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#- OBOROE'S 1MFA1HT FOWDEBS. Brynhyfryd, AbertTOB, Glam., Jan. 31. 1897. Dui SIB, Three jean aga one of my little boy., who had been convulsed for about avren weeks, was Urict given up by the doctor attending, when, an a laat resooroe, I telegraphed for a vopply of yoor Powders. The tfett of giving him one was indeed mmrvallovs, n less than twelve hoars he was free from Its, and has ntvsr had one sinti. I tuSeduf telliyoa I always keep a stockia hand, and sheald feel obliged by your winding"me another packet —stamps enclosed. Yours faithfully, B. W. LLOYD. Mf B A George, Ac. OPINIONS OF Tu PRMS. Babixs IN Hekbvordshiu.—The Registrar- General, in his recently isaaed "Quarterly returns," refers to the fact that the number of deaths of in- fants has been far lees in Herefordshire than in My ether connty, being only 66 out of every 1,090 births registered, while in other counties it ran from 154 tc 180 per thousand. This great local £ 1,000 RBWARD Will be paid to any person that will prove the above Powders contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. The Proprietor guarantees them perfectly harmless to the youngest babe, and that they are more active "an any in the market, one fair and unprejudiced trial will convince the most sceptical. Read the remarkable and interesting testimonials around each racket. For Fits, Convulsions, nflammation, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Vomitting, Bronchitis, Small Pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Fevers, and all the roubles while Teething, they will be found invaluable if given according to the special directions arouud each Packet. PROPRIETOR AN INVENTOR- I » JOL. GEORGES, Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist, « PENTRE and TON, Rhondda Valley. *■ blessing is largely due to the go f Herefordshire mothers giving their Infap "George's Infants Powders," or jfinropa Lift Preeervers," of which one ehemist alone in Ben- fordshire (Mr P. Ralph) sells more than all otkoi babies' preparatiODl" put together.—Hsr^bri Journal. Mr B.Gcobob'sMkdicaXI Prkpasitions.—With all the advantages of wide publicity, articles in them. selves worthloss can have no enduring hold on the public; bat if they be of value, then it only requires to stake them known in order to create and maintain for them the advantages of publie demand. This has been the own pre-eminently with Mr George's Medioal Prepwations-notably his Borqpa's Infant Powders, which have foaod their way throughout the Uaited Kingdom, the English Colonies, and the United States, and are appreciated by all heads of families who administei them to their little ones. Mr George, haviag found a remedy for the many ailments incideeta) to infants, deserves the acknowledgement of the public for his enterprise in making his preparation* known, and we are glad to hear that in addition tc the gratification be must feel by the many testi- monials he reoeives of the efficacy of his Infanta' Powders and Cough Balsam, his commercial re ward is secured.