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WONDERFUL RESULT! OF USING HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS, Are constantly reported from all parts of the civilised world. The most obstinate j diseases caused by IMPURE BLOOD are cured by this REMARKABLE REMEDY. HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed rt an effective REMEDY for all those DAN- GEROUS DISEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPURE BLOOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world h&ve been received testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases :— SCURVY, SCROFULA, BOILS, SKIN RASH, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NEURALGIA, I NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, FITS. RHEUMATISM, DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, I COSTLVENESS, WOUNDS ULCERS, &c., &c., &c., HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Nineteenth Century. The MARVELLO JS CURKS wrought continually, viz :— 119 HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Eave been so numerous and complete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of which the following is a.. proof:- HUGHES' BLOOD 1' ILLS for the manifold ilia That assail the human frame,— Have been tested at large tbronuh valleys and hills, And bave earned a worldwide fame: They're potent in vanishing every cisease, That affects the vital Blood; Restoring the patient to weal and ease, And make his condition geod. No man whose Blood ue infected with corruption, Can ne'er enjoy a healthy constitution; But most be in pain, and restless night and day, Till the foul malady is driven away HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will this great boon effect. And from the system seeds of death eject. Their fame is gone to many a foreign land, And is admitted now on every hand; From oot to mansion do their praises sound And testimonials reach us from all round HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise. So important doty it is to keep the blood, In perfect order and condition good,— That I would fain advise the sore afflicted, To guard against its further being neglected; HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effect its cure, Of this to all concerned I can assure. HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS. This noted medicine acts directly upon the BZood and Juices of the human system which they Strengthen and Purify. By so doing the Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and Nerves are renewed and tonood to such a degree that their functions are perfectly performed, securing to the man healthy days. I Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. By Post Is 3d. 2s lid and 4a 9d, from the PROPRIETOR and DISCOVERER, JAOOB HUGHES, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Penarth, Cardiff. Ask your Chemist to get them for you, UGH PAYIESS lllli fecOUGH MIXTURE| FOR CC]-D5,ASTHMA IMWEDIATE RELIEF "VECIALLY RECOMM,ENDLO TO SING.ERS & PUBLIC 'ig*AMW DOLD. BY ALL CHEMISTS IN -BOTTLES HUGH I ST Y N L NO MORE COUGHL DAVID JENKINS, Esq, Mus. Bac., Aber- ys-with. says:— Having suffered from an irritable cough last Christmas, I took a Bottle of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, and by lihe following day I was quite free rollow my public engagement. January 10th, 1888. D. JENKINS." DAVlhS'S COUGH MIXTURE Is acknowledged gener- ally ttf be a most speedy and efficacious remedy for Chest Complaints apd general Colde. Having been before the public for many years, it has gained nni- versal reputation. 1 hon- eands testify to its mar- vellous effect in immedi ately Allaying Tickling Coughs, Dissolving the Phlegm, and relieving the distressing labour of breathing peculiar to Asthma. The Balsamic, Healing and Soothing Qualities of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Place it far in advance of the ordinary Cougb Balsams, many of whioh arecompoundsof Opium, &a. It acts by dissolving the congealed Phlegm, causing free expectora- tion, relieving the sense of weight and oppression, Tickling in the Throat, and frequent desire to Cough, that is so trouble- some to the Patient. Singers and Public Speakers will find Davies's Cough Mixture A great Boon, being a perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and all Affections of the Voeal Organs. One dose will cause any huskinesp to disappear. For Children's Cough, Whooping Congb, &c., it will