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jSEW MUSIC SHOP PONTYPRIDD. NEW HIRE SYSTEM "c FOR PIANOFORTES FROM 10a MONTHLY. ) IHOMPBOlsr & SHACKELL, LIMITED, OT QUEEN'S BUILDINGS; CARDIFF, L & & &o. •'•rtKftVj NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOii AMERICAN ORGANS FROM 10s MONTHLY. ^IIOMPSON & SHACKELL, •i ? LIMITED. 900| it 11. — -——— ° »C>2 'I O NEW HIRE SYSTEM HARMONIUMS r:?, _1 -J-t},; v ..+ FROM 108 MO.NTHLY '1 f..tIIn"" THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED. t -P' i iX LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OUT OF LONDON TO SELECT FROM. ,1 J>o¡I JV. „ f<atnhxr*e Phdoqraphs andfully detailed particulars, sent, pott free, on apflicatioiz- THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED, t33, T AFF ST., POlsTTYPE/IDD N.8 -L" of PABGAINS FOR CASH just published Tuning orders promptly attended to. <r;:>ASD Display of SPKING FASHIONS HEME BROTHERS. Queen Street, Cardiff, ARE NOW SHOWING ALL THE LEADIN G NOVELTIES IN Mcntles, Jackets, Costumes, Millinery, Straw Hats and Bonnets, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Materials, Washing Dress Fabrics, Black and Fancy Silks and Velvets, Sunshades and Umbrellas. ALSO THE VERY Best Value in Every description of Household Drapery A VISIT RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. PATTERNS POST FREK. TERMS—CASH. 30 ■STIELA.IRS I 1. B. BOULTON. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON ACTON HOUSE, BOA TH ROAD, Opposite University College, CARDIFF. Having had great experience both in English and American system? of Dental practice, » enabled to give his patients the benefit of such experience in a manner which bat very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, by which only a perfect impression of the month c-in be obtained, he is enabled to supply beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of rataral appearance, and which defy detection. 10 Sea-horse lyory Teetb. No 3s. Teeth. No Rubbish of any (ind. RELIABLE TEETH; Partial Sets. Sets Upper or Lower .from 5s. to 30s. Fach. 50s. to 20 Guineas Inventor of the Al Amalgam Stopping, as used by the best Dentists in Europe and Jmetico. TESTS SA. VED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 yearq, at Moderate Fees. Hitrons Oxide Gas administered daily at Cardiff by thtli best & safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. lxtract from the" Chroniele," Decent-ber 2 Uh, "The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr R. B. Boalton, of Acton Houfh Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever soen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. OTICE. Aod at Mrs. RAHKTP'S, Chemist, Merthrr, tho Second WEDNFSD>»V i'"> each raontr from 12 to 3 31, DANVILLE ROAD, DENMARK HILL, ),.>XDO\ •• V { 4-1 .vii ,r. .X 14 r-' < 4 fiW t ) r f J ? • v.nnvu H=l;: India Rubber! Waterproof! f V AND OILSKIN WAREHOUSE. i- — ai I ■;»:* Ladies' & Gentlemen's Waterproof Garments In light materials suitable for the season. I Waterproof Carrriage Rugs, in variety. Good Waterpoof Holdalls at various prices. Travelling Bags, Hat Boxes, &c., in all sizes. Garden Hose in assorted sizes and qualities. India Rubber Sheet Washers, Valves, Packing, Hose, Belting in all sizes and qualities, Hand-sewn Leather T ..1;9 Beltings, Mats, &c., American Cotton Belting, J Asbestos Sheet, Packing, &c., always in stock SOUTHERN RUBBER CO. 80, High Street, Pontypridd. A SPLENDID SHOW OF Confectionery, Chocolate, Biscuits, AND FANCY GOODS, AT f. ill COOMBESi Market street, Pontypridd. TRY OUR CAKE, IT IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST, HOW TO MAKE MONEY! Ah There's the rub HOW ? "YJ EARLY every sphere of labour is filled, but 11 there are openings and here is one—Bay a Bottle of HAGON'S FLUID HERBS, make sparkling delioioas Beer, Sell it at Collieries, Works, Railways, Foundries, Fetes, Fairs, Races, etc., WHEREVER THIRSTY MEN ARE TO BE FOUND MONEY MAY BE MADE easily and