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cuQO.nfsuP's ZHTF^IVT1 powdxsrs. B;«rbyfryd. Attviav. Qliirn., tan. 31. 1887. VICAR Ti,t.y ^iiv « f »!• h-. Vh, wl'<> HAD 1*^1) (•, P' H'V II ROI • S< ut -<■ W-». weeks, wan 'twice tiivrh up t'y t»-« doctor ,,It, »mr, w':»»u. »e It i'S' u t;#, j te>< giHpled fi>) ct.pp'v f t your j That rjject vj ijivihg /«« <»«?• w.tx intVetsu muivoiiout, ij it-M t. hu t-olve hours hp "8 ír..e from fits. and has never had one since. I tell y on I hlvtoyfi kufcp m stock in baud, <>lId ghouid leal obligeu by ynat fteoding irw another (.-su;'ii«"t —stamps rucl« s^-d. Youris fnm fully, V. W. i.l.OYb Mr B A George, Ac. f 13i«w€ cr.KICKS cr TEI PI ISS. ItABlnl IN nzHftfORnamRK.—Thf Refcwtrm- ..aeDenl. in ltip rpcel" ly iR.-ued -'Quarterly returns. refers to the tact that the flumber of deaths of in- twot* h!»« tmer far l^ss i»> H-M-ford8hire than h 4lj other county, i, ji,v o'.ty tji) out of ewery 1,000 )t)ht vvbile itA oti^r counties it ran from 154 tc 180 per tht umand. feis great loos' < £ 1,000 REWARD tt'ill be paid to any person that will prove the above powders ooutaiu A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a 'Ton of them. —- ■ II ir • r The Proprietor gnaran teen thura perfectlyhn.rmbs8 to the youngest babe, and that are more active than any in the market, n fuel fair •i d ui.f/r.jad'Ge<i trial will convince the most sceptical. Kend fha remarkable and interesting testimonials around each packet. vor rirs. (Ion visions, bllHmmntion, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Vomitting, Bronchitis, Small Pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Fevers, ut,d nil the rouble* while 'fe..t!,i".g, thev will be found inwdwible if given according to the special directions around each Packet. .d- PROPRIETOR & INVENTOR— | m, A. GBORGE, Manufacturing* aud d ispensing Chemist, PKNTRE and TON, R hondda Valley. blessing ia largely due to the general custom of Herefordshire atcthera giving their ;ufents "George's Infants Powders," or "Europe LIf. Preservers," of which one"chemist alone in Here- fordshire (Mr P. Ralph) sells more than all otlei babies' preparations put together. -Horefoii Journal. MA B.GBORGE'BMEDICAL PREPARATIONS.— With all the advantages of wide publioity, articled in them- selves worthless can have no enduring hold on the pnblio; bat if they be of value, then it onb requires to aiake them known in order to create and advantages of public demand. This has been the case pre-eminentlj with Mr George's Medical Preparationl-Dokbl, his Europa's Infant Powders, whioh have found their way throughout the United Kingdom, the English Colonies, and the United States, and an appreciated by all heads of families who administei them to their little ones. Mr George, having found a remedy for the many ailments incidental to infante, deserves the acknowledgement of the public for his enterprise in making his preparations known, and we are glad to hear that in addition if the gratification be must feel by the many testi- monials he receives of the effieaoy of his Infante" Powders and Cough Balsam, his commercial re ward is Beoured.—Merthyr Teleoraph, May 11,1887 CORNS COBNS! j 9 -M YS; I- *6 '417-11. NE (Registered Tmrfe Mark, No. 36996.) A Certain Cure for Corns PAL NLRSS AND HARMLESS. ""ORNS I This infallibleremedy introduced by J MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRIDTNE "0 may be jiidged by its having Cured Corns of over 50 yuars' standing, which HAD reaia- .QRNS l-k-d- *11 "tUer remedies. V> succeeds where all Piasters ttttd Caustics have fflilid 'V- ,I IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT COR^3 AND WALTTS. /^JORNR3 » -IE ST I MJSIALS. From Mr. IKK'KIV KOT'IAN3, Gora- »OORN8 einon. near Swtmsftt. DEAK Sm.