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WONDERFUL RESULTS OF USING HUGHES" BLOOD PILLS, Are Sgtantly reported from all parta of the civilised world. The most obstinate diseases caused by IMPURE BLOOD are cured by this REMARKABLE RBMBDY. etches' BLOOD PILLS ^vD S passed as an effective REMEDY for ail those DA.N- GEROUfcQjgEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPL»^ BLCOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world have been rt,jYe(j testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases BCTJRVY, SCBOFl. BOTTJI 8KIN BASB, BEAi p av BILIOUSNESS, NEI^LGIA, | NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, I FITS. RHEUMATISM, I DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, J COST1VENESS, WOUNDS ULCEBB, I &c., &c., &c., HUGHES' BLOC-) PILLS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Ninlentb Century. The CUBES wrought continually viz :— HUGHlS' BLOOD PILLS Bave been so numerous BR^omplete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of wbh the following is a proof:— HUGHES' BLOOD PILlA for the inanity ills That assail the human frame,— Have been tested at large through valley and hills, And have earned a world wide fame: They're potent in vanishing every disease That affects the vital Blood; Restoring the patient to weal and ease, And make his condition good. No man whose Blood be infected with corrulion Can ne'er enjoy a healthy constitution; But most be in pain, and restless night and t~ Till the foul malady is driven away HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will this great boon off% And from the system seeds of death eject. Their fame is gone to many a foreign land, And is admitted now on every band; From oot to mansion do their praises sound And testimonials, i each us from all rouud HUGHES' BLOOD PILLs receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise. So important duty it is to keep the blood, In perfect order and condition good,— That I would fain advise the sore afflicted, To guard against its further being neglected; HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effeot its cure, Of this to all concerned I can assure. HUGHES' BlOOD PILLS. This noted medicine acta direetly upon the Blooa and Juices of the human system whioh tbey Strengthen and Purify. By so doing the Liver, Eidnya, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and Nerves are renewed and tonbd to such a degree that heir functions are perfectly performed, securing o the man healthy days. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, at ItHd. 2s 9d, 4s 6d. By Post Is 3d. 28 lid and 4s 9d, from the PROPRIETOR and DISCOVERER, JACOB HUGHES, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Penarth, Cardiff. Ask your Chemist to get them for you. NO MORE c»m. DAVID JENKINS, Esq, Mus. Bac., Aber- ystwith. says:- "Having suffered from an irritable cough last Christmas, I took a Bottle of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, and by the following day I was quite free to follow my public engagement. January 10th, 1888. D. JENKINS." DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Is acknowledged gener- ally to be a most speedy and effieecions remedy for Chest Complaints and general Colds. Having been before the public for many years, it has gained uni- versal Twpwtation. 't hou- sands testify to its mar- Tellons effect in immedi- ately Allaying Tickling Coaghs, Dissolving the Phlegm, and nlifriog the distressing labour of breathing peculiar to Asthma. The Balsamic, Healing and Soothing Qualities of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Place it far in advance of the ordinary Cough Balsams, many of which -wecompouindsof Opium, Ac. It aots by dissolving the oongealed Phlegm, censing free expectora- tion, relieving the sense of weight and oppression. Tickling in the Throat, and frequent desire to Congh, that is so trouble- soma to the Patient. Singers and Public Speakers will find Davies's Cough Mixture A great Boon, being a perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and all Affections of the Vocal Organs. One dose will cause any haskiness to disappear. For Children's Congh, Whooping Coogb, Ac., it will be found invaluable, baying. a gootbing. effect, assisting expectoration, and preventing the ac- cumulating of Pblegm, Slight Colds, Hoarse, now, Sore Throat,which might