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- MAM!



-----'----''- -,Y WASG.



BIB BAKE with the assurance j BBy of SUCCESS by using M BORWICKIS J BAKING POWDER. t< i Wlli -vr' .L. -L.Ã -¡;L-L-D'L.,T .;#I! -r- .I- II:: T gal Jill Jill MM2 %DIM" UN is mw A Alm ij KHIHY DISEASE GREEPSON NU WUWARES I Have you Pains in the Loins and Back? Urinary Disorders Are the Limbs Dropsical and Rheumatic? If so, Kidney Breakdown may be Nearer than you Think. I 4: D. n_. _1'- "Every Picture _Jp||||| j j tells astory. t ¿ Iu Have you suspected your Kidneys ? r dl Nothing is more to be feared than kidney disease, because it creeps on you unawares- Your kidneys may be breaking down cell by cell and losing their power of filtering the blood, and yet you may have no warning ache or pain whatever-no symptom of the dread disease beyond a constant feeling of depression, languor, and general debility, which you have put down to overwork, perhaps, or errors of diet. Kidney complaint, however, does not affect every sufferer in the same way-no patient has all the symptoms, but every patient has some of the symptoms. One man may have a bad back and rheumatic pains, but no sign of dropsy another may have distressing urinary disorders and gravel, and.yet have ra strong back. One woman may h^vq puffy eyes, swollen ankles, and irrfegular heart; another^ may have pains in the loins and sides, dizzy spells, and splitting headaches. ■ If you have any of these symptoms, kidney breakdown may be nearer than von thinkt and your trouble may suddenly tum to: Stone in. the kidney, dropsy, lumbago, chronic rheumatism, or bladder disorders, which are so hard to bear. l. Only a kidney medicine can heal the kidneys. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are solely for the kidneys and bladder. They. act ia harmony with Nature, gently healing the kidneys, and restoring their power of filtering kidney poisons out of the blood. TROEDYRHIW MAN CURED OF RHEUMATISM. For some time I had severe pains in my back," says Mr. E. ANSELL, 26, Cardift-road, Troedyrhiw, nr. Merthyr. The doctor said I was suffering from rheumatism. I was so bad at « times that my work was a bother to me, and I couJd not straighten myself. I tried medicine and plasters, but I did not get so much relief from them as I have done from Doan's backache kidney pills. These pills have helped me wonderfully, and I feel sure I sbould not have been able to keep at mv work if it had not been for Doan's. I ain free from piift • now. (Signed) 12. AN'SELL. .30k. Price 2/9 a box 6 boxes I sig. Of all Chemists. and Stores, or from Foster-McClellan Co., 8, Wells.. street, Oxford-street, London, W. *K on BO am MMX MMI PII I K SJOfliW w B ILrlnwa ¿. -.dIJ-V":II2iI "m" Jb.K "Every Ú3lls a Be sura you get the^ | kind as Mr. Anseli had. I


The Northern Union Game.

Merthyr Amateur Ruffby Notes.

| Merthyr A»»®c^^ion Note*

Tredegar District N?te*»

--Aberdare and District Note*,

------Rhymney Valley Rugby…

_............;---Rhymney Valley…


I ) Rhymney Valley Association…



[No title]


----,Air Rifle Shooting.

R E V I E WS.,


Spring Skin Troubles.