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CC 11NSi Kewff2TgI1Tys3fe rns. PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. (JORNS t QORNS! QORNS.! CORNS I QORNS I CORNS 1 £ JORNS! QORNS! QORNS QORNS.! QORNSI CORNS QORNS QORNS! CORNS i CORNS I Q DRjN S CORN3 QORNS! CORNS! CORNS! CORNS! This infallible remedy introduced uy J ■ MUNDAY has obtained,» reputation. Tlie efficacy of Corns tnav he indeed by its having Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing, whicn had resis- »« H— -» Canstics have hiled C!°N RB'S0Y?NG BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. 7 ES TIM JXIALS. From Mr. ROPKIN HOPKINS, Gars. einon, near Swansea. DEAR SIK-I heartily congratulate yon for vou- treatment for corns. Tne bottk of ViridLue' you sent me some time a-o has proved almost «ir^uloas tothecoi na I had on my feet. It is exactly the re.nedy what vou recommend it to be, anal n p it will become more known *n *ke *nniB j nalitv for there are, no doubt, hundreds o persons that would be glad to know of its Mdll.. MAEIE MULLBE, Amsterdam, Holland. dHh SiSr-i^bonRht a bottle of your rtenuine Yiridine' some six mouths ago in Paris which cnred me,and as I am a Pr1?"* pal dancer,yon know mv feet are my livm, Ke bottle I bought did the service you endid it, but I bo»„htpother afterwards, which was f<>Wd *™J Aa I want a bottle ot geuMne for a friend ot mine, who is nearly tnad with pain, will you please send me ^edire^^ MLLER CAUTION.—As there are several imi- tations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR MUNDAY'S ee V t RID I N E," And 811B THAT MY MSN ATUBE IS on the end of 'Corn Car.' jot. N.Y receive oae of the many so-called rem edieb which only gWe rehef. or lome worthless imitation of I Yiruune. IN BOTTLES, PRICE la.; BY POST, Is. PREPARED QNLYBY J M u N u A Y HIGH ST^E^cARDiFF. told by att Chermsts. r> -« RI V ADVERTISE iwiffI vfJyo/J in the '.EANIXUE I CHRONICLE." "O-P GEOR IHFAHIS; fOWDERS. A X f- <6|5J^MTONT PKOTT LUNUFJN. i. 13, Cosmo Place, Quaes'* Square, Dear Sir, Will yon please furvraid roe six of jonr Infant*' Howlers. A packet is toe ranch 1 like to have tuem freeh. I FINO-them invaluable, and always 886 tfcera wibh ihe sanction of < ur modicm nan. By so doiD" yon will oblige, <T •» 'J 1 j? ) 1 Yours RESPECTFULLY, } J B. A. Gaoses. Ihq, A packet forwarded to any address for Is Is B A. GEOKGH, Medial Hall, Paotire, OSiam IV K VAUGHAN & Ce), STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. j INLAND A.PF-HOAD, CAR DIFF. j Branch Rxt iblisk /RTE.-TW — ^7 CE^CKHEBBTOWN, cahdIPP. 448 !l'v.Tb 8TKKKT j 42, CMLLMK:RCLAL 8TRBET, NEWTOiU. 8Si DICVH St'REBT.-NBWPOAT 17, 0 S&L F HEBT, SWAM si KA. Ay&)> for 'UwwJda:- XL J. H rHJMA8, TAILOR A DBAFIIR, IDAN^ATI r •AAI,4T>O«RH. I Breath Freely Sleep^CalmiyIf Francis' Asthma Powier Bu nsrer failed. Gives insi'aat rtitiat iu easas of MONcarns. ASTTF 4k. CATATTRE, WKMOPIJFG OOOGH, tte. 1), See Tontion,nial.; from Profe*«iot>«.l G9at)lev«eM and others who have tested tiio Marvelious Effect of (bi-j Powder. Sold by 111\ Patent Medicine Venders, in tias'at 2-9, 4 & 111-. W:Johule f".):n W. Sutton k S >*i, 10, B ifehiroh Y.u,d,J L^n l in. Or to thi Prop-i^-or, GOAT ST IE 3 F, H\VS!{,"0^D\VK3T. » — r. ..