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WONDERFUL RESULT! of: I ASA OF USING .d.' HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS, Art constantly reported from all parts of the civilised world. The most obstinate disettaea caused by IMPURE BLOOD are cured by this REMARKABLE RKME-DY. ,( HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed as an effective REMEDY for an those DAN- GEROUS DISEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPURE BLCOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world have been received testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases BCUBVY, SCBOFULA, BOILS, I SKIN BASB, HEADACHE, I BILIOUSNESS, NEURALGIA, I NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, FITS. RHEUMATISM, I DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, I COST1VENESS, WOUNDS ULCERS, &c.,&o.,Ac., HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Nineteenth Century. The MARVEI )NS CUBES wrought continually viz :— HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Save been so numerous and complete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of which the following is a proof:- HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS for the manifold ills That assail the human frame,— Have been tested at large through valleys and hills, And have earned a world wide fame: They're potent is vanishing every disease, That affeots the vital Blood; Restoring the patient to weal and ease, And make his condition gcod. No man whose Blood oe infected with oorrnption, Can ne'er enjoy a healthy constitution; Bat mast be in pain, ana restless night and day, Till the fonl malad, is driven away; BVGHBS' BLOOD PILLS will this great boon effect. And from the system seeds of death eject. Then- fame is gone to many foreign land, And is admitted now on every hand; I' From oot to mansion do their praises souad And testimonials .reach us from all ronnd; HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise- So important dnty it is to keep the blood, In perfect order and condition good,- That I would fain advise the sore afflioted, To guard against its further being neglected; HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effect its cure, Of this to all concerned I can assure. HUGHEb' BLOOD PILLS. •fhis noted medicine acts direetly upon the Blood and Juices of the human system whifch tbey Strengthen and Purify. By so doing the Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and Nerves are renewed and toned to such a degree that their functions are perfectly performed, seouring ti the man healthy days. Bold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4a 6d. By Post Is Sd. 21 lid tad 41 9d, from the PROPRIETOR and DISCOVERER, JACOB HTTGTEiES, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Penarth, Cardiff. Ask your Chemist to get them for you. ■ HUGH DAVIES S IbcOUGH MIXTURE || GREAT "&FLSH RE'IEL)'f FOR COTJGHS, D S, A ST H CC- IN4MF.DIATE RELIEF, SPE:C:ALLY PEr-C-rOt4ENIDED' TC) SINGERS & PUBLIC SPE,,Y-411'-U-1 0 BY ALL C HEMISTS ''IN BOTTLES 219, E tT iH L" E H NO MORE f M !t f M L M M h H A. DAVID JENKINS, Esij. Mus. Bac., Aber- ystwith. says:- "Shving suffered from an irritable cough last Christmas, I took a Bottle of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, and by the following day I was quite free to follow my public engagement. January 10th, 1888. D. JENKINS." D AVI ICS'S COUGH MIXTURE Is acknowledged gener- ally to be a most speedy tad efficacious remedy far t heat Complaints tad general Col is. Having been before the public for many Years, it has gained nai- >ersal r^patati^r. hoo- land. testify to its inar- >ell« >us • ffect in immedi •tely Allaying Tickling Onughe, Dissolving the Phle«m, and relieving tfce distressing labour of "futhing peculiar to Aathme. The Balsamic, Healing and Soothing Qualities of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Place it far in advance of the crdmary Cough Balaams, many of which arecompounds of Opium, Ac. It acta by dissolving the congealed Phlegm, canning free expecta- tion, relieving the sense of weight and oppression, Tickling in the Throat. "nd frequent desire to Cough, that is so trouble- aome to the Patient. Singers and Public Speakers will find DaYies's Cough Mixture A great Boon, being a perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and all Affections of