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J). 4 m 33 103 Brynhyfryd. Aberavon, Glam., Jan. 31, 1887. DIAR SIS, Three years ag > OM of my little boj8, who JaM been convnlard for about seven weeks, was I twice given up by the doctor attending, when, M a leet resource, I telo-graphed for a ispply of your Powders. The effect of giving him one was indeed marvellous, n leas than twelve boars he was free from fits, and has never had one sinse. I needut toil yott I always keep a stock in hand, and should feel obliged by your Beading me another packet —stamps enclosed. Y oars faitbfally, K. W. LLOYD. Mr B A George, Ac. OPIKICKS OP THE PiESS. BARize IN HERsyoRPBHWi.—The Registrar- General, in his recently issued "Quarterly returns," refers to the fact that the number of deaths of in- fante has been far less in Herefordshire than in any other oounty, being only 65 oat of every 1,000 births registered, while in other counties it ran from 1M to 180 per thousand. This great looal -"T' -T'- "qg9:E! 4 Will be paid to any person that will prove the above powders contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. I The Proprietor guarantees thom perfectly harmhss to the youngest babe, and that they ace more active than any in the market, one fair and unprejudiced trial will convince the most sceptical, itead the remarkable and interesting testimonials around each packet. For Fits, Convulsions, nflamraation, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Vomitttng, Bronchitis, Small Pox, Scarlatina, Fevers, and all the roubles while Teething, they will be found invaluable if given according to the special directions around each Packet. PROPRIETOR AN INVENTOR- 33. A., gkorge:, Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist, PENTRE and TON, Rhondda Valley. blessing is largely due to the general custom of Herefordshire mothers giving their infants "George's Infanta Powders," or "Earopa Lif* Preservers," of which one chemist alone in Here- fordshire (Mr P. Ralph) sells more than all otker babies' preparations put togethor.-Hereford Journal. « MB B-GBORGB'SMEDICAL PI&ICPARATIONB.- With all the advantages of wide publicity, articles in them- selves worthless can have no enduring hold on the publio; but if they be of value, then it only requires to make them known in order to create suct maintain for them the advantages of public demand. This has heen the case pre-eminently with Mr George's Medioal Prepwatione-notably his Europa's Infant Powders, whioh have found their way tbroughoat the United Kingdom, h. English Colonies, and the United States, and art appreciated by all heads of families who administei them to their little ones. Mr George, having found a remedy for the many ailments incidental to infants, deserves the acknowledgement of the public for his enterprise in making his preparations known, and we are glad to hear that in addition tC1 the gratification be must feel by the many testi- monials he receives of the effieaoy of his Iimfouts, Powders and Cough Balsam, his commercial rt ward it asoured.-Iforthyr Telegraph, May 11, 1887 CORNS CORNS! 1 U NDJYS -.J ".4. J. ..L f :Ii (Registered Trade Mark, No. 36996.) A Certain Cure for Corns P AISLE 8 S AND HARMLESS. CORNS I This itfallibleremedy introduced by J MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide rtf.OVQ reputation. The efficacy of VIRIDfNE ^JOKI1^! jjjay be judged by its having Cared Corps Of ovet SO years' standing, which had resia- y^ORNS ted all other remedies. j eacceeda where all Plasters and /v\pwQ Caustics have failed O IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. CJORNs i lEsrnmsiALS. From Mr. HOPK# HOPKINS, Gora- QORNS einon, near Swansea. DEAR Slh,-I heartily congratulate yon CORNS for your treatment for corns. The bottle of Viridine' yon sent me some time ago CORNS "bas proved almost miraculous to the corns I had on my feet. It is exactly the remedy CORNS I what you recommeud it to be, aLd I hope it will become more known in the Priuci- pality, for there ure, no doubt, bnndreda of 0 persons that wculd be "lad to know of its £ J0RNS! From Mdlle. MARIE MULLER, Amsterdam, Holland. CORNS MR Mtsu«, DKAU SIK,—I bonght a bottle of your f~J,ORNS (jei>ii.ine Viridiue' some six months ago in P iris which cnred me,and its I am a prihei- CORXS pal dancer,yoa know mv feet aro my living. The bottle I bought did the service you CO RNS recommended it, but I biaght another one v/ afterwards, which was forced and no good. ,r As I want a bottle of 'f n nine for a friend of o mjurij wijo 13 nearly m;id with pain, will yoa please seud me one direct.