—I heartily congratulate you ^•ORNS I for your troatnieiit tor corns. The bottle J of 1 Viridiufj' you s«nt me some time ago, y~»ORN3 I baa proved aliau^t iuir*calou3 to the corns I had on my feet. It ia exactly the remedy /X>RNS what you recmnmeiid it to b«-, and I hope v\ it will becouir more ko <<vu iu tho Priuci- vra pality, for there are, no donbt, hundreds of 'G persona that would be glad to know of itn From Mdlle. MARIE MUIILER, Amsterdiiin, Holland. ;CORNS lfa MUNDAT, DEAK SIH,—I bought a bottle of your /JORN8 rjenuiae -1 Yiridiue' aome six months ago in P.ri. which cared me,and as I am a princi- i^ORNS! pal dancer,you know my feet are my living. The bottle I bought did the sernoc you y^O'-lNS recommended it. but I bought another "De "V afterwards, which WM forged and no good. XT • As I want a bottle of genuine lor a friend ut tui ie, who id nearly tuad with pain, will you ) please send me one direct.— RPANSR Mdiie. MARIE MLLER. CAUTION.-A-i there are several imi- .coRS 3 tations of this preparation, the pablio are requested to ASK FOR nORNS! M U N D YO' 8 j ° 11 v I R I D I N E." •OORNS And SRS THAT MY SIONATUSB is on the end of each paek"(e. /^ORNS! order tag 4€J«nu Omi yoa'tnay receive ouo of the iu»ay so-called f*ti\una i edie*' which only K>ye or Bome( v> worthless imitation of' Viridine.' IN BOTTLES, PRIOFC i. BT POST, Is. 2d. < PREPARED ONLY BY J. M U N DAY, CHEMIST, 1, H I G 3 STREET, CARDIFF. 0fTl Sold by till CJitinltU. I MEDICAL ADVISER. I (Beautifully Illustrated). Post tree with Sketch' tin Details for Self CIVe, (ultder (Weer;, 6 øttWSp, From J. WfLlil AM3, Mnoicvr, POBLISHRB, P M.V ¡ 22, MARISCHAL ST., ABERDEEN. r .» TBE P»CIST MiblCAl ADVISER. L tj,or*ho»8ell-toeatant»nt o* Xcroous and Func- t 'je '» tioncd A Hments, i.uiitc.ed b</ Overwork, Worry, Excesses, and other enervating influences, and, their Associated Eeils. BY TElE NRW LOCAL TREATMTSN'T'. A boon to all deau'iu^ ^en-cure wuuout re- course to physic or the family doctor.—Medical Review. A country parson writes thaa" Your Quide has cured myself an. I m i ty i>ni-lshioners.' jut' :i u u 11.1 > •) i.' in h ii ii/ tl jfsre J on various Ailments, and.thug avoid docto.j'j fees and objectionable :nadicin^-—lizettee .1 I Vide-Medical Adviser. I V I ».N P-i'S 20 0 L-L oa.vr. ope Foa o\sa. jo iJRQCLtmrr & ca, U^BINERMAKBDI, SEr,L[NTG OF,-P joiis oao ^KsrT & CO." Upholsterers, &c., are Sailing Off! CROCKETT & OO. are Selling Oflf I^EW Irjn Bedste >ds, M-ittr^ses, Chairs, -and rlibles; Watches, Clocks, Gald Alberts, Guards, Jutd firjochc;s, Pin^, & d*r hting-. Joan CROCKETT & Co. e Selling OFF, go and how obe t-ply you oan ouy tueu Goods, wltic eve ybr^dy knewa »re of the very heat qu^il ty. W.cbell ol -aued and r-sptired, irid Upholstering done in t >wu and oountry. L'l cks jleaned and repaired; Undertaking ia all iis branches. « 8he!libier Coaches or Hearse. .0 RE FITS! Wbea J. ki\ yure I 80 net tiaM- And hare tlf.-rn ratura a^ia. I meaaa radical cure, I¡ f ten mate the diqeww of nTJi, KKUtMY <ttr FALLING SICKNESS a life-luug •tadf. I warraat my t'Maady te euie the womt asm Becaaao oUur. hare failed Ï8 mm reaaaa for 4Krt now rceeivn^ a ewe. ftbd at oaoe for a trcatiee Vkee Bettlu of tay iafilUiili niaedr. Give Addieaa ia fidL ft wf TOU aot hinff for a trial, ts« I will rare rou. iUnfl toa.H.6 KOOT.nwi 1— Ct«yaraacdoo-Lual^ VV. i1'. VAUGHAN & C°' SfEAI BTEIHG AND SCOURING IORKS, LIJ.VSDAKF ROAU, CABDIKe". Tirmuih fthtalilijthiiient# i7, f'r >okh^rbt.iWn. 