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WONDERFUL RESULT! OP USING • W K/r.! :■; HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS, Are constantly reported from all parts of the civilised world. The most obstinate diseases caused by iMFURB BLOOD are cured by this REMARKABLE KEME-DY. « HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed as an effective REMEDY for an tJtiu^B^DAN- GEROUS DISEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPURE BLCOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world have been received testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases :— SCURVY, SCROFULA, BOlLe, NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, I COSTIVENESS, WOUNDS SKIN RASH, HEADaCHE, I FITS. RHEUMATISM, ) ULCERS, BILIOUSNESS, NEURALGIA, I DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, I &c., &c., &c., HUGHES' BLOOD PYLTjS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Nineteenth Century. ids" l" rijso'I ,s ■ • ——— ————— c The MAKVEI;OUS CURFS wrought continually viz ..HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS B:a.e been so numerous ard complete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of which the following is a proof:- HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS for the manifold ills That assail the hmnan frame,— Have been tested at large through valleys and hills, And have earned a world wide fame: I They're potent in vanishing every disease, That affects the vital Blood; Restoring the patient to we»l and ease^' _*« J{1 And make his condition g od. ,i No man whose Blood pe infected with corruption, Can ideer enjoy a healthy constitution; Bat most be in pain, and restless night and day. Till the foul osalody is driven away HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will this great boon effect. And from the system seeds of death eject. Their fame is gone to many n foreign land, And is admitted now on every hand; From cot to mansion do their praises sound And testimonials.reach us from all round HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise. So important duty it is to keep the blood, In perfect order and condition good,— That I would fain advise the sore afflicted, To guard against its further being neglected HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effect its cure, Of this to all concerned I can assure. u be# .noiic; ■ -iillJ- r«H«' ■ HUGHES' BLOOD PILES. This noted medicine acts directly upon the Blood and Juices of the human system which they Strengthen and Purify. By so doing the Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lings, Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and Nerves are renewed and toned to such a degree that their functions are perfectly performed, seouring tj the man healthy days. Sold BY atl Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, at Is lid, 28 9d, 4p 6d. Bv Post Is 3d. 29 lid and 4a 9d, from the PROPRIETOR and DISCOVERER, JACOB IITJG-tlKS. MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, m m Penarth, Cardiff. Ask your Chemist to get them for you, §}HUGH ^COU$H MIXTURE 11 I- NO MORE Ull" I Simi DAVID JENKINS, Esq, Mus. Bac, Aber- ystwith. says:- "Hhving suffered from an irritable ClIlgh last Christmas, I took a Bottle of DA vita's COUGH MIXTURE, and by the following day I was quite free to follow mv public engagement January 10th, 1888. D. JENKINS." DAVIKS'S COUGH MIXTURE la acknowledged gener- aily to he a most speedy .11 efficacious remedj fur » best Complaints t.u<i g^r.eial C'< Ha\insj bt-t ti b"for<» the public for many vearp, ,it hap g ined uni versa! ripntati- r. heü- sards'-testify to its UO\T- us ffi'ct iii immedi attly Allaying tickling "ljibs, Di*-s< lvir'.g the PbivMin, and rtlievi»E 1 L,tt ianou- of breathing peculiar to 1 Astb-aW. '1 h- Balsamic, He»lin«; and Soothing Qualities