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RHONDDA SCHOOL BOARD. MONTHLY MEETING. The monthly meeting of the Rhondda School was held on Monday at the Council Cham- ^r' Pentre. The members present were: Mr T. Fernda'e i(n the chair). Miss A. Jones, W. Morris, F.R.G.S. (in the vioe-chair), W. paries. M.A., W. Lewis, R.D, T Williams, •Messrs W Jenkins, J.P., W. W. Hood, H. Row- 'Tu' Williams. J. E. Jones, D. R. Jones, Daniel J-homas. with the clerk (Mr W G. Howell), the —P^ty-clerk (Mr T. Jones), and the architect (Mr **• Rees). Before the commencement of the business th< chairman said he was sure that ,they were all pleas. to see Mr W. W. Hood again amongst them, 'Hear, hear.) He (the chairman) begged to mov< that a resolution be entered upon the minutes ex. Pressing their satisfaction that Mr Hood had re. covered from his illness, and their pleasure at "eing him again at their meetings. The Rev W. Morris as vice-chairman, heartily 8econded the proposition. He. had had' the pleas- ltlte of sitting upon the Board with Mr Hood con- gruously since its commencement—nearly 20 years ago-. Mr Hood had safc with intelligence, and brought his education and experience to bear on all matters which come before the Board, and he "'as sure that the members would agree with him when he said that Mr Hood had done his work conscientiously, faithfullw, devotedly, and self- 8acrificingly. (Hear. hear.) Although Axr Hood was engaged in multifarious duties he found op- POrItunities to devote a portion of his time in the unprovement of the position of the Rhonddaites. He was pleased to second the motion, and ex- Pressed a hope that Mr Hoods' good health would continue, and that they would have his company as often in the future as they had in the past. The. motion having been passed, Mr Hood re- turned thanks, and said that the little service he had rendered had been a pleasure to .m. Busi- ness appointments and illness had prevented him from attending of late, much to his disgust. With renewed health he hoped he would be able to at- tenkl regularly, and act cotoscieirfaioujsly again, ear, hear.) Mr Walter Morgan, solicitor, Pontypridd, and clerk to the Rhondda district Council, wrote with reference to the Hafod Board School. In his letter he stated that lie hid beeii directed to state tha.t the Council bad appointed a committee of three meanbers to meet a committee from the Ys- trad and Pontypridd School Boards, and the ont- d il ypridd District Council, to discuss the whole ques- tion, and if possible to arrive at an amicable settle- ment. The conference would take place at Pont- ypridd on the 12th inst. at 3 p.m. Council deserved that Board would appoint three mem- bers to attend this conference. Rev W. Charles: I i^aik we should appoinlt four members. The Clerk: You could not do that. Each Board is allowed to appoint three. The Chairman, vice-chairman, and the Rev W. Ferris were then appointed to attend the confer- ence. Mr Evan Treharne, on behalf of tue Welsh Bap- tist Church at Tonypandy, applied for a further grant of the use of the school at that place. On the motion of the Chairman permission was granted until June. A communication was read from the Rhondda Gyrrunrodorion Society enclosing thp tfollowing Resolution passed by that Society: — "That this meeting of the Rhondda Cyminro. Morion Society respectfully suggest to the members of the Rhondda School Board the desirability of granting a day or half holiday to the children in their several schools on St. Davidls Day in each year. Signed E. H. Davies, President; Tom Davies, ^retary. A no;te was added to the resolution pointing out oat a similar request was made by Cardiff i odorion Society to the Caru.ii School Board, and the request was granted. Rev W. Charles A whole day or half a day? The Clerk: I cannot say. sir. The Vice-Chairman: Why nOli present each Sc|^m with a leek as well. (Laughter). iS* T/5wis: St. David's .uav will be on iuesday. won't it* The Clerk: Yes. Vice-Chairman moved that they grant a a olidav on the 1st of March and this was agreed to. 'I REPORT OF BUILDLw COMMix A^E. This committee met on the 27th January, 1898, and they reported as under: We have received an application from Mr Daniel fisher, on behalf of Llanfairarvbryn Church, for the use of the Penygraig Boys' School on Monday afternoon, the 7th March, for the purpose of hold- lllg a tea meeting and entertainment. As this would interfere wi,th the workin- of the day school, Wo cannot recommend the Board to grant the ap- plication. We have also received an application from Mr ftvan Treharne, on behalf of the Welsh Baptist Church, for the use of the Tonypandy Scnool on he afternoon of the 7th of March, for the purpose Of bo id; nsr a tea, meeting. but for the same 1'e'a.son as stated in paragraph 1 above, we cannoifc rec°mniend thAt the application be granted, We have received a letter from the Rev A. C. earce stating that the trustees of Wesley Chapel, frndale. had consented to grant the Board the use °t their vestry for the temporary accommodation ? Jibe Ferndale Higher Grade School upon the o'Wing condition namely: 1. That alldamages lhade good by the Board. 