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GEORGFS INFANT- POWDERS. Brynbyfryd, Aberavon, Glam., Jan. 31, 1887. '&SAB Six, Three years ago one of my little boys, who Bad been convulsed for about seven weeks, was twice given up by the doctor attending, when, as a iMt reaunroe, I telegraphed for a supply of your I Powders. The effect of giving him one was indeed marvellous, n- less than twelve hours he was free from fits, and has never had one since. I needn't ielljyon I always keep a stock in hand, and should ,Joel obliged by your sending me another packet -stamps enclosed. Yours faithfully, R. W. LLOYD. Mr B A George, &c. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. BABIES IN BEREFORDSHIRE.-rrhe Registrar- general, in his recently issued "Quarterly returns," refers to the fact that the number of deaths of in- 'fantB has been far less in Herefordshire than in any other county, being only 65 out of every 1,000 %irths registered, while in other counties it ran from 154 tc 180 per thousand. This great local £1,000 B,E-aT A.:EI,K:» Will be paid to any person that will prove the above powders contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. — The Proprietor guarantees them perfectly harmless to the youngest babe, and that they are mort active than any in the market, one fair and unprejudiced trial will convince the most sceptical. Read the remarkable and interesting testimonials around each packet. For Fits, Convulsions^ nflammation, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Vomitting, Bronchitis, Smallpox, Scarlatina, Measles, Fevers, arid all the roubles whileTeething, they will be i'ound invaluable if given according to the special directions around each Packet. PROPRIETOR AN INVENTOR- SB. A. GEORGE, Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist, PENTRE and TON, Rhondda Valley. I"? Herefordshire mothers giving their "George's Infants Powders," or .rivpa Life Preservers," of which one chemist alone in Here- fordshire (Mr P. Ralph) seils more than all otlei babies' preparations put together.—Hereford Journal. MR B.Georgk'sMedjcal Preparations.—With all the advantages of wide publicity, articles in them- selves worthless can have no enduring hold on the public; bat if they be of value, then it only requires to make them known in order to create and maintain for them the advantages of public demand. Thi3 has heea the case pre-eminently with Mr George's Medical Preparations—notably his Europa's Infant Powders, which have found their way throughout the United Kingdom, the English Colonies, and the United States, and are appreciated by all heads of families who administer them to Ifceir little ones. Mr George, having found a remedy for the many ailments incidental to infante, deserves the acknowledgement of the public for his enterprise in making his preparations known, and we are glad to hear that in addition to the gratification be must feel by the many testi- monials he receives of the efficacy of his Infants' Powders and Cough Balsam, his commercial re ward is secured.—Merthyr Telegraph, May 11,1887 ZPI NEW MUSIC SHOP PONTYPRIDD. NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOR PIANOFORTES FROM lOg MONTHLY. < THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMITED, F QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. &0., &Q« 4 i 1 t i r— ITEW HIRE SYSTEM FOE AMERICAN ORGANS FROM 10s ^MONTHLY. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LIMIT ED. 1'1< jÀlo:c NEW HIRE SYSTEM FOR HARMONIUMS PROK tOe MONTHLY THOMPSON & SHACKELL, iiilif ED. T LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OVT- OF LONDON TO SELECT FROM. Jfctt Catuloyue with PhtUpraphs and full# detmled particulars, sent, fstfree, &» mppUtation— THOMPSON AND SBAOKXSIX, LIMITED, 06, TAFF ST., ^'Oiq'T-5rFE/X3DX) N.B.-Liet or Ba»«ains for Cash jast published Tuning orders promptly attended to. GRAND Display of SPRING FASHIONS 1 c.' ■- t ■ %■' ^iUi-jLur £1.. i (' ¡. J HI1HE .BROTHERS, Queen Street, Cardiff, i*- l&te, y ■< ARE NOW SHOWING ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES IN .nties, Jackets, Costumes, Millinery, Straw Hats uand Bonnets, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, s Materials, Washing Dress Fabrics, Black and Fancy Silks and Velvets, Sunshades and Umbrellas. ALSO the yeey jjest Value in Every description of Household Drapery A VISIT RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. I ■PATTERNS peST FREE. TEltMS-CASH. MEDICAL ADVISER. I (Beautifully IlUstrated)~ Post tree with Sketches a<id Travis f°r Self Cure, (wider cover;, 6 stamps ^"wiLLlAMS, Mesical Publisher, P.M.Y., I, MAr.I30kAL 8T..ABBBPBBH, THE RSCKET MEDICSL ADYISER. ur! q..if treatment of Nervous and Func- n ts, induced by Overwork, Worn, Excesses, aud other enervate fences, and TREATMENT- a k ai 1 Hl-luring 'self-cure' without re- 1 "TZlmni ?