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THE SOUTHERN. RUBBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WATERPROOF GARMENTS I I LADIES' WATERPROOF MANTLES in the latest Style and Patterns. GENTLEMEN'S WATERPROOF INVERNESSES, COATS AND CAPES. SC ARB IZO'S &c. made in all Materials. WATERPROOF CARRIAGE RUGS, CART COVERS, LOIN CLOTHS, &c. WATERPROOF TWEED AND LEATHER LEGGINGS, and all kinds of Oilskin Goods. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I I Please note the Address— THE SOUTHERN RUBBER CO., 80, HIGH STREET, PONTYPRIDD, -r" —BwaagaBBaawMaacMi wrTT-gg»nrr;i«Mm%a>>araQ5ai«panw—————— NAIL THiS UP-Lewis' Marvellous Discoveries advertise themselyee everywhere. •' NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL m .ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT H LEWIS9 VEGETABLE BITTERS, H LEWIS9 VEGETABLE BITTERS, H PSXCE 2/9 PER BOTTLE. SHH Is the most successful Medicine yet discovered for Neor»lsia, Tio-dolcreus, Toothache, Faceache, Indigestion- Flttiuieney. Uotidtu-lie. DepiuSMon of Spirits, Disturbed Sleep, Muscular Weakness, Liver Complaints, Fito, *ttd .lI announcing Miraculous Cures are pouring in daily. HBBHB L LEWIS' BITTERS. LEWIS' BITTERS, LEWIS' BITTERS. LEWIS' ^TTER&T r flHS* SUFFERER! Have you tried LEWIS'? B JST.B.-AXJSO REMEMB-BR THAT Hi LEWIS9 RHEUMATIC ESSENCE, M LEWIS9 RHEUMATIC ESSENCE, H PBIOK 2/9 PEB BOTTLE. HH| Is the only cure yot discovered for Bheum&tism (acuta and chronic), Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, ke. £ ». B,-7"lwtUa7ll1. cumi already and Tens of Thousands again wtll be jwrnanentt through LEWIS. HHHH ("ltwn.-R'1!'arr' >■/ worthiest imitation#. None are genuine withmU the name. LE WIS, TYDOTSDUn efsgraved «"» the Government Stump. Intut uptm having Lewi*' in order to prevent disappointment. bH|^J AFTER A FAIR TRIAL." V SOLD BY Mr R. T. J <res, 13 But* Streef, Tseherbert. Mr G. Prr>thf>rof>. Post Office, Tisorky. Mr J. B. J>nes, L'vrynpia Mr J. H. J one? Clydach Vale. MrT. D ivies, Tonypandy. Mr T Dav.<-a, Perth. Mr Wm Evars, Poet Office, Ynysybwl. Mr W. T. Ioyi es, Tre- a ris. MrE T. Richards, Penrhiwoeiber. Mr W. H. 'on.s. Mountain Ash. Mr I-Mac PtO hert e, p, ntypridd. Mr J. R:chards,l2 & 13 C irdiff St., Aberdare. I Mr E. W. Hirns, 126, High Staeet, Merthvr Tydfil Mr T Jacking, Murket Square, Merthyr Tydfil. Mr T. JenkinR, Pendarren. Mr J. D. Jones, 22 and 24, Bridge Street, Troedy- ,rhiw. Mr JohoEsans, Union Street, Diwlais. Mi R. P. Rees, 177, Hi^h Street, Dowlais. And others. Owing to the increasing demand, *«!r. J. LI. Lewis has established a Wholesale Depot at Gowertou. All orders to be id'-iress^d to th! Manager^ Lewis's Wholesale DJpot, Gawerton. New Hire System for Pianos. FROM 10s. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED, CHESS'S 37T OAHDIFF, iNe,v Hire System for American Organs d FROM 7a 6a. MONTHLY, THOMPSON & SHACKELL LIMITED. New Hire System for HARM JX[fjMS, I",ZO"j 5s. MONTHLY. THOMPSON & SHACKELL .LIMITED. Largest and Best Stock out of Loncloa to select from. New Catalogue, with Photograph* an 1 full particalars, gent post free on application to- THOJMTPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED 89, Taff-street, PONTYPRIDD. N B. —List of Bargains for C-wh just published. Taninr Oraers attended to 'ie PoL i he Pontypridd, Rbondda Valley alld W E. VAUGHAN a Ct STEAM DYEING lID mMING SOKKS. East Glamorgan I LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF, ParoWls Received and Forwarded RegW&rly to thi LLPOSTING COMPLY, Limited hzcel8 Recei'feG and Forwarded Regu.l&rJy to üu l>y» works by the following district Agents:— s S3, Queen Strati, and 248, Bate Street, Cardiff 11, Windsor Road, Penarth. M, Commercial Street, Newport. 88, High Street, Merthyr. 