honestly, givingsatisfactien alike to Buyer and Seller. HAGON'S BEER yields a handsome profit even when sold at the low price of a half-penny per bottle. One 6d. Bottle makes Four Gallons. One Is. Twelve do. HAGON'S FLUTD HERBS is a compound of Yarrow, Burdock, Comfrey, Sarsaparilla, Hore- hound, Hops, etc., and is NON-INTOXICATING. Western Mail, August 19th, 1888,—" We can honestty say that the driuk (HAQON'S BBKB) is tboroughly refreshing and cooling, and supplies a want ia summer btverager. No boiliag is re- quired in its manufacture; the directions are simple and easily carried out, and when made the drink will amply repiy the trouble." SOLE MAKER HIAO-OIT, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, 39, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF, Sold by all Grocers everywhere. Insist on being tapolied with HAQON's and note Trade Mark, No. 31*360, without which none are genuine. pEARS' gOAP 1>EARS' gOAP -I- pE QOAP pEARS' gOAP PEAllS'SOAP 1- k3 SOA-V p EARS'SOAP p EARS'SOAP pEAES' -gOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' gOAP pEAES' gOAP pEAES' gOAP pEARS' gOAP pEAES' gOAP *1* ¡j ;i..I,J PURCI FRAORANTt REFRESHING I For TOILET & NURSERY EXHIBITION HONOURS, Fifteen fritrrnotional Awortls fm absolute Purity and abstrict of Artificial Colouring. Fair white hands Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin. PEARS' SOAP Is specially preparc-e for ti-P deli- cate skin of ladies and shiiihen and others sensitive to the wea- ther, water and summec. Pre- vents Redaess, Iti'ughness, and Chapping. ADELINA PATTI writes "1 have found PEARS' SOAF matchless for the Hands anc Complexion." (Signed) ADET.IWA P.*TTI. MRS. LANGTRY wiites: "I have much pleasure in statins I have used PEAltH* SOAI for some time, and prefer it tc any other." (Signed) LILLIE LASOTBT t PEARS' SOAP—Tablets 1: 1/6, and 2,16. Tha id Tablet b perfumed "Aith Otto of Roiws. A smaller Tablet (unst,on'"pd if «ol^ at tid.. but inaisi on having P.-IM M' ax vilely-injurious imitation* ira often sutrttiUitod extra gain. Ire- JT.,Tr, Royat • V) I. fir: Or. I M oi WQAW ♦ ESTABLISHED 39 YEARS GEORGE GOODMAIN, Pawnbroker, Clothier, Jeweller, and Furniture Dealer, 3 & 4, TRAM-ROAD, PONTYPRIDD, In ooBsequence of the low rate of wages existing at the present time in the neighbourhood, will offer his Large and varied Stock of New and Second-hand CLOTHING, JEWELLERY, WATCHES &G., At Prices that will meet the requirements of all Classes. Intending purchasers of any of the above Goods will be well repaid by a visit before pur- chasing elsewhere. A good assortment of New and Second-hand HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BEDDING, &c. To be Sold for Cash, or payable by WEEKLY INS 1 ALiMENTS, to suit tba Parch^r. Money advanced to any amount oa Deposits of Deeds, Diamonds, Plate, Jewellery, or any other Securities. GEO. GOODMAN. 3^4, Tram Road, Pontypriidd. GROCERY! GROCERY I GROCERY! FOR GOOD QUALITY IN Groceries and Provisions At very Low Prices, go to the Town Supply Stores. Home Cared Bacon & Best Carmarthen Butter always in stock. Their Teas at 1/4, 1/6, J: 2f\ is uuequalled. THE TOWN SUPPLY STORES, 76, Taff street, Pontypridd, T. W, JONES, Proprietor. MYRDDIN DAYIES' Fruit COllgh Balsam zn A A permanent cure of all disorders of the Cheat, nm 3, Hoonf;Jr,t0atv: —ConsK.Difficulty of Breathing fiS £ "g S°U8\ Loss of Voice, Influenza, -?roncJ?lt18' 'shortness of Breath, Spitting of certain °D °U chlldren ia direct' ^fe, and -0- J. MYRDDIN DAVIES, A.P.S., Consulting and Dispensing CHEMIST (By Examination.) (Late Qualified Dispenser of Medicine of the Apothecaries' Hall, London, 4, OXFORD STREET SWANSEA. O be ° m08t chemists, in Bottles, Is ljd f u' a°.T -4a 6d ??°h- A°y chemist not havinK it in stock will immediately obtain it if requested to do so. London Agents: Newberry and Sons; Thompson Millard, & Co., and all other Patent Medicine Vendors. Agents throughout the RHONDDA VALLEY.

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