—Merthyr Telegraph, May 11,1887 CORNS CORNS! BBEuZB (Registered Trade Mark, No. S6996.) A Certain Cure for Corns. PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. CORNS CORNS! ,MU NDÄY'S "v 1 RID 1 N E' (Registered Trade Mark, No. S6996.) A Certain Cure for Corns. PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. COltNS I Th is icfallibleremedy introduced by J MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide _f__v.a, reputation. The efficacy of YIBJDiNE pJOBftS.I mfty jjg judged by its having Cared Corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resis- s-fORtfS 1 ted aH other remedies, v racoeeds where all Plasters and _rtOWQ Caustics have failed „ QORNS1 m REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. pORNS I TESTIMONIALS. From Mr. HOPKIS HOPKINS, Gors- pORNS! einon, near Swansea. Dux Sik,—I heartily congratulate you V^ORNS.l for your treatment for corns. The bottle of Viridine' yoo sent me some time ago OORNS 1 has proved almost rairacul<*is to the corns I had on my feet. It is exactly the remedy /-trtRNK! what you recommend it to be, and I hope it will become more known in the Prmct- _«,Ko polity, for there are, no doubt, hundreds of (j persons that would be glad to know of its ^JORNSI From Mdlle. MARIE MULLER, R NS Amsterdam, Holland. OORNS Ma MCNDAY, DEAR Sta,-T bought a bottle of your pORNS qeuniM 'Viridine' some six months ago in Paris which cored me,and as I am a prinei- ^ORNS pal dancer,yon know my feet are my living. C- The bottle I bought did the service you i recommended it, but I bought another one 1;°^ ° afterwards, which was forged and no good As I want a bottle of sreuuiiie foe a friend of ^"JORNS 1 miae> wh0 i8 nearly mad with pain, will yen please send me one direct.— fl IRK S !p JIdlle. MARIE MLLER. CAUTION.—As there are several imi- CO RN S Stations of this preparation, the pnMic Me; requested to ASK FOR 'i QORNS! M 0 N p; A Y^ T M VN CÓRNS And sEt THAT XT SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. /ABva t By ordering Com Cure y°J1l ™ay O receive pt»e of the many equalled rem which °P|y«ivt.T-t 80tD8 V/ worthless iositation of Viridine. BOTTLES, PRICE Is.; BY POST, ls^d. PBEPARED ONLY BY J M v N -0 A Y CHEM-IST, 1, high S THE E T, G'Ajt" p.„l F F. Soil by all Chemist's. GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS. TESTIMONY WtOM Íl iNOON. 13, c "o Place, ?.I 9 Li do llvqlv (A 11 ..1. Ao11doa.W:ç 11 July 24th, 1885. Dear Sir, Will you please forward me six of your Infants' Powders,$. packet isLtoa much I like to nave chesa freah. 1 find them invaluable, and always use them with the sanotion of our medioa man. By so doin^ you will oblige, Yours respectfully, C. EDWARDS B. A. GkoME, Bsq. A packet forwarded to any address for Is li B A. GEORGE, Medioal Hall, » t PentM, Panty^jrida, Giam. SWOLLEN IIIJDERS AI6 THE SC0D3. CORNER'S PINR'S DEVONSHIRE OILS >f For Sheep, B^5r3e3, and Cattle. f7' *RK B.»#t fir Sjy >ll>sr» U Uers, 0 >w A. ofcer-calvifl^. Iarataahfe to the Sh^pWd n the S'a^n of Limbing, for the Scour and C!J FS in SHSAttlNG. E ittiblianed 55 years.