—— WO :I K WORK WD! Very li&fcKvw.jrlc y-»a nn Ii., \V"1il.. yoar bloo i i ini:}Tir< f >r <lia->t«o in so 11 > i.»r n 1'- O'IO;' i« STM.I- I ia'» a .Irqv+r. h->M on v »;k ■* Parify bio^d without d«'-fliy bf n^in-j ilrci.i >' Bt.ood Pills," waieh f ir surpi s t'l ot r « DIES FOR TFI9 BL PRI-3» IT. L.J- I., •'♦ V.. I'D 4- Cd., of all ti\edici-n3 vard ira. I, ADVERTISE IN T TS DROSICLE A YlONDERFUL NEOiCiM. BEECHAM'S PILLS CH [to/ -i P7 J!ATENT I?1 PILLS, ml Are admitted by thoaiand to be worth a Guinea a box for billions and nervoos dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddin ess,fullness and swelling after meals, l^isBiness and drowsiness^ aold chills, flushings of heat, toes of appetite, shortness of breath, costivedenti, 64snrvy Jblotches on the ekib, disturbed sleep, frightful dveamp, and allaervoas and oemblings, sensations, Ac. The first dose will fivt, re- Hefin tweatyminutes. Tki.4 is no ftotlou, tor they bay#, done it in thonsands of cases. Everv safierer uresra^tly inrirked to trl one box of these PiUA^d th«y wUl 4>e-aeknowledgea «o be WOB|m GUINEA A BOX. « For feeafa^HwM th«ss t^iils are invaluabfo, aa a few doseHH^ta AH (^rass hatnours, open all obstractions. ab*ai-all that« reqaired. female should be without them. Titere is no^eSicI^u to be found to equ^l BBEQ^tAJ^S PILLS for re- moving aqy obstruction orirregful^rity of the system. If taken according to the dirss|ioBB given with each bee thpy will soon Restore females of all ages to sound and ^abust health. • IW a wfeak stomach, imeajbed dicesiion. and all iiteBiess of the liver, they act like fMAGIC," And a few doses will be found fo work wondars upon the nost important orgaas «f tbs hanaxKnaohine. They sttencthen the wfaole masealar' system, restore the long loøé-oømple., bn»| back the keen* edge of appetite, sod ares— Mfco aqfaon with the JROSk- BUD ef health »b« «Mi J&jsisal energy of the human frame- HmM IP* ^JTACTS" admitted by Hi ill iniiti'i i«t— diMHii ofseeiety; and one of the best ganrasitesi 4* lb# aervfus and debilitated to IReech nlba IMMW 4be 1 ■cgest sale of any patent iggdidnlehsj^i BEECHAM'S^'MASO €OU€H PILLS. As a reme^jr far ttoMlMl> tfWIniil. Awthwia, diffi- mky of Rteathing, jKogtaiess of Breath, Tightness i»d Opprtssiao ia Vkmt, Wbeewflg, <fec., these Pills are ntfnM; aflHV OMlsbdiiRDg under any if the above samplitots psea only try One Box to mrve that they ^rjpM beat.fvst effaced the pablio !or(Asthmatic and CewMnpwreOeaghe, Hoarseness, to4 Oppression of the ObesL Tfcey speedily remove fc* sense nf IjlMilHijri iiffletfifty ef IrMHuAg r^oh nichtly deprive the patient of rest. They give Spheaib^l»»I lifng ffl^3isjTa%l»ETFF^S £ {stpes eempif»nwT .hi tv fasfon tenbled with my of the ah<wrf isfc|lsinti Oooe» hui a triaL *-• !» QADTIOK .—The p«bMe ace ppirtii to astfee that he> words, HB(aepAV*B foM Bl. Seles's,' are en hftOoveiasSKltehi yESi'%»"*heh; tw ef Ibe kiie,iak*MkU|.M*|L<i eith. Ml ml MM. WOOL A. ft J. MacnatightoSy WOOOF* *AIWFM;TBR £ TTV • Pltiochry^erthshire, PltloohrJ Have km AWARDED a ^1 WAOUM Manufectur** <e TBA M9UIBVA&J3 INTKB- HATIOMAXT CXHIBITK^ UW. They y+j carri«(e of Wooleeni «o lliwn to ewllsmisis tkio their oel«br*Md tkio their oel«br*Md tkio their oel«br*Md FITLOGtiRY TWEEC8, OWSS TWEEO^MTOR^ RH6S. &c. yr if~: Bl(H«M SULOKIIIMS from the L««41a| Joaraals. Nni«, Charfes, aud (all P«rticsUrs u «S time I IIIJIIII BJ fltJeI of Wool, ic.. fin *pp)M)*Hon M tkort, Parties wiahing to buy oar genuine Tw seds,*e,,shoe>^ 1 ht wriuii* us iuc L'aueuu, a44 Of tat gurohsse." .a (j i Ji *i T oht»u>ad in coats about lid. each dese. TAKAXACVV AH» F»»O*H\TWASY?