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• WALES' LARGEST BEST, AND CHEAPEST I FURNISHERS Are beyond all question BEYAN & COMPANY, Ltd, BEGTSTERED AS The Cardiff Furnishers, :) Who. in irder j 0 meet ti e Special Reqairbments of the times, ha.ve resolved upon making Enormous Reductions I In All Departments. •/ Iron Besteads from Wire-Woven Mattresses from Excellent Feather Beds from Bedroom Suites from Dining-Room Suites from D rawing-Room Suites from- £ s. d. 0 9 11 0 7 9 110 6 2 12 6 315 0 4 17 6 And not only in the Cheaper bat in the whole of their High. class Iron and Brass Bedsteads Real Leather and Dining-room Suites, Solid Walnut Bedroom Suites, Splendid Drawing- room Suites, Carpels, Floor-cloths, Hearthrugs, Hardware, Ac., Ac., have such immense Reductions been made as to give all Purchasers t The Most Astonishing Yalue! -— ■ f; # „ 1 I FREE DELIVERY BY ROAD OR RAIL THROUGHOUT THE PRINCIPALITY AND BORDER COUNTIES. r ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. BEVAN & COMPANY, The only Cardiff addresses are- (., 21, DUKE-STREET, and 97, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Also at-SWANSEA, NEWPORT, and PONTYPOOL. v Agents wanted in every District. ,J;; ¡ I GF.OBGES PILE AND GRAVVTPILLS f' » MAEVELLOJS REMEDY WHAT WILL IT DO? IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME,—IT SAVED MY LIFE.' < WBAR WILL IT DO ? WStAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WII L IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WIIA T WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL n DO? WHAT WILL IT'DO? WHAT WILL IV DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL !T DO? > 1111, j v i L IT DO? • Ife* *ILL IT DO? I.T, fT DO? WF V* 1.L IT Do? In WILL IT DO? 1ft; tT WILL IT DO? WSAT iLL IT DO? WB TWILL IT DO? WHAT V/1LL IT DO? W-VA: vr-LL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT V07 W3BUY Tv ILL IT J&O? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? flAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WHL TT DO? WHAT WILL IT WHAT W LL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WSLiT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL P DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WBA T WILL IT DO? WWA Wt L IT DO? WHAT WILL IT Do 1 WJlÃf WILL IT DO? WHAT WtLI. IT DO? KTHAT WILL IT D<» ? w T WILL IT DO? WHAT W LL IT DO? Wife AT WILL IT DI." WHA ? WILL IT DO?. WHAT WJLL I! DO? WHAT WI L IT D01 WHAT WILL IT i O? WJfiA WILL I I" DO 1 WI/I WILL IT [tO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WE£.t. WILL IT DO? WHA WILL IT DO? Wli-k" WILL IT (,,()? WHAT WILL I I' I)i 1? WHAT WILL IT DO? WiÅ L IT DC? WHAT WI.L IT DO' If you. suffer Pain n the Rack and Loins, or between the Shoulders, this remedy will effectually remove them. If you are troubled with Irritation of the Bladder, Swfyreesion and Retention of the water, Stone or Gravel, the Only Sale and effectual Remedy ever offered to the World a Gsesei's PlL. ANT> GRATEL PfLLS. If the water is High Coloured, Thick, and depositing much Sediment, lose no time, procure a box of GEORGE'S PILLS, and you will Boon be Right again. If your Kidney and Livqr are sluggish and out of order, this Remedy will gently Stimulate these important organs, open up their Clogged Passages, and promote the secretion of healthy Bile and other Vital Fluid. If you are a martyr to Indigestion, Biliousness, and Consti- pation you have a Sure Remedy in George's