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OEOROSS'S nVTAMTSC rOWDBBS. Brynhyfiyd. I Aoei6*or., vl' i ii., 31, 1887. DXAA SlE, Tbret, y-,i- -,iv < st» f,f "iy li,(' bi»yt. who bad teen o-muV (1 toi > b< nt 8*v»-i weeks, was twice given ut. i-y r 'II'4' wr.eti, «s a •ast resou cv-. i g;. yh. o t> i •• v y°ur Powders. The rjjprt. of ,Vl'g m''tre<* t,; a?, t frocH fits, mid hag mver o> one »"• 1 L.¡U'{ tell von I niWKye lot mt, i-k in »mi sfiould iwl obi en by y< ur s<dvntr '• e unolfcei- [■•<<<-•.r.^t —stamp* eu^lt.t^cl in i.ily, t., L I.U Y i.I. MrB A cp:i":c: i ci r. iss- BA)31 L" p ti i it o.. -'I'i, iaaneif.i, i • im |<-«> i«> "v ,IYl'etunn. fyf«*ra to t r.f i -it vlmi deaths ol in- <»»»•. b-d i'-o fi-•♦•yir,» thHD 11 any tZ; vut i -ry birtt-c. H:bi"Ied, "hilfl il:J <thtr c, it ral, from 154 tc 1^0 per tbouriiiiu. gteal Iccal ^1,000 3E*:E"WABO I V Will h. paid to auy person that will prove the above Powders oontain I A Tiiousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. T!o I'u.pruu.- H .araur.Ms th, m perfectly hvml** to the youngest fatte. And that they a v -more active than any in tbemjkej on* f.n, tr-"l ill convince the most sceptical fend the rem „rkable ani mating testmonmls aronnd each p t- Vor FIT- R. viUii- h.rl -.inmi.ti »n. :.o(j?»eness of the Bowels. constant Vomittuig. Bronchitis, ^a,11 Pox, scarlatina, Measles, and »!l ?!u- t ..uul-■=• v, Mi.- nlhnuj, they will be found ino>.d»-V,-> if given according to the specvtl directions aronad earh I PUOFHIETOK <& INVENTOR- t j ,.Jt. GEOMGE2, MannVacturing4 and iJispensing Chemist, PENTHE and TON, llhondda Yalty. dless-no- is largely due to the general oustom of Herefordshire mothers giving their infant* j "Gflorge's Infant* Powders," or "Earopa Life | Preservers." of which one chemist alone in Here- l irdshir*' (Mr P. Ealph) sells more than all otkei babies' preparations put together.-HerefO'l't J o iir'ft&l • MR. B.GHOKQK'BMEDICAL PKKFARATIONS.—With all th*- t>v,e8 of wide publicity, articles in them. byvefc worthless can have no endaring hold on the public; but if they be of then it onl, r-ri^aires to make them known in order to create and maintain for them the advantages of public demand. This has been the case pre-eminently with Mr George's Medical Preparations—notably his EnropVs Infant Powders, which have found their way tbroughont the United Kingdom, the Enelwi Colonies, atid the United States, and are »ppr«?ei it-ed by all heads of families who administet them to their little ones. Mr George, having found a remedy for the many ailments incidental to infant?, deserves the acknowledgement of the pnhhc for his enterprise ki making his preparation. kt:Wi, and we are glad to hear that in addition tr tbe gratification be must feel by the many testi- monials he receives of the efficacy of his Infantp Powders and Cough Balsam, his commercial rt ward is secured. —Merthyr Telegraph, May 11,188J COltNS! CORNS 1 MUIN DAYS. '61 IN,.E iftt r< G liii' ,J ?, A Certair, Cut HI Ccrns I FATNLKP^ AM' E IS-S £ J0BKBi; QOE K8t: IJORN'S ^ORNS!I CORNS CORNS QORNS QORNS CORNS CORNS CORNS! OORNS! CORNS' CORNS CORNS nOENS w CJDRftS (2JORN3 CORNS! CORNS CORNS! (2JORNS! TH'' ii :troducrd by J. \jr\n v I;- •ctn!'«d f world-wid<! repxir»ti*-ii Ti-r .ff,) "TIRIDlNE" ourv be j .riufd b\ it-; l-« i! Cured Corps oi r'v.