—A KVJ^P medicine without mercury, is a nixanre of^fuicee qffthe mandrake and &a«d#iiwnpianMl* ^o*d Box^headncha. torpidity, flafceleuoe, heartburn, :ndig*s- ticn, biiioasuwse, repngnaBee to food, genorai dis- oomfoct, depre«MOB, 4be. PtHjfMw's Taraxacum Podo- phyjlin, by sl<fi»ula<iiii<j the liver with a tyof t Mnilo aotipc «n the stoaaaeh, is the safest, iu«qieiBe. Bottles, go. ftd. Sold everywhere. Lisist Uavw Npfier's. 4 DAIKMIRTIATT WJFB-F-LDFKRITK'S I"»< HKffreKBk prn^Nins af|»%feo*ly «i,v:pral 'i.- lew days. No-"Trair rwt»iw eff.-ivi' W t^Tval Loo^yezis SqJphQr for iU «itanr n aotiAa on the hair, ceasing it al-vo to &.rcyw. 1. g betnes* ls. 8d. Bold everywbw». -.t-C.- DBAIWBSB, NotMM » TIUiI EAKA, AC.—DKLLABV ESSANCR FOR DKAPKVW IN still the only remedy ot any; real worth. Its power of dearing the/ear passages aud oftex reliivinK old eases has been proved daring a quarter of a oeutarv. Applied on cotton weel Bottles, Is. lid. Seld everywhere # A"^C^RA^ITOJFR'S AR^CA-NUI Taofa PA^TK.—By utsinj; this d(j,.icion3 Aroinatir I I>«ntifrice, <i|j liik SceWfc IXICOMEG whit< MBatd, and poiUhed like irory. It i. exceeditigl) fragrant, and specially used far removing incrasta tieni of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by '.1; OhenMts. Pote, Is. and 2a. 8tuJa. Get Gra^roft's. LivzR COMVLAIKT.—Three-fcmrths of onr fnnctional iiwrsln^einents are caased by jriiterniptioi. ot tho liver's action. A fsw de««s of gala's D&NPELION AMII CwieisK LIVKIT"PILL8, wMhoit mereary. arfe a potent rtmedy. TLey perform all the benefits of mercury, without any of its disadvantages and dangers Dr. King's Pills remove all liver and ptemach com plaints, biliousness, headache, eickaeea, shoulder peins, heartburn, indigestion, eonetipation, so eiretir- 1 iag perfect health. Theae old-fashioned irius sti: J keep 'ahead of all ethers as the great liver remedy tela everywhere. ■» • Dm. Koto's Lmla Pilim, eentaining dandeKoa and quinine, without meroury, are far above all other. ae the surest, jnilieet mains oCcemo.ving indige^lioii, bihoasnese, headache, dyspepsia, obstructions a.lld irfegmlarities of the liver and stomach, so eneurm. perteot health. Dr. King's FiHs are sold every where To STOP CAROAWE^JK £ #W doses of PEPPIK* WHIT.- Couoø MIXTVKZ acreets the most troablaso tue tit soughing, restoring relief and tranquility t ) fii- ijritated membrane* and aiM)asae^e«. So itkiu^ waifertiag, and demulcent, its lotion is quite differ sat faem ordinary Oeagh Remedies. Battles. SJIU •veryiwhere. Fot OAHOLING TBB TBKOAT AND MOURH, USE PJSPPEH'S TAXINO TUHOAT GAROLH.—AD application 01 treat service for sore tbrneft, whether inoaiuniawry. relaxed, or ulcerated.. T*unin».Gargie «tsoru,^y-ri» oomrsonded to speakers, singers, (te. as greatly PRO I. servaitive and suataiuing- It is also a vaia^b!* ptirifier \s a month wash, btfnry siEaiiUviv a^faoaLjc aetringe^t, aud cleansiug. Bottles. Sold e.eiy WIAERE I, SULPHOLINE So-AP IS A TOILHT BOAP COST. IN-X-J &L.PHOI>INE.—It is a delicately refined, cheuji^nllv pure Soap, intended, for gwierai use, and ia irw- trv,ra the injurious acrid oils peculiar to common, iaiper- fectly prepared soaps. Salr)holine Soa.p is esryl'tom for washing tit ail times and rendering the skiu so11. ?Wr. and pliable. Tablets, 6d. each. Sold e.