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(From the Morning Herald.)


(From the Morning Herald.) The new Ministerial" crisis" in France is spoken of in terms not only confident but exulting, by some of our Contemporaries, Whig and Tory, as affording as- surance that the peace of Europe will be preserved. We wish we could participate in their satisfaction, and rejoice in their joy. We cannot. We fear the event which brightens their columns will throw additional room upon the prospects of Europe. It will be for- tunate indeed if the cause of their triumph be not the commencement of a struggle in France that will effect every State in the civilised world. The resignation of the Thiers Ministry, under the circumstances which have led to it, is an ap- peal to the nation on the policy of the late Cabinet touching the Eastern question. If that policy has, indeed, as in some quarters has been stated, only a rabble of needy adventurers and desperate democrats for its supporters, the result of that appeal will be in e favour of peace. But if the great majority of the nation be, as we fear it is, more disposed to adopt the warlike tone of M. Thiers than to second the pacific advances of Louis Philippe the struggle now forced on 119 is likely to issue in the most deplorable consequences; those consequences being either a revolution in France, a war with England, or both. In case of the triumph of the war party in France there would still, perhaps, be a possibility of peace being preserved by the British Government and its northern allies abandoning their eastern crusade, and allowing the Porte and Mehemet Ali to settle their differences without the intermeddling of foreigners in the affairs of the Ottoman empire. But in that event France would have obtained a triumph most humiliating to the pride, and most mortifying to the ambition of the eastern crusaders. Leaving the French people to deal with their own Government as they think fit, it is our duty not to allow the people of England to forget the origin of the present alarming state of things. Clearing away from the question all the mystifying verbiage of dull and volnmnious diplo- macy, and extricating facts from the elaborate jargon of protocoling polemic, we arrive at the plain unvar- nished, but most lamentable truth, that the peace of Europe is placed in jeopardy by the ambitious inter- meddling of foreign nations in the domestic disputes of the Turkish empire. That is the simple fact, which the English people should not lose sight of; and they ought to couple with that fact, the recollection of the policy of non-intervention proclaimed by the Whigs before they came into office, and violated by them ever since.

(From the Morning Chronicle.)

(From the John Bull.)

(From the Weekly Chronicle.)