-Promptly used is anoqa^llad WWIT ew-Si'ililt m wlerwrf ailmeet eg anf id.aat. A fine EMBROOATIONtor Broken Knees, G ills,Gaaps, Bruises, Swelliags, Jmlamrnatioas, Spraias, Liuie- ness, Sprang Tendofta, &oi- Sold everywhere, frs Biwiw i» Iwabs masteredby Wie DJiVON ^OUi'OCXp. 2s. %D08t i35dv-C0^5SK'S MlMILY EMBROCATION for xs Wiita "t.fbi? Testimonial^ Proprietor, ••Rrftiafd *<5#nter.'Welhn^ton, Somerset, whose ei^- ^tA/frire feVrf'escb it U >C*fc8»MArk 'i)E,VONSLUB.& Jj '19' .Colliery O&eea,Car-iiS, ( ry MR HICHART> CORNER.—Dear Sir,—We huva pfe eurei n stating that we have for some tima P'13t bee using your DEVONSHIRE OILS for onr Horses, aad oor people advise n?, with very satisfactory results. We have over 70 Horses at our CoHi?ry. We have sent you a renewal of our Orders.—Ws are, dsar Sir, yoara raly GEO INSOLE & SON' TV. E. VAUGHAN & C0' STfll DYEING 1SD SMURN6 IORIS. bLlKDAFP ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch fUsUtkUshm&nts :— '7 HEEBTOVf*, 7 rjiDnrnn 448 flwTlu STEBST, r CABDIFF. d2,CO*IMEttOUL STREET, NEWPORT. 88, MiC.H SI'KKKT, NSVYPOfir. 27, Cr.SI^F oTKEKT, SWANSEA. A ole", for Rhonddct MR. J. H JHJMAS, TAILOR A DRAPER, ELaN Ad i 'EEI, PORTS. Breath Freely Sleep CalmlyII Francis' Asthma Powder Has nere^ failei. Gives in^aqt reli«d in #^see of BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH. WHOOPING COUQH, &c. See Testimonial* from Professional GentletMa and wchers who have tested the Marvellous Bffect of this Powder. Sold by all Patent Medicine Yendors, in tins'at 2^9, 4,'6. & 11/ Wholesale from W. Sutton & Son, 10, Bewchureh Yard, I Lesdon. Or to the Proprietor, GOAT S^RUT, HAVEElffORDWE&T. ~T i i § obtained m sa. »- 5 costs abont lid. eseh aMe.. TARAxAcum A" Podothywin—A liver medicine without mercury, ia a mixture of iniess of the nandrake and dandelion plants, goed for neMaebe, terpidity, costivenees, flatulence, heartburn, lnaiges* don, biliousness, repugnance to food, general ais- aomfort, depression, <fte. Pepper's Taraxacum P°do- sfavllin, by stimulating the liver with a most gentle ihtjon on the stomach, is the safest, most reliable medicioe. Bottles, 2s. Soli everywhere. Ipsist en having Pepper's. # i To Diuni Gbbt Hlnt-Socrafii's otu-hub HAii RESTORER produces a perfectly natural ahade in 11 low days. No hair restorer offered is equal t Ciockyer's Sniphor for its bea&S;tying, alewifn action on the hair, causing it alw* vs W Krow. J.JI> ø bottles, Is. 6d. Sold everywhere. DEAFNESS. Neisas in THE EARS, &C.-DELl.AB'" Bssiunce FOB DBAFMESS is still the only remedy o. 2ny real worth. Its power of clearing the ear dassazes and often relieving old eases has been proved luring a quarter of a oentury. Applied on cotton iool. Bottles, Is. lid- Sold everywhere 0 A DKLioHTrrL FLAVOUR.—CRACROFT'S AK^cf-lJuj FLAVOUR.-CRACROPT'$ AR TOOTH PAST.By using this delicious Afdlnatic Dentifrice, iheenamel of thh teeth becomes white, wand, Y* eedhi^j hragrant, and specially useel for removing lncrusta- lions of tartar on Bcaiected teeth. Sold by -11 2 e Q LIVER CoMrLAiK-r.—Three-fomrths of onr functional derangements are caused by interruption of the liver's ac^oa< A*»w dcajs.qf Rjuyj's Pakdeliok AND Gijikine Iiv^f ^ts, Were art, p a %c*tent remedy. 