'In/! 218 Hufe-st., CarditE. 52, 0<iiu nerciAi—tr et, and 8:1. High-street, Newp Irt. 27, Cajtle-strnof., Swansea. A (rut for the Rhr/ridda Yalley:- Mr. J. H. THOMAS, Tailor & Draper, Hannah-street, Forth. Breath Freely Sleep Calmly II Frauds' Asthma Powder Lf" zievee failed. Gives insfftot relief in cases of BRONCHITIS. ASTSAtA. CATARRH, WTMOOPING COCGH, Ac. »«-) Tbftim iniald from Professional Gentlemeu and otheiS who ha»e tested the Marvelloaa Effect of this Powdefr. Sold by nil Patent Medicine Vendors, in tins at 2/9, 4/6, & 11/ Wholesale from W. Sntton A Son, 10, Bowohuroh Yard, London. Or to the Proprietor, GOAT STREET, HAVERFORDWEST.1 *■. 4 'J'AMAXACOM MI PODOMTTLIUI.—A livei medieine wilbout mercury, is a mixture of jilliees of the amarake and dMsdelion plants, good for UMMMI, terpidity, eoativeneaa, flatnleece, heartburn, lndigm- lien, biliousness, repngnanoe to food, general ut aomfort, depression, etc. P«-pper'a 1'araxaeam Podc phrllin, by stimulating the liver with a moetgentl, Action OD kbt stooiftch, ie the lifcrt, most tiliftbl'. medicine. Bottles, 3a. 6d. Sold everywhere. Ineir. on having PeppM"I. To DAau. Qaaf HAOL—Loc*T*a'a SuLnraa HAl, EBSTORBB prodneea a perfectly natural shade in tew days. No hair re«torer offered is rqual t Lockyer's 81Jlphar for its beai.ii'vini, cleans n action on the hair, causing it alw»»- w,row. L: g bottles, b. 6d. Sold everywhere. DBATNEHS. Noises IN THE EAR". AC..—DBUIAB' ESSENCE POB DBAVHBSS is still the only remedy i any real worth. Its power of clearing the eai paflsages and often relieving old eases has been proved luring a quarter of a century. Applied on editor wool. Bottles, Is. I$d. Sold everywhere 0 A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOCB.—CKACKOFT'S AitECA-Nt TOOTH PASTE.—By using this ddidoos Aromati Dentifrice, the epamel of tbh teeth whit ♦oand, aqd. poHthed like ivory. It is exceeding] ;ragrapi5jtnd specially used for removing incrust« :ions of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by *• Ghemsts. Pots, is. and 2s. each. Get Cracroft's. LIVER COMPLAIKT.—Three-fonrths of onr functionr ierangements are caused by interruption of tt liver's action. A few doses of RING's DANDELION an Quinine,LIVER PILLS, without mercury, are a pote? r«hiedy. They perform all the benefits of mercury without any of ita disadvantages and danger^ Dr. KiEig a Pills remove all liver and stomach con. plaints, bilionsneaa, headache, sickness, shouldl psins, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, so ensn, ing perfect health. These old-fashioned Pills sti keep ahead of all others as the great liver remed. Sola everywhere. %r Da. Kaia'ti LiivB* PELLS, oontaiuing dandelion ar. quinine, without mercury, are far above all othe ta the surest, mildest mains of removing indigestu. biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions a irregularities of the liver and stomaeh, so ensnr; perfect health. Dr. King's Pitta are sold eve vhere To STOt Cooorrwa, a few doses of PEPPER' Wø .;OUGø MIXTURE arrests the most troubleso me fit loaghmg, restorinfj relief and tranquillity to t; I irritated membranes and ai^passages. Soth) v<aiiorting, and domulcent, iti3 action is qnite dill ..ut frem ordinary Oongh Remedies. Bottles. So; > very where. FOil DAMLME ran THBOAT ØJt MOUTH, TI PEPPER'S TANIM THROAT GAROU.—An application T"I&t service for sore throat, whether inflammatoi .alaxed, or alcerated. Tanniu Gargle is strongly r ommended-to speakers, aingara.Ac.M greatly pt arvative and sustaining. It is also a v&inah purifier %a a mouth wash, being singularly agreeabi cstringeat, and cleansing. Bottles. Sold e »ei> where sa SULPHOLINB SOAP IS A TOILIIT SoAP CONTAIN-IN 3'JLTHOLINE.