easily be checked with a few doses ef Dayies's Cough Mixture if neglected, often ter- minate seriously. For ordinary Coughs, Colds, and Difficulty of Breathing, Davies's Cough Mixture will be toned to accom- plish its healing effect almest imperceptibly. Have yon a Congh ? TRY DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have yon a Cold f TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do yon safer from Asthma f 1131 PAYJBS'S OQUGH MIXTUitft Have you a Sore Throat t T&KBbAVUSs'S COUGH MIXTURE. An Attack of bronchitis ? TAKE DAVraSTS COUGH idtlXtURE. Has your Child the Whopping-Cough P OIVH HIM: tfAVtfSg' COUGH tftxtURB. Moetpleeaftt tMte: Hbortnous Sale. Onedestwill relievo. One boilb wfll ett»> bf all ciemiata asuTpateni madieine Aifeler* atFbutjpridd and up the ithondda. HTIIS'S TOMC AflTIMLIOUS PILLS. u i4 pansys TONIC ANTIBILIOU3 pilia ( WW'$&-WW" t- < The Cnro ior lndiftatMMk the Cflfo krJIiVer Cimpiimte. The CaM for Headache. Tit Cora lor Teothaebe. The Care for Wind in the Stomach. Tfca Onto for Costhneaeok "f: TbeCnre fctrScfin Disease.' ¡, < Tbe Be«tSed&»e for Penal*. The Owe mraerms U"*ty. # i I- ■■Hify.i, N. Berry and Co. CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS M, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, ARE NOW SHOWING AN "piNQRMQUS Collection of BEDJiOOM Suites in £ a d JgNAMELLED Pine, from 3 19 6 gOLID Ash, from 7 15 0 gATIN Walnut, from 7 15 0 A MERIOAN Walnut UTAHOGANY and other Wood, JOINING Boom Suites, from 63s., JQITTO with Stuffed Back Chairs, .85, gADDLE Bag Suites, gOLID Walnut Frames 10 10 0 D RAWING Boom Suites, from 3 10 0 Q HEFFIONIEKS to Uatch,from 3 7 6 D UCHESSE Stands and Tables 2 10 0 BRA 88 Bail Bedsteads, full size 1116, JJUNDBEDS of Bedsteads to select from. JpEATHER Beds, from 85/- CRAIN Spring Mattresses, from ^17/6, UPHOLSTERED do., own make, from 21s. CHESTS ef Drawers, WARDROBES, pIER Glasses, best Stock in Cardiff, gRUSSEL Carpets, from lllIld, fJAPESTBY Carpets, from lOid, K IDDERMINSTER Carpets, JJlELT and other Carpets, :i TJABTH Bugs to match* "P^ASSOCKS and Footstools, TOILET Sets, from J/6, rpEA Sets, from 4/6, D INNER Sets, 64 pieces, from 14/6,' GLASS Dishee in all sizes, LARGE Stock of Glass and China, JBONMONGEBY, Cutlery J>LECTBO Plated Goods, WELL Selected Stock at pRIOES that defy Competibioa. MMINSZ Assortment of FURNISHING Novelties, CLOCKS, Bronzes, Yaass, Plaqns^ JglLOWBB Stands, gBACKBTS, JjWOBMOUB Assortaaeat of AN (IT Goods, in fcrt tha yBBY Boot Shop ta WALBS for thass who I'T., pBim to Fartfsh WsQ at tto romiVW Csa*. ESTIJüTl8:rn.. can4 oa all pTJBNISHING OrAew, gATIflPAC?mSH &aarsatiol BT tko OWUet iMabliiM gOUSB FtTKKISgfcBS ,¡, III CARDIFF, N. BERRY AND CO. QUEEN S^BEET. >-> t dt. PitB&BRieK PEAR9B, Builder and Monumental Sculptor Marble, Granite, and Stcne Works, PONTYPRIDD. I Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Tombstones, &c.; of any description to order. LETTERING (Inlaid with lead or otherwise) Aocurately and Neatly executed.—Ksitimates given for all attnaft of Work. SCVAlSS I'VSanTAKE^. FOREST WOOLLEN FACTORY Rkiio, and the Market, Pontypridd. s. G. JONjbS, Woollen Manufacturer of Cloths. Blankets Coverlids. and every kind of Plain and Fancy Welsh Flannels. Stockings. Yarns &c.. all home-made at moderate prices. Country work promptly attended to. (ESTABLI-HRL IN PONTYPRIDD 15 YEARS.) SWOLLEN UDDERS AND THE SCCUR. CORNER'S PINE'S DEVONSHIRE OILS For Sheep, Horses, and Cattle. POSSESS the quiokeet healing properties for all P kinds of curs, GKEEN WOUNDS, SOKES, caused by the FLY or MAGGOT. Fine remedy for the Soour. Established 55 years.-Promptly used are unequalled for any external or internal ailment or accident A fine EMBROCATION for Broken. Knees, Galls,Chaps, Bruises, Swellings, Inflammations, Sprains, Lame- ness, Snrnnz Tendons, &c. Sold everywhere. 28 wine size. Scour in Lambs mastered by the DEVON. SHIRE COMPOUND. (Never/ail*-) 2s, two by post 4s 6d.—CORNER'S FAMILY EMBROCATION for Colds in the Chest,Rhaumatism,Chilblains,Accidents &c la lid.—Write for Testimonials, Proprietor, Richard Corner. Wellington, Somerset, whose sig- nature is on each Bottle or it is spnrioos.-Rogistered Trade Mark DEVONSHIRE." Colliery Offices, Cardifl, February 13th, 1883 Ma RICHARN OORNBB.