1 bey perform all the bfeneffts of meVcftry. without any of its disadvantages and dangers Dr. King's Pills tefMJUe all Jiver and stemach com plaints, biliousneaBi heiaiehe, sickness, shoulder ppins, heartburn, indifjestien, donStipattOn, so ensur fng perfect health. These old-fashioned Pills still keep • ahead of all othdra as the great Ur«r reipe^j- Sold everywhere.. Dia. ][Lln quinine, without mercury, are far above all others M the surest, mildeet mains of removing indigestion, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions and irregularities «f the liver 8.04 stomach, so wisurwi^ perfect bealtiu &. Kingtt Fittl, are *t& eve# yhere 71. To STOP CocoHBHO, a few doses of PtpMa' WniTt CeueH MIXTVBE afreets the most treubleso me ftt of fcoughiog, restoring relief and tranquillity to the irritated membranes and aisjjassages. Southing. eemforting, ah3 demuloe&t, its wtiuu is quite dt £ F*r ent frem>ovduMcy Qqngji Kemedies. Bottles- Sold sverywhw^e^v r j, v' FOB Gabolino THB THBOAT Akd MOUTH, n.i.' great service for sore throat, whether inflammatory, relaxed, or^e«f»t^U Tannia Gargle ia strongl* t > commended to speatort, singers, &c. as greatly pre kervative and sustaining. It ia also a valeaiiif pnriSer Vi aiswth;«wksl^ bei ig sinaolaxly agreeabiK. ietringft^t, and cleansing. Bottles. Sold every- iwhere Q Sl SulVhoijnb SOAP IS A TOILBT SeA»-C<*rt*Arsjs« iSulpholxne.—It is a delicately refined, chemically ,pXT Soap, intended for general use, and is free from ithe injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, ir.iper 'fectly prepared soaps. Snlpholine.^oan ia excellent for washing at all times and rendering the skm soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets, 6d. each. Sold every (There -r r-T —: LB ;• To ENSCBB Clbas Sxin—Sulpholine Lotion cler !ef all imperfections in a few days. Spots, Blemisat Irritating Objectionable Appearances.^Redness Rouzhness, Tan, Uncomfortable Skin Disfigure meats Ac., however olsatioa^ entirely fadeaway leaving the Skin inoot^transfcreiA s^ple, J»tnr|l and healthy. Perfectly harmleee. S*lphoHne w delkthtfelly fragrant, cooling and refreshing conn teraete effects of weather, softens, and preserves Beitlaa 8a. 3d. atold everywhere. C:.]Rxs, Bothoks, AND Bslaroed TOB JOINTS.- r\j. TtT.t»'» ÇOaH AND Bunion Plasters are the ouly remedy. They differ from all plasters, saields,^ compositions ever invented. By instantly softronic the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the eorn soon fallowing. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require neofce ti#e forjwrfect cure, but Ue kction is eertan. Bosii. S«d hf Chemiafca &*■ cvexifwhere. a Z* A IOIDlliUL MEDICISR BS8CHAITS PILLS 0 ,.X.