-ory- thero TOE NsusB It CL.EJA.3 SKin-Sulpholine Lotion clea of all imperfections in a few days. Spots, Blemi«h» iTitatm^ Objectionable Roughness, Tan, Uncomfertable Skin Disfigure- menta Ac., however obstinate, entirely fade away leaving the Skin smoo-th, transparent, snpple, natural and healthy. Perfectly harmless. S. Jpholine if delight.'Ciliy fragrant, cooling and refieshing-: conn teracts effects of weather, sofiaus, and- preserves Bottles 2a. 9d. Sold everywhere. COBXS, BUMIOMS, AND EKLAB*D Ton JOINTS.— DKLX«'S COBS AND BUNION PJFL&TBXS are the only remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions ever indented. By inataatly softruing the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the lorn soon following. Banions and enlarged toe^ joints require more tioie for perfect cure, but the action is eeslftla. BoxM. Sold Ohemiil^ *oi 1 Pontypridd, Llantrisant, and Rhondda Valleys PEEMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING^ SOCIETY. Established 18C6. Incorporated 1874. DIRECTORS I MR. THOMAS MORGAN, Y Fron, Pontypridd. Chairman. MR. JAMES RICHARDS, Treforeet, Vice-chair- man. MR. JOHN MOBGAN, Llantrisant, MR. WM. GRIFFITHS, Park House, Cardiff MR. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Glasfryn, Pontypridd. MH, ltHJHAHD ROGERS, Pontypridd. MR. RICHARD LEWIS, Boot Depot, Tonypandy REV. WM. PARRY, Taff Street, Pontypridd. MR. MOdES CULE, Pentrebacb.gPoctypndd. I Advances made on Mortgage in sums varying j from zcioo to £10,000, repayable in monthly or quarterly i, etalments MORTGAGE AND SUR VBY FEES PAID BY THE SJCIETY. Advances made i, the Shortest Notice. For farther particulars apply to the Secretary. MR. H S DAVIES, OLD FOST-OFFIOE CHAMBERS, Pontypridd. MYRBDlN D ".VIES' Fruit Couali Balsam j A permanent care of all disorders of the Cbeet, Lungs, Throat, viz Cough, Diiffculty, of Breathing, Hoopisg Cough, HoarsenesH. Ijoss of Voiee, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, UHORTNEM of Breath, BpittioK of Blood. Its action on children is direct, SAFE, and certain. J. MYRDDIFF DA VIES, A.P.S.. Oensulting and Diepecsing C8EMIST (By £ I«*nination.) (Late Qsalified Dispenser of Medicine ef the. 1 A^DTH^ITOIEA'.HALL.LOOD^I,: 4, OXPUHD STREET SWANSEA. f Te be obtained e meet chemists, in Bettles, Is lid FCW, *ND 4« ^D EACH. Any Chemist not having it in STE^K will immediately- ebtain it if requested to do so. Loadon Agents: Newberry and Sons; Thompson Millard, <K Q* and all ether Patent Medicine TttidorS. Agents threaghoat the RHOKDDA VALLEY. PHiLLIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD ANDIRHONDDA YALLBY. 1 •4 I. -I: BUl^Poster and Tcjwxi Crier RENTS ALLJTHET PRINCIPAL P03TING U .I FITATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. HORSES *ti4 TRAPS kept for Hire, HIRE. Offices: Penoel Square, Pontypridd. t" MAP mTH BOILING WATER. > EPPS'S I.s QRATEFU^-CQMFORTINA COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. WHILES EFFLTOTLM (fflce, Pontypridd- KO¥ERTST/ LTCEIFBETR PASSKNGEK AGENT, Books to all PRTI TU of the world W,d by all lines of steamers AMERICAN Passes exchsn^ed free of cost, aud his L AFSTIIKERS are met in Liverpool BY ttanonsibleAgwit on their ai>iVal,tUid COU<^CTED,TD thb^3teame»LT L<J\\TOT FARES TO*A'LL' PARTR )? 