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WONDERFUL. R E S ULT! > j jcii jiitrji fjWij) p.l ..jut-y *X'Mj i'J ##>■■ >F!I .B^RNO 'T [LCU tV- yd Jsjhooiioo JMIn-d ,OIP 'USING (I V\ I ■ «\ J V R » HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS, Are constantly reported from all parts of the civilised world. The moat obstinate diseases caused by IMPURE BLOOD are cured by this RKMARKABLB RBMKDT. "Qfj'ji rt f. HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed as an effective REMEDY for ail those DAN- GEROUS DISEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPURE BLOOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world have been received testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases:- SCURVY, SCROFULA, BOILS, I NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, I COSTIVENESS. WOUNDS SKIN RASH, HEADACHE, 1 FITS. RHEUMATISM, I ULCERS, BILIOUSNESS, NEURALGIA, | DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, j &o., &o., Ac., HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Nineteenth Century. U' Ji .i".1 -1,j, J r. .A.. ■ y «• ri'r The MARVELLOUS CURES wrought continually, viz :— 14 t HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Bave been so numerous and complete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of which the following is a proof:- HueuM* BLOOD PILLS for the manifold ilia That assail the human frame,- Have been tested at large through valleys and lulls, And have earned a world wide fame: They're potent in vanishing every disease, That affects the vital Blood; Restoring the patient to weal and ease, And make his condition gcod. No man whose Blood be infected with corruption, Can ne'er enjoy a healthy constitution; But mast be in pain, and restless night and day, Till the foul malady is driven away HUSHIS' BLOOD PILLS will this great boon affect. And from the system seeds of death eject. Their fame is gone to many a foreign land, And is admitted now on every band; From oot to mansion do their praises soaad And testimonials reach us from all round HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise. So important duty it is to keep the blood, 1; In perfect order and condition good,— That I would fain advise the sore afflicted, To guard against its further being neglected; HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effeot its care, Of this to all concerned I can assure. 1 UOlig eJo/. cff £ :oir»0 od HUGHES BLOOD PILLS. This noted medicine acts directly upon the Blood and Juices of the human system which they Strengthen and Purify. By so doing the Liver, Kidneys, Heart, "Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and Borves are renewed and toned to such a degree that their functions are perfectly performed, securing to the man healthy days.. t ■_ j, )(j a nsad a'rd'l "rtiOB ?MfflU!O".J t h;,1 19 1, i 'j.. f) a, Sold by an Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4a 6d. By Post Is 3d. 2a lid and 4s 9d, from the PROPRIETOR and DISCOVERER, JACOB HUGHES, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Penarth, Cardiff. Ask you? Chemist to get them for you. .2.;4 HIJGH DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE THE, WELSH FOR COUGHS, COLDS,PSTHMA IMMEDIATE RECOtK4MENDED TO Si1.4GERS & P,UB-Ll(,; SOLD, BY ALL CH-EM-12,.TS !N 90TTLES 21/9. & M U- (7, m A C*,H Y N.-L L. NO MORE M tt f U ? CIKIX. ''Tiii I DAVID JENKINS, Esq, Mus. Bac., Aber- ysiwitht says:- "HaviDg suffered from an irritable cough last Christmas, I took a Bottle of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, and by the following day I was quite free follow my public engagement. January 10th, 1888. D. JENKINS." DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Is acknowledged gener- ally to be a most speedy and efficacious remedy fer Chest Complaints and general Colds. Having been before the publio for many years, it has gained a ci- versal reputation. Thou- sands testify to its mar- vellous fffect in immedi- ately Allaying Tickling Gonghs, Dissolving the Phlegm, and relieving the distressing labour of breathing peculiar to Asthma. The Balsamic, Healing and Soothing Qualities of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Place it far in advance of the crdinary Cough Balsams, many of which are compounds of Opium, &c. It acts by dissolving the congealed Phlegm, causing free expectora- tion, relieving the sense of weight and oppression, Tickling