be found invaluable, having a soothing effect, assisting expectoration, nnd preventing the ac- cumulating of Phlegm, Slight Colds, Hoarse. ness, Sore Throstwhich might easily be ohecked with a few doses ef Davies's Cough Mixture if neglected, often ter- minate serioQbly. For ordinary Coughs, Colds, and Diffioulty of Breathing, Davies's Cough Mixture will be found to accom- plish its healing effect almost imperceptibly. Bave you a Cough P TRY DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have vou a Cold ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do you suffer from Asthma ? USE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. v Have you a Sore Throat ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. An Attack of Bronchitis ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Has your Child the Whooping Cough ? GIVE HIM DAVIES' COUGH MIXTURE. Most pleasant taste. Enormous Sale. One dose will relieve. One bottle will cure. Sold by all chemists and patent medicine dealers at Pontypridd and up the Rbondda. DIVIES'S TOXIC INTIBILIOUS PILLS, DAYIES'S TONIC I ANTIBILIOUS t flLLS, w per Box by all DAWAISTA The Cure for Indigestion. The Cure for Liver Complaints. The Cure for Headache. The Cure for Toothache. The Cure for Wind in the Stomaeh. The Cure for Costive ness. The Cure for Skin Disease. The Beet Medicine for Females. The Cure for Nervous Debility. The Cure for Loan of Appetite. t I ( BEVAN & CO., j "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Hold the largest, best, and cheapest selection of every description of Household Furniture, Carpets, Floor Cloths, Linoleums, Hearth Kugs, &c., &c., in the Principality. BEVAN & CO., "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Sell full-sized Iron Bedsteads from 6s lid each. Over One Thousand Iron and Brass Bedsteads from 4s 6d to Thirty Guineas each always in stock. B e van & Co., "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Have done more than any firm in Wales in reducing the prices of Furniture, the whole of their Immense Stocks being priced from twenty to thirty per cent. lower than those of any other house. Bevan & Company, "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Are offering full-sized Feather feeds, Bol- sters and Pillows, at 32s 6d on'y Spring Mattress (upholstered or wirework), at 17s6d each! All other goods equally cheap. BEVAN & COMPANY, "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Deliver all Goods Free by road or rail within one hundred miles of Cardiff. Illustrated Catalogues post free on application. B E "V A. IT & 0 O, "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Sell a complete Dining or Drawing Room Suite of Nine Articles (Couch, Gent's Easy Chair, Lady's Chair, and Six small Chairs), for 93 17s 6d. Grand Figured Velvet Suites, in solid mahogany, jelo 10s. BEVAN & COMPANY, "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Are the proprietors of a Business which con- tinues to increase by leaps and bounds. This fact affords the most conclusive proof that they give their numerous patrons the very highest satisfaction. E E -V .A. & 0 0 "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Supply Harmoniums from Seventy Shillings each, and full compass Pianofortes, in walnut cases, from 212 10s. Before purchasing elsewhere see their grand iron-framed, foil triehord braas wrest-plank Thirty Guinea Pianofortes, in walnut and gold. Warranted for ten years, and acknowleged by all pur- chasers to be fully equal to instruments usually charged fifty guineas. BEV AN & CO., REGISTERED AS "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 21, DUKE STREET, AND t 76, ST. MARY STREET, 1 O -A- R D IFF. GEORGE'S PILE AND OKAVEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO" It Is more than Gold to me, it saved my Life." WHAT WILL IT DO ,VHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO f VF HAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO t WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? fiAT WILL IT DO? W d AT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL If DO? WHAT W\LL IT ]DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P W«AT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? VHAT WILL IT DO? » rf AT WILL IT DO? WHAC WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT r)O P WHAT WILL IT DO? WH AT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? W1UT WITL IT DO? WDAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? VH\T