- Wi PILLS.OT -Nolow"N". Aze admitted by thousand Go be werth a (him a bos foe tffiMU and Bervoaedie- erdecs, each as wind and pan ba tbe stoaaeh, tick heada«he|Biddineee,fUllneae and ewelitng after meals, diaeinees and drowsiness e<MdSQ«, flushings of heat, lew el appetite, shertneea ef Khnln, eoetiveneee, seurvy.Notehee en the akifc, dieturbed sleSf, frightful •ream#, and alt nervous a*i IremMisensations, *e. fW |retdeee»nM j^vere- Befki teeeti Mfeufes. Thje is no ftetfon, for they have daae k in theneanda m eases. Every iuleftr if *e^|ii% l»nM to trl one ISRfsKrr" Fee feesaleeef -all ankj)M^ l*Uls an Invaluable, as a few doses egrry eSafti RMtSf hnaieaH, open ^1 obetraction*, ant bctnf i|siMfl jwi« tMuired. B# female.ehould b« with#M4h«r. T|ei^i< no fctedicl* to be found to equ^J BEBHUMf PILLS for re- movieg any olMjiruqHflp ot WNflHaeity ef the system, ptaken aey^ng the. ditejiKSi pfvsa^with each bee mslose fsjuilys o<all a^ea to found Per a whak stomaoh, Imnsiwd difestion, and all tfeewlors of the liver, uiAr aoHtite "MAGIC," ind a few eoeec %H1 be found te Work wend^vs upon the moet important onpm'Mmt hunan|M^nM- THey strengthen tl|e Wfcele' sytfMt, teetore the BUD of heaUh Jk9 lMle ^»y<Heal energy of the human frame. HHMnain "PAGTI" admitted by lbo«isands e*bm(Be| Awes «| aooieiy; and e>ne sf the bent anMiipSfl| ittnerN<is and debilitated is 3eeekai«S MbMiAe MBgeat sale of any CeegSa%- mIISo' COUGH PILLS. nx^MHNMipbte^lnMiuiMiili diffi* mlty of preafhiog, of Breath, Tigbtness »d Oppreseion in m Owl, Wheeeing, Ac., these PSls adrn^vaiMrj^MlMrpnelabouring uxader any if the oom|lsl|psjyi jpnly try OneJBo* to Ast^mi^e^nd Ckneamptive Coughs, H^Mnese, tad Oppression of the vheet. They speedily remove hat stase of oppression and difficulty of breathing fhieh nightly deprive the patpnt of rest. They give dinest instant relief and eoibfort to those afflicted vith the above du|rseeing add, when neglected, dan- gerous oomplaiMk Let a^ny person troubled with my of the above oomplaints grre Bnaouai's Cooon ftua a trial. Tbe^nost violent Ooogh will fi 1 short time be CairTXOK.—The publie are nqueeted to potioe that he words, "Baad^A»'s tius, Bt Selen s,' are an he Government Stanu) tiSxed to eaeh box «f the Pills. If not mey agalengen. Prepared only, sedq wnaliwls and retail by the nropnetot, T. Boeppaw, Chemist, Bt. HekaXLnaea* ihire, in boxes Is. lid. and Ss. 9a. eaeh. Bent post toe from the procmlor for 16 or W stamne.—Soli by ill Druggists and Patent Medieine Dealers in the Ungdom. JfrB.-Fun HlllilM B» gtm "«lhMMllbOX. DR. RICHTER'S PAIN EXPELLER GOtfT.LIJMBAGO SCIATICA, relief and,car" etp, STRAINS, in^^Me"pf o'd co Li> s, A trial will prove iti ua.sur- &Q passed effioacy. 1 '1 Jj ( i'fi, 0f all 1/3 & wAF1 yenchux^-st., wf Beware of, ffufystitu.tes bearing a similar C.tN.,BR-OBTA r:Rn W.. i KEY,,89 andj 60, Taff St, Pontypridd. CONSUMPTION AND ITS FINAL CURE. Two Sondred axtd T^fty Thousand Copies have now been iasued of MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S Work on CONSUWIPTIPKI Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, & other Chest Diseases, &tXPE*'Ctw- FtfffJ}. from the Pirbttatier, ( ELLIOT 8T0CK. 62, Pqt*r;notter+ftow, London, E.G. JUST PUBLISHED, the APPENDIX mi I'X- To the above Treatise, being a reprint of between Two nsRl Three Hundred INTERESTING & AUTHENTIC CASES selected from these which have appeared in the Weekly Journals fjom 1881 to the present time. NOTE8 are appended Us