-i r.O vf-wie't»i'fliiiv. wLich bad resis- tt'1 all f'tlier r«*Hifdiea. It FTu-ceed» v. here all PlastNo and It Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. TESTIMONIALS. Frcm Mr C. LANE. Board Schools, Heb bnrn Cullierv, Newcastle-on-Tync. One bottle of your" Viri-iine" entirely removed three corns of t- n years' growth for me, and a friond of mine who bag suffered a martyrdom for years, whom I got another bottle for from yon, is now perfectly enrt-d one cannot help telling people about it, it is such a reliable remedy VICTOR DE LORE, Piimo Tenore, Gai?ty Theatre, London, writes I am pleased to confinu tha adveitised qualities of Mtiuday's Viridiue. In my .M-iC it certainly has 8-ccneded where all ctasticg and plist.'rs have failed in remov- ing corns. I shall deem it a duty to recom- mend it to all sufferers, especially artistes, to whom posters,.&c., are inconvenient, i and, to my experience, ineffective. CAUTION.—As there are several imi- tations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR MUKDAY'S "VISIDIN E." And SEE THAT 3iv SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. By ordering I Corn Cure' you may receive one of the many so-called 1 rem- edies' which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of Viridine IN BOTTLES, PRICE Is.; BY POST, Is. 2d. PREPARED ONLY BY J. MONDAY, CHEMIST, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Sold by a?l Chemists. MPOB m BLOOD IS ran Lir*—-Clarke's world lutiri Blood Mixtare is warranted to cleanse the blood from all imporitiefe, from whatever cause ans- iwf. fat Serofula, Scurvy, Eczema, skin ana blooa ffiMaiM, and sores of all kinds, its effects are marvel- laos. Thousands of testimonials. In bottles, 2s. 9d. and lla. each, of all Chemists. Proprietors,Lincoln and Midland Counties Drag Company, Lincoln. Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. irani botes' (r) Fruit Consrh Balsam A permanent cure of all disorders of the Chest, J.¡.¡¡v¡;t. Tin oat, viz :—Gocyh, Difficulty of eathing, Hc-c.pi Loarsenesc, Loss ot Voics, Itifluenxa, Avt- 'iifi., Brr.nc-l.it.is, Ghortuese of Breath, Spitting of Bl>■ .d. its H.-xk'i. cu cnildren is direct, safe, and cenaiii- -o J. MYEDDJN DA VIMS, A.P.S., Ci;i)nulling: and Diepensiag CHEMIST (By Examinatina-) (Late Qualified Dispenser of Medicine of the Apotb* varies' Hall, London, OXFORD STREET SWANSEA. To be obtained o most ohemiattt, in Bottles, Is lid 4a 9d, and 40 6d e&ch. Any Chemist not haviug it il cock will immediately obtain it if requested to do W Loadoj Agents: Newberry and Sons; Thompson Millard, & Co., aE\ali other Patent Medicine Vendors. Agaats throughout the RHONDDA Y ALL BY. Ui nm A- A J. Mtfcnanghton, aW I BI 11 tOCtLEN ttAHUFACTUfttra, If Pitlochry, Perthshire, Sue bean AWABDBD a PBIZB HZDAL for theto W oUen ItuuiiMtim ta tho RBMBURGH tNTma. • ATIONAIi EXHIBITlwE, 18B8. ~a<?.P»yeatri>Keol Wool—i»a>liMiw ■■■iiiaulm .0 Vh<Ur oelftbnied PtTLOQHflf mm, DRESS TWEEDS, UIETI. RU8S, k ntitn.«„.L_ ttio X<oafll«> JcmaaH. Pa^ IB *nua« », ta WORK! WORK! WORK! Vary little work yen can do while your blood ig impure, for disewe in some form or other is Rain. ing a firmer hold on your constitution daily. Parify your blood without deky by using; HUSHES' BtOOD PILLS," yh!ch far surpais all other reme dies for the blood. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d.,and 4e. Id., of all medicine vendors. WILLIAMS' A (Pontartfawe) ■ WORM LOZENGESl Imttmi•«»• mMr, ■ olUiiuriim • Sir,—I h«r« fcr DM «BM g Worn LMOIM, ta «y ■■ ud afloaoioiu ran for mmH Ul *■" ■ tena Htr«l i.n— M • W. Hnonnos, H»W4«B. Sold «l H<< Aid, »«• M. p«- ho*! *r —< Cfimnf- |H ir/or M or M J. 0AVIE8, OHEMIST, 80, HWH 8mcrf 8WAN8EA. H A Lid of TtttimoBtttt. gymptonn, he. «a Aggtotton^U I W. E. VAUGHAN & CO.. STEftH DYEIJG AND ECODRISG WORKS, LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch F-ftlhlixl matts — 77, Crockh-rbtown. and 248 H'ito-ftt,, C.<rd-ff. 52, Com'iiPrci:s> i' et. find 8.{, High-strteJ, Nr<wp rt. 27, Ca3 le-street, Swansea. Aj-'»l t'->r Ht>> f\im-nfJiJtr YilUcy: — Mr. J. II. T i|!MAv Tfi'or- & iJraper, Hannah-street, Porth. -+ art at Bodin, Strvt Mental And D. SfrgnytM follows the Qse 01 pepper e Q uuuie and Iron ion.c i infnsine new life to tLu nerves. eurichiiiK the gtood. and strengthening the muscular system, fvajptoms of weakness disappear, appetite retorDs, fatigue ceases, and rccruited health resnlts. Insist tÐ baviag Pepper's Tonic. It can new be obtained Ie 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It ooats about 3. each dose. t Taraxacum and tadot\yUin.—K liver medicine ^vith- oat mercury, is a mixture of jaiees of the mandrake and dandelion plants, good for headache, terpidity, ccstivenass, flatulence, heartburn, indigeshon, biliousness, repugnance to food, general discomfort iepression.&c. Pepper's Taraxacum Podophylht, by stimulating the liver with a moat gentle action ca the stomach, is the safest, most reliable median*. Bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insist on havi-r Pepper's. To Darken (lrcy Hair.—IiOckyet's Sulphur Usix Restorer produces a perfectly natural shade in a flit ,i <vs. No bair restorer offered is BJtal fcoliockyers for its beautifying eleansmg action on causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. zi ft K- everywhere. I Deafness, noites in the ear, dz.—Dollar's Bsspp ip u.i- Deafness is still the only remedy of any re&l v .n th. Its power of clearing the ear passages ar.» o^t«nielievingeld cases has been proved during a quarter of a century. Applied OB e^ttOO W(W. JJettlOE Is. lid. Sold everywhere. A Delightful Flavour.—(Zracroft'i Ar«Ø8 Nat TOrlf! Paste,-By using this delicious AromaUe Dentiflricf tbo enamel of the teeth becomes white sound anc polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, anc specially used for removing incruBtstion oi tartar oi n&^lected teeth" Sold by all chemists. Tote, Is. anf 2s. each..Get Cracroft's. I Liver Comvlaiut.—Tlieo fonrths of owr fuuet'' "transeiuent's ais caused by lutfrruptioos u; tl. action. A doses Ofcivie-iun a> Quinine Pills," v. irboat mercury, are a p:t-jnt rem, n\ rhev perform all the benefits of mi^uiy without ir. 1 its disadvantages and dangers. Dr King's In r move aU liver aud stomach complaint?, biliouanee' headaohes, sickness, shoulder pains, heartburn, irdi cstion, constipation, so ensuring perfect heaiin TLtSM old fashioned Pills still keep a|he« of all otbe. the fcicat liver remedy. Sold eveiywhere. I L, K;-i .'s Liver Pills, containkie dandelion hu ,we, without metcury, are far above all crr,cr ? 1. rjat, milfii^t means of removing Indr.tsiio ".c mess, headache, d^pef^ia, ehsltrncr'.cu?. ô\! I i-c;.laritiee of tbe liver and stomach, an eHscrt o.rlcot health. Dr' King's Pills are sold Hfl, vL«ie. To Stop Coughing, tk tevf doses of Pf«ptv'e "SVL.. 'ou^h Mixture arrests tbe kcKi.eet>r<ie fit o .