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I PUBLIC NOTICES SPRING AJSD SUNITER NOVELTIES, 1888. 1 fOHN EVANS & COMPANY, 93, TAFT STREET, PONTYPRIDD, Beg respectfully to announce that they are now showing A CHOICE SELECTION OF THE NEWEST & MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS IN PBEWOH .AJSTID EN G LISE: ::hI.1:ILLINER-Y, BONNETS AND HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS IN IANTLES, JACKETS, YISITES, JERSEYS, ETC. LADIES' TAILOR MADE JACKETS AND COATS. The Newest Designs in Dress Materials for Spring and Summer Wear. SILKS, SATEENS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, VELVETEENS, ETC. LADIES' AND CHILRDEN'S OUTFITS. Ribbons, Laces, Sunshades, Umbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Lace Curtains, Crettonnes, Carpets, and Linoleums. J. E. & Co. avail themselves of this opportunity to thank you for past favours, and solicit a continuance of your esteemed commands and kiuJ recommendation. TO LET ON HTRE, a Sp'.er.did HORSE AND TEA P. SILVER MOUNTED HARNESS.— Apply to C. NORMAN, Post Office, Hopkinstown. MYRDDIN D VIES' Fruit Cough Balsam A permanent cure of all disorders of the Cheat, XnogB, Throat, viz :—Conpb, Difficulty of Breathing, Hooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Influenza, Astbma, Bronchitis, 3hortne?s of Breath, Spitting of Blood. Its action on children is direct, safe, and certain. 0 o J. MYRDDIN DAVIES. A.P.S.. -Consulting and Dispp rising C.DEMIST (By Examination.) (Late Qualified Dispenser of Medicine of the Apothecaries' Hall, London, 4, OXvORD STREET SWANSEA. To be obtained o most chemists, in Bottles, Is lid 13 9d, and 41:1 6d each. Any Chemist not having it in stock will immediately obtain it if requested to do so. Xioedon Agents: Newberry and Sons; Thompson Millard, & Co., and all other Patent Medicine Vendors. Agents throughout the RHONDDA VALLEY. The Best and Cheapest Shop for Groceries and Provisions IS THE Town Sllpply Stores, \FELESH SUPPLY of Carmarthen Butter ,every weak also nice selection of Caerphilly Cheese Home cured & Wiltshire Bacon always in stock mild and lean Hams, large stock of Tin Goods, Jams, Marmalade, Preserves, and Pickles at the very lowest prices; sylendid Flour, at 29., 2s. 2d., very best 2s. 4d.; Teas at Is. 4d., Is. 6d., and 2s. Are unequalled. Agent for the Pure Ceylon Tea Co., London. IW One Trial secures your regular custom. TBE TOWN SUPPLY STORES, 76, Taf-street, Pontypridd, T. W, JONES, Proprietor, HOW TO MAKE MONEY! Ah There's the rub HOW ? m EARLY eve y sphere of labour is filled, but J.1 th.iu u ^euiiis;s and here is one—Buy a H, ttle of HAGON'S FLUID HERBS, ai i k-a sparkling delicious Beer, Sell it at Collieries, W J! k8, Railways, Foundries, Fetes, Fairs, Races, oto, WHEREVER THIRSTY MEN ARE TO BE FOUND MONEY MAY BE MADE easily I and Louestly,giving taUBfaction alike to Buyer and Sailor. HAGON'S BEER yields a handsome profit even when sold at the low price of a half-penny per pottle. One 6d. Bottle makes Four Gallous. One Is. 1. » Twelve do. HAGON'S FLUID HERBS is a compound of Yarrow, Burdock, Comfrey, Sarsapariila, Hore- Jiound, Hops, etc., and is NON-INTOXICATING. Western Mail, August 19th, 1888, We can 'honestly say that the drink (HAGON'S BEER) is thoroughly refreshing and cooling, and snpplies a want in summer beverages. No boiliag is re- v quired in its manufacture; the directions are simple and easily carried out, and when made the drink will amply repay the trouble." SOLE MAKER, HAGOF, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, 39, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF, Sold by all Grocers every wheie. IU-iÏ4t on bein-' sa»i»lied with" B.AoDN'S" and Trade Mark, No. WITHOUT which none ar genuine. FOUND Astray, on Saturday, May 26th, at Tydraw, Pontypridd, a young Colley Bitch, black colonr. —The owner may have the same by applying to David John, Tydraw. If not claimed will be sold to defray expenses. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. A GRAND BAZAAR In aid of the funds of the Siloam Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, Gyfeillon, WILL BE HELD AT HAFOD, On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Decem- ber 27th, 28th, and 29th, 1888. SEE FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS. LLAMBON WATERWORKS. TO CONTRACTORS. THE RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY of the Pontypridd Union is prepared to Receive TENDERS for Saoplyice and Constructing on Blaengwawr Farm, i ihe Parish of Bglwvsllan, in the County of Glamrg"D, a SERVICE RESER- VOIK, T A NK,PRECIPITATING COLLEC TING, and VALVE TANKS, together with the SUPPLY- ING and LAYING of about 4 000 (Four Thousand) YARDS of 6iu. CAST-IRON SOCKET PIPES and other Minor Works in connection therewith. Plans, Sections, and Drawings mKy be seen, and Specification and Form of Tender obtained, at the Office of the undersigned any day (Sundays ex- oept(d) between the following dates:—Tuesday, the 4rh, and Satutday, the 16nb Jane next. Tenders must be in the hauds of the Clerk, Ed. ward Colnett Spickett, t sq., not liter than Four o'clock on Tuesday, 19th June next. Tenders will be opened at the Board-room of the R.S.A. at the Union WorkbOUEe at Noon on the following day The Rural Sanitary Authority does not bind it- self to accept any Tender. By Order of the R.S.A., JOHN EVANS, SURVEYOR.. Navigation, May 29th, 1888. YSTIUDYF0DWG SCHOOL BOARD. TO L'AI TERS, BUILDERS, &c. BE;bo,ve Board invite TENDERS for COLOU i IXG and PAINTING the undermentioned SCHOOLS during the Midsummer Vacation, viz., Treorky, Pentre, Bodringallt, and Trealaw. Specifications may be inspected at the Office of the Architect of the Boa d, Mr Jacob Rees, Pentre, from the 18th to the 28th iast. Sealed Tenders to be in my hands on or before the 30th iDst. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. D. ROSSER, Solicitor, Clerk to the Board. Pontypridd, June 13th, 1888 PONTYPRIDD URBAN SANITARY DISTRICT. RIVERS POLLUTION PREVENTIO I ACT, 1876. OA- UTION. TVfO ICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN by the Local! IN Beard for the Pontypridd Urban Sanitary Dsbtict, that any Person or Peisons offending against the Provisions of the above Act as regards the RIVERS or STREAMS passing through the said District will be proceeded againbt in pursu- anoe of the powers in the Local Board v,st"d ic this b half by the said Act. Dated this 7th d ty of June, 1888, By order, HENRY LL. GROVER. Cletk to the said Local Board. Pontypridd. A CARD. AN IMPORTANT PISCOVKKV is announced in the Paris Figaro," of a valuable reinely for nervous ) debility, physical exhaustion, and early decays. J he discovery was m ide by a missionary in Old Mexico it saved him from a miserable existence andan early gravt. We learn that the Rev Joseph Holies, Blootnsbury Mansions, Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C., will send the prescriptions free of charge, on receipt of a self addressed stamped envelope. NOTICE. 'l'HAT no Person or Persons shall be allowed to i SIGN any CONTRACT, NEGOTIATE any L AN >, or BORROW any MONEY whatever, for or 001 behalf of Calvary Chaich, Wood Road, Tre- j forest. Signed by order and on behalf of the Church, WILLIAM PARRY, Pastor. HENRY CLACK, )-p. JOHN MORRI >, J EAC0DS-