many of Ineso cases wwcS~ pmve the Cure to be FINAL and PERMANENT." This Appendix sent POST FREE on application Whe^ior only. CJ^UBE LODQE^CKM^. WILLIAMS' (Pvn tarda we) HS i XMM HK £ N0E»i For amrlT Tklrty Yean tki* hjffhjj nUmbls Brjnedj haa mat wlta tke iiuewi. Tm aCwt nog WWk, ■■ Deliokta Children (often fWsa up u la«mbU) li like BM •trooy, healthy, audllT«ly,th« prld*, luteM *i of hM gnardiaaa. ronrauieat form la a rraat "W. HVKE»aoi,yiw of Howdem." m Sold «l Iid., ISJd., and }«. 3d. per box, by molt OMiM; HB or for 14 er S4 tiampt,Jrem HI J. DAVIE8, Chemist, 80, Hia« Stieet, 8WAN8BK. BR A LI8t ot. TeAtimoalall, k. on AppKcati nti1OT?riTT,,G! PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO t "j" It is more than Gold to me,-it saved my Life." WHAT WILL IT DO P If Y08 soffer PAIN in the BACI and LOINS, or between the WHAT WILL IT DO j, S«OULD**S. this remedy will effectually remove them. S5 a? IJ S2 P If 7°a mre doubled with Irsitatiow of the Bladoer, SpppbmMOji Zuav w ti TT- nn P aBd Rbt,,ktion of the water' St0N1 orGravbl, the Onlt 8AM « "fm JfXp effeetnal Remedy *V*B Offkbbd TO thk Wokld is Gaonan's i»r WHAT WILL IT DO* nod Qraysl Film. WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP H the water is Hi ^Coixjubkd, THICK, and depositing maob WHAT WILL IT DO ? Sbbim«»T, lose no time,? cure a box of Georob's PILLS, and you WHAT WILL IT DO? will soen be EIGHT again. W dAT WILL If DO P It yoiitr Xidneys an litver are slnggiah and oat of order, wh^t wni JJ nn I Remedy will gently stl lllttte these important organs, ope* a-r w, r fi o UP thair Cloq&hd Passagbs,a•„ promote the secretion of health) Sa" {? SS' "k"v"<unu«0 WHAT *\LL IT DOP y°* are • martyr to iBfflS-estlon, BilflOUAnes«t WH AT-WffcL IT DO P Cong.ttpatloil, you have a 8ubk Remedyjin GSOSGK'b Pills. WHAT WILL IT DO P If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, such as Piles, Con* WHAT WILL IT DO? St paton, Flatulence, Colic, you have here a Remedy WHAT WILL IT DO P you can always rely upon. WHAT wii't' tt nnp If you suffer from Palpitation, and are afraid that your WH A rj'WILL IT DO ? H*akt is affected, yon will find these Pills an EFFICACIOUS Rsusnx. WHAT 'WILL IT DO ? If you suffer from Headache and Giddiness, Gecrge I WHAT WILL IT DO fills will remove these PAINS sooner than any other knows WHAT WILL IT DOP medicine. WHat w1! ]% nop wi lfiy°U have ?al" Eafl"Sr. feel Drowsy and wh 52, Mstless, one dese of George s Pills will act like a charm. ll JL »» Xljld 1 1 i/W f Td* wa jm j WblAT WILL IT DOP If .yo"r F00!1 tllrns »*onr and rises into the mouth, a fd» WHAT WILL IT DOP «>«• os tins Bemedy wiU make joar troablasa thing of tbe past. WHAT WILL IT DO? If you feel Wervous, Excitable, and Low Spirited WHAT WILL IT 00? a perfect Antidotk will be found in George's Pills, Sb r' !t SAP c I £ jou have a Disagreeable in the mouth, a 25^ T Wii r TT no P Binolk Dosr of George's Pite and Gravel Pills at bed-time will clear wrrr r^ n^» fche ton?ae before the dawn of another day. WHAT wiLiLi ll lAjr a. WH AT WILL IT DO ? lf S,C«P »»ls to you Rest. Try George's Pills. Tn.y WiJl Wh aT WILL IT Do P make y°ur bed eaay« 8leeP refreshing, and RSVIVB your STRENGTH. WHAT WILL IT DO? If you feel undt for Exertion, f^eak, and Limn, this WH AT i WILL. IT DO? Remedy will restore your ENBBGY a. I Stekngth, and will make W H AT-WILL IT PO ? abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT ef yc > • life. WM AT-WILL IT DO WHAT*WILL IT DO* illo "j°nU#ar!