— rjORiSSr Mdlle. MARIE MLLER. CAUTION.—As there are several imi- COR • tations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR CO RS M U N U v Y S ° V ( R I T-) I N E." pORNS And SEE THAT MV SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. CORNS! By ordering 'Corn Cnre' you may A receive otie of the many ro-called em edits' which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of' Viridine.' IN BOTTLED, PRICE la.; BY POST, Is. 2d. PlKPARKD ONIIT BY J. iijl U N jL) A Y CHEMIST, 1, H I fi H STREET, CARDIFF. Sol,l by all CheDUtis. ) MEDICAL ADVISER. (Beautifully Illustrated). Postlfree with Sk-itchns anul Derails for Self Cure, (under covu), 6 stamps From J. WILLIAMS, MVDICKT, PCBUSHER, P.M.V., j 22, MAR ISC UAL ST., ABERDEEN. 1 TO R«fKET MEWCAL ADVISER. Xpor the Self-treatment of xNenioits iznd Func- tional Ailments, inducedb;/ Ocerioork, f\ orr; Excesses, and other enereatin<j influences, and their Associated Evils, < < j BY THE NEW LOCAL TRFTATM~BXT. A boon to all desiring self-cure without re- course to physic or the family doctor.-Medical I Review.. A country parson writes thus:—" Your Guide has cured myself and yiany parishioners.' SuFFflHERS shoald jjcjj ira thii htidy Referee on varions Ailments, and thaa avoid doctors': fees and objectionable medicine.-Gazettee I Vide-Medioal Adviser. ) A MONTH'S SALti 20 PER CKNT. OFF FOR CASH. JOHN CROCKETT & CO., CABINETMAKERS, SELLING OFF! SELLING- OFF! JOnS" CROJKETT CO. Upholsterers, &c., are Selling Off! JOHN CROCKETT & Co. are Selling Off New Furniture, Iron Bedsteflds Mattresses, Chairs, and Tables Watches, Clocks, Grold Alberts, Guards, Gold Bruuches, Pins, & Ear Rings. JOHN CROCKKTT & Co. are Stilling Off, go and see how cheaply you can buy their Goods, which eveiybody knewa are of the very best quality. Watches cleaned and repaired, and Upholstering done in town and country. Clocks oleaned and repaired; Undertaking in all its branches. t Sbellibier Coaches or Hearse. a 0 I" i8 U RE FITS" Whea X aay cure I io not mean merely to stop them for a time and feen have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have nuuto the disease of FITS, EHLKP8Y or FALLING SICKNEfeS a life-long italf. I warrant my remedy to core the worst eaMSk Became otkci have failed is no reason log not now reeeittag a sore. Seud at once for a treatise aada Vtee Bottle of my infallible nracdv. Oive iddra) in fiiB, ft ooete you aothuic for a trial, ud I wiH core you. iddraM Pa. H. 6. BOOT,»Hi>B Ct^ymimdoa-et.<Laa»» V. E. VAUGHAN & CO, SJEII DYEIIG lID SCOURING WORKS. LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch, Establishments V. CE^CKHBRBTOWN, iiti B-TE. STRKKT, f bA-BU1Fjr- it, COliMRRCtAL STREET, NEWPORT. 88, WJGH STREET, NBWPORT. 27, O'.Sl.E slESBT, SWANSEA. A :¡rti, for Rhondda:— ilK. J. H iHJM AS, TAILOR & DRAPER, HANNAH -['EET, PORTII. Breath Frftely Sleep Cahnly I I Francis' Asthma Powder Has never failed. Gives instant relint in oases of BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH, WHOOPING COUGH, 4c. See Testim inials from Professional Gentlewneu and others who have tested the Marvellous Effect of tbis Powder. Sold by all Patent Medicine Vendors, in tins [at 2/9, 4/6, & 11/ Wholesale from W. Sutton & Son, 10, Bowchurch Yard,|London. Or to the Proprietor, GOAT STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. {-r' XAJUXAGC* AKD PoDorHYLLiN.—A liver medicine without mercury, is a mixture of juices of the nlm,lrake and dandelion plants, goodfor headache, timidity, costireness, .ftatulence, heartburn, indiges- tion, biliousness, repugnance to food, general dis- comfort, depression, &c. Pepper's Taraxacum Podo- ahvllin, by stimulating the liver with a most cent e action on the stomach, is the safest, moat reliable medicine. Bottles, 2a. 6a. Sold everywhere. Insist 10 having Pepper's. To DAIXZH OBEY HAIB.