WILL IT DO? J AT WILL IT Do P tVH\T WILL IT Do P W BI.T Wl£..L IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT PO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT Do p WHAT WILL IT Do? WHAT WILL IT lJO, WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? v»HAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHiT WILL IT DOF WHAT WILL IT DOf \¥TI \T WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT Dop ,VIIAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO p WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT Dot WHAT WILL IT Df p WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO If yon eaffer PAIN in the BAcx and LINS, or betweea the Shoulders, this remedy will effectually remove them. If yoa are troubled with IRSTTATION of the Bladder, Surpsvssioy and RETENTION of the water, STONB or GBAVBL, the ONLY SAFI U. effectual Remedy EVEB OFF BRED TO THE WORLD is GKOBOS'b p, and GBAYSL PILLS. If the water is HIBH COLOURED, THICK, aad depositing mo? a SEDIMENT, lose no time, procure a box of Gnoeaz's PILLS, and yon will soon be RIGHT again. If your Kidneys and Liver are slag.-iefa and out 0: ord»r, this Reme. will gently stl ulate these important ocgans, opec up their CAOGGED PABuclaa. and promote the secretion of health ? bile and other vltlll ivia ■ r If you are a martyr to and Constitution, you have t. Sumt ii i < PILLS. If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, sac n I' t i Con- Gtpoton, Filatulence, Celle, you nlva aere a Remedy you can always rely upon. If you suffer from Palpitatten, aad are afraid that y ar HEART is affected, yon wiU And these Pills an EFFICACIOUS AEMEDI. If yon Buffer frem Hcftdsehe and Gill illness, Qecr^'g Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than any other kn,- r m,-Aicille. it yea have Pata after Igattur, and feel nrip-vv fty t.o Listless, one dose of George's Pills will act like a caarm. If yonr Food tarns soar and rises into the mouth, a doses of this Remedy will make yonr troubles a thing of the p-ist. If you feel Nervous, Excitable, anj Low spirit « a porfect ANTIDOTE will be found in 8exge'-s "ills. U you haye a DlsAgrreeable .T.s*i« in the m- uK SINQLB Dos. of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-ti aa will the tougue before the dawn of another day. If Sleep ails to give yoa Rest. Try George's Pil, z. Ti-ay N a, I make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, and REVIVE your STLISNQT- If you fed unfit for Sxertlon, Weak, and Llw4t-t, i Remedy will restore your BNBRGY and STBENOTH, and wiii .x 4. abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your life. If you are treubled with Haasea a I Vomiting* at tbe fchorgbt of eating, a box of George's Pilla rill make yonr meat JCC drink tcib Savoukt and PLEASANT. It your Bleod is fmpure, it will keep open all the imp or ml outlets of the body, and thus give free exit to all Gsoss Humo itp and no more Stood Impurities will be seen burs,. Y o through the Skin in Plaplct, Jllotclies, Seres, Bolls. In thousands of eases it has removed from the Blood, root ;j,1:Ó branch, Rtaeuntatle, Seorbntic, Scrofulous Tj ta that had defied all other Remedies. If yon have a tendency to Sropsieal Swelllitgc. this Remedy, by its aotibn upon the KIONETS and SKIN, will soon biicg Belief. If yen have Dlfllealty of Breatlilnfr, this remedy will prove a friend to yen in the hour ef need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will change the sallow complexion to the bloom of health. It wiU change your sickliness to vigour; your laugnor to activity sad your general debility to firmou of sinew and muscle. It is Aperient, sad therefore will remove Coa%tf- patlon. It is Andbitious, aad will, therefore, correct &} rregalaritiee of the Liver. It it Blare tic, and will, therefore keep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, theref re, rive tone and vigour te the DISESTIVE OSOANS. It is Blond PHrlfjlnw aad merve-Streng'tltenlnfr •• it is, therefore ALL YOU WANT. These World-renowned Pills are sold evervwteM, in mm lilt and a. ea. n. • —1 • 1 l_ 1 —T Ifj on think that^he might retire, at any rate, in nrdo gEECH/M'S PILLS. gEBCHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. D Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. J3 For Bilious Attacks. BEECflA WS PILLS JD For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PlAiS D For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS JD