Pills. If you suffer from any Bowel Disorder, such as Piles, Const- pation, Flatulence, Colic, you have a Remedy you can always rely upon. If y. u suffer from PALPITATION, and are afraid that you HEART is affected, you will find these Pills an EFFICACIOUS RGJIEDR If you suffer from HEADACHE and GIDDINESS, George s Pills will remove these Panis soonpr any other known Medicine. If you have PAIN AFTER BATHING and fee VSY and LISTLESS, one dose of George's Pills will act charm. If your FOOI) TURNS SOUR and rises the mouth, a flow doses of thts Remedy will make your tro thin" of the past. If you fee NE VOVTS, EXCITABLE, and Low SPIRITED a perfect Ant iz w found in George's Pills. If yon Ihe a C < LHABLE TASTE in the mouth, a. Single Dose of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed time will clean the tongue before the dawn of another day. IF SLEEP fails to give you REST, try George's Pills. Thev will make your bed eay, sleep refreshing, and Revive your Strength. If you feel unlit for EXERTION, -VEAR, and LIMP, this Remedy will restore pour Energy and hength, 80nd will ma.ke Labour and Exercise the Enjoyment of L. If you arf- troubled with NAUSEA an, "OMITFNG at thd thought of eat ng. a box of "ge's Pills will ke yjur meatane drink both H). ",JURY and PLEASANT. I If your BLOOD is impure, it will keep open al' the important eutlete of the ody, and thus give free exit to all GROSS HOMons and no more LL O11 1M 1 U IU lIES wIll be seen burs ingthrouah I the Skin in I -I PLES, Biz »Tc;HES, -iCRES, and BPILS. In thou si .Wd of cases it haw removed from the Blo"<i root and branch RH1.UMAHC. SCORBOl' J, SCROFULOUS Taints that ha defied all othsr Remedie If you ha%e a tendency to DR c'iUCAL SWELLING■? this Remedy, by its action upon th KI-Lrneys and Skin, wilt brin" Relief. 5 If you have iTFFTOULTY :.f BREATHING, this Remedy will prove a friend to you in the h Jur of need It will change your constant ailing tofreedom from pain, I It will change the sallow complexion to bloom of health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity your general ;ebibilitv to iirmneas ofainew and muscle. It is A I'ERIEN and therefore will roinoyeCONSTr PATION. It, is ANTIBII IOTJS, and will therefore -rect all i irregularities of' t.he liver. It is DIURE IO, and will, therefore keep open the vater passages. It is TONIC, and will, therefore give tone an i vigour to the Digestive Organs. It is BLOOP • L PURIFYING A,),i N E I'VE- f it is therefore) ALL YOU WAST. J f i TiidSd Wjrl l-ra i Med ills are sold Every^hatai x I/Ij I and 1/9'each. il 1 I BEECf*AM'S PILLS. I Worth a a j BEFCTIAM'S Pil I.Is. For B:li»n» AtUeks. I BEEOHAM'S PILLS. For ilerTeas Disorder*. BEE CHAM'S PILLS. F«r IadigestioH m all its Farms. BEECHAM S PILLS. For Wind and Paias hi tits Stoma&. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headach*. BEECHAM'S PILLS. v Har« Hnd th« livwi «f BEECHAM'S PILLS. v For Giddimons.. BEECHAM'S PILL8. For Fnll»««« and Swellings aftor V.1a. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Are Worth a Gui*«a a B«x. ESECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. A woutlorful maiieine for Fnuka « an agM- BEECHAM'S PILLS. Are aiaptei for old and ywtag. BEECHAM'S PILLS- For Diui. aad Drowsiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Colie, Chilix, Flmehiafa of Heat. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Will restore the Rosoliud of Health to ail who use fekflIM BEECHAM'S PILLS For CoetireneoA audi Soarry. For Igietek" oa the Skin. BF, F,(,'WAM',g PILLS. For Disturbed 11. aad Frightful Dreawa. BEECHAM'S PILIJI. Are the Best Meiieiae for Female Complaints BEECHAM'S PILLS The First Deee Gives Relief i. Twenty Minutes. BEECHAM'S PILLS. I Are the Fiaest Me4iei>e ia the Werld. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sickheadaehe. BEECHAM'S PILLS. t < V Are recowH»e»«le^ hy )ú&i.ci.. MM. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Have the ]»(«* sale of aay peftoat atedwrne m ttM werld. BEIRCHAMIS TOOTH P iBTB. Will Recommomd itself. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. Is effieseieitB amd eooaomisal. BEKOHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. I CleaMM tke tooth aad perfumes the kmtlk. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. I> ee!lapsible tubes. Is each. BEECHAM'S PILLS aad J i BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. ? Sold jrerywhere. PrefMred ovifv iT h Pro^M-Mrter, TileMA8 BaNCNAM. Ii. Boloa!s I^uoaokit*. ^LADIES LADIES REQUIRING ASSISTANCE and BE- LIEF is all FEMALE AILMENTS, IRREGU- LARITIES. SUPPRESSIONS, and OBSTRUC- TIONS oaf ebtaia the most ralmable informtion wkereWj difieulties are overeome, so natter how ObstiBate or Lcag-Staadiag. This Extraordinary Medioiae has net with immeass snoeess ia Thon- saads of Sases after all ethen have failed Read those extracts from testimonials: Mexboro'. Dew Madam,-Kindly sead me a bottle of y- medieiao and pills. I have tried them before; 1 •a oae oooasioa they put ms right with Four Doses after Sixteea Weeks, and aaother time One Dese did me Good.—Mrs L. T. I Newcastle ea Tyae. I Dear Madam My ease was a very obltiBate eae of Eighteea Weeks, hut with perseTsraaee aad your good advioe I am happy to say i. got relief. m M. J. York. Dear Mrs Dasmail,—I reeolred tke aatedieiae aad Pills safely. The last I had proved effeetoal after Five Heaths' Suppressxea and Aaxiety.—Mrs A. The above, aad Theusaads ef similar Testimon- ials. ruaraalleed Geauiae Uador a Penalty ef Abaadon aot hope; here you will fiad a Genuiae SPECIALITY tsd CURE. Fail»j» impossible. Head stamped addressed eavelepe for parteeulars. A. Dasmail. Bex 878, Laagdale House, Waltham- stew Loadoa. v „ „ s, v « a »*, 3 f I- v I S' M 4, Bookbinding: ) I 9. Bookbinding! 1. .¡ j;, -¡.' d. 7.. Bookbinding jL t 4 41 if •r 5$6 WHY 00 FURTHER AND rut WMlE 1 OOME TO US FOR QUALITY. ) v. ALL WORK DOME ON THE loalmis". SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY. .to' Beeia, Mafbsiaes. Masts, Uto., Beaad at Priees I to nut your feoketa lf1 r ? ..J;' r' T. Daviss & Co. r ? I PRINT^iyS, PUBLISHERS, BOOKBINDERS. MAm^TACTLTMISa STATIONERS, AND ( .m MAriM, (2MR@5flCajE" PRIKTING WORKS, 3J, 2ft. a»J ?5. Hfl.it >' •. PRINTING. PRINTING! v' PRINTING 1 I PRINTING! I I PRINTING! I r PRINTING! ¡t PRINTING! PRINTING! *V « I. 'Í 'V PRINTING! i J PRINTING! < V ■?, PRINTING I v > < i PRINTING! ( ¡ 'I a — PRINTING! PRINTING I t' PRINTING I v PRINTING! 1." ■ i' PRINTING 1 i r; PRINTING! i ~I ,0 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. /T < i FROM A RAFFLE CARD i 1 O' n if T^ TO A MAMMOTH POSTER. "•vWy '<. I FROM A SINGLE-LINE CIRCULAR 10:> u V > r n r TO A y fi j h í s BOOK OF -I'\f) PAGES. Ii r COLLIERY PRINTING (when the oollieriee I ) are Working), i f.' •' FORMS, SHEETS, BOOKS, PRINTED, I ■■ • v BOUND. j k •, to "CHRONICLE" PRINTING WORKS, ¡ f 23, 24, and 26, MiH StrwsL, Pon^pridd.