in the Throat, and frequent desir6 to Cough, thatisso trouble- some to the Patient. Singers and Public Speakers will find Mes's Cough Mixture A great Boon, being a perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and all Affections of the Vocal Organs. One dose will cause any huskiness to disappear. For Children's Cough, Whooping Cougb, &c., it will be found invaluable, having a soothing effect, assisting expectoration, and preventing the ac- cumulating of Phlegm, Slight Colds, Boarse. ness, Sore Throat,which might easily be checked with a few doses of Dayies's Cough Mixture if neglected, often ter- minate serioubly. For ordinary Coughs, Colds, and Difficulty of Breathing, Dasies's Cough Mixture will be found to accom- plish its healing effect almost imperceptibly. Have you a Cough? TRY DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have you a Cold ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do you suffer from Asthma ? USE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have you a Sore Throat ? TAKE D.\VIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. An Attack of Broochltia ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Has your Child the Whooping Cough ? GIVE HiM DAVIES' COUGH MIXTURE. Most pleasant taste. Enormous Sale. One dose will relieve. One bottle will cure. Sold by all chemists and patent medicine dealers at Pontypridd and up the Rhondda. DAVIES'S TONIC ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, I DAVIES'S .¡ TONIC ANTIBILIOUS fiLLS. lid pe. Box by all CMaiBts LJ (J. • j J. L j/. $ :i i. ,'1 • I J L J ;4.[: E.8 b(..j:'U4 li biIJt 10100:: The Cure for Indigestion. ) The Cure for Liver Complaints. The Cure for Headache. The Cure for Toothache. The Cure for Wind in the Stomaoh. The Cure for Costiveness. The Cure for Skin Disease. The Best Medicine for Females. The Cure for Nervous Debility. The Cure for Loss of Appetite. Ii 1 a K 0 P, T II OIK. :r u o :r ,!Y3- ,VU*V. ;:UO:í -0i11 tf.H.l'HD .)r[ oli o M I IMMENfcE •< .)1: •■•-■-y jjL-JV/' YFTBAUJIIT ■ • Uu'i t S- A L E ■' • fi'i; tj ■ • v r—, OP .1001 [ '}r v v r, "i •. HOUSEHOLD t y. r FURNITURE FOR ONE MONTH u: i; i'i 1. t ,'1 (PREVIOUS TO THE ANNUAL lyjjd •sol aiir- r. STOCK-TAKING.) :'it. < !•' { MESSRS BEY AN & CO. I"J y¡;s ir.fsrta'SB eoeL RESPECTFULLY announce that their GREAT ANNUAL STOCK TAKING SALE will Commence on SATURDAY, APRIL 6tb, 1889, and continue for ONE MONTH, during which period the whole of their immense Stock (by far the largest in the Principality) will be offered at despe- rately Low Prices in order to effect a Clearance for Stocktaking. Delivery Free within One Hundred Miles. BEY AN & CO., REGISTERED AS "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 21, DUKE PTRETT) AND 76, ST. MARY STREET, t O -A, R D I F F¿ e- I I GEORGE'S fpILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. I I A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DOI "It is more than Gold to me—it saied my life." WHAT WILL IT DO T iTHiT WILL IT Do I WHAT WILL IT DO F WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO* WHAT WILLLIT DOt WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WdAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT OOP WBAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT OOP WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP VHAT WILL IT DO P of HAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT 00 it WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT NILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT 00 P WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP VHAT WILL IT Do P D AT WILL IT DO ? WIL \T WILL IT Do? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT Pop WHAT WILL IT DO,, WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT Do? WHAT WILL IT I)op WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOR WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO f WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO p WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT Df p WHAT WILL IT 1>0 p WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO It you taflar PAIN in the BACK and Lours, or betwou Hit SHOULDCKS, this remedy will etteetually remove them. If you are trombled with IMITATION of the BLADDCB, Scmittioi load luTBirrioir of the water, STON. or GBAVBL, the ONLY San im eSectaal Remedy XTKB OrriBiD TO TIIII WORLD is Gjiozoies p" and Gkavbl PuM. If