-oughing, restoring relief and tranquillity to th. ■ riitated membranes and air passages. Boothinf .ni forti ng ancl demulcent, its action is quite differei t "Yt "-diuAiy Cough Remedies. Bottles. Sold ever\ >f» vC. F,>r gargling the throat and month age Pepper' .V,Hiig Throat Gargle. Au application of grea -rvice for sore throat, whether inflammation, relaxet c ulcerated. Gargle is strongly recommendec ,o speakers, singers, &c as greatly preservative anc .-iiiiuing. It is also a purifier as a mouth wash eiiig singiiilariy agreeable, astringent and cleanein; liotfclas. Sold evecywhere. Sulpkoline Soap is a Soap cetitaininf Sulpiolitie.- Tt is a delicatyiy refined, chemically pure Soap, intended :or general use, and is free from the injurions acrid oiir-, pecn iar to common, imperfectly prepared soaos. SulpWoline Sup is excellent for washing at all "t'lncs, and rendering the skin soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets, 6d each. Sold everywhere. To ensure a clear skin.—Sulpholine Lotion clean* ff all impurities in a tew days. Spots, Blemishes, irritating Objectionable Appearances, Redness, RoughueaS, TtLu, Uncomfortable Skin Disfigurements Ac., however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving she skin smooth, transparent, supple, natural and healthy. Perfectly harmless. SwlphoiiM is delight- 'oily fraarrant, eooiiog and refreshing: eeunte»ets theeftecta of weather, softens aad preflezves. Bottles it. 9d Sold everywhere. Corns, Bnnions, itud-Bularged Toe Jointo.I?eUar'B Cera and Banion Piasters are the only remedy. They differ from tU pt asters. shields « (compositions ever mvented. By instantly softeuing the calloaa efer. rounding the pain goes at ence, the corn soon iattew- ing. Bunion* aBd enlarged toe joints require nufte time for perfect cure, but thaaction is cectaia. Boxes Gold byairChemists, Ae., everywhere^ J.- B FECHANI'D PILLS. j^EECHAM S PILLS. BEECHAM S PILLS. W •rth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PII,LR. BEECHAM'S PILL=l. For Bili .-us Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILLS Fi.r JTervoos Disordtirs. BERCHAM'S PILLS B For Indigestion in all its forms. BKECHAM'S PILLS o For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECUAM 1'ILLS F.r Sick Ha.idache. EECIIA-M' PILLQ BE EC HAM* 5 PILLS H»»e siired tho lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Giddiness. B EECHA W.j TILLS i3 For Fulness and Swellings after meals. BEECLIAMS PILLS B Are Worth a Guinea a Box. I)EECHAM'ji PILLS ) A W rnierful Medicine f.r Females of al1 Age?. i) EECHAM' PILLS ) Are ad p ed Tor O;d an I Young. O "'ECUAil'o For D zz.r.fsa a-;d Drowsiness. r>eB-:HAM'd ULLS F-.r Coldq, Cutlle", riuihiciga of Ileifc. „E-X'UAM'S PILLS B Will nature the Rosebud of Heilth to an who IIse them. nivtcauM's PILLS ) For Coeciveness aad Scurvy. BEECHAM'S I'lLL^ I ) F r Biotches on the Skin. JiEKCQA' -'JS PILLS 1 ±J F"r DimuT Sl.-sp and Ftightful Dreams. UEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Best Medicine for Female Complaints. BEECHAM'S PILLS The First Dose gives Belief in Twenty Minutes. "DEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Finest Medicine is the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Sick Headache. • B EECHAM, r PILLS Are recommended by Medical Men. T>EECHAM'S PILLS ■" Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers. gEECHAM's PILLS J^EECHAM'S PILLS -— D" R'CHTER im-EXPELLER T 2™ ■' ,Mark "CCXST" ItHBWMAXISK, oomi-nMm ST»'jTOgimts, KiiUKALGIA, r«lief ar.d cure •tvAIfi' o, in na«»8 of o'd st-iiiilinj. i COLDS, A trial will prove its unsur- passed efficacy. 