-fcr<>UbKd at the wh iT WII I, TT no tborypt- Ot eating a box. of <• G&or^e s Pills ?ill make yov meat aad WHAT WILL IT DOP drink loll P>vonRt and Pt*A3A»T. WHAT WILL IT DOP It y*i»i Blood is impure, it; will keep >pen all the imnorfeati What WILL IT DOP outlets of tKe b*dy, and thus ijive free exit all Gao33 Hcjkodbs • WHAT WILL IT DO? and no more Blood Impurities will be seen burSti»e WHAT WILL IT DO through the Skin in Pimples, Blotches, Sores WHAT WILL IT DOP Boils. WHAT WILL IT DO P In thousands of case* it has removed from the Blood r/wit WHAT WILL IT DO? branch, Rheumatic, Scorbntic, Scrofulous Taintf WHAT WILL IT DO ? that had defied all ether Remedi&s. lamt8 WHAT WILL IT DO? If you have a tendenoy to Oropsica! Sivellini»-« tbi. WHAT WILL IT DO? Remedy, by its action upon the Kidnsts and SKIN, will soon bring Am w,IL,L If you feft,re of Breathing-, this remedy wiL WHAT WILL IT DO ? prove a friend to you in the hour of need. ^ILL IT DOp It wifl fllu^fige your constant ailing to freedom from Bain what it no I tJ ^1! °tans?e the 8al.lclT con,P,eiian t0 tne bloom Of health. W 5 rn T r ™ ? Ifc wlU y°ur sickliness to vigour; your languor to acfc.Vit^ WHAT WILL IT DO? and yt>nr general debility to firmness of smew and muscle WHAT WILL IT DO? it is Aperient, and therefore will remove Consti. WHAT WILL IT DO? pation. it is Antilvillons, and will, therefore cHZHS ii WHAT i^lLL IT O0» rregalarities of the Liver. It it Oiuretic, and will,' therefor^ WHxl Irr rr ^ep open the water pas^s. Ifc 18 TonlC, and will, thareW .v. WILL IT D9;» pve tone and vigour te the Di»«3Titjs ORGANS. It >B mnaH WHAT WILL IT DO ? Puri^in^ aad » erve-Strenrthenlnir • it is tJll?* WHAT WILL IT DC ALL YOU WANT. S Winjf it is, therefore These Wort Pdh w sola in Bates 1/U and m 0aeh MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S GRA TEFUL-COMFORTINGo COCOA MADE.WITH BOILING MILK. South Wales Emigration Office, Poiityp". JAMES ROBERTS fcTGElNfcb t> Pi8$B^G E K AG^&T, Bo^ks 4>all" part§ of the >otll and 'by afl lines of U'eamers. American Paasos exchanged free of cost, and his fasseusera are met in Liverpool by Mspon^ble Agent on their arrival, and conducted to the Steamers LOWEST FARES TO ALL PAR VriO^ —" WORLD QUOTED •■ j. C'. A ■ .iari<Mia DsS PONTTFRIDD. • JOHN OBOOKEBU & Co. occabin d t!