—LOCBYKB'S SULEHUB HAII BESTORBR produces a perfectly natural ahacle in » lew days. No hair restorer offered is equal t Lockyer's Sulphur for its beau6i?viup, cleajin n action on the hair, causing it alw*»-' to :'ow, L' g bottles, 18. 6d. Sold everywhere. DBAFNESS, Noisas IN THE EARS, d:c.—DELI.AB' EBSSNCB FOR DEAFNESS is still the only remedy oi any real worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages and often relieving old cases has been proved during a quarter of a centarv. Applied on cotton wool. Bottles, Is. lid. Sold every where ATDELIOHTFUL FLAVOUB.—CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUI TOOTH PASTS.—By using this delicious Aromatu Dentifrice, the enamel of tbh teeth becomes white-, iound, and'flolifibed Kite ivory. It w exceedmsh fragrant, i^d specially used forremoving incrusta- tions of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by Chemistr.-potB, la. and 2»: eaeh. Get Cracroflf s. LIVEa COM PL A zmT.-Three. fourths of our functional derangements are caused by interruption of tbt liver's action. A few doses of RING's DANDELION ANr CVINISK Jjtrzn Pnxe, wfUiont mercury, are a potent remedy. They perform all the benefits of mercury, without any of i £ s disadvantages and dangers Dr. King's Pills remove all liver and stemach com plaints, biliousness, heiadache, sickness, shouldoi osias, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, so ensur ing perfect health. These old-fashioned Pills still Iteep ahead of all o4h«a as the great liver remed) Sola everywhere. DR. KINO'S LTOB PILLS, oontaining dandelion anr minine, without mercury, are far above all other M the surest, mildest mains of removing indigestion biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions &;], rregularities of the liver Said IltOMVAh, so ensurm perfect health. Dr. King's Pills are sold ever. laere To STOP OOUGHINO, a few doses of hnJIR' WHIT JOUGB MIXTURE arrests the most tronbleso me fit coughing, restoring relief and tranquillity to th .rritated membranes and ai^passages. Soithitu, jomforting, and demulcent, its fection is quite diue< mt frem ordiaary Cough Remedies. Bottles. 80.; averyw-here. FOB GAMUM« THS THROAT UTB MOCTH, UR( PSPPER'S TANUM THBOAT GABOIJI.—An application ^reat service for sore throat, whether inflammatory relaxed, or sloerated. Tannin Gargle is strongly r< aommended to speakers, singers, dfce. as greatly pr: 4reat service for sore throat, whether inflammatory relaxed, or sloerated. Tannin Gargle is strongly r< aommended to speakers, singers, dfce. as greatly pr: servative and sustaining. It is also a valoah purifier as a mouth wash, being sinffularly acreeabic astringeut, and cleansing. Bottles. Sold every where .ti— SULPHOLINB SOAP IS A TOILBT SOAP QONTAININO SCLPHOLINE.—It is III delicately refined, chemicaiiv pure Soap, intended for general use, and is free frc).L,. the-injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, imper fectly prepared soaps. Sulpholins Soap is excellent for washing at all times and rendering the skin soft ,lt'J"J'. and pliable. Tablets, 6d. each. Sold every (There Koognness, entirely lade away I t,lhtfauy frsgmui, as etJeCY of and Bottles 4a. 9d. Bold everywhere.. COU" BCXTOKS, AIM EXIANOND Toll 10INT8.- n.tWs COM AWB BUBIOK PLASTBBS are the onIJ Dau^x > u piMtort, shields, oi remedy. TMy By instaatly softroing "SBhT c252-? -.f 1 VOHDMFOL KSDlOHi f BESCHA1T8 PILLS IflSSKXESfFtWi l|l PILLS, ml 4 4 I Are admitted by cheasand to U sforth a Guinea* box for billioas and nwvous dis- orders, saeh as wiMl and pain in the stotna^h, sick headache^iddiness^ullnees and swelling after meals, diseinese and drowsiness eoli ehills, flashings of beat, loes ei appetite, *kertaee» ef breath, eostivenesa, senivy,blotches on the ddfe, distarlnM skf, frigfctful irearns, and VI! nervous and |r«w>bliB«f. sensMiens, *e. 2'be ft ret dose will nve «•- e( in twenty ininales. Tbls to no tkjtfoti"ior they be"! AMW it ia fhensanos ef eases. Every saflerer b snmestly invited to try ens box of tkjMie PiU%end tker witt.fce aAnewledged so be WOafE A GUIITKI A BOX • For fensalesef-all MM tbeee rHlls are invaluable, as a few deses oarry on «N fross hasaours, epen all obstmetions. &" bring aboit all that is see eked B# female shofild be witboat thm. Tgoee is no aseaief^* to be fennd to "Agal B PILLS for re- no vine any oMKra«AU» or (ihf«ran*Hy of the system. ZTtaken Moerding to the direSKS grvea with' each bos they wip feon restore fsmslee efaU ages to sound few coses will be found to work wonders apon t;he Bost important ttgp'rflbe hamaa paaohine. They of appetite, aniw5w»5wae»en with the ROSE- BUD of heaMh~M| «bji jby««d energy of the human frame. |fiM| Mi ^sR/fi' admitted by thonssnlteeSbnMMMi4«>W« of asciety; and one ef the beet (BMwe|ei|JB#»nertees and debilitated is Beeofcanrt Ml lift* ftko M«ost sale of any satpnt iQjsdiqiiioJh JtaVMflB. BBECHAMnr UflO 60UGH PILLS. As a remedy for VM&e if neyial, Asthma, diffi- laity of Bieathina, JMMH «2 na&h. Tightness »d OppreesToir In WwS, wkeoinn| .õ- Pill. are anrivallefl; iffflM <ms laboohng under any the above eemplaMto ^eil only try One Box to trove thaftkey are Ve tilt offered to' publis tor A Y#ade altf ughs, MMpeness, fbd OppzWnmi of tne Chssr. Tney ova hat sense of onpressien and difficulty of breathing vhioh nightly deprive Ibe patient of rest. They gwe dmost instant relief and eomfert to those afflicted rith the above dutressing and, wbsn neglected, d^a- (erons complain& Let any person troubled with my of the above eMNtMntt fhw BasesAWs Qo' hixsatrial. The most violent OHP will fat a abort time be amoved. CADTIOW.—The pnbliearo w|Mrtii to notice thai fee words, "BsncKUf* FlM St. Belen's,' are on be Governmrat Staihp MU ed to en^i box of the Pills. If not mey aae feegsnr. >' Prepared OM, Jsolq wnolesele and retail by tbe nopnetot, T. lpmwi, OhentieLSI. Helenas, Linen* ihire, in boxee H. Ud. and ts. ffL- eaeb. sdnt poet roe from the pqMpbr for |» odl stamne.-A8M^ dl Druggists anl Wtn> Mejieine Diwin to |ne Qtgdon. SJ.-Pill MMMtau IM^NP h eaeb bos. DR. RICHTER'S MPfSm PAIN EXPELLER Traie Hark "COMET" IS the quickest & safest remedy fe' W*JmWsjS%. RHEUMATISM, JpV O0UT, LUMBAGO STIFF JOINTS, -0- NEURALGIA, Has ^SCIATICA, relief and cure even^^jiJ5E 3^ SPRAINS, in cases of old standin^ COLDS, A' trial will prove its A-n passed efflnaoy. l'lj & 2/0, 6f all Chemists, or Post Free 1/3 & 3/ London Depot, 65, Fenchurdi-St., E.C. Mf" Beware of Substitutes bearing a similar Title. r CAN BE OBTAI ED OF W. H. KEY, 89 and 90, Taff St, Pontypridd. CONSUMPTION AND ITS FINAL CURE. Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Copies have now been iMued of MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S Work on CONSUMPTION Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, ft other Chest Diseases. SIXPENCE (Post Free), from the Publisher, EWOT BTOCK, 62, Paternoster Row, London, E.D. JUST PUBLISHED, dw APPENDIX To the above Treatise, being a reprint of between Two and Three Hundred INTERESTING & AUTHENTIC CASES alectod from those which have appeared in the Weekly Journals from 1881 to the present time. NOTES are appended to many of theee eases whleb prw the Cure to be "FINAL and PERMANENT." This Appendix sent POST FREE on application tothe Author only, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, 8.E. ~4L 77 7 —^ WILLIAMS1 A (Pnntardnwe) WORM LOZ ES. Vw aMil; Thirty Yaan this Usw iMM iMMdjH hM mat wttk Ow pahs MMA lb ISMI nw Wtak, ■ DailesU ChUdna (often ffcrM «p m ImmtHSuT ti lK Magic. S«TTLIIR HSAI hi* TONNENTLASVMLITFTAKNSTKM* of M* fnwilUna ■ ■Stiy—I hav* te mu tine out jreer tiailetiWi «r H WowT.ii)ws—■yfrmar,aaitattkmtm tmj ealfM Mt alloadotu enx* w uaandM, ud UMtriaNrik idH aoav—LENT torm IK imtunwrtUHw fcr (Mai W. HuvuilM, Fl- at Rwwdm SeU ml ISid-, Hr moM OWNf IV'" l' k .J"III L DAVUS, OmEvia, II, HIIM 81IErr,IWAII8U. A Lid of TtlnUli, By-rum. es AWUMUM. I GEOEGIJB PILE. AND GRA VEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO" It is more than Gold to met-it sayed mv Life." WHAT WILL IT DO J WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL ir DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAI WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? .WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT pop WHAT WILL IT DO, WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT VO, WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO If you suffer PAIN in the BACK and INS, or between the SHOULD Us. this remedy will effeotnally remove them. If you are troubled with IBHITATIOK of the BLADOER, Suppanssioy and EBTKKTIOK of the