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GLEANINGS. In Japan you bay a dress by the weight. Farther severe fighting is reported from Brazil. Duke Alfred of Coburg hM arrived at Coburg. San Marino is the emaliMb republic in the world. From Vienna fl, is announced thab the ring of Austrian ironmasters has collapsed. The severe froeb has stopped hunting in York. shire, and ekabing is being indulged in. The Gavlois announces that the Czarewitch has been betrothed to the Princess Alix of Hesse. Baron van Golatein has been appoiuted Dutch Ambassador to Greab Britain. Mr. Naoroji, M.P., arrived in Bombay the other day, and was enthusiastically received by the natives. Khedive Abbas formally opened the Ismailia-Porb Said Railway in the presence of an enormous con. course of people. The Prince and Princess Louise of Battenberg and family have arrived at Windsor Castle on a visib to the Queen. The Charing Cross Hospital has received a dona- tion of JE50 from the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, the president of the hospital. The funeral of Sir John Drummond Hay took place in the little cemetery attached to the Episco- palian Church at Dune, N.B. An expedition sent by the British South Africa Company from Forb Victoria has rescued from the Matabelea numberof Mashona women and children. Ib is now believed thab the Scarborough fishing- smack BYely and Maud, with her crew of five liands, was losb during the eevere gale aboub the middle of laeb month. The handsome carriage which was subscribed for by the people of Canada as a gift to the Countess of Derby has been delivered to her ladyship at her London residence. Palmer's Theatre, New York, has recently been the scene of a notable performance, to wib, the per- formance of As You Like It." by a casb composed exclusively of women. A housewife writes thab oub of a score of young women who applied to her for a situation there was nob one who could even profess to be able to cook a plain joint and vegetables. The two French spies arrested at Kiel have made a fruitless at tempt) to obtain the intercession of the French Ambassador on their behalf, and have also failed in their appeal bo the mercy of the Emperor. The woman Garner, brutally assaulted by her liusband ab Doncaster, has died from the injuries received. A Coroner's jury returned a verdict of II Wilfnl murder" againsb the man, who still showed an apparent unconcern. It is not. correct, says the Daily News, that air. Brunner has lefb for the Continent. He is still at his Liverpool residence, not- yet; feeling capable of undertaking a journey. When he can start he will proceed to Biarritz. A well-dressed yonng man shob himself the Other evening in th$confessional at the church of Notre Dame, in Nice. He was still alive when found, but was nob identified. This abtempt at suicide caused much consternation. A Vienna correspondent states thab the influenza epidemic is spreading rapidly there, half, the Government offices having their staffs laid up. The President) and Vice-Presidentof the Reichsrath are also among the sufferers. Major Lamonb has ab length succeeded in rlis" posing of the Ardlamonb estate, which has been brought. into prominence of labe as the scene of the mysterious shooting by which Lieutenant Ham., brough came by his death. The price is under- stood to be about f 80,000. Frederick Foster, a painter, of 40, Markeb- street, Paddington, wenb to Sb. Mary's Hospital, stating lliab he had murdered his wife. A woman with whom he had been living was found with her head-smashed in a terrible manner, and is not expected to recover. Henry Everard Hunt, electricat engineer, mana- ger of file Tittiiit,on Electric Light Work", was remanded ab the Taunton Police Court, charged with forging a promissory note for JE233, with intent to defraud. Formal evidence of tureeb bav. ing been given, the accused was remanded. A serious outbreak of final!pose JlaFJ occurred at the fever hospital at Wimbledon, owing to the admission of a patient suffering from thab disease a short time ago. Already cighti patients are down with smallpox, and it has been found necessary to erecb without delay special accommodation for these cae«»".


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