1SI4 UORLD QUOTED PONTYPRIDD LOHN CROCKETT & Co. lit fioenl Ctbiiet laten, ad House Far ,.r v .B|rteK, SkeUibier for Aduli Fun9r<Us. JGqoA. JO* rJh%ldron'$Funsralt. Wreaths in gnat >aHi% Children's OEFLUUI from H. 7M. Idulte CeAas 25s. Polished Oak Qofins with. Whits Trim- AIU^TF NAD^ PADDED <|MM4 .60*. Ihellibier M earry 8 mia4e and eoAn eat- side from Peatypridd, fiopkiastewa, Coed pea Btaen, Ohamwevha and Tre- FEREIH TO 0*«EL««7 e16S te" earry 6" iaeide and iMfi iofla eateide from above ptasss toOeaurtec* OB. CON SUMPTION AW IJTS FJFITAL CURE. Two Handled and Fifty Thousand Copies have sof -twimewo MR. G. ■fr&^GREVE'S I Work on CONSUMPTION Bronchitis, ft other Chest Diseases, ?1t o-rfSur fnm Publisher, ELUQT 8T00K, 62. Paternoster Row, London, E.Q. m o.. APPENDIX Te the abore Treatise, hffing a tugsial<d bstwiw Two aad Tlaree Huodred INTERESTING & AUTHENTIC CASES selected from thÓØe whiöÍi IUTS appeared in the Weekly Journals from 1881 to the present time. NOTE8 are appended to many Of these cues which prove the Cure to be "FINAL and PERMANENT." This Appendix sent POST FREE on application to the Author only, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAU. 8-E. j WILLIAMS' & (Poutftrdtywe) g lot murly Thirty Tesri »hia Uffhl/ ralaabU Semedy WW bM nut with THA RMW. TB* AFFUT apce WEAK, BB > Ghlidres tsftcn fi-rM op M taoac^U) hi like HBI >U#ie. rid irf hi. torBMatteif ii—M ltT aietng tfcam — I AM KQ., QM TTTO, paio-FCUAED, iiudnutta IHFFA beoomei RH ud UT«iy, tit* prMb, lBMeU « tb* usiatr, |B t>hf—I h»T« tot Mm* Una Mod yo«i i nta«lit«ttc, or h. »» f-~I'f «-J .1—— %mi .WTOU. tb.ir *CI^VT7IX warmlnt fonn t* t ttott r«oonun«BdaUoii for Childnn. W. HCDezMMtt. TLWR of Rowdm. I; WON I OA VIES, OHIHIIT, 80, Hit" kuET, SWANM H A LI* of Htl»aatol«, ttm"owm, fco. te AfflUrtt—. 30 -Y:E..A.RS IN II< R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AN AM •: LRJ VV D3NTCA.L ACTON" HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, Opposite University College, OARDIFF. Having had great experience both in English and American systems of Dental practice, is enabled to give his patients the benefit of such experience in a manner which bat very few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Composition, by which only a perfect impression of the mouth can be obtained, he is enabled to supply beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearance, and which defy detection. No Saa-borse Ivory Teath. No 3s. Teeth. ND Rabbisii of any kind. It ELI ABLE TEE T H. Partial Sets from 5s. to 30s. Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 50s. to 20 Guineas Inventor of the Al Amalgam Stopping, as used by the best Dentists in Europe and Ametica TEETH SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered daily at Cardiff by the best & safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. lxtract from the ChronicleDeeember 24th, "The work pf the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr fl. B. Bo a 1 ton, of Acton. House. Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." liOME;.ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. I ¡. NOTICE. And at Mrs. HAEBIB'S, Chemist, Merthyr, the Seoond Wednesday in eaehll montfiT from 12 to 3.. S A > j 31, DANVILLE ROAJD, DENMARK HILL, LONDON. .vJiJ il 'Soh'liUJ< bii £ jti t3ili)iliy tamiL:!1,- j r RR- V. l v'lasao-jon ^foJuIoaJs oaroojd +: rr -Ü:;o,rJ, 1 • '> ? ? • r t "} ? r t i i | )1\ ^Teatly executed at the i m m a Ofiice of this Paperi JX' .t G 7 ¡ -.Z. q '1 —: iMa t: t GEOBG HI'S >, -Il nSE"AND GfiATEL PILLSi. .j"" jrA MARVELLOUS REMEDY, WHAT WILL IT DO? It is more than Gold to me,-it saved my Life." j WHAT WILL IT DO J WHAT WILL IT DO WIIAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO F WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO II WDAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IF DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAOJWILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT OOP WHAT WILL IT DOP; WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT 1)0? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT"WILL" IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP WH-AT WILL IT Do P WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT;WILL IT TO? WDATJWILL IT DO. WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHiT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL-IT DOp WHAT WlLLOLT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? V/UAT WILL IT UOp WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WiLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL ir DO? WHAT-WILL-.IX DO? W H A T- WN/L- IT DO > WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO If yon suffer PAIN in the BACK and LOINS, or between th4 SHOULDBRS, this remedy will effectually remove them. If you are troubled with IRHITATIOW of the BLAJWBR, Supfaaablow and RETENTION of the water, STON. or GRAVBL, the ONLY SAft .wal effectual Remedy BVKB OFFKRKD TO THE WOULD is Gicoaojen 1" aod GKAVEI. PILLS, If tlae w%ter is HI COIIOURKD, THICK, and dapositing muok SKDIMBNT, lose no time,p ture a box of GIBORGEla PILLS, and yop will soon be RIOHT again. If your Kidneys an Mver are sluggish and out of order, thia Remedy will gently nil Wlilte these important organs, ope$ up t ieir CLOOGRD PAMAGH^ promote the secretion of lieHlth] bile ani other vitktl ftulQ If you are a martyr to IlldiffeMtiOII, Billouflueses and Constipation, you have a SUM RemedYliD GEORGE'S PILlA. If you suffer from any Bowel disorder, such aa Piles, COD- st pitton, Flatulence, Colic, you have here a Remedy you can always rely upon. If you suffer from Palpitation, and are afraid that your HEART is affected, yon will find these Pin. an EFFICACIOUS RBMBUT. If yon suffer from Headache and Giddiness, Gecrge < Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than any other knows medicine. If you have Pain after Eating:, and feel Drowsy tad Listless, one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your Food turns Nour and rises into the month, a fdw doses of this Remedy will make your troubles a thing of the peat. If you feel IVervous, Excitable, and Low Spirited a perfect ANTIDOTE will be found in George's Pills. If you have a Disagreeable Taste in the mouth, I 8INGLK DOSH of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-time will clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. If Sleep ails to give you Kest. Try George's Pills. Toey will make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, and REVIVE your STB&N4itTII. If you feel unfit for Exertion, eak, and Limp, this Remedy will restore yquf J9*«B<JY a I STRENGTH, AND, will make abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of