For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECH AM* O PILLS D For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS J) Have saved the lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS D For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS J) For Fulness and Swellings after meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS D Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS D A Wonderful Medicine fur Females of all Ages. BEECHAM'S PILLS D Are adapted for Old and Young. "DEECHAM'S PILLS For Dizziness and Drowsiness. "DEECHAM'S PILLS For Colds, Chills, Flushings of Heat. OEECHAM'S PILLS Will restore the Rosebud of Health to all who use them. TWSECHAM'S PILLS D For Cosdvenesa aad Scurvy. BEECHAM'S PILLS D For Blotches on the Skin. RBECHA^IS PILLS -LJ For Disturbed Sleep and'Frightful Dreams. "DEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Best Medicine for Female Complaints. "DEECHAM'S PILLS B The First Dose gives Belief in Twenty Minutes. B EECRAM'S PILLS '— Are the Finest Medicine in the World. T>EECHAM'S PILLS For Siok Headache. "DEECHAMT PILLS Are recommended by Medical Men. BEECHAM.'S PILLS ■ Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. "DEECHAM'S PILLS — Are sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers. BEECHAM'S PILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS WOOL A.& L Me -agbtoo VOOLLEM ■ARUFASTUIIEn, » Pltloobrr, Perthah5JO, lm bMD AWABDBD a RUffl lODAIi tor tb Woollen Mnsttelnw ia lbs luHBUBAE IKTU- MATIONAIi KXHIB3TIUH, 1M. Tb«y pay oai^ag« of Weel saal te asnivmsBBlMlan hto ihw nilinfial PULOOHRT HEEDS, DRESS 1mII. HAMKETS, C- fcUWt li emogiass "bical Airti Mrnttti anS Dsosaftre StrosvU bllowatbeose 01 Pepper a Qaiuaoc and iron Toaio by infosine new life to tUe nerves, enrichIDR the «Mod, and strengthening the mascalar system, cymptoms of weakness disappear, appetite raturds, fatigue ceases, and recruited health resnlts. Insist ee having Pepper's Tonic. It can new be obtained tm 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhese. It eosts about ted. each dose. 0 Taraxacum and ftdotlyttin.-A liver medicine ith, eqj mercury, is a mixture of juiees of the mandrake and dandelion plants, good for headache, terpidity, costivenass, fiatoleuce, heartburn, indigestion, biliousness, repognance to food, general discomfort depression, &c. Pepper's Taraxacum Podophyllm. by stimulating the liter with a most gentle action oi the stomach, is the safest, most reliable medicine Bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insist on havi-f Pepper a. To Darken Grey Bair.-Lockyer's Sulphur Dan Restorer produces a perfectly nataral shade in a fa. chys. No hair restorer offered is equal to Lockyer's Sulphur for its beautifying cleansing action on tl- h%ir, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. •«. 8:13 everywhere. Deafness, noises in the ear, cle.-DeUar'. BsMrs for Deafness is still the only remedy of any resj worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages an. oftes ielieving old cases has been proved during 6 quarter of a century. Applied on eotton wool Betticf 1b. lid. Sold everywhere. A Delightful FlatJour.-eracrøft', Areca Nut Toc, t., Pa,ste.-By using this delicious Aromatic Dentitirice the enamel of the teeth becomes white sound anc polioLbd like ivory. It it exceedingly fragrant, anc specially used for removing incrustation of tartar 0: neglected teeth' Sold by all chemists. Pots, Is. au. 2s. each. Get Cracroft s. Liver Complaint.-Tiaree fourths of our function* derangement's are caused by interruptions of tb- liver's action. Afewdose3 "King's Dandelion Quinine Pills," without mercory, are a potent renu l'hey perform all the benefits of mercury without fl U,' 1 its disadvantages and dangers. Dr King's t'il r-move all liver and stomach complaiuts, biliou,,r,i;s: headaches, sickness, shoulder pains, heartburn, indi eation, constipation, so ensuring perfect health These old fashioned Pills still keep aheaj ef all othe: the great liver remedy. Sotd everywhere. ) L. King's Liver Pills, containing dandelion bond l L.e,, without mercury, are far above all other a ">, mil means of removing indigestion -ile3a, headache, dyspspsia, obstructionR ant ikrities of the liver and stomach, so ansuli" :i,ct health. Dr' King's Pills are sold tverj «. L'ie. to Stop Coughing, a few doses of Pepper's Whit, It Itare arrests the most troublesome fit o I'on^hiug, restoring relief and tranquillity to _tai ,rrhated membranes and air passages. Scathing -n) forting aud'demnlcent, its action is quite differeni '■"•ilinary Cough Remedies. Bottles. Sold every For gargling tbe throat and moutk use Pepper'i i ,.ilig Throat Gargle. An application of grea; I knice for sore threat, whether inlfammation, relaxed ljr ulec-ratod. Taning Gargle is strongly recommendec to speakers, singers, Ac., as greatly preservative anc i.