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FRANCE.—"To be, or not to be" a war -'that is the question" which politicians of all grades are endeavouring to solve, the result of all the canvassing, however, of this all-important question is as yet "bare speculation; for al- though the King of the French has recently publicly announced at Boulogne, "No war with England;" and notwithstanding the French, or rather the French Minister M. Thiers, appears to admit, however reluctantly, that no insult was intended by England, yet one of the French Journals hints, shrewdly enough, that "there are morning ministerial papers to preach up peace, and there are evening ministerial papers to preach up war;" added to the fact, which cannot be questioned, that warlike preparations are taking place in England, as well as in France, it is impossible, at present, to say how the unfortunate difference which has arisen, between the two countries, may ter- minate. We prefer terming the difference "un- fortunate" because although there is no national "interest" affected, by the breach of courtesey which has offended the dignity of France, yet the hostile spirit aroused by the reflection of National "dignity" offended, is, perhaps, far more difficult to allay, than even the hostility of a people on a matter in which their direct interests are involved. We are, however, not without hopes, that France may still be wise in time; and although on reading, in the London Gazette of the 18th, an Admiralty Notice to the effect that, on the preceding day, no less than 39 retired Rear-admirals had been transferred to the active list of Flag-officers of her Majesty's fleet; and also on reading in the Post that our Government had sent orders that the powder-mills at Waltham Abbey (the only Government powder-mills) should be restored to efficiency in the shortest possible time, after remaining in a dilapidated state for several years,—we had almost become crokers --our fears have been in some measure dispelled by observing an announcement in the Standard, that although the transference of the Rear- admirals as noted in the Gazette might possibly wear a belligerent aspect in the eyes of the too-susceptible; in reality these appointments had nothing whatever to do with the recent demonstrations on the other side of the chan- nel,—but were determined on, at the suggestion of the Commissioners, in the recent naval and military commission, "to mark her Majesty's sense of the injustice of which these officers had been the victims, in having been removed from the active to the retired list, to their ma- nifest injury and mortification." We extract the commentaries of Foreign Journalists on the present position and aspect of affairs; and our Readers, after making, of course, the necessary allowance for the individual feelings by which these Commentators may naturally be supposed to be in some way influenced, will thus be enabled to form some conclusion for themselves. The Courrier Francais after noticing the arrival in Paris of Mr. Macaulay, one of our Cabinet Ministers, for the supposed purpose of witnessing the progress of the warlike prepa- rations making throughout France adds, "The Government is not doing any thing secretly, but, on the contrary, it wishes every one to know, that though it accepts the position, with regret, to which it has been driven, it will prepare to defend itself with an unshaken resolution." The same Journal deprecates, very strongly, a report which has been circulated in London, calculated to alarm English Travellers-that the French Government intended to precede a declaration of war by the arrest of all English residents, and a confiscation of their property. A subsequent number of the Courrier Francais says, "Mr. Macaulay is still in Paris with his family on a journey of pleasure unconnected with business. The Moniteur contains the following para- graph Government has received the accounts from Alexandria, brought by the Etna. Every thing was tranquil in Egypt and Syria up to the 6th instant, The insurrection in Lebanon had not again broken out. The Viceroy had received with much calm- ness the news of the treaty of London. He was con- tinuing his preparations for defence with great activity. At the departure of the Etna, the treaty of London had not been officially communicated to him." The Journal des Debats announces that the Marquis de Lavalette left Paris on Sunday night for London with despatches for M. Guizot. The Capitole in stating the same fact, adds that M. de Lavalette had a long in- terview with the King, at St. Cloud, before his departure, and that it was supposed his instructions were of a most pacific nature. The Semaphore de Marseilles states that "The recommendation of M. Cochclet to the French Merchants to act with prudence, on account of the gravity of circumstances, has created here considerable alarm. It was at a meeting convened for the purpose of electing commercial deputies, that M. Cochelet gave that caution to his Countrymen." (Private Correspondence of the Times.) ALEXANDRIA, AUG. 6. Yesterday the Pacha gave audienee in his palace at an early hour, Amongst others presented by Colonel Hodges were Sir Moses Montefiore and the three gentlemen who accompanied him from London, viz., Dr. Madden, M r. Lenebe, and Mr. Wire. Sir Moses read an address in English, stating the purport of his mission The address was immediately translated to the Pacha, who, in return, acceded without hesitation to the demand of an open inquiry, observing, that he was equally attentive to the applications of poor or rich who required justice at his hands; that it needed no formal representations on the part of the British government to induce them to listen to the complaints of his subjects, but that it must be well understood he wouid not allow any interference with the forms of the system of i ii- dicature recognised in this country. The French advocate, M. Cremieux, who yesterday found himself unwell after his voyage, was similarly introduced to the Viceroy by his Con- sul to-day. I am assured that as far as the Pacha is concerned he will not lend himself to the persecution, but, on the con- trary (if his dignity he not trifled with), will see the trial fully and fairly entered into sans arri&re pensee

(From the John Bull.)