the Vocal Organs. One dose will cause any huskiness to disappear. For Children's Cough, Whooping Coogb, &c., it will be found invalaable, having a soothing offecti ion tBsisting expectoration, "nd preventing the ac-I cumulating of Phlegm, Slight Colds, hoarse- now, 8ore Throat.which might easily be ohecked with a few doses ef Davies's Cough IiItllle if neglected, often ter- minate Berioatly. For ordinary Conghs, Colds, and Difficulty of Breathing, Davies's Cough Mixture will be found to accom. plish its healing effect almost imperceptibly. Have you a Cough ? TRY DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have yon a Cold ? ^AKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do you suffer from Asthma ? USE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have you a Sore Throat ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. I An Attack of Bronchitis ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE.. Has your Child the Whooping Cough ? GIVE HIM DAVIES' COUGH MIXTURE. Most pleasant taste. Enormous Sale. One dose will relieve. One bottle will cure, fold by all chemists Rnd patent medicine dealers at Pontypridd and up the Rhondda. DAVIES S TONIC AHTIBILIODS PIUS. DAVIES'S TONIC ANTIBILIOUS PILLS 13id per Box by all Chemists. .4k- The Cure for Indigestion. The Cure forjLiver Complaints. The Cure for Headache. The Cure for Toothache. The Cure for Wind in the Stomach. The Cure for Costiveness. ft The Cure for Skin Disease. The Beet. Medicine far Fferaales. The Cure for Nervous Debility. The Cureior Loas ef Appetite 1 hi vtut" avty ct io 1 «ihi •• •* N. Berry and Co. .888 CABINET MAKERS; DPHOLSMERS, A f AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS 34, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, ARE NOW SHOW.NG AN ENORMOUS Collection of BEDKOOM Suites in £ s d ENAMELLED Pine, from 3 19 .6 JU gOLID Asb, from 7 15 0 gATIN Walnut, from 7 15 0 t MEXICAN Walnut MAHOGANY and other Wood, JOINING Boom Suites, from 63a., DITTOJ IWlth Stuffed Back Obaire, AS, 'I g ADDLE Bag Suites, gO LID Walnut Frames 10 10 0 J^R AWING Boom Suites, from 3 10 0 C HEFFIONIEltS to Ilatoh,from 3 7 6 jQUCHESSE Stands and Tables 2 10 0 gRAS8 Bail Bedsteads, full size 11/6, HUNDREDS of Bedsteads to select from. FEATHER Beds, from 85/- CRAIN Spring Mattresses, from 17/6, ¡ UPHOLSTBRED do., own make, from 21s. £ JHESTS ef Drawers, WARDROBES, pi £ £ Glasses, best Stock in Cardiff, BRUSSEL Car pats, from I/Ilid, TAPESTBY Carpets, from lOid, KIDDERMINSTER Carpets, FELT and other Carpets, TJARfH Bugs to match, f JJASSOCK3 and Footstools, TOILET Sets, from 3/6, TEA Sets, from 4/6, jyiNNER Sets, 54 pieces, from 14/6, QLASS Dishes in all sizes, LARGE Stock of Glass and China, IRONMONGERY, Cutlery ELECTRO. Plated Goods, J'J WEtL Selected Stock at pRICES that defy Competition. IMMENSE Assortment of FURNISHING Novelties, CLOCKS, Bronzes, Vases, Plaques, FLOWER Stands, g RACKETS, ENoRMOUS Assortment of ANOY Goods, in fact the tTERY Best Shop in ALES for those who ipBEFEB to Famish well at the J^OWEST Possible Cost. j^STIMATBS.Free. Carriage paid on all BURNISHING Orders, SATISFACTION Guaranteed U gY the Oldest Established HOUSE FURNISHERS IN CARDIFF, N. BERRY AND CO. 1 -.7 ,11. w- QUEEN STREET. sou-3 .'ii .l> .W FREDERICK PEARSE, I Bnilder and Monumental Sculptor I Marble, Granite, and Stone Works, 1 PONTYPRIDD. I Honumeiits, Tombs, Tablets, Tombstones Ac.; of any description to order. LETTERING (Inlaid with leari or otherwise) Accurately and Neatly executed. Fstimates given for all ala ^aea of Work. BEVAlftl VNDAKTAKEN. FOREST WOOLLEN FACTORY It law, and the Market, Pontypridd. S. G. JONniS, Woollen Manufacturer of Cloths, Blankets Coverlids, and every kind of Plain and Fancy Welsh Flannels, Stockings, Yarns &c., all home-made at moderate prices. Country work promptly attended to. (ESTABLISHKI IS PONTYPRIDD 15 TKABS.) CUTS IN SHEARING. CORNER'S PINE'S DEVONSHIRE OILS For Sheep, Horses, and Cattle. POSSESS the quickest healing properties for all [ kinds of CUTS, GKEKN WOUNDS, SORES, caused by the FLY or MAGGOT. Fine remedy for the Sooar. Established 55 years.-Promptly used are unequalled for any external or internal ailment or accident A fine EMBROCATIONfor Broken Knees, Gall8,Chaps, Bruises, Swellings, Inflammations, Spraina, Lame. ness, Sprang Tendons, &c. Sold everywhere. 29 wine size. Scour in Lambs mastered by the DEVON- SHIRE COMPOUND. (Never fails.) 