water, STON. or GRAVBL, the ONLY SUB 4U. effectual Remedy ZVIM OFFKBEO TO THE WORLD is QBOSOM'S et and GUVJIL PILLS. If the water is HIGH COLOUBBD, TRICK, and depositing mnoh SEDIMBNT, lose no time, procure a box of GEOBGK'S PtLM, and you will soon be RIQHT again. If your Kidneys and Liver are sluggish and out of order, this Remedy will gently 8tl Ulftte these important organs, open up their CLOGGED PASSAGES, and promote the secretion of health) bile and other vital flula If you are a martyr to Indigestion, Biliousness, and CoqnttpAtion, you have a SUM Remedyjin GEORGE'S PILLa. If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, snch as Piles, Con- 4 t piston, Flatulenee, Colle, you have here a Remedy you can always rely upon. If you suffer from Palpitation, and are afraid that your HEABT ia affected, yon will find these Pills an EFFICACIOUS REMEDY. If yon suffer from Headache and Giddiness, Gecrge's Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than any other known medicine. If you have Pain after Entinir, and feel Drowsy and Listless, one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your Food turns Sour and rises into the mouth, a few doses of thia Remedy will make yoar troubles a thing of the past. If you feel tfervous, Excitable, and Low Spirited a perfect ANTIDOTE will be found in George's Pills. If you have a Disagreeable Taste in the mouth, a SINGL. DoslI: of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-time will clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. If Sleep ails to give you Rest. Try George's Pills. They wul make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, and REVIVE your STRENGTH. If you fel unfit for Exertion, eak, and Limp, this Remedy will restore your ENERGY a I STRENGTH, and will make abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of yc life. If vou are troubled with Ifausea a 1 Vomiting at the thorgbt-of tsltiniz, a box of George's Pills vill make your meat and drink Lett PAVOTTOY and PLEASANT. If ytut Blood is impure, it will keep 'pen all the importan outlets of the body, and thus give free exit v all GROSS HUMOUBS and no more Klood Impurities will be seen bursting through the Skin in Pimples, JBlotches, Sores, Bolls. In thousands of casew it has removed from the Bldod, root and branch, Rheumatic, Scorbutic, Scrofulous Taints that had defied all other Remedies. If you have a tendency to Dropsical S wefling-s, this Remedy, by its action upon the KIDNEYS and SKIN, will soon bring F.elief. If you have Difficulty olbreatiting-, this remedy wili prove a friend to you in the hour of need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will change the sallow complexion to the bloom of health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and your general debility to firmness of sinew and muscle. It is Aperient, acd therefore will remove Counti. pation. It is Antibilious, and will, therefore, correct all rregularities of the Liver. It it Diuretic, and will, therefore, keep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, therefore, g;ve tone and vigour to the DRGESTIVZ ORGANG. It is Blood. Herve-Strenythenlngr: it is, therefore Auu LUU WA-NJL. I These World-reaoarnei Fills 3.p. old everywhere, in Boxes 1/U and 2/9 eac h. THE HAVELOCK STEAM AND HYDRAULIC PACKING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Steam, Hydraulic and Pump Packings of the best qualities. PACKINGS: Engine, Hydraulic, and Pump of all kinds. INDIA RUBBER GOODS: I Valves, Washers, Buffer Springs, Sheeting (solid & insertion), Rubber Hose of all sizes. ASBESTOS GOODS: Millboard, Asbestos and Rubber Sheeting, ditto with Wire, &c. Waterproof Garments made to order. RED ROPE POINTING. Samples and Prices on application. 