1/1J tc 2'9, of all Chemists, or Post Free 1/3 St 3< froxn^ London Depbt, -55, Penchureh-St., E.G. MPV^ewarb of Substitutes bearing a similar Title. CAN BE OBTAINED OF W. H. KEY, 89 and 90, Taff St, Pontyprifld. :f.O.J "'HE POCKET MEDICAL ADVISER. jit for the Belf-Trøahn.e..t 0/ Jfervous and "c' MRk tional JitmciiU, induced by Overwork., Worry, Mxcegtei, and other enervating Wyr"U, and their BTAHK SEW LOCAL TREATMENT. "A booB to all desiring ►elf-cure' without A TWU- to physic or tbe f amily ducrui Jledieal iletrietØ, v§[$i>li '■ À country p <rson writes thus.—-MYoar Guide BaflffiiJj if MB baa cured wyøeU and many PHI ^ret' nth Sketches and Oetaftk /or saf- c. I rfTOlhJi.^Jv UL (under cover). Six St'trvf M nr^VHyhi Ttvm$. WILLI Ant, Medial Publisher MPTM — No. 22, MAKISCHAL 8TTI ABESDXKN. IMPORTANT. v% | n This brochure gives intact "The Guaranteed rreatment," as advocated by 400 distinguished nedical and other authorities, and protected by I{f>r Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, of dates 1857 md 187* Sufferers shonld procure this bandy Referee en Servous Ailments, and thus avoid doctore* fees and .bjectionable medicine.- Gazette. Vide MEDICAL ADVISER. I GEDRGE'S PILE AND GlUVfiL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS EMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO t I 14 ft Is more thafljold to me, -it saved my Life." v £1.\1 WILL IT DO P .VffAT WILL IT BO P '.mAT WILL IT DO ? ff ölttT WltL IX DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WPLL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL tf DOf WHjnr WILL IT DOP tfflAT WILL IT DO? W<U$WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WALL IT DOP WHAT VlffLL IT DO P wnrr WILL ir DO? Wf! \7 WU.L IT DOP WH AT WtLL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P \Y H \T WILL IT DOP H vT WILL IT DOP H v T WILL IT DO ? *T WILL IT DOP VrjAC WILL IT DO? r WII,L IT DO? WI:, r WILL IT DO r WILL rr DO? I f WILL IT DOP f \T WILL IT DO? «i! T WILL IT DO? VT WILL IT OOP w¡ iT WILL IT DOt wi) t'r WILL IT OOP Vif \T WILL IT DOf a m r WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DOP ^HAT WILL IT DOP FH4T WILL IT DOP i H AT Wn,L IT DO? VII.IT WILL IT Do? •VflAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT POP WHAT WILL IT DO, WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO.? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP VHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOR WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? ,VRAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOf s WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT Df ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO# WHAT WILL IT DO If YONDER PAIN in the B\OI and LoINs, or bttwm tin SHOULD^ this remedy will effectually remove them. ———" troubled with IRKITATION of the BLADDER, Svmtvsaiov and EaxtroN of the wxfcer, STOMB or GBAVM,, the ontT SAM UI effectusUjmedy rveb OF?KBKo TO THE WOItLO is G*oaoe'a p, and G BAr. Pir/LR If tkwater is Hisa COLOURWD, THICK, aad depesiting mock no time, procure a oox of Giosai's PILLS, and you will soote RIGHT again. If y Kidneys and Liver are slusj^sa and out oZ order, this Revy will gently sfi illiito fckeee important organs, opet Bp theiliOSden Passaob^, and promote the secrstiouof lIealth, bile aother vital flltitt If a are a mwtyr to Indig'estiCdll, GEHOMWMeM, aDd Cfstlpatiou, you have aScss Remedy in GKOBOK'S PILLS. If; suffer