2. Payment of a (ntaI at the rate of 12s per week. 3. Payment J for gas consumed, and every necessary expense in cUrred. We recommend that these terms be ac- cepted. We have r?ce:ved a comnuirJc'tion from the r duration Department enquiring wV>3t proposals ,e Board have to rmke w'th re,T'rd fo the pre- sses of the Porth Board Schools. We. recom- mend that the clerk be instructed to rep^y stating that the alterations omitted be carried out by the LWwonno School Board, according; to the ap- proved plans, will be carried out in due course, hi-t that, with regard to the suggested enlargement of the Forth Girls' School. the consideration of r VSl lSi ^e'erre<l pending a settlement of the xtafod bcSiool question. We have received the estimate of the architect in wh'ch he states that it will cost ,j to com. D ete the Porth and Infants' departments in accordance with .t.ti? plans submitted bv the Llan- WpnT,o School Board and approved by the, Depart- ment; aR(j the clerk reports th.it h.e has accord- in^v i-structed j.«iessrs Walter Morgan, Bruce, ana Co *o claim -.us sum. together with the bal- s of ntes from the Llanwonno School Board. recommend that under the«e circumstances, occip?t:on of i.ie present temnorarv premises i, c^n^nned. and that their lordships biei informed t'-e ouestion of providing permanent accom- oda<- on ;s deferred pendin • the settlement of the ^pfod School oue^t'on. TKe C'erk reports th-it he 11"" not vet received from ^r A 0. Fvans. Pontypridd, in an- to the Board's letter accepting the terms fy and asking for draft le'ise of the proposed ad- o^onil p-eoe of land adlo;n- YR? vlorstown School. We have. instructed .the ^erk to write a,gain to Mr Evans pressing for a WP recommend that Mr Rowlm? and the arch- asketl to visit t-8 .ia.mstown Schoo1. and fribmit to us a report, plan, and estimate of r, of improvements required to be made to the D'winds. We have perused the architect's report, in which e states That the contractors at Pontrnonada *T.+'n>.ie to make sa.tisf«ctorv -rotrresa. That the contractors at Cvmmer School are now progress, and that he (the archi- is havmor the old drains improved as far as pn«?«rVe4 TSP at the Ferndale H->her Grade iooI hfls unproved to the extent of the addition mPn. but is still unsatisfactorv xtJt 60 feet of the boundary wall 0: Perth Girls School is built on a Kanfe ■ ■ ■ ,'J.. ■ « -v f which has been so seriously washed away that th< ground is now lower than the bottom of the wall and that a little more washing away will endangej the wall. line aircMtect recommends that "tme Board's workmen should excavate the bank away, and underpin the wall to make it secure. That he has taken measures to remedy the dampness at the Manual Training R-OOJD of the Ystrad Higher Grade School. We beg to recommend as follows luat the architect be instructed to submit an estimate of the probable cost of excavating the bank on the inner side of the boundary wall of the Porth Girls' School, and underpinning the wall. The report was adopted. RE-l ^RT OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Hereunder are extracts of a lengthy report sub- mitted by the above committee: The following head teachers have applied for leave of absence as under: 1. David Evans, Treorkv. on the 14th and 15th February. H. Howells, Pentre, on the 22nd and 23rd February. We recommend that the appli- cations be granted. The headl teachers of Williamstown Girls' and Aberllechau Mixea schools have applied to us for additional staff, but we find that those schools are at presmt staffed according to scale. We have received a communication from the Science and Art Department, stating that the ad. ministration of the grants for drawing and manual insruction in Puouc Eleimeibary Schools will be transferred to the Education Department from the 31st March, 1898, and that in all schools of which the school year ends later than 31st March. 1898, inspection by the Education Department will take place of the annual examinations, in drawing and manual work. hitherto held by the Science and Art Department; and that the grants in aid of in- struction, in both subjects, will be paid by the Education Department as part of the annual grant to the managers of all public elementary schools of which the school year ends after the 31st March next We have received a letter from Mr R. D. Chalke headmaster of the Pupil Teachers' School, stating that he had been in communication with Mr Le gard, Chief Inspector, and Mr Edwards, Al. Inspector, both of whom had promised to attend a meeting which it was proposed to hold at Porth for jthle purpose of tdistributin the Science and Art certificates to the Pupil Teachers, and suggesting Tuesday evening. February 15th, at 6.30 p.m., as a convenient day and hour. We defer the consideration of the question of amending the scale of salaries paid to teachers under Article 68. and propose to discuss the two following questions at our next