—It is a delicately refined, chemical pure Soap, intended for general use, and is free from she injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, imper fectly prepared soajpa. Sulpholine Soap ia excelien'* for washing at all times ana rendering the skin sofr ■'ear, and pliable. Tablets, 6d. each. Sold ever where ToEssoBE*CLBia to-Solpholine Lotien elet ef all imperfections in a few Spots^smUh' Irritating Objectionable ^ppewaneaa •Wsdness R^shneas. Tan, Uncomfortable Skin Disflgare BongbneM, xao. entirely fade awav SAWS Bottles Is. *d. BoM everywhere. Sfer 1 WONDERFUL MEDlCiM BEECHAM'S PILLS U (fn Are admit>d by thoaaand to be worth a Guinea a box for billiona and nervous dis. orders, eeeh aa wind and pain in the stomach, sick head ache,giddiness,fallno** land swelling after meals, l^insinesa and drowsinese. foold chills, lashings of heat, loss ef appetite, shortnes* of breath, costivenes* seorvy,blotches on the Ikiaa, disturbed sleep, fright In i dreams, and all nervons |reaibU<ms, sensations, The Irat deae will givt, i* Jlefia twenty attantcs- TM* is no ftotlon, tor they have deae it in thoesands m. easee. Every saflever ia eamestly iavUed to trl one box of these Pilla, ead they will be aeknewledgea «o be WORTH. A GUINEA A BOX • Fer females ef all ecea tkeee Pills are iavaluabU, a few doses enrry oil aH gress haaoara, epen all obatrnetiona. and Ming akeM all Jfcat ia required. ■' female ahovld be witheqf tbeas. TBere ia ae aedier to be fennd to equal BBESfiAltli PILLS for re- ■oviac any okrtrae«iea or tetafrtisntv ef the system. |! takea aeqordlag to the diseMMM atvea with '■each lea: they will seen restore fmales ef all ages te sound and robta bwdl. 4 Pit a>k«k stomaeh. iasfetosd dtoosHon. and ell Ha sad iss at tfce UeejrTipsf act Mke "MAGIC," and a few dosee will be feoiw N wen wenaera epen the ■ost impoctettt t(|M «llw haman maehiae. They stseogthen tke «Mi ■«>i|l»r fslito, reetore the long kn> usilllssfca, back the keen edge of appeito, ant MMf^lpto antea with the JtOSE- BUDef heaHh jUfCp* •n«/frtf of the humMk frames M asn admitted by thonaspds en^CMl||d| dpM ef society; and one iftbi^MMMlilMMBand debilitated is Beechas?s VH Wi JU Mgeet sale of any ^GSAIRB F&BE EOVOS PILLS. As a remedy Isf wpj| Asthma, diffi- mlty of Bfeslhia^JiMW ef Breath, Tightness HeMsamsilB-la ma-As& tnasau. As., theee Pills «• ustaiJM; jJKStm* labonhng under any if the above lin|ll|l> isi only try One Box te a*ve that they eve tm Ipsl evs* offered to the publie !or Asthmatte Mil Cnasijnfli VsCeagfaeLHoaraenesa» md Opprsssioa sI tin Qfcssl Tftey nmove kit saase of iwiwiwi and difficulty of breathing vhich nightly leprive the patient ef rest. Thev give dmost instant relief sad semfsrt to those afflicted with the above Ifttrsssing and, when neglected, dan- {eroaa eomplalntk. Lei any nsesen troubled with say of the abeve eeaflalnts ^Ve Bwcsw's Conen PILLB a triaL The most violsot Oengh «B h ahort tiato be amoved. CAPWOM.—The wMjeiw until to notiee that he words, "Baaqmr's rau, Bt. Belen's,' wH en he Govmm^^toto|aimi tosadi box «f the Prepared only, sai sj5<wnilstols and rstail by the sopnetof, T. Bssolst, Chemist, Bt. Helen's, Lanoa. ihire, in boxes Is. lid. and ts. fld. each. fiMnt post see from the |iid|Misi Cot It ocW stamae.-Sola by Jl Druggists Ml wm Meiicino Deuers hi th« Ungdom. N3—FnB tit J- sso Hh eaeh boa. DM. RICHTER'S W0lkPA|N EXPELLER Trade Mark "C0M £ T" '■ tbe quickest A snfeet n medy tor RHEUMATISM, GOUT, LUMBAGO JOINTS, NEURALGIA, Ha, br^L^SCLATICA, relief and cure RAK SPRAINS, in cases of old stanriiri?. COLDS, A trial will prove its unsur^SwpQW fa passed efficacy. 