the water is Hiss COLOTJRBD, TmCK, and dapesitiag mneh SKDIKBNT, lose no time, procure a box of GIOUI'A PILLS, aad yon will soon be BIGHT again. If your Kidneys and Liver are alngjiak and But a: order, this Remedy will geatly Stl Ulate these important organs, open wp their CtoQQKD PASSASII, and promote the secration of healthy WIe aad other vital flaU If you are a martyr to Indifeitlani, CillCHSICM, aad Constipation, you have a SURE Rem? iy io GIi:I)R\lB.' PILLe. If yon suffer from any Bowel disorder, inch as files. Con* Stpaton, CVatnlenee, Colic, you have here a Remedy you can always rely upon. If you safer from Palpitation, aad are afraid that your HIABT is affected, yon will And these Pills an EFTICACXOOS RUM. If you sofler frem Moadaofce and Giddiness, George., POls will remove these PAINI sooner that any other known medicine. If you have Pala after Batinir, and feel Drowby .d Listless, one dese of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your Food tnms Soar and rises into the mouth, a f-av, doses of this Remedy will make your troubles a thing of the past. If you feel Herroiu, Excitable, and Low Spirite-i a perfect ANTIDOT* will be found in George's Pills. If you have a Dlsagrreeafele Tmte in the mouth. « SLMOLB Dosi of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-titae will ciea> the toague before the dawn of another day. If Sleep ails to give yon Rest. Try George's Pills. They wr 1 make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, and Revive your STBSNOTU If yen feel unfit for Exertion, Weak, and 1.1. tljH Remedy will restore your KNBBOY and STBBNSTH, and will mak. abour aad Hxerciae the EN jot HINT of your life. If TOUare trenbled with Jfansea a 1 Tomltlnf at tfct bhovgbt of eating, a box of George's Pills will make your meat anc drink tttt 8avowr aad PLBASAMT. It your Mood is impure, it will keep open all the importac outlets of the body, aad thas give free exit to all Gaoss HUXOLIH* and ao more lllood Impurities will be seen bu-g through the 8Ua in Plaaples, Slotcbes, Sores, Bolls. Ia thousaads of own it has removed from the Blood, reut anc branch, Rlteninatlc, Seorlintlc. Scrofuloua Tainte that had defied all ether Remedies. If yon have a tendency to Drepsleill Swellltvyc. this Remedy, by its aotion upon the KIDNKTB aad SKIN, will soon biicg Relief. If you have Dlflenlty of Breaihlnf, this remedy wilt prove a friend to you in the how ef need. It will ohaage yoar eonstaat ail|ag to freedom from pain. U wfll ehaage the sallow eomplezien to the bloom of health. It will chaaige yoar sicktiasss to vigour; your languor to activity aad year general dehHitj to firmness of sinew and muscle. It is Anerlont, sad therefore will remove Contti- patlOM. It is Antllllllons, aad will, therefore, correct a1: rregnlarities of the Liver. It it alarede, aad will, therefore keep epeathe water pssnjos It is Tonic, and will, therefore, rin teae aad vigeor |e the Dtsasnra OasANs. It is Blood rnrlfyiasn aad IIervo-dtrenirtlienlnit": it is, therefore ALL TOU WXNT. I Hieii World-MOWRed Pills an sold nfwlMi m IIaI lilt an-d 2/9 eaofc. B ZECHAM'S PILLS. B EECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. B Worth a Gainea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. B For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Have saved the lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Fulness and Swellings after meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS B A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Are adapted for Old and Young. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Dizziness and Drowsiness. B BECHAWS PILLS For Colds, Chills, Flushings of Heat. BEECHAM'S PILLS Will restore the Rosebud of Health to all who use them. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Costiveness and Scurvy. BEECHAM'S PILLS D For Blotches on the Skin. DEECHA'MS PILLS U For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dreams. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Best Medicine for Female Complaints. B EECHAM'S PILLS -D The First Dose gives Relief in Twenty Minutea. "DEECHAM'S PILLS -'— Are the Finest Medicine in the World. "DEECHAM'S PILLS For Sick Headache. "DEECHAMT I ILLS -i-* Are recommended by Medical Men. BEECHAM'S PILLS —" Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers. JgEECHAM'S PILLS D EEC HAM'S PILLS WOOL A. A J. HfMTHUightoBj VOOLLEX LARUFASTURTM, Pitlochry, Perthshire, Bare bMa AWABDBO a PRIZS HXSAL lm alsk WOOUM* MIPATEATOMSTA the inXBDBfflS U1SB- MATlONAi lflBt. Til IJ IIIJ mi 1 1»|I nf TTniilMints 0im ■■■■fnam tato ttialr oal«ur»W PITLOCHRY TWEEDS, BRESS TltO* BLAIIKETSK v RU6S, fte. Pa* ji«.c 40 u>3, *«., ca fcppUo l'JjfVV ^Mis w im tot aol #waaBe< erf I Btdth Aim Ifsafal and Dt§»iHu BtunyU follows the use of Pener. Qniniue and Iron Toaio III infneiDK new life to the nerves, enriching the abed, and strengthening the mascatai system, fjmptoms of weakuss disappear( appetite returns, fitigne ceases, and recruited health ramlfti* Insist li having Pepper's Tonio* It can now be obtained a 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It eosts about <»i. each dose. Tmroxoeum end ftdotlyllin.—A liver medicine -.vitb- oot mercury, is a mixture of juices of tbe mandrake and dandelion plants, t;ood for headache, terpidity, costivenass, natalence, heaTtbarn, indigestion, biliousness, repaguance to food, general discomfort depression, Ac. Pepper's Taraxacum Podophyllic, by stimalating the liver with a most gentle action cti the stomach, is the safest, most reliable medicinp. Bottles, 2s. fid. Sold everywhere. Insist on havi-r Pepper's. To Darken Grey Hair.—Lockyer's Buhphnr Dair Restorer produces a perfectly nataral shade in a chys. No bair restorer offered is equal to Lockyer's Salphar for its beautifying cleansing action on tt, h%ir, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. S:i) everywhere. Dtufnest, noises in the ear, dff.Dellar's Bsscrsp for Deafness is still the only remedy of any rehl worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages an, oftem lelieving eld cases has been proved daring a quarter of a century. Applied on cotton wow. Bettke Is. lid. Sold everywhere. A Delightful Flavour*-eracroft's Areca, Nut T06t.4 Paste.—By using this delicious Aromatic Dentiflrice. the enamel of the teeth becomes white sound ano polished like ivory. It ilil exceedingly fragrant, anc specially used for removing incrustation of tartar ot neglected teeth- Sold by all chemists. Pots, ls. anc 2a. each. Get Cracroft s. Liver Cemvlaint.—Three fourths of our functions, derangements are caused by interruptions of ti" liver's action. A few doses King's Dandelion anc Quinine Pills," without mercury, are a potent remedy They perform all the benefits of mercury without niun i its disadvantage and dangers. Dr King's Pil r. move all liver and stomach complaints, biliousness headaches, sickness, shoulder pains, heartburn, indi estion, constipation, so ensuring perfect health These old faBhioBed Pills still keep ahead ef all cthei »- tlie great liver remedy; Sold everywhere. 1 i. King's Liver Pills, containing dandelion yet i • .tip, without mereury, are far above all other a: it., .-rest, mild--is means of removing inaiftestici; -.?ues3, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions ant .'i-cnlariti'es of the liver and stomach, so ensures c.rirct health. Dr King's Pills are sold everj .lI'le. To Stop Coughing, a lew doses of Pepper's Whit. iJongh Mixture arrests the most troublesome fit 'o coughing, restoring relief and tranquillity to t" irritated membranes and air passages Soothing '•jiuforting and^demulcent, its action is quite differeu ''r("T3 r"3 iuary Cough Remedies. Bottles. Sold every For gargling tbe throat and mouth use Pepper' i'.o.ing Throat Gargle. An application of grea; Service for sore threat, whether inflammation, relaxec or ulcerated. Taning Gargle is strongly recommendec to speakers, singers, dsc., as greatly preservative anc attaining. It is also a purifier as a mouth wash teing singularly agreeable, astringent and cleansing Bottles. Sold everywhere. Sulpholine Soap is a Soap containing Sulpholine.- It is a delicate.y refined, chemically pure Soap, intended lor general use, and is Hue irom the injurious »crid oils, peculiar to common, imperfectly prepared soaps. Salpholiue Saaj is excellent for washing at i all times, and rendering the skin soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets, 6d each. Sold everywhere. To ensure a clear skin.—Sulpholine Lotion cleans off all impurities ia a few days. Spots, Blemishes, Irritating Objectionable Appearances, Refeess, Ronghness, Ttm. Uncomfortable Skin Disfigurements Ac., however obstunte, entirely fade away, leaving abe akin smooth, transparent, supple, natural and healthy. Perfev«K harmless- guiplioliuo is delight- folly fragrant, c. and relMiuiing: conntosaets the effects of won.. ,tr; suftens aad yreserres. Bottles 2s. 9d Sold ,vhf;re. Corns, Baaid-$tiuiarged Toe Joints.