from any Bowel disorder, such as lilaleo, Con- stpan, Hlatnlence, Colic, you have here a Ketaedy yoo caarays rely npon. If,safferfrom PalpitStfAB, andare afraid that yonr HSABI iff acted, yon willad these Pin. an EFFICACIOUS JUMCST. If, suter from HeadftChe and Giddiness, George's Pitts, remove these PAINS sooner t'isa any other knowr pipdici If hue after Eating, and ?,el Drow<(y aad JLMtW, one dose of George's Pills will act liko a cnarm. Ifir Food turns Sour and rises into the mouth, a few I doses (i. Remedy will make yonr.troubles a thing of the piao. Ififeel Nervous, Rxettftble, aad low Fiult-tteA a porftNTIDOTi: will be found in Gfj-vr-'s Hills. ffihavea Dlt4aWreeittele ''¡' in the moith, & SiNaiiOS* of George's Pile and Graval Pills at bsd-tiuae will oJaar the toi before the dawn of another day. Ifeep ails to give you Rest- Try George's PiUs. Tuey will make; bed easy, sleep refreshing, and KKVIVH your SiasNaiH. ft feel unfit for Bxertften, Weak, and LI_ this Eemewill restore your Emnitoy and STRBNOTH, and will makt aboua Bxerciae the KNJOTMINT of your life. It are troubled with WftHSea a I Toskltlar at the khotgt eating, a box of George's Pilla rill make your meat and drinat ?AVOVM aad PLKASANT. liar Blood is impure, it will keep open all the importan ouilolthe body, aad thus giro free exit to all Gaoss Huaouaa and more Blood Impurities will be seea buifilirg throothe 8kki in Pleaples, Slotclies, sores, Bel lonsands of eases it has removed from the Blood, rout and brandtiaeumatte, Scorbutic, Scrofulous T^ii k that lefiod all other Remedies. i have a tendency to Uropsletl Swelling,, this Bamty its aetion upon the KtMtMB and SKIH, will soon brinz 5 I have Dlfflenlty of Breathitt*, this remedy will proreiend to you in the hour of need. II change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. 1 change the lallow eoaplexien to the bloom of health. U change your sickliness to rigour; your louguor to activity and general debility to firmness of sinew and muscle. Aperient, and therefore will remove Coutti pat. It is AutlfeillOHS, and will, therefore, correct at rregiies of the Liver. It it Oluretic, and will, therefor keep the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, thereto, gfve and vifrour to the Dioisnra OaoAHf. It is Blf)o d Pwism and A arveakftreugtkeniajr it is, therefore ALUJ WANT. These World-renowned Pile is old evervwliere, in Inns 1/H and 2/9 ea ;h t! <s a Oclieloul BenTaee asfl Toulo tnad PQ^ Wlae. .'iiabif'a Extract pi Meat and Extract of Natritioaa. arthaniny. Rilmulating, lisob-forno 14ww 'MtoriBg; nittbU for the fioboaf In at vag y 00 JtvaUA. inwwwiMlrtuiMw. Important unsollolted Te.ws fron. K- HOPKINS, Esq., L.R.O P.S Hnn<Jr«<>« bn. bus M<ttTt< Iras !)«. 14, Alton aoad, N., Binniagbam, DelTth, IMS. DsAit 8IKI,—1 beg to acknowledge of ramplt at .tM SxtrKot of Meat and Malt Winona you soul sfcorl time baok. I bave now Quite ,y Patients .^Ung'tt, and ai a flefh-forming, an5 tt prodaoinr I oonniaer it second to none, lawl? uefal "foJ forma of lability. Yonrs faithfal) EDWARD No Mown. Oolamaa A Ce. 1:. IhT.Pjl, Sold by all Druggitis, WiRe MorehanHtwt Ibdl <«ao Voadora in tibia United Kingdom, iia Sa. M. and vs. M. «ach. A«k for COLRMAN'8 UU BXTRAGT jr MEAT AND MALT WINE, aad "»yoa got ft." i line* i* aajr difficulty in gotting th* Mi* dtroot t« th«Mai)u(»otur*rji,wB« irttt 181. rint Bottl* irot by Post on "W itaaps, Ooaw „ Rail Us. > -kjn fesatb^VAi* > i •: CO, St- # ? Sold by > KSOTT, Cbemiatypridd. an Am "IWØ, 8r, x "have a positive remedy for the by its uU *\ous-'insis of oases nf tb- u otst kind lxjng earldv 'IAV« been or-"(l, INFL-T-D. j+rong is ^III itt effica^ tnat I will aend TV ) BOTTLES Father with. VALUABLE TREATISE n this d oaj euvaa Giro Address in fall.. Da. T. A. SLOQten9S|C^ Itoringdon Street, London V EMIGRATION CLUB.