-06 BISuBrs. r^S\elUbierfor A$v&t •JFwfaratt. Goaih *Jpt 1 'folldren'i Funeral. Wreaths in great vcmrtj 2- c Polished Oak Coffins with Whitt Trim. & *«*■ side from Pontypridd, Hopkinstown, Coedpeanaaen, Chainworin aad -Two- forsst to Cemetery ir ?oech to earry 6 inside and ehiid's ooftn outside from above plaoes to Oemetacr ga i I MEDICAL ADVISER. I r.. (Baautifally IUa3tratedj7" rast i>Tee-mcth Stetche* ani De.aitt for Self From ''e' u'lder covers> 6 stamps J. WILLIAM3, Medical Pdblisheb, P.M.V. 22, SIA.RIS0H4L §T., ABERDEEN. THE PACKET MEDICAL ADVISER, f' J or the Self-treatment of Nervous and Fuitc- **onat-Attmcnts,tndux;ed bit Ooertmrrk, Worry Excesses, and other enervating influences, and their Associated Evils. BY THE NEW LOCAIj TREATMENT A country parson writes thus" Your Guide | ourad myself and many parish ioners.' I, ff||| Suffekebs should procure this handy Referen [ on various Ailment9, and thns avoid d tors, etionib% mbEllcine.-Gazettee Vide— Mejdj^ajAdviaer~ -r.¡ THE PUBLIC HEALTH it fs of the utmost importance. Nothing can pre- like,Hughes' b^.nn pILLg. Try a of taem and yon will be convinced of their marvellous influence for all Blood, Skin, and Nerve disdases. t'rice la. ltd. 2s. 9d., and 43. 61. Of all medicine vendor. j Cadbuky Bros, direct attention to the Dutch cocoas and other English imitations, sold aslpnre Cocoa, to which about 4 per cent, of Alkali and bther igen< £ .are add.ed^toAiua anparent strength t6 the iiqoOr; by makini iftfitl?colour. This a djition may bo detect^.ljUBAscJbt when a n is f^phljt opened. No Cocoa can be stronsrert han Oad bhry's* which i3 guaranteed ABSOLUTELY PUliS i 'ippilMioiii v.vea positive remedy for the above disease byltstia# "I1" Gt CaSCS °f thb worst kind and of long1 etaadi* .n e K-eu cured, Indeed, so strong is my faith in its efliejuat ";ltr n"* TWO B0TTLES FREE, together with* _lliKATISls; on this dnwass to any suffer ■■jive Address m lull. Dh. T. A. SI.OCUM, fit HumTteeC*. barrin^-don Street, Loadooa N. Berry and ? COllET IIIDS; UPIOLSrBBKBSL AND GUIIUL HOUSE FURNtSHEtNC 84, QUEEN STREET, CARDIPr. AM NOW SHOWING AX f jgKOBMOUS collooties of BIDftOOM l>itM im < • I ERAII8LLm> Pise, trim 118 I gOLID Ask from r 11 gATIN Walnut, frem 7 IS # ^HXBiiaiX Walaat ,) JJABOflumr and other Woof, I J^IJTINQ 8M. SuitMV 021L. DITTO with Staled Back Chw% jjy c gADDLB Bee Ekitee, gOLID Walaat Frames 10 If a JJRA.WING JUea taite*, ftro. I 19 O QHSFFIONIHKS otMateKfromt f « \j JJUCE5BSH Staads aad Tables S !• • l V SS Ball Badsteads, fall du J^UVDIBDS of Bedsteads to selaoi finwiit. pBATHHK Beds, fromg &o/- QHAIN Spring Mattresses, from ZIT/S. UPHOLSTIIRED do., On make, from a»-]f QHKST8 ef Drawsnu J' V ■yyARDlOBIS, pINR Glasses, bed Stock in Ckrdif, B aUSSIIL Carpets, from 1^11^ TAPASTRY Carpote, from Mtf. I j^IDDBRfilNSTBB Oarpeto, FELT and other Carpets, TTARTE Bi,fs to osatih, jJASIOCIJ aad Footetoola, I.jm.L. Sots, from J/6, TTJA Sets, from 4/6, »T r pi" Born t4it /1LAS8 Dishes ia all siaea, • 1 oi jj"^ABiQB Stoek of Glass "aad Chisa^. jBONMONGBBY, Oatlerj, JNlBCTBO Plated (Sood*. ,)WR" B«lo«ted Bteek ak » /» pKlCES. tii at defy Oenapetitioq^ TMMBNSt Assortment of JlUBIHriSHING Neveltiee, CLOCKS, Breaxes, Yases, Plaques, JlLOWHR Staads, jjiAckBTS, ,nJ ^NOBMOTTS AtMortment <tf jjUNCY Goods, in fact the "yERY Best Shop in "Y^ALBSjfer those who "P REFER to Farnish well at the J^OWhsT Possible CoBt. J^STIMATBS„Free. Carriage paid oa slE. ij FUIlNISHING Orders, gATISFACTlON Guaranteed U E .110 TTOOSE PUENISIEE8 JP 'Wasii T V1 o-i N. BERRY ANDCffl QUEEN STREET.