1/1 > 1k 2T», of Chemists, or PJS", Pre J 1'3 & 3/ fr im^S^SiL London Depot. 65. Fenchurch-St., E.C. DSF" Beware of Substitutes bearing a similar Title. CAN BE OBTAINED OF W. H. KEY, -89 and 50, Taff St, Pontypridd, CONSUMPTION AND ITS FINAL CURE. Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Copies have nov been issued of MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S Work on CONSUMPTION Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, k other Chest Diseases. ».. (Post free), from the Publisher, ELLIOT 8T0CK, 62, Paternoster Row. London, £ .0. JUST PUBLtSWED. the APPENDIX To the above Treatise, being a reprint of between Two and Three Hundred INTERESTING & AUTHEHTtC CASES selected from those which have appeared in the Weekly Journals from 1881 to the present time. This Appendix sent P08T FREE on application U the Author only, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM. 8 E. ILLIAM8' "fek (Foutarrtawe) W0f«n iW"pESl Pot Marty Tfclrty Tin Uta vlesMi harfr H baa mat vttt th< pWI MMa tka «AhI am Vak, P«U«aUm lana^gTa^lMH of ka raanlteaa H give-I bb" far one rod fMU AalkslMtatta, «r W. ■owaiEsea. Vtaar of Hula Boid ml Hdi a CtaMV I i. 0AVI £ «, flMtMtsr, MTHIM SWANSEA. I A ua ON fceiawkls, Is I aa — Ana—Ilea. I GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO? It is more than Gold to me.—it saved my Life." -I WHAT WILL IT DO J WHAT WILL IT DO; WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WDAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL It DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT; WILL JT DO? WHAT WILL IT Do? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT Do P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT POP WHAT WILL IT DO. WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? I WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT UO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL If DO, WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO J WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DC Thsss World-r3a)va3j w If you saffer PAIN in the BACK and LOIKS, or between the SHOULDERS, this remedy will effectaally remove them. If you are troubled with IBKITATION of the BLADDER, Supraasbio* and RETENTION of the water, STON. or GRAVEL, the ONLY SAFt "Ala effectual Remedy KYSB OFFERED TO THE WORLD is Gsoaoc's 1" and GBAVSL PILLS. If the water is HIGH COLOUBKD, THIcK. and depositing much SBOIKBNT, lose no time, procure a box of GEOlEtGZS PILLS. and you will soon be RIGHT again. If your Kidneys and Liver are sluggish and out of order this Remedy will gentiy stl Ulate these important organs, open up their OLOSOKD PASSAGE*, and promote the secretion of heftltll) bile ani other vital flulo If you are a martyr to Indigestion, BlliOIKWeU, and voastlpatlon, yon have a Suas Remedy,in GEOBOE'S PILLa. If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, such as P1168, Con. <tt pit ton. Flatulence, Colic, you hive here a Kemedv you can always rely upon. If you suffer from Palpitation, and are afraid that your MBAST id affected, yon will find these Pills an EFFICACIOUS SIMIDT. If you suffer from Headache ianit Gififitness, Gecrge'e Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than any other kaowD medicine. If you have Pain after eatlnr, and feel Drowsy and Listless, -one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If /f°r *'00«* tsarns Hoar and rises into the month, a few aoses of this Remedy wiU make yoar troubles a thing of the past. If you feel Mervoiu, Excitable, and Low Spirited a