-talumg. It is also a purifier as a mouth wasb oeine singularly agreeable, astringent and cleansing Bottles. Said every where. Sulvholine Soap is a Soap containing Sulpholine.- It is "a delicatciy iefired, chemically pure Seap, intended tor general use, and is free from theinjurioas acrid oils, pecniiar to common, imperfectly prepared soaps. SHlpholine S»ap is excellent for washing at all tiuiea, and rendering the akin soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets, 6d each. Sold everywhere. To ensure a clear skin.-Sulpholine Lotion cleans ft all impurities in a few days. Spots, Blemishes, Irritating Objectionable Appearances, Redness, Roughness, Tan, Uncomfortable Skin Disfigurements ±c., however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving the afcin smooth, transparent, supple, natural and healthy. Perfectly harmless. Salpnoline is delight- fully fragrant, cooling and refreshing: counteract* the effects of weather, softens aad preserves. Bottles 2s. 9d Seld everywhere. Corns, Bunions, and Enlarged Toe Joints.—Dollar's Own arÅ Bunion Plasters are the only remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields or compositions ever invented. By instantly softening the cations Bar. rounding the pain goes at once, the corn soon follow- ing. Bunions and enlarged toe joints reqaire more time for perfect oare, bat the action is certain. Boxes Sold by aU Chemieu, &a., away whao. WORK! WOKK! WORK! Very little work you can do while your blood ie impure, for disease in some form or other is gain- ing a firmer bold on your constitution daily. Purify your Wood without delay by using HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS," which far surpass all other reme- dies for the blood. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d.,and 4F. 6d.. of all medicine vendors. -BER NY ,k CO'S Great Winter Clearance We. NOW PROCEEDING AT 34, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Special Attention Is drawn to the fact that N.B. & Co. have only two Clearance Sales during the year, and that it would be impossible for them to offer such Substantial Bargains if they fol- lowed the general custom of having several sales during the year. Country Buyers Will find this an excellent opportunity for purchasing their requirements with satisfac- tion and profit to themselves, as the whole of N. Berry and Co.'s ENORMOUS STOCK has been specially marked down at from 15 to 25 per cent. off their usual lew prices, and consists of grand assortment of i DiniDg Room Suites In Leather, Velvet, Saddlebags, &c. Drawing-rcom Suites, in pine, pitch pine; walnut, asb, ard satin walnut, Chest of Drawers, DucLe^se Tables, Wash Stancta, Cbeffioniers, Sideboards.Cabinets, Whatnots, Car>tei ur\I.ro Table. Writing Desks, Music St, ois. oties, Pier and Toilet Glasses, Bedsteads, i arpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Hearth Rugs, Fendeis, Fire Brasses, Fire Dogs, Saucepans, Kettles, and General Ironmongery, llectro Plate, and Cutlery. Intending purchasers may rely upon find- ing exeellent Bargains in each department,as N. BERRY & COMPANY HAVE THE REPUTATION OF GIVING THE BEST VALUE OF ANY FUR- NISHING HOU6E IN CARDIFF. Visitors to Cardiff SHCULD NOT FAIL TO SEE '0, N. BERRY ana Co.'s GRAND DISPLAY Of Glass,IChina, and Eannenware, Now being shown in their windows at 34, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, Consisting of Several Tons Jof Majolica Vases, beautifully decorated in a great variety of Designs, China and Earthenware Tea Sets, Bread Trajs, Dinner Sets, Toilet Q{ Ware, and a grand collection of other useful articles, all marked in plain figures, sets of Jugs, large size from 9jd., sets of Jugs, smalk size, from 6 £ d., Thousands of.Beautiful M& 0 jolica"Vases, 4^d eaeh, usual price, It r0{^ 18WOI aulfc >on< Largest & Cheapest STOCK EVER RECEIVED FROM THE taffordshire Potteries ALL GOODS BACKED FREE, AND SENT CARRIAGE PAID DURING AEOVE SALE. TEBMS- Lowest; Possible Prices for Ready Money Only. N. BERRY & CO., 34, Queen Street, Cardiff*