0 d3» £ Wwrtle Street, Swansea. Secretary, W.SPICKETT. Manager, LEWIS J. WARD. DISTRICT AGENTS— Pontypridd, Mr. J. Roberts, Graig Post-office. —— Trafbmt, Mr. Gibbon, Tailor, Wood-road. Vacth, Mr. J. H. Thomas, Cioth Ha.ll F«atee, Mr. J. Hitchioga, 129, kglstered Offices, COUtU HOUSE STREET. Manager's Offices, MILL S- .EET THE PUBLIC HEALTH 10J of the utmost importance. Nothing can pre-1 *— terve it like FJi GHK<' I? joou PILLS. Try a bo.: of 'iem,and yon will beotnvjpced o» their nmrwIleo» B'TI p( :Q rr v t v n A r TT DTT rvn icllaeDce tor all filood, Skm, and Nei^e disaaaesj U ALV/inX =^3 r'noe Is. ltd, ti. 0d.. *ad 4a. 6d. Of all medicine t rendorm I ix ALL IT'S Bfi.iN^HES. [ CORNS! COhJSbi B ,T, H1 ■ ■ g.VAIi ilfaliiliH ,(;- (Registered Trade Mark No. S6996. A Certain Cure for Corns PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. QORN8 QORKSl JORNS QORNS! CORNS I CoRNS I caRNS CORNS QORNS QORNS CORNS I CORNS I QORNS! CORNS I CGBNS! ";ORN8! 1 f jOaNS! ;OKNS • >RNS "KN'S '•W'S! This infallible remedy introdneed by J. MUNDAY has obtained a wocM-wMt repatatioo. The efiicaay of VJLKlDLBtJk1* may be jndged by its waving Cured Cam of over 58 yeara' atanding, wnieh had resta- ted all other rsaaedies. It succeeds wb-are all Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OB SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. TESTIMONIALS. From Mr C. LANE, Board Schools, Heb- barn Colliery, Neweastle-on-Tyne. One bottle of your Yiridkie sntirelT ramored three corns of tea years' growth for tae, and a friend of nine who hu suffered a martyrdom for years, whom J got another bottle for from you, Is now perfectly enred one cannot- help telliaf people about it, it is anch a reliable remedy VICTOR DB LORE, Primo Tenoro, Gaiety Theatre, London, wiites :— I am pleased to confirm the advertised qualities of Monday's Viridme." In BHT case it certainly has sncceeded where au caastics and piasters have failed in remov- ing corns. I shall deem it a dnty to recom- mend it to all anfferera, especially artistes, to whom filastera, &c. are inconvenient, and, to my experience, ineffective. CAUTION.-As there are several imi- tations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR M U N D k T'S V I R I D I N E." And ME THAT lkfir (IONATURS is on the end of each package. By ordering Corn Care' you may receive oiie of the many ao-called rem- odies' which only give relief, or seme worthless j mi tat tor. of Yiridine > i-OTTLES, PRICE Is., BY POST, 11. 2d. PREPARED ONLY BY M UNI) A Y CHEMIST, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Sold by all Chemists. WOOL I. A A lAOIlAUBHTOI. WooExm Maufimna PITLOCHRY, NA Pumen and Woel Growers who have Wool for Msa* ¡ raetnr* into TWM4*, Costume Tweeds, Rugi, Blankat*. Mnars reoommended to sen^T it now. ft. additional advsnteges whioh ther Mean wile ssai Wool daring December are :-Extra car. in the Mteutten of each order, at the prats af werk far the year Is ever; and, for the lama raaten, the return of seeda, Is meat cHai, within three waafca. -I ^▲t *11 time* oar Castomen icoare the benefits whieh ■"■e Of Tha Moat Parfact Medarn Appliancat ensu*lh su whieh no other Mill doing Ooutry Work saa nff^ W. PAY (Unuai er Weoa. WATTMMNB aD OaOOIUM fOST JIM& JLJEECHAM'S PILLS. gEECHAM'S PILLS. D BEECHAM'S PILLS. D Worth a Guinea a ox. BEECHAM'S PILL8. For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Norvons Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS 1) For Indigestion in all its fotrag. BEECHAM'S PILLS i3 For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS )3 Have saved the lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Giddiness. BEECHA M'S PILLS B For Fulness and Swellings after meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BfcECHAM'S PILLS A Wonderfill Medicine for Females of all Ages. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Are adapted for Old and Young. J>EECHAM'S PILLS B For Dizziness and Drowsiness. T>HECHAM'S PILLS — For Colds, Chills, Flashings of Heat. OESCHAM'S PILLS Will restore the Rosebud of Health to all who ""Ie them. 1>EECHAM' £ PI" LF For Coptiveoess and Scurvy. DEECHAM'S PILLS B For Blotches on the Skin. DE CHA' JS PILLS For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dreameo. OEECHAM'S PILLS Are the. de at Medicine for Female Cjoiplaintg. I )EECIIAWS PILLS ..) The First Dose gives Belief in Twenty Minutes. UEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Finest JJedioine in Jhe World ] >EEC HAM S PILLS For Sick Headache. UEECHAMT PILLS ) Are recommended by Medical Men. j>EECHAM'S PILLS < > Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers. I^EE JHAM'S PILLS EECH A v:g Ph LS WATCH pLUBS. I AdditionalAgentsWanted. TjlOBEMBN. TIMWKHKPMB8. and Otheca ihoold writs X" to the Oitv of Ltoadon Waton dab Oo. for their new Pzioe List. 1000 ntastratfoas. Best teems. Srand valae. Pzioe List. 1000 ntastratfoas. Best teems. Srand valae. —B, B, Peck. Msnaiex, Bi Ntw BrMge Stusllisafcii. IloO. J CIMOMG:Mls I PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS MARVET.LOUS REMEDY. WHA.T WILL IT DO. a it Is Here ttan Gold to aie,-it saved my Life." VHAT WILL If DO* WHAT WILL IT DO' VHAT WILL II DO' vHAT WILL IT uu1 VaATWtLLITOO? v B AT WILL IT D,) WHAT WILL IT DO' HAJ WILL IT DO fPAT WILL IT DO VHAT fiILL IT DO? VHAT WILL IT vO'l HA V WILL IX D<»? HAT WILL IT Dor VH TWJLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? v h AT WILL IT DO? VHAT WILL IT DO? VBA! WILL IT UO VflAr WILL IT DO? A HAT WILL IT DO? H AT WILL IT DO? w HAT WILL IT DOt WtiA. WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT 007 WHvr WILL IT DO t NEAT WILL IT DO? IV HAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO vVHAI WILL IT DO VHAT WILL IT DO '7HA1 WILL IT DOl AT WILL If DOt VH AT WILL IT DO? lHAT WILL IT DO* VKAT WILL rr DO, il WILL IT DOf '-EA'l' WILL IT DO? ,\fRAT WILL IT DO! ?BAT WILL IT no » VfiAl WILL IT.JS /HA r WILL i r uof VHAT WILL IT DOf ^BAT WILL IT DO? HAT WILL IT DO? fHAT WILL IT DOl flAT WILL IT DO? HAT WILL IT DO? Ii AT WILL IT DOl Mai' WILL IT DO? AT WILL IT DO? T WCLL IT DO? -vf WILL IT DO? I ri AT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO A HAT WILL IT DQJf A HAT WILL.IT DO? Nil AT WILL-IT DO? WHAT W;LL IT DO? A'i WiLL IT DO? a AT WILL IT DO? li AT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT no? If you sntfer from Pain in the Back and Loins, or between the Shoalders, this remedy will effectually remove them. It you are troubled with Irritation of the Bladder, Suppression and Retention of the water, Stone or Gravel, the Unly Safe and effectual Remedy ever offered to the World is GBOROK'S Pits AND GRAVEL PILLS. If the water is High Coloured, Thick, and depositing much Sediment, lose no time, procure a box of GSOKUB'S Pins, and you will soon be Right again. If your Kidneys and Liver are sluggish and out of order, thii- Remedy will gently Stimulate these important organs, open up their Clogged Passages, and promote the bearetiouuf healthy Bile-and other Vital Fluid. If you are a martyr to Indigestion, Biliousness, and Constipation you have a Sure Remedy in George's Pills. If you suffer from any Bowei disorder, »uch as Piles, Constipation Flatulence, Colic, you have a rvemedy you can always rely upon. If you suffer from Palpirit «*«»* atrai«i that yon HSABT is affecoea, you will find taieae i'lliis aa -v t Vi (tDT If you sutler from »*«♦ aud 0"->re.. Pills will remove these Pains sooner u,, Medieine. iiyu. iiuvd if'wiK Mftfr «Kj*«St»* and feel DrOW«Tand ft ■.<»•*»-*>, one tiose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your y D: J' *<) (JK. and rises into the mouth, a few doses o: this Kernedv wiU^aks your troubles a thing of the past. A 1: yun FEE.. Vo„s, sLC'tiHH*?, and kOA o perfect. AOTraorr will 00 fdHind in <jre&t-ge'e fHis? p- ,you u4vw tT '+*> «••»!'»* «Ma*t« in the mouth, a Eingle Uo#, oI George s Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-times will clean the tongue before the dawn of another day. If Mf «'«*|» fails to give you try George's Pills. They will Make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, a.nd KKVIVK, your STRENGTH If you feel unlit for BAK., and .ht. this Itemedy will restore your Enkbgt^ and STiutNaH, and will mltoke Labour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your hie. If you are troabled with -t. do ea and VOittitlnir at the thought of eating, » box of George's Pills will make your meat ana drink both SAVOURY and PLEASANT. i8 ik wiU °P«» the importan' outlets of the body., and thus