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UP AND DOWN THE VALLEY. [BY RAMBLER.] It was my privele^e on Thursday evening last to attend the first annual dinner in connection with the Porth and District Chamber o" Traie, aod I came away from the gathering with a feel- ing that I had thoroughly emjoyed mysel: Every- thing seemed to combire to make the function a pleasant on". The dinner was served up in an admirable style, the company was a jolly one, and the speeches were not too long and most interest- ing. Could'nt Mr T. Davies, the secretary, ar- range to rtve these pleasant re-unions once a month-and invite me ——— I Councillor Idris Williams, Porth, in proposing the toast of the evening, allowed his mind to stray back into the pxst to the time when Mr Airon Cule, Mr John Griffiths, Mr Daniel Jones and some one or two others used to meet at Pontv- pridd every meeting to read the "Times" and Ax the prices ac- trding to the figures given in that paper. T at was the period when Shan Billy Shoo used to ride on horse back up the valley and inform the the fiat was that went forth from the little meetings in the "Times played LO prominent a part. Shan practically supplied the whole parish of Ystrttdyfodwg, from the old-fashioned Welsh painiers fixed upon the baok of her steed and she lined her nest pretty well with the substance vulgarly deocribed as "being able to make the mara to go." it joM *»SH5hI CODDclllocldris WiP inms's mentil piotaeaof the past recalled remi agencies to the mind of tho Chairman of the meeting, Dr H. Naunton Davies, who said he remembered the tine when they had DO Local Board in the Valley, when there were ^,nly five or nix public oase3 and only thrca or f nr ohapels. At thit time he knew alnaost every individual in the place, but how the scene had changed sinee then. Mr Tom John was humoron« as he always is a these f. five gatherings. He was a freqaen visitor to Portb, he said, in fact be questioned whether anyone living outs. de visiteti it more freqaently than he. In the future, however, he would notbe so often amongst them as it appeared to him from tne speeches delivered that the chief thing they wanted at Por¡.h'Ø a polioe station. The bon mot created much merriment, which wa3 increased when Mr Joun questioned the correct- ness of the description of Porth as "the oentre of tlxo wheD. as hhtjf VRry -l knew it was situated at the junction of the two Valleys. I wish the Chamber every success, and I am sure I with sacii an energetic secretary at the helm. the institution will continue to flourish and be a medium for promoting the welfare of the district. The dastardly outrage upon Dr Edwards in the Rhondda Vach Valley on Monday night created a painful sensation throu bout the district, and the greatest sympathy is felt with the sufferer who has by his genial and unoffending demeanour upon all occasions, won the esteem and respect of the inhabi- tants of the locality in which he lives. At the time of writing, the miscreant, who fired with the inten- tion of committing a foal and fiendish murder is at large, bat the police are in possession of facts which they are sanguine will lead to the arrest of the per- petrator of the cruel deed. The attempt upon Dr Edward's life was a devilish one, and I say it with deliberation the man who made it deserves hang- ing. Thanks to the energy of Mr J. P. Gibbon, of Glyn, improved postal facilities have been granted for Tonyrefail. The outbreak of diarrhoea and typhoid fever in the Rhondda Valley has given rise to considerable alarm in certain qvarters. The Valley is in far from a perfect sanitary condition and the reports as to the condition of the water supply, the pollution of the two Rhondda rivers and the state of some of the poorer habitations of the district do not present a re-assuring prospect I suppose, however, wo must put up with the present state of things until the new drainage scheme has been completed, and until the Local Boatd have found some effective legal remedy against the Water Company on the charges made by the medical officer of health for the district.

Alleged Manslaughter at Treforest.

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