«"»" »tito" has cared myself and many parisjimi^rs. Sufferers should procure this handy jdlments, and thus avoid doctorB' 'flaa and objectionable medioine. Gazettee —" Yia<>_Medical Adviser. au r •* f THE PUBLIC HEALTH Is of the wtinest importance. Nothing can pre. serve it like HUGHES' Try a box of them and yon will be convinced of their marvellous influence for all Blood, Skin, and Nerve diseases. Price lB. l$d, 23. 9d., and 4s. 6i. Of all medicine Venders- CABBUEY BRds. direct attention to tile Dutch Cocoas and ether English imitatiana. aøX as psre Cocoa, to which about 4 per cent. of AHsali and other agents are added, to give appareat strength jo the liquar, by raakiag it a dark colour. 1U13 a dditioa may b*. detected by the scent when a iu is freshly epened. No Cocoa can be sti^ager t'aaa (Jaa bury s which is guaraataed ABSOLUTELX PUtlB ^iNSUlMPflOlh '°t; have a positive remedy for the above disease by its II. ^iousaiida of cases of the worst kind and of long etaadiaj have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith in its efficacy that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with* VALUABLE TREATISE on ttiis disease to any suffered r Give Address, in full- BE. T. A. SLOuUM* fib £ arriagdon Btnet, Lowlon. 4.— M l.. INFANTS1 POWDERS, Marvellous are the effects of "GEORGE'S INFANTS POWERS" Upon the Infant System. They are not only the very best and safest Medicine mothers can give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act &8 a oertain Specific for Fits, Mamnation, Broicfeitis, DUr rji«a, Siall-wi,$mm< „ Measles, Ac., 4c.3 !frJ Sold by most Chemist*, im pMheta. JIlt, or from the Ptwpdetef, B. GEORGE rasTU, rosTrrmra Dritish School, Tetrad Skendfe, Nev. 17th. 1m Dear Mr George, Please*accept my most siaeere thaaks fee the Powders that yoo sent me, for I really seas Met that they have saved the life ef oar little Maggie, who had all the symptoms of Convulsions, whiok began to abate in LBdS THAN AN HOUKAFTBE SHE TOOK THE FlBST DOSK. I beg tsoet heartily to commend them to every mother <Mt<M best medicine I. have ever seen Me<t. Years obediently, I, W. (i. •INFANTS'JSWBERS. Imh* m **& g——Hr » nP^nu, refers to th| (aet ihe ilaMprvel deathe -of to* fMtaliM bee» watoss in Hecefori. üire i« ««y «th*r «omnty, being oa|r 96 oai-of •»ai7 ihemnd birth* npiUrtd, ^liiili'tp otlier eountiM it rah ftem § £ {Lto 180 per thoosaad. This W—l fcoa*bteesinir *s larger ^ae toHto^upwial ptoetfoeerBei e JWfshire ■MiN|iihi| eheir iafaats "Qiomc'» bnairw' »eir»p«||of wh«eh«Mehe> ■W aloae In tiEtoefordahke (Mr P. ■at^b)e*He«iere nu all«ther habiee' praparaMeasjrmt together. The above «ve a few of the many • the«sa»d egpreesiiuis «f the public ae U^he irii esteem to which they are fceli bf who fcave teirted their ondeabtea power apoa infants and resag obud"S. tMMwMM.—The Proprietor wishes those tint give asosaz's mr ants' potobes a trial, to understand that the imt dose often prod noes Tesaftfag, this most net alarm them; it is only a proof that the medioine is prednetng hoeetnieaeete. enow.—When you ask for GEORGE'S INFANTS' POWDERS See that y&a get them, as other appa- rently cheap bat worthless smbetitates may be offered by nnprinoipled par- ties. Every qenuine packet has the proper label, and the Inventor's Sig. nature written on the Oeveraoeat Stamp. Nonet.—The tWo OEGS'S INFANTS' POVDERS is copyright, and registered nnder the Trade Marks Aot. Avoid all Soothing Syrups and øo- called Powders containing Opium they kill more infants than all the diseases pat together. Bad by wet Chemists and Madutina Vendors everywhere, at 1/11 jjMr pmchet, THE LATEST MARYKL Mr B. A Georak,— Dear Sir,—Be vood enough te forward ne another jfrosa of yoar 'Coagh Balsany' the ult> of which is flttJidly i nor easing ti this district.; indeed, 1 h,vo never known any Coagb M*>iicu-e that has se^jniekb obtained so grv*i.t a atJe, "!lid gives ills aniversal eatiBfa^uoH. I ant, dear Sir, YfMre filitatehy, P HIIJIAP EALPB. filgh Town, Heief&H!. •in^nst^'liSTrS- I ADVERTISE Y A IN THE Hi, .A ,« t.jt _,°'



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