2a, two by post 4s 6d.—CORNER'S FAMILY EMBROCATION for Colds in the Chest,Rheumatism.Chilblains,Accidents Ac., 1B lid.-Write for Testimonials, Proprietor, Richard Corner, Wellington. Somerset, whose sig- nature is on each Bottle or it ia aparioaa.—Regiatered Trade Mark "DEVONSHIRE." Colliery Otfieea, Cardiff, February 13th, 1883 MB RICBAKO CORNER.—Dear Sir,—We have plea- sure in stating that we have for some time past been using your DKVONSHIBB OILS for our Horses, and oar Eeople advise ns, with :very satisfactory results. We are over 70 Horses at our Colliery. We have sent you a renewal of our Qrders.:—We are, dear Sir, yonrs truly, GBO. INSOLE <6 SON. BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE, write for The Illustrated Pamphlet/' sent free on Application by the" LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER." FtRM yoUKDBD 1745. WATCHES iti tocloo Send yonr WATCH *md JEWELLERY REPAIRS by Post, Registered, which will be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates gent before doing the work, mnd J tak* SUA and cott of Carriage baek. T. R. RUSSEL (MAKER TO THE QUEEN), CATHEDRAL FORKS, 18, CHURCH ST. LIVERPOOL. '> "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE TJIPE. -Contamiaation of the blood-the result of Contagions Disease, heredi- tary taint, or foul matter of any description-posi. tively carried out efthesystem by taking "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," For scrofula, scurvy, eczema, skin and blood diseases, and sores of all kinds, its effects are.marvellons. In bottles, 2s 9d and llq each of all chemists. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture, beweire of worthless imitation ONE BOX OF OLABKE 8 B 41 PILLS is warra- ted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs, i either sex (acquired or constitutional), gravel, at Sains in the back. Guaranteed free from mercu> old in boxes, 4s 6d each, all chemists and paten- medicine endors or sent for sixty Btamps by tL> Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drat. Co., Lincoln. Electric Belt Free. To introduee it and QI.t.¡lin Assents we will for the next Sixty Dayo give away. fro* of ehxrfre. in each Town in Great Britain, limiuMl n«im»>« of our GERMAN ELECTRO GALVANIC SUSPENSORY BELTS. Price Oiio Pound; a pollitin and | onfailiufr el,re for Del-ility. Varicocele, Night Trouble*, JAtOII of Energy. Arc. lIun Reward paid if every Boit we inai»:fa"ta*e dot'n not generate a genuine electrw earrent. Addn>«i< at on<-e ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY, P.O. Box 178. B|BOOJtLYN. N.Y., U.SJL w-TTfi 'Lie EAT& MALT ^SKSlHEll UalMUioa* Bevmct tadTosle nairtea Port WI-. UeMCs Bxtraol «f Mmt-aaC hctrkal M Mall; Natrittoo% tmnttrT W*<»>hia IMMMUkft and Baaltk> CMtortac; soiiaMe 1st IkiBokist la BsaUa as well as the tanU4- f Importaal ttiuollolted Teattmohlal from X HOPDHt, Xaq, ZtJLOJP., LT P.8. BulnkkinkMiMlnl taaajriM Xa M. Aim Road, R., BtmiaghaM, beemba IM IML Diu Bias,—I b*cteaak«»«Mie leeelyt efsaa^le el *ea> Bxtrael of Ilia* and llaH WlaeJ* alse eae yoa scat • short time back. I hav* BOW Quit* TwtStr Fattenta hHii« it. and as a fltofc-forwinK, an| MNn|tf vrodnoinf icant. i eoiuiAw i* seeond to none, Mac aatfd is ii forms of debility. Toon nttanub, BDWARD HQpjiNB, Musts. Ooleana A Co. X<.I|.(XP^ LTJP.ft •eld b* all Druffi»t«, Win* UirtkuH, and Pafl lladi Ah Traders in »• Unitad Klacdeia, la Bottles Is. M. and U. ML aaoh. Ask for COLBMAN'S UBBlOt BZTBAOl OP MBAT AND MALT WINB, aai*see tkat yea get if 'f there Is any dittenlty la IIMBI Ihi Wiae, waits Atoeet te the llannfaetarws, wkt «H Isi—ist vw pint Bottle free by Post ea nomw it W staaipa. Oosea • N « Ball H MS> MI wasmi CO, at. ill #11|| A- A J. Mtanntigbt<m, Will II VOOUil BAMIFMTIMKM, WW iflflkl* PlUoohry^PerthshlrB, Have beea AWABDBD a PB1BB MBPAL lei tksto Woollen Maaofaotansta th« BftXiUBOB 1BTBB- KATI01TAL BXHIHOThUK, 1Mb Th They pay oarriage of Wool seat te ttalvaMMm eelebrated PITLOOHRY TWEE08, DRESS TVEEB8, IUIIRET8, RU68, 4ft. Blood eulogiams from the Leadtag Jovaala. Pa^ lams, Charges, and full Partioalan ae te ttae isfalie^ field of Wool, Aoh on applioatioa aa abov% Parties wishing to hey onr eeoulne TweelSb BesAglMk la writing o« t'attetns, add "tannrshsse, 1 ADVERTISE IN THE it CHEONICLB, i I

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