give free exit to ali GROSS HOMOKS and no more il will be seen bursum through tf,-L Skin in < XMPJUB BT^TCHES, 40AJU In thousands of cases it has removed from the Blood, root anI) branch, RHEUMATIC, SCORBUTIC. SCROFULOUS Taint., thai had defied'/alfeother Remedies. If you have a tendency to DROPSICAL SWELLINGS thu Remedy, by its action upon the Kidneys and Skin, will soon bru Relief. If you have DlmOUIt, Of stircatt, tgio, this Remedv u prove a friend to you in the hour of need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain It Will change the sallow complexion to the bloom ot health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity your general debility to firmness of sinew and muscle. It iB APERIENT, and therefore will remove CONSTIPA TION It is ANTIBILIOUS, and will therefore correct all irreiu^rities o- the liver. It is DIUBETIC, M.dr will, therefor,/ water passages. It is TONIC, and will, therefore, give tone and vigoar to the Digestive Organs. It is BLOOD PURIFYING and NERVE-STRENGTHENING: it is, therefore, ALL YOU WAN 1 These Worla-ran owned Pills are 60ld -Verywhere in Boxes 1 III and 2/9 each. DRESSMAKING. IIEKiMi BR, TIIERS (tueen Street, Cardiff J I Have great pleasure iu announcing that they have commenced tr nmsss sasAkxivg On the premises, and have secured as first hand a thoroughly experienced lady, who is giving the GREATEST SATISFACTION. HERNS BROS. are daily receiving large deliveries ot the latest novelties in Autumn Dress Fabrics. Soliciting the favour of a Trial Order TEBMS-CASH. DOWN &-SON FOR GOOD SUBSTANTIAL Furniture, Bedsteads, Bedding-, Carpets, ) I Linoleums, I AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE FURNITURE. STEAM CABINET WORK. 121 High Street and Morris Lanet Swansea THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STKA.vl uiBINBT MANUFACTORY IN SOUTH WALES. (jfi.lrTSTRtTED CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. IMMENSE i3TOCK TO SELECT FROM <A Rr.UOR fi,D OK AIJ. OBDEBS ABOVE ilO, OB D» LIVE BED FREE IS OUR owv VANS • | Important Notice. e-EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS And Addition of NEW PRE MIS ES. I a Containing Several Thousand of feet of New Show Rooms being now complete. N. BERRY AND COMPANY, The Old Established House Furnishers, 34, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, Are now holding their GREAT ANNUAL STCCK-TAKINC SALE 40 °<>™™™rate euoh a Be- markable improvement and Splendid Addition to their Premises,intend offer £ g the wM?S THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF DINING, DRAWING AND BED ROOM SUITER CARPETS, 'LINOLEUMS, BED- STEADS, BEDDING, OVERMANTLES, PIANOS, CABINETS, SIDEBOARDS, W LRDROBES. IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY AND ELECTRO-PLATE, GLASS, CHINA, AND EARTHENWARE All Guarantedd of the Best Possible make, at Fully 7 25 per cant Under their Well-known Law Prices. -.¡; The whole of their Stock WHrCFT or ?eiUHr»X, £ r quite regardless of Cost IN ADDITION TO THIS N. B. & Co. have taken advantage of the d«- pression throughout the Manufacturm^ Districts caused by the unsettled weather and consequen? probabilities of a bad harvest, to entirelv fill their NEW SHOW ROOMS WITH A GRAND ASSORTMENT Of best possible Manufactured goods of everv conceivable description necessary for the Com- plete Furnishing of Cottages, Oaaces, Hotels, or makpr-B*18' W ,1C t y have Purchased much under makers usual prices. The whole of which will be included in this Sale. robaHa" "ot pnMicatnSWhi?r n°W offered^ the 0anni" ,ail »"-««- New DEPAKTMENTS, New DEPABTMENTS NEW CARfET SROW ROOM. New Bedroom Suite Department. New Drawing Room Suite Department. kew Ironmongery Department. Wew Glass and China Department. ■New Bamboo, Wicker and Fancy Department The general public are respectfully invito + mspectthe New Premises, Shethe/ or not. SYSTEM OF BUSINE SS-Same as usnal at this Establishment. as usual at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR REA!)Y MONEY ONLY. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. ONLY ADDRESt)- 34, Queen Street C A tc u I F p.