'a .'HA Local Agent—MR. E. PENN, 228, Newport-Road, CARDIFF. ===== GEORGE'S CH BALSAg. For the Cur# of Conghs, Colds, Agttiin* Hoarseness, Wheezing, Inflaenza.itting of Blood, C&iaamption, | Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Ditfiontty of Breathing, and all Affections of the Chest and Langs. Extraordinary Cure of a Cough of Six Years' stoning, declared before a Commissioner to Administer Oaths iu the Sapreme Court of Judicative. Englftitd. I HENRY JAMES GA.MMAQK, of 5 116 & 117, Widemarsh-kbreet, in the City of Hereford, Contractor and Decorator, do solemnly and sinaerely de- clare as follows:— 1. A-bput 8 years ago I had a severe attack of rheamatio fever, from which, When 1 had recovered, I had a bad oongh, and the medio*! man who atttended me, who is dfte of the Visiting Surgeons to the HeireftM Infirmary, informed me that I never could be thoroughly onred from it. 2. From that time until about two yean ago I have suffered more or 16as from the slime cough, whieh at times was worsts than at others. I especially was affected by it in the mornings when I got up, when sometimes 1 coughed until I was aimdst « suffocated, and I thought I should be sti- fled. 3. During those years I consulted sev- eral medical men, from following whoss advice I obtained no relief, and I have taken various patent medicines with the same result, and I had given ap all hope of alleviating the cough. 4. About two years ago I was recom- mended by a friend to buy a bottle of George's Cough Balsam, 13 t And although I bad no faith in its praying efficacious, I gave way to my friend's im- portances, and purchased a bottle. 5. From the First Bottle of George's Cough Balsam I took I felt greatly relieved, and I beoght another bottle, which I took, and which effeetnally oared ay ooagh, and sine* that time I have had no return of the cough. 6. If I find I have taken cold I take a dose of the Balsam as a preventative, and I am now, aad hive been since I took George's Cough Balsam, As free from Cough as I ever was in my life. ■ And I make a solemn declaration, con- scientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William IV, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parlia- ment, intituled An Act for the more effec- tual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmation taken 8.Ald made in varionsdepartatenta of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary.and extrajudicial Oaths and Affirmatiofte, and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths." Taken and declared at 16, Bedford-row, in the County of Middlesex, this 9th day of October, 1880, before me, C. Loess MULES, a Coining-ioner to Administer Oaths in the Supreme Court of J udicature. HY. SkITH GAMMAGB. Mr B. A. George.—Dear Sir,-Please send me three gross of Cough Balsam at ODoe, as I shall be quite out in few days. The sale during the present winter has been the greatest I have yet had, as many as thirty bottles having been purchased aC my shop in a day. Tais has been caused entirely by the recommendation of those who have tested its efficacy. I am, dear air, yours faithfully, PHILIP RALPH, High Town, Hereford, January 17, 1886. CAUTION. The Public are particularly requested to observe^ thftt the words "GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM" are stamped on each Bottle. None are Genuine without. The "COUGH BALSAM" w,lI be found peculiarly serviceable for RELIEVING ALL PAINS, from whatever cause aris- 1 ing, such as TOOTHACHE, EARACEE, PAIN IN THE CHESr OR BOWELS, DIA RRH CE A, &a., &,C. Sold in Bottles, at 1/1t and 2/9 each, by most Cuemists and Medicine Vendors in the World. B. A. GEORGE, MEDICAL HALL, PENTRE, PONTYPRIDD, I G lamorganshire. PHILLIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD AND RHQNDDA VALLEY. Bill Poster and Town Crier RENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL; POSTING STATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. HORSES and TRAPS kept for Hire, PIANOFORTE ON HIRE. Offices: Penuel Square, Pontypridd. A a ciistomer's head drew blood an(I oiks uf his fingers on it. Again he made a cut and put down another linger, and so on till he had ii,) JlrgCL9 free. "Ah," 8aid lie, as he paused in his work "a barber's i* difficult trade; we ought to have a thousand angers. ° It was f( ymerly the custom to present a bowl of ale to maletiu,! ors on their way to execution. The county of York, which strongly adheres to its ancient usages, was the last place where this cus- tom continued. A saddler at Bawtry lost his life in consequence of declining the refreshment; as, had he stopped as usual, his reprieve, which Was actually on the road, would have arrived in time enough to have saved him. Hence arose the saying that the l saddler of Bawtry was banged for lea his ale.