perfect AWTIDOTE will be found in George's Pills. If you have a Disagreeable Taste in the month, a SWQL* Doss of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-time will clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. If Alcep ails to give you Rest. Try George's Pills. Tney will make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, and REVIVE your STRENGTH. If you M anat for Exertion, Weak, and Limp, this Remedy will restore your EHBBOT and STRENGTH, and will make ahour and Exercise ther ENJOYMENT of your life. If vou are troubled with Nausea a I To ml tin IT at the thoT fbt of -atinz, a box of George's Pilla vill make your meat and drintt Lett FA^OITRT and PLEASANT. If y »ur Blood is impure, it will keep open all the importan outlets of the body, and thus give free exit to all Gaoaa HDMOOBS and no more Blood Impurities will be seen burstina through the skin in Pimples, Blotches, Mores, Bolls. In thousands of case- it has removed from the Blood, root and branch, Klieumatlc, Scorbutic. Scrofulous Taints that bad defied all other Remedies. If you have a tendency to Dropsical Swelling's this Remedy, by its action upon the KIDNEYS and SKIN, will soon bring Relief. If you have Difficulty of Breathlny, this remedy wilj Drove a friend to you in the hour of need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will change the sallow complexion to the bloom of health It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and your general debility to firmness of smew and muscle. It is Aperient, acd therefore will remove Oonatl. pation. ID is Antibilious, and will, therefore, correct all rregularities of the Liver. It it Diuretic, and will, therefore keep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, therefore' g've tone and vigour t > the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is Bloosfl *erve-"tre,l*en,n*' it is, therefore ALL YOU WANT. I Pills a.™ q.111 warfare, ia Bins l/U -Ill J/i p..1.C h, THE HAVELOCK STEAM AND HYDRAULIC PACKING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Steam, Hydraulic and Pump Packings of the best qualities, °r"- PACKINGS I Engine, Hydraulic, aiid Pump of all kinds. INDIA. RUBBER GOODS Valves, Washers, Buffer Springs, Sheeting (solid & insertion), Rubber Hose of all sizes ASBESTOS-GOODS: —— Millboard, Asbestos and Rubber Sheeting, • ° ditto-With Wire, &c. 4 Waterproof Garments made to order. -¡ RED ROPE POINTING. Samples and Prices on application. :.IJ.OlTn i Local Agent-XR. E. PENN, 228, Newport-Road, CARDIFF. } I A T L% GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM. -— For the Cure of Cou^»v<!Beffe, Vgthma, Hoarseness, Wheezing, Influenza, Spitting of Blood, Consumption, Bronahitis, WhdltiDg Cough, Diffloulty of Breathing, and all Affections of the Chest and Langs. Extraordinary Cure of a Congh of Six Years' staning, declared before a Commissioner to Administer Qaths in the Supreme Court of JudicAtase, England. I HENRY JAMES GAM MAGE, of 5 116 & 117, Widemarsh-street, in the City of Hereford, Contractor and Decorator, do solemnly and. sincerely de- clare as follows 1. About 8 years ago I had a severe attaok of rhenmatio fever, from whioh, when I had recovered, I had a bad Oongk, hnd the medical man who atttended me, who is one of the Visiting Surgeons to the Hereford Infirmary, informed me that I never could be thoroughly cured from it. 2. From that time until about two yeara ago I have suffered more or less from the same cough, which at times was worse than at others. I especially was affected by it in the mornings when I got up, when sometimes I coughed until I was almost suffocated, and I thought I should be sti- fled. 3. During those years I consulted sev- eral medical men, from following whose advice I obtained no relief, and I have taken various patent medicines -nth the same resnlt, and I had given up all hope of alleviating the cough. 