—WEEKLY CONTRI. BUTIONS to any amount received and acknow- ledged. Every facility and protection to passengers. Comfortable lodgings at Liverpool arranged for at lowest rates. Special arrangements for parties. Agent for all.lines to any part of the world. Tickets on the spot. American passes attended to. Lowest fares quoted. Send stamped envelope to JAMES ROBERTS, Licensed Passenger Agent, Sonth Wales Emigration Offices, Pontypridd. Messrs JOHN THOMAS & MORGAN Auctioneers, Accountants, Valuers, Estate and Insurance Agents. STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS. OFFICES:— ""1" 'j Market Street, PONTYPRIDD. IF YOU WANT t Posters, Circulars, Programmes^ And all kinds of General Work WELL AND CHEAPLY PRINTED, Go to the f Cil R O-N,* TIT, P, Ofce% PONTYPRIDD. N. Berry & Co's Great Winter Clearance Sale, NOW PROCEEDING AT 31, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Special Attention Is drawn to the fact that N.B. & Co. have only two Clearance Sales during the year, and that it would be impossible for them to offer such Substantial Bargains if they fol- lowed the general custom of having several sales during the year. Country Buyers Will find this an excellent opportunity for purchasing their requirements with satisfac- tion and profit to themselves, as the whole of N. Berry aad Co.'s 'j ENORMOUS STOCK has been specially marked down at from 15 to 25 per cent. off their usual low prices, and consists of & grand assortment of Dining Room Suites Z5 In Leather, Velvet, Saddlebigs, &3. Drawing-room Suites, in pine, pitch pine, waLitrt, ash, and sitin walnut, Chest of Drawers, Dachesse Tables, Wash Stands, Cbeffioniera, Sideboard),Cabinets, Whatnots, Canterburys, Loo Ttble^ Writing Desks, Music Stools, Overmautles, Pier and Toilet Glassea, Bedsteads, (larpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Hearth Rugs, lenders, Fire Brasses,. Fire Dogs, Saucepms, Kettles, and General Ironmongery, Klectro Pkfce, and Cutlery. Inteodiug purchasers m'1.Y rely upon find- ing exeellent Bargains in each department,#^ N. BERRY & COMPANY HAVE THE ltEPUrA TION OF GIVING* THE BEST VALUE OF AS? FUi. NISHtHG HOUSE IN CARDIFF. Visitors to Cardiff SHCULD NOT FAIL TO SES N. BERRY and Co.'s > 'f, i »• J > V iJ: GRA.ND ?' .1 DISPLAY .i Of Glass, Chini, and Earth uiire, .¡¡¡- m Now being shawa in their ffiadjws at 3t, QUEEti STREET, a A. R, D £ F ,B\ Consisting of Several T In; of Majolica Vases, boaatifully decorated ia a great variety of Dasigas, China and E.vrBhenw.ire Tea Sets, Breaa T.-ays, Dinner Sets, Toilet Ware, and a grand colleotioa of other usefal articles, all mtrked in plain figures, sets of Jags, large size from 9^1., seta of Jags, small size,from 6.J 1.Thousand* of Beautiful Ma- jolica Vases, 411 each, usaal price, Is. i !li: >f ■ • ■■■• Largest & Cheapest "I" M" STOCK EVER RBCELVED FROM THE Staffordshire potteries I ALL GOODS PACKED FREE, AND SENT CARRIAGE PAID DUaiNG ABOTE SALE. EI''1'" TERMS- ;«> v-: J."ll Lowest Possible Prices for Ready <,$ Honey Only. ,,¡'; j :f}.J1 X. BERRY K CO., 34, Queen Street, Cardiff.