yc life. If vou are troubled with IVansea a 1 T omltlolr at the tbovfht of pat,in?, a box of George's Pills vill make your meat and drink LETT PAVWTPY and, PLEASANT. It Yblot Blood is impure, it will keep pen all the importan outlets of the B-sdy, and thus give free exit w all Gaoss HUMouRa and no more Blood Inspuritles will be seen bursting throuirii the Skin in Pimples, Iflotclies, Mores JBoils. In thousands of case., it has removed from the Blood, root aud branch, SSheuiusitic, Scorbutic, ftcrofulous Tainte that had defied all other Remedies. If yuu have a tendency to Dropsical %,oveiiiitt;rs, this Remedy, by its action upon the KIDNKYS and SKIN, will sooa bring R-elief. j 'If you have of ISr^Athfll^, this remedy wilj prove a friend to you in the hour of need. ID will chaste your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will C'31UJge the aallow complexion to the bloom of health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and your general debility to firmness of smew and muscle. Ifc is Aperiexit, ard therefore will remove C?onsti- patiOR. It is Asitibilious, and will, therefore, correct all rregularitie3 of the Liver. It it Diuretic, and will, therefore keep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, therefore' fpve tone and vigour to the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is Iftlood Purit>'Iitsr and K erve-^treHjflliening S it is, therefore ALL YOU WANT. These World-reaairaed Pills art soli erer/ffhere, in .Baxea 1/U aai 2/9 .011. I vtUMu^S COUGH BALBI. For the core of Coagbt, CeHt ABHinia, Hottrsenem, Wheex^s, t flnftiza, Spitting of Blood, fianinn^ tioc, Bronchitis. Whooping Oeagk I Difficulty of Breathing, and all AI[W tiocs of the Chest and Lungs. —— e- Extraordinary Care ef s Ovoffit r ct Six Y ears' standing, declared hefett A a CoGimisiiiocier to Administer Oaths in the -:uprrime Court of Jadieatat% ENGLAND. T HENRY JAMBS GAMMAGH, JL? 116 & 117, WideTOarsh-strst^ v in' thf, t'ity of Hereford, Contraotev « snçl Decorator, do solemnly and BHK merely declare bs fettowa :— 1 ribout eight years ago I had a ee^iv attack of rheamatic fever, fron whic when I hnd recovered, I had a bad and the medical maD wile stten 1-i trie, who is one of the Visit- ing t u: geons to the Hereford Infirflk* ary, itif.rnied me that I never could bs tfaoronphly cured from it. 2 From that time until about two Tears flgo I have suffered more or leM from the same cough, which at times was woree than at others. I especially "wasafTccted by it in the morningswhe. I got Ui), whrn sometimes I coughed urtil 1 was hlmost suffocated, and 1 thought I should be stifled. 3 Dxirincr those years I consulted several medical men, from following whose advice obtained no relief, end f' I have taken various patent medi^SBS < with the same result, and I gives up alt hcpe of alleviating the cough. 