—Dollar's Cora and Botit. waters are theory remedy. They differ from all posters, shields or compositions ever invented. Ify instantly softcnir'^ ;h« callous sar. ronnding tbe ytiiti £ ,uesat enee, tbZ eora soon follew- ing. Bnniona 01.<1 enlarged toe joints reqoire mate time for perfect cvre, bat the action is certain. Boxes Sold byaDCht-n. tat«. everywhere. <• Oil w (i KK I I TvoKK! 1 v wI A y,'o can do whiid your blood ia ,• r In acn;5 form cr 'ïber is train. -Imol held JB your constitution a.jly. a biaod .it-hont delay by using Ul -ei!tps' c. wijioi, far surpass tall other lomo- lie,. t"I the 1 load. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d.,and 4s. rt,. ef .H vflnr1" TOTAL EOLIPSB. 'Tis not a vain boast, or idle assertion, that from 18i4 to 1889 the Tides of Trade have risen higher and higher each year, and the Flood Tide of Pale ronage is now reaching an enormous height at N.BERRY & CO'S- ESTABLISHMENT, due to the value they give, which Totally Eclipses that given by any Cardiff Furnishing Firms. Many Families negligently injure themselves, Many persons carelessly wrong themselves, Many newly-married thoughtlessly rob tbemselvefc They neglect to see N. Berry & Co's Goods, They omit to learn N. Berry and Co's Prices. Buyers are asked not to repeat this great mistake. Buyers are asked not to commit this great eJrcø. Look close after much money saving. Look close after best value getting. Count the Cost, Consider the prioes, Compare the qualities, Conceive the difference, Compute the positive saving, Calculate the decided abvantages. Those who do are sure to trade with N. Berry & Co., N. Berry & Co., 34, QUEEN STREET, nil) TlTT?"!? £ 34, QUIEN STREET, ^AllJJlj Jt1 The Town's beet Value Furnishers. N. Berry and Co. Supply a complete Drawing Room Suite in Vigurea Velvet, from X4 15 9 N. Berry asd Co. supply a complete Dioirg Boom Suite in Leather Cloth, from 93 10 0 N. Berry and Co. supply a superior Dining Room Suite, with Stuffed back small chair?, from £5 9 0 N. Berry and Co. supply a complete Bed- room Suite, in enamelled Pine from XS 17 6 N. Berry and Co. supply fall size Spring Mattresses, own make from 17 6 N. Berry and Co. supply Walnut Inlaid Oval Loo Tables from £1 7 6 N. Berry and Co. supply Linoleum, in all the latest designs, from 1/3 per yd. N. Berry and Co. are publicly registered, N. Berry and Co. are publicly reputed, N. Berry and Co. are publicly regarded, by far the best value givers in these Distinct Departments. Dining, Drawing, and Bed- room Furniture, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Hearth Rage, Spring, Wire, Hair, Wool, and Straw Mattresses, Fenders, Fire Irons, Ash Pans ard Metal goods. Electro Plate, Cutlery, Tea and Coffee Pots, Culinery, Kitchen and requisite Utensils, Pictures, Mirrors, Orna- ments, Vases, Glass, China, and Earthenware, Toilet Services, Fianos, JHarmeDiums, Musio Stoolp, &c. TBL LAIGEST HOU&ES I-UXUEIOUSLY FURNISED. TEEI SMAl LEST EOUSES PLAINLY FURBISHED. Don't go against Actual Facts and l'ublic Opinion Buy of N. Berry and Co. Don't go against proved tmtbs and Publio!:Judg- ment, tuy of N. BERRY & COMPANY. Don't: go against Purse Interests and Publio Example, buy of N. Berry and Company,' ,a All classes servi d well alikp, provided for alike, Suited alike.acd alike r atufud,all alike benefitted. Trouble ard Time are satfd in grirg direct to N. Berry & Co. you can get anything and all things frcm them. The secret end Cbuee (f their Cheap tees are, they Buy Mateiials v th Ceeb, they Buy all Articles with Rtsdy N orey, they Sell only to Payment down Customers, they obarge as near as possible to Producing Cost. They pack tFtte, ard Pa) Carriage on all Furnish- ing Orders. r Thy deliver in town and distrin rr,yr, eistely- they contract to furnish any sized 'benee, they exchange any Article not Suiuble. N. BERRY ana Co. Thsnk Patrcns for such fin extensive and Con- fidential Business, wlich they mean to expand to enormous dimensions with Value and VanVfv of Goods much beyond past limithnd will further prove that tfcf-y gire TWENTY TO THIRTY PER CENT. better value than any 0 her House in Cardiff Estimates Peat Free on applioation to N. BERRY & CO,, .1 CENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, j S V -'ijf. ib Ir' | OARDI F jr.