-Dear Sir,-We have plea- sure in stating that we have for some time past been using your DEVONSHIRE OILS for our Horses, ana oar neople advise U3, with very satisfactory results. We have over 70 Horses at our Colliery. We have sent YOU a renewal of our Orders.—We are, dear Sir, yonrs teoly.GBO. INSOLE & SON. BEFORB BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE, write for The Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on Application by the 44 LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER." FIRM FOUKDMD 1745. WATCHES JEl toeloo Send your WATCH and JEWELLERY REPAIRS by Post, Registered which will be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates sent before doing the work, and J takt Risk and CMt of Carriage back. T. R. RUSSEL (MAKBR TO TBB QUBBN), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH ST. LIVERPOOL. "FOB THB BLOOD IS THB Lira. -Contamination of the blood-the result of Contagious Disease, heredi- tary taint, or foul matter of any doscriptiou-posi- tively carried out ef the system by taking "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture." For scrofula, scurvy, eczema, skin and blood diseases, and sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. In bottles, 98 9d and 118 each of all ohemists. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture, beware of worthless imitation ONE BOX O* nTiATfKTS'Q B41PIUL8 is warrau tad to cure all discharges trom the urinary organs, > either sex (acquired or constitutional), gravel, » i pains in the back. Guaranteed free from mere > • Hold in boxes, 4s 6d each, all chemists and Pau-, inliftiiM..endors or sent for sixty stamps by Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties l>ra* Co., Lineoln. Electric Belt Free. To imtrodwae it and ollt,in Agents we will for the next Sixty Dan irira ainr. fi*« of cliarfr*. h» Town in Great Britain, a liVn £ d n«m&r of o*r GERMAN ELECTRO GALVANlS SU13PENSORY BELTS, ilrim One Pwmds a positive and unfaiKnc cure for Nenrou* DeVility; Tariooceie, Kifht Troubles, L.x« of Energy. £ 100 Ward paU If evwry Belt we mauutaoture doe« not aenorate a ,Ren,u'»* •urrent. AtlJrttii at on^e EUKlTWO BiXT AOENCY, 1-.0. Box 178, BROOKLYN. N Y, VJLA* IsaOelUtoa* Bevwafe MMiatfihtm JwtWIa^ -■■Biii ■ SIill > II11 I >mi HlltOiSllM Miaiti 2 £ 5l 8ss>i<»" isssnft lam^tl tMJOWn tJP ^*4fcTtwTliss>lili ——M ■-t 99 KIAT atPMiaa wwjait*y anyw iay Oessa • m Be* m mtrnM'umtjn I GO.t llfflfll WOOL^^p^ tai gum iod ftu o- dW" llwrlttri elm *<< BEVAN & GO. t It THE CAiDDT mwisauas. a 21, DUKE, STREET, 'e i a I i r AND a j 76, ST. MARY STREET, c t I O ARDIFF, i t £ Hold without a single exception the ] LARGEST SELECTION! Of every description of Household Furniture, i Carpets, Floor Cloths, Door Mats, Heartb: I Bugs, Fenders, Fire Irons, Dinner, Tea, and | Toilet Sets, Pianofortes, Organs, Harmo- j niums, &c., i IN THB PRINCIPALITY, which their immense cash purchases enable i. them to sell at such marvellous prices as t to II DEFY ALL COMPETI- TION, their ever-increasing Business being the beat I possible proof that every effort is made to give to each customer the very highest satis- action. & s. d. Embossed Velvet Suites, from 3 17 6 Solid Oak Suites, in leather 8 10 0 Splendid Suites,in real solid walnut or mahogany, handsomely up- holstered in rich old gold or marone velvet 10 10 0 Handsome Birch Bedroom Suites, including wardrobe, with plate glass doors 10 12 6 Very Sp cial Ash Suites, with bevelled plates 12 17 6' Walnut Five P liar Oval Loo Tables 176 As the Largest Buyers of 2BASS & IRON BEDSTEADS in South Wales, they are able to offer those Goods folly 25 per oent under any other house. The extended Brass Foot Bedstead is a marvel of cheapness at 27* 6d only 11 Intending Purchasers, before buying else- where, are earnestly invited to call and inspect the celebrated OKftND PIANOFORTE, With brass wrest plank, iron frame, com- pensating trichord, celeste action, full com- pass, registered keys, trusses, plinth, walnut gold incised frame, and warranted for ten years, which, at the astonishingly low prioe of Thirty Guineas, stands UNRIVALLED I I 1 0' Common Pianelfortra 12 10 0 Iron Framed ditto. 21 0 0 4 i 11 j .i .i 11 Illaetrated Trw on appKeatiofc. AU geeds delitfcerami Wthin one hundred mi lee of Cardiff. Customers to the amoufet B e v &n & Co., ,n- A3 "THB CMBIFF FURNISBBRS," si. DUXt STREET. AND 76, Or- MARY STREET, O AB BJPF. >?N, :'s


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