the i of the Corporation to the Town Clerk, sho'j'd, however, I th; k, be considered as con- elusive. Further minutes of the Genera1 Pur- i ;>o«js Committee relating to the question -were referred to (dated 26th March, 1903, 25th May, i iS08, and 3rd June, 19(8). On the 25th May, g t90o. the Town Council reoeived a statement i from the Town Clerk of tho emoluments re- č?i", d by him for racist ration work for the jj .,ears 1906 and 1907 This- appears to be the i arST. when the exact amount of the etrcau- i TMnis eiraed for this work came to the know- ledge of the Couno l. The it--ion of the Coun- cil, in January. 190 £ fixing the inclusive salary >f' the Town Clerk at £ 600 (rising by annual .ncrem-'jits to £ 7C0) to a oertain extent confirms hf oi tontion of th* objectors, but having re- '3M to the fact that the Council might have the question in 1906, and especially to the minute of the 16th April. 1906, there ap- pe»T'd to be, under" all the circumstances, no ralid sTO'inis for making a surcharge upon tho Town Clerk. On t,ha 1st April, 1908, the, Bor- ough further developed into a. County Borough. ivh-sn the scope of the duties and the responsi- bilities devolving npon the Town Clerk were igairs very corcs-iderabiv increased, and at the .u;irvi time his capacity for earnin HtAtntory ee3 was widened. BOROUGH SURVEYOR. Objections were raised to the Borough 8ur- veyc retaining, for his own: use, considerable ;e;s reeeivad from the Merthyr and Aberdare 'i'pr^ris Management Joint Committee (for pre- paring pUXL5 and superintending the carrying wit of certain weeks) and the Maestag Urban District Council (for advising thorn on *if


Discussion on the Report.

-----+_':---'--. MERTHYR OVERSEERS…


, The Whitsuntide Holidays.


A Heartburning Malady.

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