meeting, viz. 1. The desirability or otherwise of employing teachers under Article 68. ±he question of salary (if it be deemed desirable to employ such teachers). Two applications have been received from head teachers for .transfer to the new Pontrhondda Mixed School, namely from S. Davies. Blaen- rhondda Mixed; Hy. Harris. Pontygwaith Mixed. We have, however, received a letter from Mr Harris desiring to withdraw ms application in- asmuch as when his application was made he was not aware that Mr Davies was also an applicant for that post. We recommend that mr Davies' appli- cation be granted, and that Biaenrhondda Mixed School be substituted for Pontrhondda Mixed, as one of the schools for which headmasters are to be appointed at the next meeting of the Board. We have received 57 applications for the posts of headmasters of the Biaenrhondda Mixed and Nilliamstown Boys' Schools and beg to recom- mend those of the following for the consideration of tie Board: L. M. Davies, certificated assistant, Llwynpia Mixed. W. E. Davies. certificated assistant. Ton Boys. B. Gabe, certificated assistant, Ystrad Higher Grade School. •J. R. Jones, certificated assistant, Pentre Boys. W. H. Owen, certificated assistant, Treorky Boys. The Board appointed Messrs L. M. Davies and Gabe. We have received five application^ for the pn.-<.c of certificated assistant master at the Ystrad Higher Grade School, and beg to recommend those of the following for the consideration of the Board -J. W. Curtis. Jersey; W. E. Davies, Cynuner Boys' School; W. D. Evans. Treaiaw Boya School. — Mr W. E. Davies was appointed. The report, was adopted. MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. The Medical Officer of Health submitted his report for the four weeks ending February 5th, 1898. It was as under: I beg to submit to you my report for the four weeks ending February 5th last. The figures are based upon an estimated population at the middle of 1898 of 122,245 per- sons. There were registered 334 births, 170 of boys and 164 of girls, equal to a birth-rate per 1,000 of 35.5. During the corresponding period of last year the birth-rate was 33.1. The number of deaths from all causes was 135, 71 of males and 64 of females, equal to a death- rate per 1.000 per annum of 14.3. The rate dur- ing the same period of 1897 was 17.8. From the principal zymotic diseases 15 deaths were registered, equal to a deatn-rate per annum of 1.5, compared with a death-rate of 3.4 during the corresponding period of last year. The death recorded as due to scarlet fever oc- curred at Porth. The disease has not spread in this street, but has made its appearance in other parts of Porth. In Treherbert the epidemic shows no sign of abating, and cases still keep cropping up in Treorky and Cwmpark. Until we have the means of isolating scarlet fever. I fear we cannot hone to be free from it, and in this connection I would remind you that we have had the competi- tive plans for the enlargement of the present hos- pital in these offices now between four and five months, it would seem desirable therefore to come to a decision in the matter. There are only ten cases of typhoid fever in the whole district. I In my last report I started that there were at the time of writing 14 houses with 20 cases of diph- theria in the district, and a reference to the table will show that there are still fourteen houses in- fected and six,teen cakes. Whooping cough is still in Llwynpia, and one death was recorded from the disease here. Influenza has been prevalent during the month in both valleys, but no deaths were reported as due to the disease. The 61 houses built in four blocks on the moun- tain side above Biaenrhondda are in anything but a good sanitary condition, but before y reporting more fully upon them I think it would be well for you to decide whether you will lay down a subsidiary sewer for their drainage. If the cost s-ji-vf j Sewer is excessive, then it will be neces- the" sew-geV1Se S°me °tller means of dealing with In conjunction with vour survevor. I have as- and my oln hout definite tenders upon the basis both of a private installation and of connection with a central ex- change. I understand, however, that the Ystrad Gas and1 Water Co. have a^w:re from the Tym-waun Reservo'r to the Porth Gas Works, and it "might be poss b.e to make use of this in our proposed con notions. I suggest, therefore, that the electrical engineers, from whom the Water Co. rent this wire should be asked to tender for the adding on of the additional connections. We could then see whe- ther it would be more or less cos,Lly than entering into the advantages of 1:In exchange. I find that the scavenging is being done fairly well with the exception of No. 15 district—Pont- v?waith to Tylorstown-the infliction of the fines author sed to be imposed annears to have no effect upon tne scwenoer in this district, and if he con- 1°i ne?,ect his work I consider that we should take the contract out of his hands.



CHESS . '.








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