uf PAVIES'S IjOUGHMIXTURE !'lace it far in advance of the (rd nary Cougb Balsams, many of wbiob are corn pound a of Opium, &c. It acts by dissolving be c'ngealt-d Phlegm, e »U:.in« free expect • ra- tion, relieving t ie seuse of w«i^ht and o; p ession, Tickling in the Throat, <nJ frequent desire to Oougii, that is go trouhle- d 'nip to the Patient. Biugeis aud Public Speakers will find Davies s Cough Mixture A great Boon, being a perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and •til Affections of the Vocal Organ?. One dose will cause any huskinees to disappear. For Children's Cough, «Vboopin<; Cough, &c., it will be fouud invaluable, having a soothing effect, tssiating expectoration, *nd preventing tbe ac- cumulating of Phlegm, Slight Colds, Mcarse. ness, Sore Throat,which inigbt easily be checked with a few doses of 0 Dayies'z, Cough Mixture if neglected, ofteu ter- minate serioutly. For ordinary Coughs, Isolds, and Difficulty of Bn-atbing, Davies's Cough Mixture I will be found to accom- plish its bealing effect almost imperceptibly. liave y <n a Coug;h ? w THY DAYIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have you a Cold ? TAKE DAVtES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do you suffer from Asthma ? USK DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have you a Sore Throat ? I\aKE PAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. An Attack of Bronchitis ? TAKHJ DAY[KS'S COUGH MIXTURE. Has your Child the Whooping Cougb ? GIVfiJ HIVI DAVIES' COUGH MIXTURE. Most pleasant taste. Enormous Sale. One doseiwdl relieve. One bottle will cure. Pold ty all t he mists and parent medicine dealers at Pontypridd and up. the Rhondda. DAVIESS IONIC AWTIBILIODS PIUS DAYIES'S t A-NTIBILIOUS 0 J «W i;1 ••• ":1 "7 J: ■19 t 'l- So .U'.ju ■ tIH.t:] ei iji j VI Ji /1 9d3 rtoqi' {-ilw IU, henuaa! The Cure for Indigestion. The Cure for.Liver Complaints. The Cifre for Haidache. bwh-H I.'»-■■■' uJ The Cure for Toothache. Tae Cure for Wind in the Stomach. M l t J The Lure for Costireoess. C;J !The Cnre for Skin Diseaee. I' Tixe Bfiet Median# lor jFemales. Care, for Nervous Debility, of Appetite. N. Berry and Co. ,1.; CABINET MAKERS; UPflOLSrERERS, i j 1 )■ ,u, rr-.r-m' > AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS 34, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, ^RE NOW SHOW NG AN rNORMOUS Collection of 1 f.tr" BEDROOM SUITES IN £ a d ENAMELLED Pine, from 3 19 6 JL gOLID Ash, from 7 15 0 ,( gATIN Walnut, from 7 15 0 t MEXICAN Walnut 1/TAHOGANY and other Wood, ''i\ -?• DINING Room Suites, from 63a., IDITTO. with Stuffed Back Chairs, £ 5, SADDLE Bag S aites, | j1»ij j gOLID Walnut Frames 10 10 0 DRAWING Room Suites, from 3 10 0 QHEFFIONIERS to Match,from 3 7 6 J^TJCHESSE Stands and Tables 2 10 0 13 RA SS Rail Bedsteads, full size 11/6, II UNDREDS of Bedsteads to select from. "FEATHER Beds, from 85/- QHAIN Spring Mattresses, from 17/6, PHOLSTERED do., own make, from 21s. CHESTS of Drawers, ^yARD ROBES, pIER Glasses, best Stock in Cardiff, gRUSSEL Carpets, from 1/11 Jd, TAPESTRY Carpets, from lOid, KIDDERMINSTER Carpets, FELT and other Carpets, JJARTH Rag to xnat:h, JJASSOCKS and Footstools, H;,q [II; TOILET Sets, from 3/6, n'if L TEA Sets, from 4/6, i ( il,{; J! t 's D INNER Sets, 54 pieces, from 14/6, G LASS Dishes in all sizes, LARGE Stock of Glass and China, I Jb RO-NMONGERY, Cutlery j^LECTRO Plated Goods, w ELL Selecied Stock at purCES thatdefy Competition. JMMENSE Assortment of jpURNlSHING Novelties, ^JLOCKS, Bronzes, Vases, Plaques, jP LOWER Stands, jg RACKETS, j^NQBMOUS Assortment of ^ASCY Goods, in fact the yERY Best Shop in ALES for those who T) REFER to Furnish well at the J OWEST Possible Cost. E STIMATES Free. Carria,epaid on all pURNISHJXG Ordere, gATISFACTlON Guaranteed 0 '¡- BY the Oldest Eotablie'ied .A V:I C'J 11^, Y (i,d' n." ,¡ HOUSE FURNISHERS J.r vcci .uc.iaje»n.i IN CARDIFF, -fcV. ru y.W tm.iNL&i (too t- QtTEE9, S, t; L L I PREDEEICK PEARSE, SuiJder and Monumental Sciilptflr j Marble, Granite, and Stcne Works,1 PONTYPRIDD. Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Tombstones Ac.; 4 of any description to order. LETTERING (Inlaid with lead 01 Accurately and Neatly executed.— ?iimafces give!: fer all ala a'-s of Work. BZPAISN I VSlHTAMRSi. FOREST WOOLLEN FACTORY Rhiw, and the Market, Pontypridd. r S. G. JON^S, Woollen Manufacturer of Cloths, Blankets Goverhds, and every kind of Plain and Fancy Welsh Flannels, Stockm^, Yarns &c., all home-made at moderate, i)rices.; (-oar,try work promptly attended to. (ESTABLISHEl IN PONTYPRIDD LO YF-tili.) CUTS IN SHEARING. CORNER'S PINFLTSL,. DEVONSHIRE OILS For Sheep, Horses, and Cattle: I.. [ POSSESS tbe quickest healinsr prop<>rtie3 for a]l kinds Of CU I'S, GRB«N WOUNDS, SO < K?,: caused by the FLY or MAGGO FitH iem-dy for the Scour. Establisned 55 yea.rs.—.Prompt used are uneqtiilled for any external or internal ailment or accident A fine EMBROCATlONfer Broken KneeR, Gaiis,Chaps, Bruises, Swellings, Inflammations, Sprains, Lame- ness, Sprung Tendons, &c. Sold everywhere. 2s wine 8iSe. Scour in Lambs mastered by the DEVQNt SHIRE COMPOUND. (Never faih.\ '2s, two bv post 4s 6d.-COI.NER'S FAMILY EMBROCATION for Colds in the Chest,Rhsumatism,Chilblains, Accidanta &c.ls l^d.—Write for Testimonials, Proprietor.— Richard Corner. Wellington, Somerset, whose sig- nature is on each Bottle or it in spurious.—Itdgistef&d Trade Mark DEVONSHIRE." Colliery Offices, CarttltI, February 13th, 1838 MR RICHARTI CORNBR.—Dear Sir,-We hive plea sure in stating that we have for some time past been using your DEVONSHIRE OILS for onr Horses, and our people advise ns, with very satisfactory results. We nave over 70 Horses at our Colliery. We have sent yon a renewal of onr Orders.—We are, dear Sir, yd",rE truly, GBO. INSOLE & SON. j T> 13FORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE, writy for The Illustrated fampliiet/' sent free nu Application by the L.HWE.T WATCH MANUFACTURER," FIRM FOUNOKD 1745. WATCHES j £ i to £ 100 Senrl. your WATCH ami JEWELLERY REPAIT-tS by Pust, Registered, which wit! be given only to Skilful Workmon, Kstiinates sent bofore d.ling the work, a:ld I take R¡.k and cost (t) Carriage buck. T. R. RUSSEL (MAKER TO THF. QUEEN), CATTIEURAI, YORKS, 18, CHURCH ST. LIVERPOOL. "Fon THE BLoon B THE LIFE. —Contamination of the blood-the result of Contagious Disease, heredi- tary taint, or toul matter of any description—f>e*i- tively carried out if the system by taking "CUrke't. World faiiied Blooi Mixture," For scrofula, scr.rvy, eczema, skin and blood diseases, and sartOS of all kind*, its effects are marvellous. In bottles, 29 yd anu ll" each of all chemists. Purcnastir^ of Clarke's liiood Mixture, beware of worthless imitation ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warr, ted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs, either sex (acquired or constitutional), gravel, f> pains in the back. Guaranteed free fro;n mere Sold in boxes, 4s 6d ei,ch, a!! chemists and medicine vendors or seut for suty stamps nv Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Cormtiea br" Co.. Jjincola. Electric Belt Free. To1 introduce it nnd oubiin Airer.ts we wal for the noxt Sixty Days trive awjiy, ticf ¡f in X ovvniu Ore AtBritain, a 'imi '-t; num'ior of oi;r 0H3MAN EUECTRO GALVANIC SU>tNSOHY BELTS, On'- Vouu'l; a positive and uiil tiiwi)?' rnive F«r NVIWB- lie lilify. Varicor»:l".>, Ni-it Trundles Li>^ of Energy. &(•. £ ie»> Reward paifJ if every. U«lt» ii'an'ifaci.ure does hot, ^'iterate ,a ^enaitie rf-»etric curreui.. Addri^8< at Tm'e ELL(JXRI.C Bi&T AfiENCY, P.O. -Box *7$. IJJ ;i S IT i 'r' i, J

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