4. About two years ago I was recom- mended by a friend to buy a bottle of 4 George's Cough Balsam, And although I bad no faith in its proving efficacious, I gave way to my friend's im« portunities, and purchased a bottle. 6. From the First Bottle of George's Cough Balsam I took I felt greatly relieved, and I bought another bottle, whioh I took, and which effectually cared my oough, and since that time I have had no return of the cough. 6. If I find I have tiken cold I take a dose of the Balsam as a preventative, and I tm now, aad hive been since I took George's Cough Balsam, As free from Cough as I ever was in my life. And I make a solemn declaration, con- soientiously believing the Sime to bS true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William IV, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parlia- ment, intitul-d An Act for the more effeo- tual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmation taken add made in various departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lien thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extrajudicial Oaths and Affirmations, and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths." Taken and deolaied at 16, Bedford-row, in the County of Middlesex, this 9th day of October, 1880, before me, C. LocK. MDLBS, a Commis ioner to Administer Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature. Hy. SMITH GAMXAGC* Mr B. A. George^—Dear Sir,—Please send me three grott of Congh Batsam at once, as I shall bl quite out in a few days. The sale doring the present winter has been the greatest I have yet had, aa many as thirty bottles having been purchased ac my shop in a day. Tnis has been caused entirely by the recommendation of those who have tested its efficacy. I am, dear sir, yours faithfully, PHILIP RALPH, High Town, Hereford, January 17, 1886. CAUTION. The Pnblio are particularly requested to observe that the words "GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM" am stamped on each Bottle. None are Genuine without. The "COUGH BALSAM" will be found peculiarly serviceable for RELIEVING ALL PAINS, from whatever cause pris- ing, such as TOOTHACHE, EARACHE, PAIN IN THE CHES r OH BOWELS, DIARRHCEA, &a., &o. Sold in Bottles, at 1/li and 2/9 each, by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors in the World. D. A. GEORGE, ^|T MEDICAL BALL. PENTRE, PONTYPRIDD, l Glamorganshire. PHILLIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. j Bill Poster and Town Crier RENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL P03TING STATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD AND RHONRDA VALLEY. HORSES and TRAPS kept for Hire, PIANOFORTE ON HIRE. Offices: Penuel Square, Pontypridd. ■ s — WIT AND HUMOUR. Difficult Mission.-Submfssion. Regular stage coaches-Prompters. Court Plaster.—Damages in a breach of nromlsa suit. WhafeViiBjnaller than a mite's mouth?-Thalo which is put into it. A wonder lasts but nine days, and then th$ puppy's eyes are open. Metaphysical paradox—Killing yonrself with/ hard-work to gwt ali-ving. Tfce Real, Original Corsican Brothers—Louis.' Joseph, and Napoleon Bonaparte; 1 was rapped in slumber," paid the tramp as the policeman hit him with a trunclieon. "How long have you been blind?" asked the judge. "Three years," replied the witness And what is your busineM!" "Poet Office Inspect