4 About two years ago I was reooob | mended by a friend to buy a bottle eff ■ J{ George's Cou^h Balsam, And although I had no faith in its A proving efficacious, I rave way to m «■, friend's importunities, and pnrehaeM 1 a bottle- 6 From the First Sottle of George's Cough Balsam I took I felt greatly relieved, ead 1 benpfct another bottle, which I toaII. and which effectually cored my oougk, and "incf that time 1 had no retnrn the coasfa. < 4FL FIIWI l hay taken T jjhi adoaeof the bnWin as a prevebtSttve^ t~ aod I am now, and have bees minm 1 took George's Cough Balsam (; el As free from Cough as I ever ws ik t tay life. W-mr- — « ■' T ft And I make thin rnhiuii dieluaHw ■$a .eommmtimmif. helievfsg th«.faf% H be true, and by virroe of the previ- >l0he 6fy> Aet made and is the n- fifth hhd titth year* of the ef hie ta lute Kajeaty Kinf William IV, inti- tuled "As Aet to repeal aa Aet of as presnt seenim of ParUamosi, Uk tnled ■kaMdKikt^nftjlM|pri Abolition of Oaths aaa iblint t takes and made in nrioM deaoiV ■leeta of the State, end to esWtitals Declarations in lift thereof, sad so. the more entire suppreemea of volya* TARYP^O^JODKIALOATHSA^ AM*- METIEH*, SAD TO nadnrMher PTENMASA fer the abolitiae of munaotm 0.&1& at Taken aod dedored ot 16, Bedfoifr 0. LACKS HULB*, S posiaMwier Is Adminifter Ostha if the SnpceeM ■ flwnt of Jndioatas c lb. Mm FLAIOMFT IfcJ. A. OttiGB.- toar Bk-^rieo» MuMue tlfeejNM ^Congh %lBay^ •st onoe, as 1 a&ll bk j/Ute is a, < few days. The sale Baring the pea- eent winter has beea the greatest I have yet had, as maa/ m thirty hottlas having been pmehMe at my ahop ia S Oay. This haa beet saaaed entirtfj by the reoommendati a of those wap hsvc ^ated ita eOeee I jm, dear air, yei efaitM-ny, faair iin, J ■igh Town Hereford, J SMTJ 17, m f .PATOCF The Jbhlio ^4partic darB-r^[«eats^ 7 J to OT*PSFVE rtrstrftie wo ? COUGH BALSAM" i re atamped do each Bottle. None tI. Mini without, The "COUGH BA ARAN" will be fntnd pBOufrorty aerv aeable for Mt- î LIEVING ALL PAn S, from what* over oansing arising, i teh as TOOTH- ACHB. f.'V^AOHK, >AIN IN THB CfllCST <11 BOWEjU DIABBHCIA* Ae., Ae. Sold in ''ottlea, at 1 Jt end i/$ aadL by moat Cf emitta r.& Medioine Vaat. .¡. in the World. B. A. CEOI tCe, IFBDICAL 1 ATL, C PENTa., PO TYPRIDD, ( «UNMIMU, George's Cough Balsam. Members of Parliataect, Military Commanders, Clergymen, Pablio Speakers and Isinge-s, Captains of Batpe, Schoolmasters, and others, upon whom the aggravations of a bad oough had imposed tbe necessity for relin- quishing their emplpysaent, have bean enabled to resume their engagements by taking George's Cough Balsam. SWOLLEN UDDERS AND THE SCOUR. CORNER'S PINE'S DEVONSHIRE OILS For Sheep, Horses, and Cattle. ARE the Bsst Remedy for Swollen Udders, Cow* after calviag. Invaluable to the Shepherd in the Season of L-imbing, for the Scour and curs in SHEARING. Established 55 veara.—Promptly used is unequalled, for any external or internal ailment or accidont A fine EMBROCATIONfor Broken Kuees, Galls Chans Bruises, dwellings, Imlammatio.us, Sprains,' ness, oprunj; Tendons, &c. Sold everywhere. 2B wine size. Scour in Lambs mastered bv tiip DRVVYNT SHIRE COMPOUND. {Never rails j2s t toobv naS 43 6d.-CC)I-,NER'S FAMILY EMi^OCATIONS- Colds in the Chest.Riiearaatism,Chilblains, Accidents £ c., Is lid.—Write for Testimonials, Proprietor Richard Corner. Wellington, Somerset, whose sig- nature is on each Bottle or it is Mpmiou3.—Rosristf^IJ* Trade Mark » DEVONSHIRE. g 8t0M<i Colliery Offices, Cardifl, February 13th, 1- Ma RICHAED CoM!Ea.—DeM Sir,—We havepte surei n stating that we have far some time pattlbee using yoar DEVONSHIRE OILS for our Horses, and one people advise ns, with very satisfactory results Wt have over 70 Horses at our Colliery. We have aasfe yon a renews! of our Orders.—We are, dear Sir. TOUK ttuly, GBQ JNSOLB « SO*?,